Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void Bind()
            DbProviderFactory dbf = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory();

            using (IDbConnection con = dbf.CreateConnection())
                string sSQL;
                // 04/04/2006 Paul.  Start with today in ZoneTime and not ServerTime.
                DateTime dtZONE_NOW   = T10n.FromUniversalTime(DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime());
                DateTime dtZONE_TODAY = new DateTime(dtZONE_NOW.Year, dtZONE_NOW.Month, dtZONE_NOW.Day);
                DateTime dtDATE_START = dtZONE_TODAY;
                switch (lstTHROUGH.SelectedValue)
                case "today":  dtDATE_START = dtZONE_TODAY;  break;

                case "tomorrow":  dtDATE_START = dtDATE_START.AddDays(1);  break;

                case "this Saturday":  dtDATE_START = dtDATE_START.AddDays(DayOfWeek.Saturday - dtDATE_START.DayOfWeek);  break;

                case "next Saturday":  dtDATE_START = dtDATE_START.AddDays(DayOfWeek.Saturday - dtDATE_START.DayOfWeek).AddDays(7);  break;

                case "last this_month":  dtDATE_START = new DateTime(dtZONE_TODAY.Year, dtZONE_TODAY.Month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(dtZONE_TODAY.Year, dtZONE_TODAY.Month));  break;

                case "last next_month":  dtDATE_START = new DateTime(dtZONE_TODAY.Year, dtZONE_TODAY.Month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(dtZONE_TODAY.Year, dtZONE_TODAY.Month)).AddMonths(1);  break;

                // 04/04/2006 Paul.  Now that we are using ZoneTime, we don't need to convert it to server time when displaying the date.
                txtTHROUGH.Text = "(" + Sql.ToDateString(dtDATE_START) + ")";
                sSQL            = "select *                  " + ControlChars.CrLf
                                  + "  from vwACTIVITIES_MyList" + ControlChars.CrLf;
                using (IDbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand())
                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                    // 11/24/2006 Paul.  Use new Security.Filter() function to apply Team and ACL security rules.
                    Security.Filter(cmd, m_sMODULE, "list");
                    Sql.AppendParameter(cmd, Security.USER_ID, "ASSIGNED_USER_ID", false);
                    cmd.CommandText += "   and DATE_START < @DATE_START" + ControlChars.CrLf;
                    cmd.CommandText += " order by DATE_START asc       " + ControlChars.CrLf;
                    // 04/04/2006 Paul.  DATE_START is not including all records for today.
                    // 04/04/2006 Paul.  Instead of using DATE_START <= @DATE_START, change to DATE_START < @DATE_START and increase the start date to tomorrow.
                    // 04/04/2006 Paul.  Here we do need to convert it to ServerTime because that is all that the database understands.
                    Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@DATE_START", T10n.ToServerTime(dtDATE_START.AddDays(1)));

                    if (bDebug)
                        RegisterClientScriptBlock("vwACTIVITIES_MyList", Sql.ClientScriptBlock(cmd));

                        using (DbDataAdapter da = dbf.CreateDataAdapter())
                            ((IDbDataAdapter)da).SelectCommand = cmd;
                            using (DataTable dt = new DataTable())
                                vwMain             = dt.DefaultView;
                                grdMain.DataSource = vwMain;
                                if (!IsPostBack)
                                    //grdMain.SortColumn = "DATE_START";
                                    //grdMain.SortOrder  = "desc" ;
                                // 09/15/2005 Paul. We must always bind, otherwise a Dashboard refresh will display the grid with empty rows.
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
                        lblError.Text = ex.Message;
            if (!IsPostBack)
                // 06/09/2006 Paul.  Remove data binding in the user controls.  Binding is required, but only do so in the ASPX pages.
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected void Page_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
                sbTrace = new StringBuilder();
                if (e.CommandName == "Mailbox.CheckBounce")
                    EmailUtils.CheckInbound(Application, gID, true);
                if (e.CommandName == "Mailbox.CheckMail" || e.CommandName == "Mailbox.CheckBounce")
                    string sSERVER_URL     = Sql.ToString(ViewState["SERVER_URL"]);
                    string sEMAIL_USER     = Sql.ToString(ViewState["EMAIL_USER"]);
                    string sEMAIL_PASSWORD = Sql.ToString(ViewState["EMAIL_PASSWORD"]);
                    int    nPORT           = Sql.ToInteger(ViewState["PORT"]);
                    string sSERVICE        = Sql.ToString(ViewState["SERVICE"]);
                    bool   bMAILBOX_SSL    = Sql.ToBoolean(ViewState["MAILBOX_SSL"]);

                    // 01/08/2008 Paul.  Decrypt at the last minute to ensure that an unencrypted password is never sent to the browser.
                    Guid gINBOUND_EMAIL_KEY = Sql.ToGuid(Application["CONFIG.InboundEmailKey"]);
                    Guid gINBOUND_EMAIL_IV  = Sql.ToGuid(Application["CONFIG.InboundEmailIV"]);
                    sEMAIL_PASSWORD = Security.DecryptPassword(sEMAIL_PASSWORD, gINBOUND_EMAIL_KEY, gINBOUND_EMAIL_IV);

                    dtMain = new DataTable();
                    dtMain.Columns.Add("From", typeof(System.String));
                    dtMain.Columns.Add("Sender", typeof(System.String));
                    dtMain.Columns.Add("ReplyTo", typeof(System.String));
                    dtMain.Columns.Add("To", typeof(System.String));
                    dtMain.Columns.Add("CC", typeof(System.String));
                    dtMain.Columns.Add("Bcc", typeof(System.String));
                    dtMain.Columns.Add("Subject", typeof(System.String));
                    dtMain.Columns.Add("DeliveryDate", typeof(System.DateTime));
                    dtMain.Columns.Add("Priority", typeof(System.String));
                    dtMain.Columns.Add("Size", typeof(System.Int32));
                    dtMain.Columns.Add("ContentID", typeof(System.String));
                    dtMain.Columns.Add("MessageID", typeof(System.String));
                    dtMain.Columns.Add("Headers", typeof(System.String));
                    dtMain.Columns.Add("Body", typeof(System.String));

                    Pop3.Pop3MimeClient pop = new Pop3.Pop3MimeClient(sSERVER_URL, nPORT, bMAILBOX_SSL, sEMAIL_USER, sEMAIL_PASSWORD);
                        pop.Trace      += new Pop3.TraceHandler(this.Pop3Trace);
                        pop.ReadTimeout = 60 * 1000;                         //give pop server 60 seconds to answer

                        int nTotalEmails = 0;
                        int mailboxSize  = 0;
                        pop.GetMailboxStats(out nTotalEmails, out mailboxSize);

                        List <int> arrEmailIds = new List <int>();
                        pop.GetEmailIdList(out arrEmailIds);
                        foreach (int i in arrEmailIds)
                            int nEmailSize = pop.GetEmailSize(i);
                            if (nEmailSize < 1 * 1024 * 1024)
                                Pop3.RxMailMessage mm = null;
                                pop.IsCollectRawEmail = true;
                                pop.GetHeaders(i, out mm);
                                if (mm == null)
                                    sbTrace.Append("Email " + i.ToString() + " cannot be displayed." + ControlChars.CrLf);
                                    DataRow row = dtMain.NewRow();
                                    row["From"]    = Server.HtmlEncode(Sql.ToString(mm.From));
                                    row["Sender"]  = Server.HtmlEncode(Sql.ToString(mm.Sender));
                                    row["ReplyTo"] = Server.HtmlEncode(Sql.ToString(mm.ReplyTo));
                                    row["To"]      = Server.HtmlEncode(Sql.ToString(mm.To));
                                    row["CC"]      = Server.HtmlEncode(Sql.ToString(mm.CC));
                                    row["Bcc"]     = Server.HtmlEncode(Sql.ToString(mm.Bcc));
                                    row["Subject"] = Server.HtmlEncode(mm.Subject);
                                    // 01/23/2008 Paul.  DateTime in the email is in universal time.
                                    row["DeliveryDate"] = T10n.FromUniversalTime(mm.DeliveryDate);
                                    row["Priority"]     = mm.Priority.ToString();
                                    row["Size"]         = nEmailSize;
                                    row["ContentId"]    = mm.ContentId;
                                    row["MessageId"]    = mm.MessageId;
                                    row["Headers"]      = "<pre>" + Server.HtmlEncode(mm.RawContent) + "</pre>";
                                    //row["Body"        ] = mm.Body        ;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
                        lblError.Text = ex.Message;
                    ViewState["Inbox"] = dtMain;
                    vwMain             = new DataView(dtMain);
                    grdMain.DataSource = vwMain;
            catch (Exception ex)
                SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
                lblError.Text = ex.Message;
                RegisterClientScriptBlock("Pop3Trace", "<script type=\"text/javascript\">sDebugSQL += '" + Sql.EscapeJavaScript(sbTrace.ToString()) + "';</script>");