Ejemplo n.º 1
        internal TSIP_Uri GetProxyCSCFUri(Boolean lr)
            TSIP_Uri uri = null;

            if (mLayerTransport != null && mLayerTransport.Transports.Count > 0)
                TSIP_Transport transport = mLayerTransport.Transports[0];
                if (transport != null)
                    Boolean ipv6      = TNET_Socket.IsIPv6Type(transport.Type);
                    Boolean quote_ip  = (ipv6 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(mProxyHost) && mProxyHost.Contains(":")) /* IPv6 IP string?*/;
                    String  uriString = String.Format("{0}:{1}{2}{3}:{4};{5};transport={6}",
                                                      quote_ip ? "[" : "",
                                                      quote_ip ? "]" : "",
                                                      lr ? "lr" : "",
                    uri = TSIP_ParserUri.Parse(uriString);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected TSIP_Transport(TSIP_Stack stack, String host, ushort port, TNET_Socket.tnet_socket_type_t type, String description)
            : base(host, port, type, description)
            mStack  = stack;
            mScheme = TNET_Socket.IsTLSType(type) ? "sips" : "sip";
            if (TNET_Socket.IsStreamType(type))
                mProtocol = "tcp";

                if (TNET_Socket.IsTLSType(type))
                    mViaProtocol = "TLS";
                    mService     = "SIPS+D2T";
                    mViaProtocol = "TCP";
                    mService     = "SIP+D2T";
                mProtocol    = "udp";
                mViaProtocol = "UDP";
                mService     = "SIP+D2U";
Ejemplo n.º 3
        internal TSIP_TransacLayer(TSIP_Stack stack)
            mSipStack     = stack;
            mTransactions = new Dictionary <Int64, TSIP_Transac>();
            mReliable     = TNET_Socket.IsStreamType(mSipStack.ProxyType);
            mMutex = new Mutex(false, TSK_String.Random());
            mMutex = new Mutex();
Ejemplo n.º 4
 private Boolean SendBytes(EndPoint toEP, byte[] bytes)
     if (TNET_Socket.IsStreamType(this.Type))
         TSK_Debug.Error("Not implemented");
         return(base.SendTo(toEP, bytes) > 0);
        internal Boolean AddTransport(String localHost, ushort localPort, TNET_Socket.tnet_socket_type_t type, String description)
            TSIP_Transport transport = TNET_Socket.IsStreamType(type) ? (TSIP_Transport) new TSIP_TransportTCP(mStack, localHost, localPort, TNET_Socket.IsIPv6Type(type), description)
                : (TSIP_Transport) new TSIP_TransportUDP(mStack, localHost, localPort, TNET_Socket.IsIPv6Type(type), description);

            if (transport != null)
                // FIXME:DO not forget to call "transport.NetworkEvent -= this.TSIP_Transport_NetworkEvent;" before removing the transport
                transport.NetworkEvent += this.TSIP_Transport_NetworkEvent;

            return(transport != null);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        internal TSIP_Uri GetUri(Boolean lr)
            Boolean ipv6 = TNET_Socket.IsIPv6Type(this.Type);

            String uristring = String.Format("{0}:{1}{2}{3}:{4};{5};transport={6}",
                                             ipv6 ? "[" : String.Empty,
                                             ipv6 ? "]" : String.Empty,
                                             lr ? "lr" : String.Empty,

            TSIP_Uri uri = TSIP_ParserUri.Parse(uristring);

            uri.HostType = ipv6 ? tsip_host_type_t.IPv6 : tsip_host_type_t.IPv4;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public Boolean Send(String branch, TSIP_Message msg, String destIP, ushort destPort)
            /* Add Via and update AOR, IPSec headers, SigComp ...
             * ACK sent from the transaction layer will contains a Via header and should not be updated
             * CANCEL will have the same Via and Contact headers as the request it cancel */
            if (msg.IsRequest && (!msg.IsACK || (msg.IsACK && msg.FirstVia == null)) && !msg.IsCANCEL)
                this.AddViaToMessage(branch, msg); /* should be done before tsip_transport_msg_update() which could use the Via header */
                this.AddAoRToMessage(msg);         /* AoR */
                this.UpdateMessage(msg);           /* IPSec, SigComp, ... */
            else if (msg.IsResponse)
                /* AoR for responses which have a contact header (e.g. 183/200 INVITE) */
                if (msg.Contact != null)

                /*	RFC 3581 - 4.  Server Behavior
                 *                  When a server compliant to this specification (which can be a proxy
                 *                  or UAS) receives a request, it examines the topmost Via header field
                 *                  value.  If this Via header field value contains an "rport" parameter
                 *                  with no value, it MUST set the value of the parameter to the source
                 *                  port of the request.
                if (msg.FirstVia.RPort == 0)
                    msg.FirstVia.RPort = msg.FirstVia.Port;

            // serialize the message
            byte [] bytes = msg.ToBytes();

            if (bytes.Length > 1300)
                /*	RFC 3261 - 18.1.1 Sending Requests (FIXME)
                 *                      If a request is within 200 bytes of the path MTU, or if it is larger
                 *                      than 1300 bytes and the path MTU is unknown, the request MUST be sent
                 *                      using an RFC 2914 [43] congestion controlled transport protocol, such
                 *                      as TCP. If this causes a change in the transport protocol from the
                 *                      one indicated in the top Via, the value in the top Via MUST be
                 *                      changed.  This prevents fragmentation of messages over UDP and
                 *                      provides congestion control for larger messages.  However,
                 *                      implementations MUST be able to handle messages up to the maximum
                 *                      datagram packet size.  For UDP, this size is 65,535 bytes, including
                 *                      IP and UDP headers.

            /* === SigComp === */

            /* === Send the message === */
            //if (/*TNET_Socket.IsIPSec()*/false)
            //    return false;
            return(this.SendBytes(TNET_Socket.CreateEndPoint(destIP, destPort), bytes));