Ejemplo n.º 1
    public SphericalHarmonicsL2 RenderToSphericalHarmonics()
        SphericalHarmonicsL2 result = default(SphericalHarmonicsL2);
        bool    directLight         = false;
        Color   color  = TOD_Util.ChangeSaturation(this.AmbientColor.linear, this.Ambient.Saturation);
        Vector3 vector = new Vector3(0.612372458f, 0.5f, 0.612372458f);
        Vector3 up     = Vector3.up;
        Color   linear = this.SampleAtmosphere(up, directLight).linear;

        result.AddDirectionalLight(up, linear, 0.428571433f);
        Vector3 direction = new Vector3(-vector.x, vector.y, -vector.z);
        Color   color2    = TOD_Util.ChangeSaturation(this.SampleAtmosphere(direction, directLight).linear, this.Ambient.Saturation);

        result.AddDirectionalLight(direction, color2, 0.2857143f);
        Vector3 direction2 = new Vector3(vector.x, vector.y, -vector.z);
        Color   color3     = TOD_Util.ChangeSaturation(this.SampleAtmosphere(direction2, directLight).linear, this.Ambient.Saturation);

        result.AddDirectionalLight(direction2, color3, 0.2857143f);
        Vector3 direction3 = new Vector3(-vector.x, vector.y, vector.z);
        Color   color4     = TOD_Util.ChangeSaturation(this.SampleAtmosphere(direction3, directLight).linear, this.Ambient.Saturation);

        result.AddDirectionalLight(direction3, color4, 0.2857143f);
        Vector3 direction4 = new Vector3(vector.x, vector.y, vector.z);
        Color   color5     = TOD_Util.ChangeSaturation(this.SampleAtmosphere(direction4, directLight).linear, this.Ambient.Saturation);

        result.AddDirectionalLight(direction4, color5, 0.2857143f);
        Vector3 left   = Vector3.left;
        Color   color6 = TOD_Util.ChangeSaturation(this.SampleAtmosphere(left, directLight).linear, this.Ambient.Saturation);

        result.AddDirectionalLight(left, color6, 0.142857149f);
        Vector3 right  = Vector3.right;
        Color   color7 = TOD_Util.ChangeSaturation(this.SampleAtmosphere(right, directLight).linear, this.Ambient.Saturation);

        result.AddDirectionalLight(right, color7, 0.142857149f);
        Vector3 back   = Vector3.back;
        Color   color8 = TOD_Util.ChangeSaturation(this.SampleAtmosphere(back, directLight).linear, this.Ambient.Saturation);

        result.AddDirectionalLight(back, color8, 0.142857149f);
        Vector3 forward = Vector3.forward;
        Color   color9  = TOD_Util.ChangeSaturation(this.SampleAtmosphere(forward, directLight).linear, this.Ambient.Saturation);

        result.AddDirectionalLight(forward, color9, 0.142857149f);
        Vector3 direction5 = new Vector3(-vector.x, -vector.y, -vector.z);

        result.AddDirectionalLight(direction5, color, 0.2857143f);
        Vector3 direction6 = new Vector3(vector.x, -vector.y, -vector.z);

        result.AddDirectionalLight(direction6, color, 0.2857143f);
        Vector3 direction7 = new Vector3(-vector.x, -vector.y, vector.z);

        result.AddDirectionalLight(direction7, color, 0.2857143f);
        Vector3 direction8 = new Vector3(vector.x, -vector.y, vector.z);

        result.AddDirectionalLight(direction8, color, 0.2857143f);
        Vector3 down = Vector3.down;

        result.AddDirectionalLight(down, color, 0.428571433f);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public void UpdateAmbient()
        float saturation = this.Ambient.Saturation;
        float num        = Mathf.Lerp(this.Night.AmbientMultiplier, this.Day.AmbientMultiplier, this.LerpValue);

        if (this.m_AmbientIntensity == -3.40282347E+38f)
            this.m_AmbientIntensity = num;
        Color color = TOD_Util.ChangeSaturation(this.AmbientColor, this.Ambient.Saturation);

        if (CaveSensor.s_NumSensorsInside != 0)
            this.m_AmbientIntensity += this.m_AmbientIntensity * Time.deltaTime;
        else if (EnvironmentLightingSensor.s_NumEnters > 0)
            if (Application.isPlaying)
                this.m_AmbientIntensity += (EnvironmentLightingSensor.s_IntenistyMul - this.m_AmbientIntensity) * Time.deltaTime;
            this.m_AmbientIntensity += (num - this.m_AmbientIntensity) * Time.deltaTime;
        num = this.m_AmbientIntensity;
        switch (this.Ambient.Mode)
        case TOD_AmbientType.Color:
            RenderSettings.ambientMode      = AmbientMode.Flat;
            RenderSettings.ambientLight     = color;
            RenderSettings.ambientIntensity = num;

        case TOD_AmbientType.Gradient:
            Color ambientEquatorColor = TOD_Util.ChangeSaturation(this.SampleEquatorColor(), saturation);
            Color ambientSkyColor     = TOD_Util.ChangeSaturation(this.SampleSkyColor(), saturation);
            RenderSettings.ambientMode         = AmbientMode.Trilight;
            RenderSettings.ambientSkyColor     = ambientSkyColor;
            RenderSettings.ambientEquatorColor = ambientEquatorColor;
            RenderSettings.ambientGroundColor  = color;
            RenderSettings.ambientIntensity    = num;

        case TOD_AmbientType.Spherical:
            RenderSettings.ambientMode      = AmbientMode.Skybox;
            RenderSettings.ambientLight     = color;
            RenderSettings.ambientIntensity = num;
            RenderSettings.ambientProbe     = this.RenderToSphericalHarmonics();

Ejemplo n.º 3
    /// Setup rayleigh and mie scattering by precalculating as much of it as possible.
    // See [2] page 2
    // See [3] page 2
    private void SetupScattering()
        // Scale
        const float ray_scale_const = 1.0f;
        const float ray_scale_theta = 20.0f;
        const float mie_scale_const = 0.1f;
        const float mie_scale_theta = 2.0f;

        // Rayleigh
            // Artistic color multiplier
            float mult_r = 0.001f + Atmosphere.RayleighMultiplier * Atmosphere.ScatteringColor.r;
            float mult_g = 0.001f + Atmosphere.RayleighMultiplier * Atmosphere.ScatteringColor.g;
            float mult_b = 0.001f + Atmosphere.RayleighMultiplier * Atmosphere.ScatteringColor.b;

            // Scattering coefficient
            const float beta_r = 5.8e-6f;
            const float beta_g = 13.5e-6f;
            const float beta_b = 33.1e-6f;

            // Phase function
            const float phase = (3) / (16 * pi);

            // Shader paramters
            betaRayleigh.x      = ray_scale_const * beta_r * mult_r;
            betaRayleigh.y      = ray_scale_const * beta_g * mult_g;
            betaRayleigh.z      = ray_scale_const * beta_b * mult_b;
            betaRayleighTheta.x = ray_scale_theta * beta_r * mult_r * phase;
            betaRayleighTheta.y = ray_scale_theta * beta_g * mult_g * phase;
            betaRayleighTheta.z = ray_scale_theta * beta_b * mult_b * phase;
            opticalDepth.x      = 8000;        // * Mathf.Exp(-height * 50000 / 8000);

        // Mie
            // Artistic color multiplier
            float mult_r = 0.001f + Atmosphere.MieMultiplier * Atmosphere.ScatteringColor.r;
            float mult_g = 0.001f + Atmosphere.MieMultiplier * Atmosphere.ScatteringColor.g;
            float mult_b = 0.001f + Atmosphere.MieMultiplier * Atmosphere.ScatteringColor.b;

            // Scattering coefficient
            const float beta = 2e-5f;

            // Phase function
            float g     = Atmosphere.Directionality;
            float phase = (3) / (4 * pi) * (1 - g * g) / (2 + g * g);

            // Shader paramters
            betaMie.x      = mie_scale_const * beta * mult_r;
            betaMie.y      = mie_scale_const * beta * mult_g;
            betaMie.z      = mie_scale_const * beta * mult_b;
            betaMieTheta.x = mie_scale_theta * beta * mult_r * phase;
            betaMieTheta.y = mie_scale_theta * beta * mult_g * phase;
            betaMieTheta.z = mie_scale_theta * beta * mult_b * phase;
            betaMiePhase.x = 1 + g * g;
            betaMiePhase.y = 2 * g;
            opticalDepth.y = 1200;             // * Mathf.Exp(-height * 50000 / 1200);

        oneOverBeta = TOD_Util.Inverse(betaMie + betaRayleigh);
        betaNight   = Vector3.Scale(betaRayleighTheta + betaMieTheta / Mathf.Pow(betaMiePhase.x, 1.5f), oneOverBeta);
        oneOverBeta = FakeHDR2LDR(oneOverBeta, Atmosphere.FakeHDR);
Ejemplo n.º 4
    private void UpdateCelestials()
        float f         = 0.0174532924f * this.World.Latitude;
        float num       = Mathf.Sin(f);
        float num2      = Mathf.Cos(f);
        float longitude = this.World.Longitude;
        float num3      = 1.57079637f;
        int   year      = this.Cycle.Year;
        int   month     = this.Cycle.Month;
        int   day       = this.Cycle.Day;
        float num4      = this.Cycle.Hour - this.World.UTC;
        float num5      = (float)(367 * year - 7 * (year + (month + 9) / 12) / 4 + 275 * month / 9 + day - 730530) + num4 / 24f;
        float num6      = (float)(367 * year - 7 * (year + (month + 9) / 12) / 4 + 275 * month / 9 + day - 730530) + 0.5f;
        float num7      = 23.4393f - 3.563E-07f * num5;
        float f2        = 0.0174532924f * num7;
        float num8      = Mathf.Sin(f2);
        float num9      = Mathf.Cos(f2);
        float num10     = 282.9404f + 4.70935E-05f * num6;
        float num11     = 0.016709f - 1.151E-09f * num6;
        float num12     = 356.047f + 0.985600233f * num6;
        float num13     = 0.0174532924f * num12;
        float num14     = Mathf.Sin(num13);
        float num15     = Mathf.Cos(num13);
        float f3        = num13 + num11 * num14 * (1f + num11 * num15);
        float num16     = Mathf.Sin(f3);
        float num17     = Mathf.Cos(f3) - num11;
        float num18     = Mathf.Sqrt(1f - num11 * num11) * num16;
        float num19     = 57.29578f * Mathf.Atan2(num18, num17);
        float num20     = Mathf.Sqrt(num17 * num17 + num18 * num18);
        float num21     = num19 + num10;
        float f4        = 0.0174532924f * num21;
        float num22     = Mathf.Sin(f4);
        float num23     = Mathf.Cos(f4);
        float num24     = num20 * num23;
        float num25     = num20 * num22;
        float num26     = num24;
        float num27     = num25 * num9;
        float y         = num25 * num8;
        float num28     = Mathf.Atan2(num27, num26);
        float num29     = 57.29578f * num28;
        float f5        = Mathf.Atan2(y, Mathf.Sqrt(num26 * num26 + num27 * num27));
        float num30     = Mathf.Sin(f5);
        float num31     = Mathf.Cos(f5);
        float num32     = num19 + num10 + 180f;
        float num33     = num29 - num32 - longitude;
        float num34     = -6f;
        float num35     = Mathf.Acos((Mathf.Sin(0.0174532924f * num34) - num * num30) / (num2 * num31));
        float num36     = 57.29578f * num35;

        this.SunsetTime  = (24f + (num33 + num36) / 15f % 24f) % 24f;
        this.SunriseTime = (24f + (num33 - num36) / 15f % 24f) % 24f;
        float num37 = 282.9404f + 4.70935E-05f * num5;
        float num38 = 0.016709f - 1.151E-09f * num5;
        float num39 = 356.047f + 0.985600233f * num5;
        float num40 = 0.0174532924f * num39;
        float num41 = Mathf.Sin(num40);
        float num42 = Mathf.Cos(num40);
        float f6    = num40 + num38 * num41 * (1f + num38 * num42);
        float num43 = Mathf.Sin(f6);
        float num44 = Mathf.Cos(f6) - num38;
        float num45 = Mathf.Sqrt(1f - num38 * num38) * num43;
        float num46 = 57.29578f * Mathf.Atan2(num45, num44);
        float num47 = Mathf.Sqrt(num44 * num44 + num45 * num45);
        float num48 = num46 + num37;
        float f7    = 0.0174532924f * num48;
        float num49 = Mathf.Sin(f7);
        float num50 = Mathf.Cos(f7);
        float num51 = num47 * num50;
        float num52 = num47 * num49;
        float num53 = num51;
        float num54 = num52 * num9;
        float y2    = num52 * num8;
        float num55 = Mathf.Atan2(num54, num53);
        float f8    = Mathf.Atan2(y2, Mathf.Sqrt(num53 * num53 + num54 * num54));
        float num56 = Mathf.Sin(f8);
        float num57 = Mathf.Cos(f8);
        float num58 = num46 + num37 + 180f + 15f * num4;
        float num59 = 0.0174532924f * (num58 + longitude);

        this.LocalSiderealTime = (num58 + longitude) / 15f;
        float f9    = num59 - num55;
        float num60 = Mathf.Sin(f9);
        float num61 = Mathf.Cos(f9) * num57;
        float num62 = num60 * num57;
        float num63 = num56;
        float num64 = num61 * num - num63 * num2;
        float num65 = num62;
        float y3    = num61 * num2 + num63 * num;
        float num66 = Mathf.Atan2(num65, num64) + 3.14159274f;
        float num67 = Mathf.Atan2(y3, Mathf.Sqrt(num64 * num64 + num65 * num65));
        float num68 = num3 - num67;
        float num69 = num67;
        float num70 = num66;

        this.SunZenith   = 57.29578f * num68;
        this.SunAltitude = 57.29578f * num69;
        this.SunAzimuth  = 57.29578f * num70;
        float num112;
        float num113;
        float num114;

        if (this.Moon.Position == TOD_MoonPositionType.Realistic)
            float num71  = 125.1228f - 0.05295381f * num5;
            float num72  = 5.1454f;
            float num73  = 318.0634f + 0.164357319f * num5;
            float num74  = 60.2666f;
            float num75  = 0.0549f;
            float num76  = 115.3654f + 13.0649929f * num5;
            float f10    = 0.0174532924f * num71;
            float num77  = Mathf.Sin(f10);
            float num78  = Mathf.Cos(f10);
            float f11    = 0.0174532924f * num72;
            float num79  = Mathf.Sin(f11);
            float num80  = Mathf.Cos(f11);
            float num81  = 0.0174532924f * num76;
            float num82  = Mathf.Sin(num81);
            float num83  = Mathf.Cos(num81);
            float f12    = num81 + num75 * num82 * (1f + num75 * num83);
            float num84  = Mathf.Sin(f12);
            float num85  = Mathf.Cos(f12);
            float num86  = num74 * (num85 - num75);
            float num87  = num74 * (Mathf.Sqrt(1f - num75 * num75) * num84);
            float num88  = 57.29578f * Mathf.Atan2(num87, num86);
            float num89  = Mathf.Sqrt(num86 * num86 + num87 * num87);
            float num90  = num88 + num73;
            float f13    = 0.0174532924f * num90;
            float num91  = Mathf.Sin(f13);
            float num92  = Mathf.Cos(f13);
            float num93  = num89 * (num78 * num92 - num77 * num91 * num80);
            float num94  = num89 * (num77 * num92 + num78 * num91 * num80);
            float num95  = num89 * (num91 * num79);
            float num96  = num93;
            float num97  = num94;
            float num98  = num95;
            float num99  = num96;
            float num100 = num97 * num9 - num98 * num8;
            float y4     = num97 * num8 + num98 * num9;
            float num101 = Mathf.Atan2(num100, num99);
            float f14    = Mathf.Atan2(y4, Mathf.Sqrt(num99 * num99 + num100 * num100));
            float num102 = Mathf.Sin(f14);
            float num103 = Mathf.Cos(f14);
            float f15    = num59 - num101;
            float num104 = Mathf.Sin(f15);
            float num105 = Mathf.Cos(f15) * num103;
            float num106 = num104 * num103;
            float num107 = num102;
            float num108 = num105 * num - num107 * num2;
            float num109 = num106;
            float y5     = num105 * num2 + num107 * num;
            float num110 = Mathf.Atan2(num109, num108) + 3.14159274f;
            float num111 = Mathf.Atan2(y5, Mathf.Sqrt(num108 * num108 + num109 * num109));
            num112 = num3 - num111;
            num113 = num111;
            num114 = num110;
            num112 = num68 - 3.14159274f;
            num113 = num69 - 3.14159274f;
            num114 = num70;
        this.MoonZenith   = 57.29578f * num112;
        this.MoonAltitude = 57.29578f * num113;
        this.MoonAzimuth  = 57.29578f * num114;
        Quaternion quaternion = Quaternion.Euler(90f - this.World.Latitude, 0f, 0f) * Quaternion.Euler(0f, this.World.Longitude, 0f) * Quaternion.Euler(0f, num59 * 57.29578f, 0f);

        if (this.Stars.Position == TOD_StarsPositionType.Rotating)
            this.Components.SpaceTransform.localRotation = quaternion;
            this.Components.StarTransform.localRotation  = quaternion;
            this.Components.SpaceTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
            this.Components.StarTransform.localRotation  = Quaternion.identity;
        Vector3 localPosition = this.OrbitalToLocal(num68, num70);

        this.Components.SunTransform.localPosition = localPosition;
        this.Components.SunTransform.LookAt(this.Components.DomeTransform.position, this.Components.SunTransform.up);
        Vector3 localPosition2 = this.OrbitalToLocal(num112, num114);
        Vector3 worldUp        = quaternion * -Vector3.right;

        this.Components.MoonTransform.localPosition = localPosition2;
        this.Components.MoonTransform.LookAt(this.Components.DomeTransform.position, worldUp);
        float   num115     = 8f * Mathf.Tan(0.008726646f * this.Sun.MeshSize);
        Vector3 localScale = new Vector3(num115, num115, num115);

        this.Components.SunTransform.localScale = localScale;
        float   num116      = 4f * Mathf.Tan(0.008726646f * this.Moon.MeshSize);
        Vector3 localScale2 = new Vector3(num116, num116, num116);

        this.Components.MoonTransform.localScale = localScale2;
        if (RainManager.Get() != null && MainLevel.Instance.m_TODAtmosphereAndCloudsUpdateEnabled)
            float a = (this.Cycle.Hour > 19f || this.Cycle.Hour < 7f) ? 0f : 0.5f;
            this.Atmosphere.Fogginess = CJTools.Math.GetProportionalClamp(0f, a, RainManager.Get().m_WeatherInterpolated, 0f, 1f);
            this.Clouds.Coverage      = CJTools.Math.GetProportionalClamp(this.m_DefaultCloudsCoverage, 0.8f, RainManager.Get().m_WeatherInterpolated, 0f, 1f);
            this.Clouds.Opacity       = CJTools.Math.GetProportionalClamp(this.m_DefaultCloudsOpacity, 0.8f, RainManager.Get().m_WeatherInterpolated, 0f, 1f);
        bool enabled = (1f - this.Atmosphere.Fogginess) * (1f - this.LerpValue) > 0f;

        this.Components.SpaceRenderer.enabled = enabled;
        this.Components.StarRenderer.enabled  = enabled;
        bool enabled2 = this.Components.SunTransform.localPosition.y > -num115;

        this.Components.SunRenderer.enabled = enabled2;
        bool enabled3 = this.Components.MoonTransform.localPosition.y > -num116;

        this.Components.MoonRenderer.enabled = enabled3;
        bool enabled4 = true;

        this.Components.AtmosphereRenderer.enabled = enabled4;
        bool enabled5 = this.Components.Rays != null;

        this.Components.ClearRenderer.enabled = enabled5;
        bool enabled6 = this.Clouds.Coverage > 0f && this.Clouds.Opacity > 0f;

        this.Components.CloudRenderer.enabled = enabled6;
        this.LerpValue = Mathf.InverseLerp(105f, 90f, this.SunZenith);
        float time   = Mathf.Clamp01(this.SunZenith / 90f);
        float time2  = Mathf.Clamp01((this.SunZenith - 90f) / 90f);
        float num117 = Mathf.Clamp01((this.LerpValue - 0.1f) / 0.9f);
        float num118 = Mathf.Clamp01((0.1f - this.LerpValue) / 0.1f);
        float num119 = Mathf.Clamp01((90f - num112 * 57.29578f) / 5f);

        this.SunVisibility  = (1f - this.Atmosphere.Fogginess) * num117;
        this.MoonVisibility = (1f - this.Atmosphere.Fogginess) * num118 * num119;
        this.SunLightColor  = TOD_Util.ApplyAlpha(this.Day.LightColor.Evaluate(time));
        this.MoonLightColor = TOD_Util.ApplyAlpha(this.Night.LightColor.Evaluate(time2));
        this.SunRayColor    = TOD_Util.ApplyAlpha(this.Day.RayColor.Evaluate(time));
        this.MoonRayColor   = TOD_Util.ApplyAlpha(this.Night.RayColor.Evaluate(time2));
        this.SunSkyColor    = TOD_Util.ApplyAlpha(this.Day.SkyColor.Evaluate(time));
        this.MoonSkyColor   = TOD_Util.ApplyAlpha(this.Night.SkyColor.Evaluate(time2));
        this.SunMeshColor   = TOD_Util.ApplyAlpha(this.Day.SunColor.Evaluate(time));
        this.MoonMeshColor  = TOD_Util.ApplyAlpha(this.Night.MoonColor.Evaluate(time2));
        this.SunCloudColor  = TOD_Util.ApplyAlpha(this.Day.CloudColor.Evaluate(time));
        this.MoonCloudColor = TOD_Util.ApplyAlpha(this.Night.CloudColor.Evaluate(time2));
        Color b  = TOD_Util.ApplyAlpha(this.Day.FogColor.Evaluate(time));
        Color a2 = TOD_Util.ApplyAlpha(this.Night.FogColor.Evaluate(time2));

        this.FogColor = Color.Lerp(a2, b, this.LerpValue);
        Color color  = TOD_Util.ApplyAlpha(this.Day.AmbientColor.Evaluate(time));
        Color color2 = TOD_Util.ApplyAlpha(this.Night.AmbientColor.Evaluate(time2));

        if (CaveSensor.s_NumSensorsInside != 0)
            this.AmbientColor += (Color.black - this.AmbientColor) * Time.deltaTime;
            if (this.AmbientColor != Color.black)
                this.Ambient.UpdateInterval = 0f;
                this.Ambient.UpdateInterval = 1f;
            Color color3 = Color.Lerp(color2, color, this.LerpValue);
            this.AmbientColor += (color3 - this.AmbientColor) * Time.deltaTime;
            if (this.AmbientColor != color3)
                this.Ambient.UpdateInterval = 0f;
                this.Ambient.UpdateInterval = 1f;
        Color b2 = color;
        Color a3 = color2;

        this.GroundColor   = Color.Lerp(a3, b2, this.LerpValue);
        this.MoonHaloColor = TOD_Util.MulRGB(this.MoonSkyColor, this.Moon.HaloBrightness * num119);
        float shadowStrength;
        float intensity;
        Color color4;

        if (this.LerpValue > 0.1f)
            this.IsDay     = true;
            this.IsNight   = false;
            shadowStrength = this.Day.ShadowStrength;
            intensity      = Mathf.Lerp(0f, this.Day.LightIntensity * this.Day.m_SanityLightIntensityMul, this.SunVisibility);
            color4         = this.SunLightColor;
            this.IsDay     = false;
            this.IsNight   = true;
            shadowStrength = this.Night.ShadowStrength;
            intensity      = Mathf.Lerp(0f, this.Night.LightIntensity * this.Night.m_SanityLightIntensityMul, this.MoonVisibility);
            color4         = this.MoonLightColor;
        this.Components.LightSource.color          = color4;
        this.Components.LightSource.intensity      = intensity;
        this.Components.LightSource.shadowStrength = shadowStrength;
        if (!Application.isPlaying || this.timeSinceLightUpdate >= this.Light.UpdateInterval)
            this.timeSinceLightUpdate = 0f;
            Vector3 localPosition3 = this.IsNight ? this.OrbitalToLocal(Mathf.Min(num112, (1f - this.Light.MinimumHeight) * 3.14159274f / 2f), num114) : this.OrbitalToLocal(Mathf.Min(num68, (1f - this.Light.MinimumHeight) * 3.14159274f / 2f), num70);
            this.Components.LightTransform.localPosition = localPosition3;
            this.timeSinceLightUpdate += Time.deltaTime;
        this.SunDirection        = -this.Components.SunTransform.forward;
        this.LocalSunDirection   = this.Components.DomeTransform.InverseTransformDirection(this.SunDirection);
        this.MoonDirection       = -this.Components.MoonTransform.forward;
        this.LocalMoonDirection  = this.Components.DomeTransform.InverseTransformDirection(this.MoonDirection);
        this.LightDirection      = -this.Components.LightTransform.forward;
        this.LocalLightDirection = this.Components.DomeTransform.InverseTransformDirection(this.LightDirection);
Ejemplo n.º 5
    private void UpdateCelestials()
        // Celestial computations
        float lst_rad, sun_zenith_rad, sun_altitude_rad, sun_azimuth_rad, moon_zenith_rad, moon_altitude_rad, moon_azimuth_rad;
            // Local latitude
            float lat_rad = Mathf.Deg2Rad * World.Latitude;
            float lat_sin = Mathf.Sin(lat_rad);
            float lat_cos = Mathf.Cos(lat_rad);

            // Local longitude
            float lon_deg = World.Longitude;

            // Horizon angle
            float horizon_rad = 90f * Mathf.Deg2Rad;

            // Date
            int   year  = Cycle.Year;
            int   month = Cycle.Month;
            int   day   = Cycle.Day;
            float hour  = Cycle.Hour - World.UTC;

            // Time scale
            float d      = 367 * year - 7 * (year + (month + 9) / 12) / 4 + 275 * month / 9 + day - 730530 + hour / 24f;
            float d_noon = 367 * year - 7 * (year + (month + 9) / 12) / 4 + 275 * month / 9 + day - 730530 + 12f / 24f;

            // Tilt of earth's axis of rotation
            float ecl     = 23.4393f - 3.563E-7f * d;
            float ecl_rad = Mathf.Deg2Rad * ecl;
            float ecl_sin = Mathf.Sin(ecl_rad);
            float ecl_cos = Mathf.Cos(ecl_rad);

            // Sunset and sunrise
                // See http://www.stjarnhimlen.se/comp/ppcomp.html#4

                float w = 282.9404f + 4.70935E-5f * d_noon;
                float e = 0.016709f - 1.151E-9f * d_noon;
                float M = 356.0470f + 0.9856002585f * d_noon;

                float M_rad = Mathf.Deg2Rad * M;
                float M_sin = Mathf.Sin(M_rad);
                float M_cos = Mathf.Cos(M_rad);

                // See http://www.stjarnhimlen.se/comp/ppcomp.html#5

                float E_rad = M_rad + e * M_sin * (1f + e * M_cos);
                float E_sin = Mathf.Sin(E_rad);
                float E_cos = Mathf.Cos(E_rad);

                float xv = E_cos - e;
                float yv = Mathf.Sqrt(1f - e * e) * E_sin;

                float v = Mathf.Rad2Deg * Mathf.Atan2(yv, xv);
                float r = Mathf.Sqrt(xv * xv + yv * yv);

                float l_deg = v + w;
                float l_rad = Mathf.Deg2Rad * l_deg;
                float l_sin = Mathf.Sin(l_rad);
                float l_cos = Mathf.Cos(l_rad);

                float xs = r * l_cos;
                float ys = r * l_sin;

                float xe = xs;
                float ye = ys * ecl_cos;
                float ze = ys * ecl_sin;

                float rasc_rad = Mathf.Atan2(ye, xe);
                float rasc_deg = Mathf.Rad2Deg * rasc_rad;
                float decl_rad = Mathf.Atan2(ze, Mathf.Sqrt(xe * xe + ye * ye));
                float decl_sin = Mathf.Sin(decl_rad);
                float decl_cos = Mathf.Cos(decl_rad);

                // See http://www.stjarnhimlen.se/comp/ppcomp.html#5b

                float Ls = v + w;

                float GMST0_deg = Ls + 180f;

                // See http://www.stjarnhimlen.se/comp/riset.html#2

                float ut_deg = rasc_deg - GMST0_deg - lon_deg;

                float twilight_deg = -6f;
                float twilight_rad = Mathf.Deg2Rad * twilight_deg;
                float twilight_sin = Mathf.Sin(twilight_rad);

                float lha_cos = (twilight_sin - lat_sin * decl_sin) / (lat_cos * decl_cos);
                float lha_rad = Mathf.Acos(lha_cos);
                float lha_deg = Mathf.Rad2Deg * lha_rad;

                SunsetTime  = (24f + ((ut_deg + lha_deg) / 15f + World.UTC) % 24f) % 24f;
                SunriseTime = (24f + ((ut_deg - lha_deg) / 15f + World.UTC) % 24f) % 24f;

            // Sun position
                // See http://www.stjarnhimlen.se/comp/ppcomp.html#4

                float w = 282.9404f + 4.70935E-5f * d;
                float e = 0.016709f - 1.151E-9f * d;
                float M = 356.0470f + 0.9856002585f * d;

                float M_rad = Mathf.Deg2Rad * M;
                float M_sin = Mathf.Sin(M_rad);
                float M_cos = Mathf.Cos(M_rad);

                // See http://www.stjarnhimlen.se/comp/ppcomp.html#5

                float E_rad = M_rad + e * M_sin * (1f + e * M_cos);
                float E_sin = Mathf.Sin(E_rad);
                float E_cos = Mathf.Cos(E_rad);

                float xv = E_cos - e;
                float yv = Mathf.Sqrt(1f - e * e) * E_sin;

                float v = Mathf.Rad2Deg * Mathf.Atan2(yv, xv);
                float r = Mathf.Sqrt(xv * xv + yv * yv);

                float l_deg = v + w;
                float l_rad = Mathf.Deg2Rad * l_deg;
                float l_sin = Mathf.Sin(l_rad);
                float l_cos = Mathf.Cos(l_rad);

                float xs = r * l_cos;
                float ys = r * l_sin;

                float xe = xs;
                float ye = ys * ecl_cos;
                float ze = ys * ecl_sin;

                float rasc_rad = Mathf.Atan2(ye, xe);
                float decl_rad = Mathf.Atan2(ze, Mathf.Sqrt(xe * xe + ye * ye));
                float decl_sin = Mathf.Sin(decl_rad);
                float decl_cos = Mathf.Cos(decl_rad);

                // See http://www.stjarnhimlen.se/comp/ppcomp.html#5b

                float Ls = v + w;

                float GMST0_deg = Ls + 180f;
                float GMST_deg  = GMST0_deg + 15f * hour;

                lst_rad = Mathf.Deg2Rad * (GMST_deg + lon_deg);

                LocalSiderealTime = (GMST_deg + lon_deg) / 15f;

                // See http://www.stjarnhimlen.se/comp/ppcomp.html#12b

                float HA_rad = lst_rad - rasc_rad;
                float HA_sin = Mathf.Sin(HA_rad);
                float HA_cos = Mathf.Cos(HA_rad);

                float x = HA_cos * decl_cos;
                float y = HA_sin * decl_cos;
                float z = decl_sin;

                float xhor = x * lat_sin - z * lat_cos;
                float yhor = y;
                float zhor = x * lat_cos + z * lat_sin;

                float azimuth  = Mathf.Atan2(yhor, xhor) + Mathf.Deg2Rad * 180f;
                float altitude = Mathf.Atan2(zhor, Mathf.Sqrt(xhor * xhor + yhor * yhor));

                sun_zenith_rad   = horizon_rad - altitude;
                sun_altitude_rad = altitude;
                sun_azimuth_rad  = azimuth;

            SunZenith   = Mathf.Rad2Deg * sun_zenith_rad;
            SunAltitude = Mathf.Rad2Deg * sun_altitude_rad;
            SunAzimuth  = Mathf.Rad2Deg * sun_azimuth_rad;

            // Moon position
            if (Moon.Position == TOD_MoonPositionType.Realistic)
                // See http://www.stjarnhimlen.se/comp/ppcomp.html#4

                float N = 125.1228f - 0.0529538083f * d;
                float i = 5.1454f;
                float w = 318.0634f + 0.1643573223f * d;
                float a = 60.2666f;
                float e = 0.054900f;
                float M = 115.3654f + 13.0649929509f * d;

                float N_rad = Mathf.Deg2Rad * N;
                float N_sin = Mathf.Sin(N_rad);
                float N_cos = Mathf.Cos(N_rad);

                float i_rad = Mathf.Deg2Rad * i;
                float i_sin = Mathf.Sin(i_rad);
                float i_cos = Mathf.Cos(i_rad);

                float M_rad = Mathf.Deg2Rad * M;
                float M_sin = Mathf.Sin(M_rad);
                float M_cos = Mathf.Cos(M_rad);

                // See http://www.stjarnhimlen.se/comp/ppcomp.html#6

                float E_rad = M_rad + e * M_sin * (1f + e * M_cos);
                float E_sin = Mathf.Sin(E_rad);
                float E_cos = Mathf.Cos(E_rad);

                float xv = a * (E_cos - e);
                float yv = a * (Mathf.Sqrt(1f - e * e) * E_sin);

                float v = Mathf.Rad2Deg * Mathf.Atan2(yv, xv);
                float r = Mathf.Sqrt(xv * xv + yv * yv);

                float l_deg = v + w;
                float l_rad = Mathf.Deg2Rad * l_deg;
                float l_sin = Mathf.Sin(l_rad);
                float l_cos = Mathf.Cos(l_rad);

                // See http://www.stjarnhimlen.se/comp/ppcomp.html#7

                float xh = r * (N_cos * l_cos - N_sin * l_sin * i_cos);
                float yh = r * (N_sin * l_cos + N_cos * l_sin * i_cos);
                float zh = r * (l_sin * i_sin);

                // See http://www.stjarnhimlen.se/comp/ppcomp.html#11

                float xg = xh;
                float yg = yh;
                float zg = zh;

                // See http://www.stjarnhimlen.se/comp/ppcomp.html#12

                float xe = xg;
                float ye = yg * ecl_cos - zg * ecl_sin;
                float ze = yg * ecl_sin + zg * ecl_cos;

                float rasc_rad = Mathf.Atan2(ye, xe);
                float decl_rad = Mathf.Atan2(ze, Mathf.Sqrt(xe * xe + ye * ye));
                float decl_sin = Mathf.Sin(decl_rad);
                float decl_cos = Mathf.Cos(decl_rad);

                // See http://www.stjarnhimlen.se/comp/ppcomp.html#12b

                float HA_rad = lst_rad - rasc_rad;
                float HA_sin = Mathf.Sin(HA_rad);
                float HA_cos = Mathf.Cos(HA_rad);

                float x = HA_cos * decl_cos;
                float y = HA_sin * decl_cos;
                float z = decl_sin;

                float xhor = x * lat_sin - z * lat_cos;
                float yhor = y;
                float zhor = x * lat_cos + z * lat_sin;

                float azimuth  = Mathf.Atan2(yhor, xhor) + Mathf.Deg2Rad * 180f;
                float altitude = Mathf.Atan2(zhor, Mathf.Sqrt(xhor * xhor + yhor * yhor));

                moon_zenith_rad   = horizon_rad - altitude;
                moon_altitude_rad = altitude;
                moon_azimuth_rad  = azimuth;
                moon_zenith_rad   = sun_zenith_rad - pi;
                moon_altitude_rad = sun_altitude_rad - pi;
                moon_azimuth_rad  = sun_azimuth_rad;

            MoonZenith   = Mathf.Rad2Deg * moon_zenith_rad;
            MoonAltitude = Mathf.Rad2Deg * moon_altitude_rad;
            MoonAzimuth  = Mathf.Rad2Deg * moon_azimuth_rad;

        // Transform updates
            Quaternion spaceRot = Quaternion.Euler(90 - World.Latitude, 0, 0) * Quaternion.Euler(0, 180 + lst_rad * Mathf.Rad2Deg, 0);

            if (Stars.Position == TOD_StarsPositionType.Rotating)
                                #if UNITY_EDITOR
                if (Components.SpaceTransform.localRotation * Vector3.one != spaceRot * Vector3.one)
                    Components.SpaceTransform.localRotation = spaceRot;

                                #if UNITY_EDITOR
                if (Components.StarTransform.localRotation * Vector3.one != spaceRot * Vector3.one)
                    Components.StarTransform.localRotation = spaceRot;
                                #if UNITY_EDITOR
                if (Components.SpaceTransform.localRotation != Quaternion.identity)
                    Components.SpaceTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

                                #if UNITY_EDITOR
                if (Components.StarTransform.localRotation != Quaternion.identity)
                    Components.StarTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

            var sunPos = OrbitalToLocal(sun_zenith_rad, sun_azimuth_rad);

                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            if (Components.SunTransform.localPosition != sunPos)
                Components.SunTransform.localPosition = sunPos;
                Components.SunTransform.LookAt(Components.DomeTransform.position, Components.SunTransform.up);

            var moonPos = OrbitalToLocal(moon_zenith_rad, moon_azimuth_rad);

                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            if (Components.MoonTransform.localPosition != moonPos)
                var moonFwd = spaceRot * -Vector3.right;
                Components.MoonTransform.localPosition = moonPos;
                Components.MoonTransform.LookAt(Components.DomeTransform.position, moonFwd);

            float sunSize  = 8.0f * Mathf.Tan(0.5f * Mathf.Deg2Rad * Sun.MeshSize);
            var   sunScale = new Vector3(sunSize, sunSize, sunSize);

                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            if (Components.SunTransform.localScale != sunScale)
                Components.SunTransform.localScale = sunScale;

            float moonSize  = 4.0f * Mathf.Tan(0.5f * Mathf.Deg2Rad * Moon.MeshSize);
            var   moonScale = new Vector3(moonSize, moonSize, moonSize);

                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            if (Components.MoonTransform.localScale != moonScale)
                Components.MoonTransform.localScale = moonScale;

            bool starsEnabled = (1 - Atmosphere.Fogginess) * (1 - LerpValue) > 0;

                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            if (Components.SpaceRenderer.enabled != starsEnabled)
                Components.SpaceRenderer.enabled = starsEnabled;

                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            if (Components.StarRenderer.enabled != starsEnabled)
                Components.StarRenderer.enabled = starsEnabled;

            bool sunEnabled = (Components.SunTransform.localPosition.y > -sunSize);

                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            if (Components.SunRenderer.enabled != sunEnabled)
                Components.SunRenderer.enabled = sunEnabled;

            bool moonEnabled = (Components.MoonTransform.localPosition.y > -moonSize);

                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            if (Components.MoonRenderer.enabled != moonEnabled)
                Components.MoonRenderer.enabled = moonEnabled;

            bool atmoEnabled = true;

                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            if (Components.AtmosphereRenderer.enabled != atmoEnabled)
                Components.AtmosphereRenderer.enabled = atmoEnabled;

            bool clearEnabled = false;

                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            if (Components.ClearRenderer.enabled != clearEnabled)
                Components.ClearRenderer.enabled = clearEnabled;

            bool cloudEnabled = (Clouds.Coverage > 0 && Clouds.Opacity > 0);

                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            if (Components.CloudRenderer.enabled != cloudEnabled)
                Components.CloudRenderer.enabled = cloudEnabled;

        // Color calculations
            // Lerp value
            LerpValue = Mathf.InverseLerp(105f, 90f, SunZenith);

            // Pseudo-time to sample color gradients with
            float dayTime   = Mathf.Clamp01(SunZenith / 90f);
            float nightTime = Mathf.Clamp01((SunZenith - 90f) / 90f);

            // Constants
            const float lerpThreshold = 0.1f;
            const float falloffAngle  = 5.0f;

            float sunLerpValue     = Mathf.Clamp01((LerpValue - lerpThreshold) / (1 - lerpThreshold));
            float moonLerpValue    = Mathf.Clamp01((lerpThreshold - LerpValue) / lerpThreshold);
            float moonAboveHorizon = Mathf.Clamp01((90f - moon_zenith_rad * Mathf.Rad2Deg) / falloffAngle);

            // Sun and moon visibility
            SunVisibility  = (1 - Atmosphere.Fogginess) * sunLerpValue;
            MoonVisibility = (1 - Atmosphere.Fogginess) * moonLerpValue * moonAboveHorizon;

            // Sun and moon light colors
            SunLightColor  = TOD_Util.ApplyAlpha(Day.LightColor.Evaluate(dayTime));
            MoonLightColor = TOD_Util.ApplyAlpha(Night.LightColor.Evaluate(nightTime));

            // Sun and moon light ray colors
            SunRayColor  = TOD_Util.ApplyAlpha(Day.RayColor.Evaluate(dayTime));
            MoonRayColor = TOD_Util.ApplyAlpha(Night.RayColor.Evaluate(nightTime));

            // Sky color
            SunSkyColor  = TOD_Util.ApplyAlpha(Day.SkyColor.Evaluate(dayTime));
            MoonSkyColor = TOD_Util.ApplyAlpha(Night.SkyColor.Evaluate(nightTime));

            // Mesh color
            SunMeshColor  = TOD_Util.ApplyAlpha(Day.SunColor.Evaluate(dayTime));
            MoonMeshColor = TOD_Util.ApplyAlpha(Night.MoonColor.Evaluate(nightTime));

            // Cloud color
            SunCloudColor  = TOD_Util.ApplyAlpha(Day.CloudColor.Evaluate(dayTime));
            MoonCloudColor = TOD_Util.ApplyAlpha(Night.CloudColor.Evaluate(nightTime));

            // Fog color
            Color dayFogColor   = TOD_Util.ApplyAlpha(Day.FogColor.Evaluate(dayTime));
            Color nightFogColor = TOD_Util.ApplyAlpha(Night.FogColor.Evaluate(nightTime));
            FogColor = Color.Lerp(nightFogColor, dayFogColor, LerpValue);

            // Ambient color
            Color dayAmbientColor   = TOD_Util.ApplyAlpha(Day.AmbientColor.Evaluate(dayTime));
            Color nightAmbientColor = TOD_Util.ApplyAlpha(Night.AmbientColor.Evaluate(nightTime));
            AmbientColor = Color.Lerp(nightAmbientColor, dayAmbientColor, LerpValue);

            // Ground color
            Color dayGroundColor   = dayAmbientColor;
            Color nightGroundColor = nightAmbientColor;
            GroundColor = Color.Lerp(nightGroundColor, dayGroundColor, LerpValue);

            // Moon halo color
            MoonHaloColor = TOD_Util.MulRGB(MoonSkyColor, Moon.HaloBrightness * moonAboveHorizon);

            // Light source parameters
            float lightIntensity;
            float lightShadowStrength;
            Color lightColor;

            if (LerpValue > lerpThreshold)
                IsDay = true; IsNight = false;

                lightShadowStrength = Day.ShadowStrength;
                lightIntensity      = Mathf.Lerp(0, Day.LightIntensity, SunVisibility);
                lightColor          = SunLightColor;
                IsDay = false; IsNight = true;

                lightShadowStrength = Night.ShadowStrength;
                lightIntensity      = Mathf.Lerp(0, Night.LightIntensity, MoonVisibility);
                lightColor          = MoonLightColor;

                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            if (Components.LightSource.color != lightColor)
                Components.LightSource.color = lightColor;

                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            if (Components.LightSource.intensity != lightIntensity)
                Components.LightSource.intensity = lightIntensity;

                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            if (Components.LightSource.shadowStrength != lightShadowStrength)
                Components.LightSource.shadowStrength = lightShadowStrength;

        // Light source position
        if (!Application.isPlaying || timeSinceLightUpdate >= Light.UpdateInterval)
            timeSinceLightUpdate = 0;

            var position = IsNight
                                     ? OrbitalToLocal(Mathf.Min(moon_zenith_rad, (1 - Light.MinimumHeight) * pi / 2), moon_azimuth_rad)
                                     : OrbitalToLocal(Mathf.Min(sun_zenith_rad, (1 - Light.MinimumHeight) * pi / 2), sun_azimuth_rad);

                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            if (Components.LightTransform.localPosition != position)
                Components.LightTransform.localPosition = position;
            timeSinceLightUpdate += Time.deltaTime;

        // Direction vectors
            SunDirection      = -Components.SunTransform.forward;
            LocalSunDirection = Components.DomeTransform.InverseTransformDirection(SunDirection);

            MoonDirection      = -Components.MoonTransform.forward;
            LocalMoonDirection = Components.DomeTransform.InverseTransformDirection(MoonDirection);

            LightDirection      = -Components.LightTransform.forward;
            LocalLightDirection = Components.DomeTransform.InverseTransformDirection(LightDirection);