Ejemplo n.º 1

        public static TPolyPolygon OffsetPolygons(TPolyPolygon pts, double delta)
            //A positive delta will offset each polygon edge towards its left, so
            //polygons orientated clockwise (ie outer polygons) will expand but
            //inner polyons (holes) will shrink. Conversely, negative deltas will
            //offset polygon edges towards their right so outer polygons will shrink
            //and inner polygons will expand.

            double       deltaSq = delta * delta;
            TPolyPolygon result  = new TPolyPolygon(pts.Count);

            for (int j = 0; j < pts.Count; ++j)
                int highI = pts[j].Count - 1;

                TPolygon pg = new TPolygon(highI * 2 + 2);

                //to minimize artefacts, strip out those polygons where
                //it's shrinking and where its area < Sqr(delta) ...
                double area = Area(pts[j]);
                if (delta < 0)
                    if (area > 0 && area < deltaSq)
                        highI = 0;
                else if (area < 0 && -area < deltaSq)
                    highI = 0;                                   //nb: a hole if area < 0
                if (highI < 2)

                TPolygon normals = new TPolygon(highI + 1);

                normals.Add(TClipper.GetUnitNormal(pts[j][highI], pts[j][0]));
                for (int i = 1; i <= highI; ++i)
                    normals.Add(TClipper.GetUnitNormal(pts[j][i - 1], pts[j][i]));
                for (int i = 0; i < highI; ++i)
                    pg.Add(new TDoublePoint(pts[j][i].X + delta * normals[i].X,
                                            pts[j][i].Y + delta * normals[i].Y));
                    pg.Add(new TDoublePoint(pts[j][i].X + delta * normals[i + 1].X,
                                            pts[j][i].Y + delta * normals[i + 1].Y));
                pg.Add(new TDoublePoint(pts[j][highI].X + delta * normals[highI].X,
                                        pts[j][highI].Y + delta * normals[highI].Y));
                pg.Add(new TDoublePoint(pts[j][highI].X + delta * normals[0].X,
                                        pts[j][highI].Y + delta * normals[0].Y));

                //round off reflex angles (ie > 180 deg) unless it's almost flat (ie < 10deg angle) ...
                //cross product normals < 0 . reflex angle; dot product normals == 1 . no angle
                if ((normals[highI].X * normals[0].Y - normals[0].X * normals[highI].Y) * delta > 0 &&
                    (normals[0].X * normals[highI].X + normals[0].Y * normals[highI].Y) < 0.985)
                    double a1 = Math.Atan2(normals[highI].Y, normals[highI].X);
                    double a2 = Math.Atan2(normals[0].Y, normals[0].X);
                    if (delta > 0 && a2 < a1)
                        a2 = a2 + Math.PI * 2;
                    else if (delta < 0 && a2 > a1)
                        a2 = a2 - Math.PI * 2;
                    TPolygon arc = BuildArc(pts[j][highI], a1, a2, delta);
                    pg.InsertRange(highI * 2 + 1, arc);
                for (int i = highI; i > 0; --i)
                    if ((normals[i - 1].X * normals[i].Y - normals[i].X * normals[i - 1].Y) * delta > 0 &&
                        (normals[i].X * normals[i - 1].X + normals[i].Y * normals[i - 1].Y) < 0.985)
                        double a1 = Math.Atan2(normals[i - 1].Y, normals[i - 1].X);
                        double a2 = Math.Atan2(normals[i].Y, normals[i].X);
                        if (delta > 0 && a2 < a1)
                            a2 = a2 + Math.PI * 2;
                        else if (delta < 0 && a2 > a1)
                            a2 = a2 - Math.PI * 2;
                        TPolygon arc = BuildArc(pts[j][i - 1], a1, a2, delta);
                        pg.InsertRange((i - 1) * 2 + 1, arc);

            //finally, clean up untidy corners ...
            TClipper c = new TClipper();

            c.AddPolyPolygon(result, TPolyType.ptSubject);
            if (delta > 0)
                if (!c.Execute(TClipType.ctUnion, result,
                               TPolyFillType.pftNonZero, TPolyFillType.pftNonZero))
                TDoubleRect r     = c.GetBounds();
                TPolygon    outer = new TPolygon(4);
                outer.Add(new TDoublePoint(r.left - 10, r.bottom + 10));
                outer.Add(new TDoublePoint(r.right + 10, r.bottom + 10));
                outer.Add(new TDoublePoint(r.right + 10, r.top - 10));
                outer.Add(new TDoublePoint(r.left - 10, r.top - 10));
                c.AddPolygon(outer, TPolyType.ptSubject);
                if (c.Execute(TClipType.ctUnion, result, TPolyFillType.pftNonZero, TPolyFillType.pftNonZero))
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static TPolyPolygon OffsetPolygons(TPolyPolygon pts, double delta)
            //A positive delta will offset each polygon edge towards its left, so
            //polygons orientated clockwise (ie outer polygons) will expand but
            //inner polyons (holes) will shrink. Conversely, negative deltas will
            //offset polygon edges towards their right so outer polygons will shrink
            //and inner polygons will expand.

            double deltaSq = delta * delta;
            TPolyPolygon result = new TPolyPolygon(pts.Count);
            for (int j = 0; j < pts.Count; ++j)

                int highI = pts[j].Count - 1;

                TPolygon pg = new TPolygon(highI * 2 + 2);

                //to minimize artefacts, strip out those polygons where
                //it's shrinking and where its area < Sqr(delta) ...
                double area = Area(pts[j]);
                if (delta < 0) { if (area > 0 && area < deltaSq) highI = 0; }
                else if (area < 0 && -area < deltaSq) highI = 0; //nb: a hole if area < 0

                if (highI < 2) continue;

                TPolygon normals = new TPolygon(highI + 1);

                normals.Add(TClipper.GetUnitNormal(pts[j][highI], pts[j][0]));
                for (int i = 1; i <= highI; ++i)
                    normals.Add(TClipper.GetUnitNormal(pts[j][i - 1], pts[j][i]));
                for (int i = 0; i < highI; ++i)
                    pg.Add(new TDoublePoint(pts[j][i].X + delta * normals[i].X,
                          pts[j][i].Y + delta * normals[i].Y));
                    pg.Add(new TDoublePoint(pts[j][i].X + delta * normals[i + 1].X,
                          pts[j][i].Y + delta * normals[i + 1].Y));
                pg.Add(new TDoublePoint(pts[j][highI].X + delta * normals[highI].X,
                        pts[j][highI].Y + delta * normals[highI].Y));
                pg.Add(new TDoublePoint(pts[j][highI].X + delta * normals[0].X,
                        pts[j][highI].Y + delta * normals[0].Y));

                //round off reflex angles (ie > 180 deg) unless it's almost flat (ie < 10deg angle) ...
                //cross product normals < 0 . reflex angle; dot product normals == 1 . no angle
                if ((normals[highI].X * normals[0].Y - normals[0].X * normals[highI].Y) * delta > 0 &&
                  (normals[0].X * normals[highI].X + normals[0].Y * normals[highI].Y) < 0.985)
                    double a1 = Math.Atan2(normals[highI].Y, normals[highI].X);
                    double a2 = Math.Atan2(normals[0].Y, normals[0].X);
                    if (delta > 0 && a2 < a1) a2 = a2 + Math.PI * 2;
                    else if (delta < 0 && a2 > a1) a2 = a2 - Math.PI * 2;
                    TPolygon arc = BuildArc(pts[j][highI], a1, a2, delta);
                    pg.InsertRange(highI * 2 + 1, arc);
                for (int i = highI; i > 0; --i)
                    if ((normals[i - 1].X * normals[i].Y - normals[i].X * normals[i - 1].Y) * delta > 0 &&
                    (normals[i].X * normals[i - 1].X + normals[i].Y * normals[i - 1].Y) < 0.985)
                        double a1 = Math.Atan2(normals[i - 1].Y, normals[i - 1].X);
                        double a2 = Math.Atan2(normals[i].Y, normals[i].X);
                        if (delta > 0 && a2 < a1) a2 = a2 + Math.PI * 2;
                        else if (delta < 0 && a2 > a1) a2 = a2 - Math.PI * 2;
                        TPolygon arc = BuildArc(pts[j][i - 1], a1, a2, delta);
                        pg.InsertRange((i - 1) * 2 + 1, arc);

            //finally, clean up untidy corners ...
            TClipper c = new TClipper();
            c.AddPolyPolygon(result, TPolyType.ptSubject);
            if (delta > 0)
                if (!c.Execute(TClipType.ctUnion, result,
                    TPolyFillType.pftNonZero, TPolyFillType.pftNonZero)) result.Clear();
                TDoubleRect r = c.GetBounds();
                TPolygon outer = new TPolygon(4);
                outer.Add(new TDoublePoint(r.left - 10, r.bottom + 10));
                outer.Add(new TDoublePoint(r.right + 10, r.bottom + 10));
                outer.Add(new TDoublePoint(r.right + 10, r.top - 10));
                outer.Add(new TDoublePoint(r.left - 10, r.top - 10));
                c.AddPolygon(outer, TPolyType.ptSubject);
                if (c.Execute(TClipType.ctUnion, result, TPolyFillType.pftNonZero, TPolyFillType.pftNonZero))

            return result;