protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { if (Session["user"] == null) { Response.Redirect("MemArea.aspx"); } else { con.ConnectionString = ",1433;Initial Catalog=lna;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=lna;Password=Redbirdie05;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;"; } con.Open(); string str = ""; str = Convert.ToString(Session["user"]); cmd.CommandText = "select * from Members where Email='" + str + "'"; cmd.Connection = con; sda.SelectCommand = cmd; sda.Fill(ds, "Members"); NameLabel.Text = "Hi, " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["FName"].ToString() + " " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["LName"].ToString(); TB1.Focus(); SqlConnection con5 = new SqlConnection(",1433;Initial Catalog=lna;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=lna;Password=Redbirdie05;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;"); SqlDataAdapter sda5 = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from Events", con5); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); sda5.Fill(dt); Repeater1.DataSource = dt; Repeater1.DataBind(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { if (Session["user"] == null) { Response.Redirect("MemArea.aspx"); } else { con.ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=RotaryClub;Integrated Security=True"; } con.Open(); string str = ""; str = Convert.ToString(Session["user"]); cmd.CommandText = "select * from Members where Email='" + str + "'"; cmd.Connection = con; sda.SelectCommand = cmd; sda.Fill(ds, "Members"); NameLabel.Text = "Hi, " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["FName"].ToString() + " " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["LName"].ToString(); DDL1.Visible = false; DDLLabel.Visible = false; Button1.Visible = false; Label1.Visible = false; Roletxt.Visible = false; Rolelbl.Visible = false; TB1.Focus(); } }
// Start is called before the first frame update private void Awake() { instance = this; playerInput = new PlayerInput(); playerInput.TestButtons.T.performed += ctx => TB1?.Invoke(); playerInput.TestButtons.Y.performed += ctx => TB2?.Invoke(); playerInput.TestButtons.U.performed += ctx => TB3?.Invoke(); }
private void clearButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { TB1.Clear(); TB2.Clear(); TB3.Clear(); TB4.Clear(); TB5.Clear(); TB6.Clear(); }
private void AddItemClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (TB1.Text != "") { string text = TB1.Text; if (int.TryParse(text.Substring(text.Length - 1), out int res)) { collection.Add(new RankedString(1, TB1.Text)); TB1.Clear(); } } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (button1.Text != "закрыть") { //string ip_str = textBox1.Text + "." + textBox2.Text + "." + textBox3.Text + "." + textBox4.Text; string ip_str = maskedTextBox1.Text.ToString().Replace(" ", ""); //ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse(""); ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse(ip_str); ep = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, 6600); s.e = ep; s.u = u; out_frame = new string[100]; out_frame[0] = ("Message sent to " + ipAddress + ":6600 "); u.Connect(ipAddress, 6600); button1.Text = "закрыть"; maskedTextBox1.Enabled = false; groupBox1.Enabled = true; TB1.Enabled = true; timer1.Start(); } else { Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { TB1.Clear(); TB1.AppendText(ex.Message); } }
public void Instruct(string cmd) { Debug.WriteLine("File Manager Input: " + cmd); if (fmp != null) { firstItemNo = fmp.GetFirstItemNo(); lastItemNo = fmp.GetLastItemNo(); } TB1.Text = ""; TB1.IsEnabled = false; BORDER.BorderBrush = Brushes.Gray; Speak_Listen.Speak(""); // Tricky way to interrupt the file manager Voice Output /* * READ THIS CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU ADD NEW case in switch * ===================================================== * * NOTE 1:- Add this function at the start of your case(if it has nothing to do with variable "isFilterActive"): * ------ * UpdateFilter(false); */ switch (cmd) { case "Back": UpdateFilter(false); if (B.IsEnabled) { Back(); } else { Speak_Listen.Speak("Sorry, No such control is present"); } break; case "Next": UpdateFilter(false); if (N.IsEnabled) { Next(); } else { Speak_Listen.Speak("Sorry, No such control is present"); } break; case "Up": UpdateFilter(false); if (U.IsEnabled) { Up(); } else { Speak_Listen.Speak("Sorry, No such control is present"); } break; case "Down": UpdateFilter(false); if (D.IsEnabled) { Down(); } else { Speak_Listen.Speak("Sorry, No such control is present"); } break; case "Files": case "Folders": UpdateFilter(false); if (F.IsEnabled) { if (cmd == F.Content.ToString()) // If this is the same content as wrtten on the Button F. { FileOrFolder(); } else { fmp.ReadOutListItems(); } } else { Speak_Listen.Speak("Sorry, No such control is present"); } break; case "Refresh": UpdateFilter(false); Refresh(); break; case "Read Out": if (isFilterActive) { ReadOutFilters(); firstItemNo = 1; // For Dynamic Loading of Grammar in "Speak_Listen" class lastItemNo = 11; // For Dynamic Loading of Grammar in "Speak_Listen" class } else { fmp.ReadOutListItems(); } break; case "Controls": UpdateFilter(false); ReadOutControls(); break; case "Filter": if (pD == null) // If this is the home page of the file manager { Speak_Listen.Speak("Sorry, No such control is present"); } else { UpdateFilter(true); ReadOutFilters(); firstItemNo = 1; // Use to dynamically load grammar in Speak_Listen class lastItemNo = 11; // Use to dynamically load grammar in Speak_Listen class } break; case "New Folder": UpdateFilter(false); if (NF1.IsEnabled) { modifyListStatus = 1; BORDER.BorderBrush = Brushes.Yellow; Speak_Listen.Speak("Type the name of the new folder."); TB1.IsEnabled = true; TB1.Focus(); } else { Speak_Listen.Speak("Sorry, No such control is present"); } break; case "New File": UpdateFilter(false); if (NF2.IsEnabled) { modifyListStatus = 2; BORDER.BorderBrush = Brushes.Yellow; Speak_Listen.Speak("Type the name of the new file."); TB1.IsEnabled = true; TB1.Focus(); } else { Speak_Listen.Speak("Sorry, No such control is present"); } break; case "Delete": UpdateFilter(false); if (DF1.IsEnabled) { int sel = fmp.GetSelectedItemNo(); if (sel == 0) { Speak_Listen.Speak("You haven't selected any item."); } else { modifyListStatus = 3; if (isFolder == 1) { DeleteDirectory(fmp.GetSelectedFolder(sel).Name); } else // isFolder == 2; isFolder == 0 not possible to reach here { DeleteFile(fmp.GetSelectedFile(sel).Name); } } } else { Speak_Listen.Speak("Sorry, No such control is present"); } break; case "Rename": UpdateFilter(false); if (RNF1.IsEnabled) { int sel = fmp.GetSelectedItemNo(); if (sel == 0) { Speak_Listen.Speak("You haven't selected any item."); } else { modifyListStatus = 4; BORDER.BorderBrush = Brushes.Yellow; Speak_Listen.Speak("Type the new name of the item selected"); TB1.IsEnabled = true; TB1.Focus(); } } else { Speak_Listen.Speak("Sorry, No such control is present"); } break; case "Open": UpdateFilter(false); Open(fmp.GetSelectedItemNo()); break; default: // Number input int n = int.Parse(cmd); if (isFilterActive) // Number input for filters { if (n >= 1 && n <= 11) // In range { UpdateFilter(false); Filter(n); } else // Out of range { Speak_Listen.Speak("Wrong option. Say a number from 1 to 11."); } } else // Number input for file/folder selection { if (isFolder == 0) { Speak_Listen.Speak("Sorry, this folder is empty"); } else { if ((n < firstItemNo) || (n > lastItemNo)) // Item no. selected is not actually present in the list { Speak_Listen.Speak("Wrong option. Say a number from " + firstItemNo.ToString() + " to " + lastItemNo.ToString()); } else // In Range { fmp.SelectItem(n); } } } break; } }
private void LimpiarTextBoxes() { TB1.Clear(); TB2.Clear(); }
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { int n_sb = 0;//, temp = 0; string send_str = ""; try { foreach (CheckBox checkBox in groupBox1.Controls.OfType <CheckBox>()) { if (checkBox.Checked) { n_sb |= (int)1 << (Int32.Parse(checkBox.Text) - 1); } } sendBytes[2] = (byte)((n_sb >> 8) & 0xFF); sendBytes[3] = (byte)((n_sb) & 0xFF); foreach (byte sb in sendBytes) { send_str += Convert.ToString(sb, 16) + ' '; } out_frame[1] = (send_str); /* * uint16_t Type; //ист=1 ТС=1 * uint16_t DG_Cmd; //биты Команды ДГ * uint16_t DG_res1; // * uint16_t GOM_Cmd; // * uint16_t SET_GOM_cmd; // * uint16_t Indikator; // * uint16_t UL; // * uint16_t U_dg; // * uint16_t U_gom; // * uint16_t U_c; // * uint16_t I_L; // * uint16_t TOG; // * uint16_t DM; // * uint16_t Ris_DG; // * uint16_t Ris_GOM; // * uint16_t U_ab; // * uint16_t I_ab; // */ out_frame[2] = "Тип: " + read_str[0]; out_frame[3] = "DG_Cmd: " + read_str[1]; out_frame[4] = "DG_res1: " + read_str[2]; out_frame[5] = "GOM_Cmd: " + read_str[3]; out_frame[6] = "SET_GOM_cmd: " + read_str[4]; out_frame[7] = "Indikator: " + read_str[5]; out_frame[8] = "UL: " + read_str[6]; out_frame[9] = "U_dg: " + read_str[7]; out_frame[10] = "U_gom: " + read_str[8]; out_frame[11] = "U_c: " + read_str[9]; out_frame[12] = "I_L: " + read_str[10]; out_frame[13] = "TOG: " + read_str[11]; out_frame[14] = "DM: " + read_str[12]; out_frame[15] = "Ris_DG: " + read_str[13]; out_frame[16] = "Ris_GOM: " + read_str[14]; out_frame[17] = "U_ab: " + read_str[15]; out_frame[18] = "I_ab: " + read_str[16]; out_frame[19] = "Fline: " + read_str[17]; out_frame[20] = "R1: " + read_str[18]; out_frame[21] = "R2: " + read_str[19]; out_frame[22] = ""; out_frame[23] = ""; //out_frame[21] = "Err_DG: " + read_str[19]; //out_frame[22] = "Err_GOM: " + read_str[20]; //out_frame[23] = "Err_SET: " + read_str[21]; //out_frame[24] = "Btn_Ctrl: " + read_str[22]; if (cnt > 99) { cnt = 0; cnt_read = 0; } dt = (cnt - (cnt_read)); if (messageReceived) { messageReceived = false; cnt1 = 0; ++cnt_read; ++cnt; //u.Send(sendBytes, sendBytes.Length); //u.BeginReceive(callBack, s); } else { ++cnt1; if (cnt1 > 4) { cnt1 = 0; ++cnt; //u.Send(sendBytes, sendBytes.Length); //u.BeginReceive(callBack, s); } } out_frame[23] = ("Отправлено " + cnt + ", потеряно " + dt + " раз."); TB1.Text = ""; foreach (string n in out_frame) { TB1.Text += "\n\r" + n + "\n\r"; } u.Send(sendBytes, sendBytes.Length); //u.BeginReceive(new AsyncCallback(ReceiveCallback), s); u.BeginReceive(callBack, s); } catch (Exception ex) { TB1.Clear(); TB1.AppendText(ex.Message); timer1.Stop(); } //Application.DoEvents(); }