Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void Update()
            Vector2 buttonPosition = TBInput.GetAxis2D(_button, _controller);
            Vector3 newPosition    = new Vector3(buttonPosition.x * 8f, buttonPosition.y * 8f, 0f);

            transform.localPosition = newPosition;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void AnimateControllerModel()
            if (TBInput.GetAxis1D(TBInput.Button.PrimaryTrigger, controller) > triggerThreshold)
                triggerRepresentation.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(-10.0f, -180.0f, 0.0f);
                triggerRepresentation.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(10.0f, -180.0f, 0.0f);

            Vector2 joyPos = TBInput.GetAxis2D(TBInput.Button.Joystick, controller);

            analogRepresentation.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(-joyPos.y * 30.0f, 180.0f, joyPos.x * 30.0f);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void DetectTouchpadInputs(out bool actionTeleportation, out bool shiftLeft, out bool shiftRight)
            actionTeleportation = false;
            shiftLeft           = false;
            shiftRight          = false;

            /* on touch start, note current touch position and prepare for shift */
            Vector2 touchpadPosition = TBInput.GetAxis2D(TBInput.Button.Touchpad, controller);

            if (TBInput.GetTouchDown(TBInput.Button.Action1, controller))
                touchpadPrepareForShift      = true;
                touchpadPositionOnTouchStart = touchpadPosition;
            /* on touchpad release, check whether shift flag is still up and whether minimum threshold is met */
            else if (TBInput.GetTouchUp(TBInput.Button.Action1, controller) && touchpadPrepareForShift)
                touchpadPrepareForShift = false;
                if (Mathf.Abs(touchpadPosition.x - touchpadPositionOnTouchStart.x) > touchpadSwipeThreshold)
                    if (touchpadPosition.x < touchpadPositionOnTouchStart.x)
                        shiftLeft = true;
                        shiftRight = true;
            /* when button is clicked, initiate teleport and cancel shift */
            if (TBInput.GetButton(TBInput.Button.Action1, controller))
                touchpadPrepareForShift = false;
                actionTeleportation     = true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void DetectJoystickInputs(out bool actionTeleportation, out bool shiftLeft, out bool shiftRight)
            actionTeleportation = false;
            shiftLeft           = false;
            shiftRight          = false;

            /* joystick is pulled toward or away from player -> teleport */
            Vector2 joystickPosition = TBInput.GetAxis2D(TBInput.Button.Joystick, controller);

            if (Mathf.Abs(joystickPosition.y) > joystickThreshold)
                actionTeleportation = true;
            /* joystick is pulled to the right -> blink shift to right */
            else if (joystickPosition.x > joystickThreshold)
                if (!shiftInitiated)
                    shiftRight     = true;
                    shiftInitiated = true;
            /* joystick is pulled to the left -> blink shift to left */
            else if (joystickPosition.x < -joystickThreshold)
                if (!shiftInitiated)
                    shiftLeft      = true;
                    shiftInitiated = true;
                shiftInitiated = false;