public double GetSlopeConfidenceInterval(double alpha)
            if (this.n < 3L)
            if ((alpha >= 1.0D) || (alpha <= 0.0D))
                // throw new OutOfRangeException(LocalizedFormats.SIGNIFICANCE_LEVEL, Double.valueOf(alpha), Integer.valueOf(0), Integer.valueOf(1));
            TDistribution distribution = new TDistribution(this.n - 2L);

            return(GetSlopeStdErr() * distribution.inverseCumulativeProbability(1.0D - alpha / 2.0D));
        /// <summary>
        /// Args:
        /// #'	series: Time series to perform anomaly detection on.
        /// #'	max_Anoms: Maximum number of anomalies that S-H-ESD will detect as a percentage of the data.
        /// #'	alpha: The level of statistical significance with which to accept or reject anomalies.
        /// #'	num_obs_per_period: Defines the number of observations in a single period, and used during seasonal decomposition.
        /// #'  Returns:
        /// #'  A list containing the anomalies (anoms) and decomposition components (stl).
        /// </summary>
        private ANOMSResult detectAnoms(long[] timestamps, double[] series)
            if (series == null || series.Length < 1)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("must supply period length for time series decomposition");
            int numberOfObservations = series.Length;
            /// <summary>
            /// use StlDec function
            /// first interpolation to solve problem data to much
            /// </summary>
            // -- Step 1: Decompose data. This returns a univariate remainder which will be used for anomaly detection. Optionally, we might NOT decompose.
            STLResult data = removeSeasonality(timestamps, series, config.NumObsPerPeriod);

            double[] data_trend    = data.Trend;
            double[] data_seasonal = data.Seasonal;

            //        Mean mean = new Mean();
            //        Variance variance = new Variance();
            //        Median median = new Median();

            // Remove the seasonal component, and the median of the data to create the univariate remainder
            double[] dataForSHESD = new double[numberOfObservations];
            double[] dataDecomp   = new double[numberOfObservations];

            QuickMedians quickMedian    = new QuickMedians(series);
            double       medianOfSeries = quickMedian.Median; //median.evaluate(series);

            // if the data of has no seasonality, directed use the raw_data into function S-H-ESD !!!
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfObservations; ++i)
                dataForSHESD[i] = series[i] - data_seasonal[i] - medianOfSeries;
                dataDecomp[i]   = data_trend[i] + data_seasonal[i];
            // Maximum number of outliers that S-H-ESD can detect (e.g. 49% of data)
            int maxOutliers = (int)Math.Round(numberOfObservations * config.MaxAnoms);

            if (maxOutliers == 0)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("You have " + numberOfObservations + " observations in a period, which is too few. Set a higher value");

            long[]   anomsIdx = new long[maxOutliers];
            double[] anomsSc  = new double[maxOutliers];
            int      numAnoms = 0;

            OnlineNormalStatistics stat         = new OnlineNormalStatistics(dataForSHESD);
            QuickMedians           quickMedian1 = new QuickMedians(dataForSHESD);
            double dataMean   = stat.Mean;           //mean.evaluate(dataForSHESD);
            double dataMedian = quickMedian1.Median; //median.evaluate(dataForSHESD);

            // use mad replace the variance
            // double dataStd = Math.sqrt(stat.getPopulationVariance());//Math.sqrt(variance.evaluate(dataForSHESD));
            double[] tempDataForMad = new double[numberOfObservations];
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfObservations; ++i)
                tempDataForMad[i] = Math.Abs(dataForSHESD[i] - dataMedian);
            QuickMedians quickMedian2 = new QuickMedians(tempDataForMad);
            double       dataStd      = quickMedian2.Median;

            if (Math.Abs(dataStd) <= 1e-10)
                //return null;
                throw new System.ArgumentException("The variance of the series data is zero");

            double[] ares = new double[numberOfObservations];
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfObservations; ++i)
                ares[i]  = Math.Abs(dataForSHESD[i] - dataMedian);
                ares[i] /= dataStd;

            // here use std for the following iterative calculate datastd
            dataStd = Math.Sqrt(stat.PopulationVariance);

            int[]  aresOrder = getOrder(ares);
            int    medianIndex = numberOfObservations / 2;
            int    left = 0, right = numberOfObservations - 1;
            int    currentLen = numberOfObservations, tempMaxIdx = 0;
            double R = 0.0, p = 0.0;

            for (int outlierIdx = 1; outlierIdx <= maxOutliers; ++outlierIdx)
                p = 1.0 - config.Alpha / (2 * (numberOfObservations - outlierIdx + 1));
                TDistribution tDistribution  = new TDistribution(numberOfObservations - outlierIdx - 1);
                double        t              = tDistribution.inverseCumulativeProbability(p);
                double        lambdaCritical = t * (numberOfObservations - outlierIdx) / Math.Sqrt((numberOfObservations - outlierIdx - 1 + t * t) * (numberOfObservations - outlierIdx + 1));
                if (left >= right)
                if (currentLen < 1)

                // remove the largest
                if (Math.Abs(dataForSHESD[aresOrder[left]] - dataMedian) > Math.Abs(dataForSHESD[aresOrder[right]] - dataMedian))
                    tempMaxIdx = aresOrder[left];
                    tempMaxIdx = aresOrder[right];
                // get the R
                R = Math.Abs((dataForSHESD[tempMaxIdx] - dataMedian) / dataStd);
                // recalculate the dataMean and dataStd
                dataStd    = Math.Sqrt(((currentLen - 1) * (dataStd * dataStd + dataMean * dataMean) - dataForSHESD[tempMaxIdx] * dataForSHESD[tempMaxIdx] - ((currentLen - 1) * dataMean - dataForSHESD[tempMaxIdx]) * ((currentLen - 1) * dataMean - dataForSHESD[tempMaxIdx]) / (currentLen - 2)) / (currentLen - 2));
                dataMean   = (dataMean * currentLen - dataForSHESD[tempMaxIdx]) / (currentLen - 1);
                dataMedian = dataForSHESD[aresOrder[medianIndex]];

                // record the index
                anomsIdx[outlierIdx - 1] = tempMaxIdx;
                anomsSc[outlierIdx - 1]  = R;
                if (R < lambdaCritical * config.AnomsThreshold || double.IsNaN(dataStd) || Math.Abs(dataStd) <= 1e-10)
                numAnoms = outlierIdx;
            if (numAnoms > 0)
                List <Pair> map = new List <Pair>();
                for (int i = 0; i < numAnoms; ++i)
                    map.Add(new Pair(this, (int)anomsIdx[i], anomsSc[i]));
                map.Sort(new PairKeyComparator(this));
                long[]   idx   = new long[numAnoms];
                double[] anoms = new double[numAnoms];
                for (int i = 0; i < numAnoms; ++i)
                    idx[i]   = map[i].key;
                    anoms[i] = map[i].value;
                return(new ANOMSResult(this, idx, anoms, dataDecomp));