public async Task <SystemTab> GetOneAsync(string id) { SystemTab c = await _entityRepository.GetOneAsync(id); c.SystemsDescription = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(c.SystemsDescriptionID) ? _systemsdescriptionRepository.GetOneAsync(c.SystemsDescriptionID).Result : null; c.Owner = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(c.OwnerID) ? _ownerRepository.GetOneAsync(c.OwnerID).Result : null; c.Status = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(c.StatusID) ? _statusRepository.GetOneAsync(c.StatusID).Result : null; c.Location = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(c.LocationID) ? _locationRepository.GetOneAsync(c.LocationID).Result : null; return(c); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Delete(string id) { SystemTab systemTab = await _entityService.GetEntityAsync(id); if (systemTab == null) { return(NotFound()); } Status objStatus = null; try { foreach (var lr in systemTab.LeftComponents) { var imteToUpdate = await _componentService.GetEntityAsync(lr); imteToUpdate.imteModule = null; objStatus = _statusService.GetEntityAsyncByDescription("Avail_PTS_Shelf").Result; // objStatus = _statusService.GetEntityAsyncByFieldID("Desc", "Avail_PTS_Shelf").Result; imteToUpdate.StatusID = objStatus != null ? (objStatus).Id : null; await _componentService.EditEntityAsync(imteToUpdate); } foreach (var lr in systemTab.RightComponents) { var imteToUpdate = await _componentService.GetEntityAsync(lr); imteToUpdate.imteModule = null; objStatus = _statusService.GetEntityAsyncByDescription("Avail_PTS_Shelf").Result; // objStatus = _statusService.GetEntityAsyncByFieldID("Desc", "Avail_PTS_Shelf").Result;/ imteToUpdate.StatusID = objStatus != null ? (objStatus).Id : null; await _componentService.EditEntityAsync(imteToUpdate); } await _entityService.DeleteEntityAsync(id); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("{0} Error in deleting record", ex.Message); _logger.LogWarning("Error in deleting {0} record with id = {1}: " + ex.TargetSite.ToString(), "SystemTab", id); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } await _entityService.DeleteEntityAsync(id); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> AddOneAsync([FromBody] SystemTab entity) { if (entity == null) { return(BadRequest()); } // no duplicate imte allowed var result = await _entityRepository.GetOneAsyncByDescription(entity.imte); if (result != null) { return(BadRequest()); } await _entityRepository.AddOneAsync(entity); return(CreatedAtRoute("GetSystemTab", new { controller = "SystemTab", id = entity.Id }, entity)); }
private int ValidateIMTE(String imte) { // no special characters allowed char[] chars = { '+', '&', '|', '!', '(', ')', '{', '}', '[', ']', '^', '~', '*', '?', ':', '\\', ';', '/', '%', '$' }; int indexSpecial = imte.IndexOfAny(chars); if (indexSpecial >= 0) { return((int)ErrorCodes.SpecialCharacters); } // get the portion before the _ Regex r = new Regex(@"^(?<imtenew>[A-Za-z0-9]+)_?.*$", RegexOptions.None, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200)); Match m = r.Match(imte); if (!m.Success) { return((int)ErrorCodes.InvalidFormat); } string[] suffixesIMTE = { String.Empty, "_Yellow", "_Blue", "_Left", "_Right", "_L", "_R" }; int cnt = suffixesIMTE.Count(); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { string imteToCreate = imte + suffixesIMTE[i]; SystemTab systabToCreate = _entityService.GetEntityAsyncByDescription(imteToCreate).Result; if (systabToCreate != null) { return((int)ErrorCodes.DuplicateIMTESystem); } else { Component compToCreate = _componentService.GetEntityAsyncByDescription(imteToCreate).Result; if (compToCreate != null) { return((int)ErrorCodes.DuplicateIMTEComponent); } } } return((int)ErrorCodes.Valid); }
public async Task <IEnumerable <EquipmentActivityDTO> > LoadActivities(string descId) { List <EquipmentActivity> eqactRecords = await _equipmentactivityService.GetSelectedEntitiesAsync("EquipmentActivityID", descId); List <EquipmentActivityDTO> eadtoRecords = new List <EquipmentActivityDTO>(); Fill <EquipmentActivity, EquipmentActivityDTO>(eqactRecords, eadtoRecords); foreach (EquipmentActivityDTO ea in eadtoRecords) { Deployment d = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(ea.DeploymentID) ? _deploymentService.GetEntityAsyncByFieldID("DeploymentID", ea.DeploymentID, "Deployment").Result : null; //Deployment d = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(ea.DeploymentID) ? _deploymentService.GetEntityAsync(ea.DeploymentID).Result : null; SystemTab st = d != null?_systemtabService.GetEntityAsync(d.SystemTabID).Result : null; ea.DeploymentDate = d.DeploymentDate; ea.SystemID = st.imte; } var items = eadtoRecords .OrderBy(x => x.imte) .ToList(); return(items); }
public async Task <ReplaceOneResult> Put([FromBody] SystemTab entity) // public async Task<bool> Put([FromBody]SystemTab entity) { return(await _entityRepository.SaveOneAsync(entity)); }
// GET: Systems/Delete/5 public async Task <ActionResult> Delete(string id, bool?concurrencyError) { if (id == null) { return(BadRequest()); } SystemTab systemTab = await _entityService.GetEntityAsync(id); if (systemTab == null) { return(NotFound()); } List <Component> leftComponents = new List <Component>(); if (systemTab.LeftComponents != null) { leftComponents = PopulateLeftRightComponents(systemTab.LeftComponents).Result; } List <Component> rightComponents = new List <Component>(); if (systemTab.RightComponents != null) { rightComponents = PopulateLeftRightComponents(systemTab.RightComponents).Result; } var countLeft = systemTab.LeftComponents != null ? systemTab.LeftComponents.Count : 0; var countRight = systemTab.RightComponents != null ? systemTab.RightComponents.Count : 0; if (countLeft > countRight) { int diff = countLeft - countRight; for (int i = 0; i < diff; i++) { Component cRec = new Component(); cRec.Description = new Description(); cRec.Description.Desc = null; rightComponents.Add(cRec); } ; } else if (countLeft < countRight) { int diff = countRight - countLeft; for (int i = 0; i < diff; i++) { Component cRec = new Component(); cRec.Description = new Description(); cRec.Description.Desc = null; leftComponents.Add(cRec); } ; } ; ViewBag.leftComponents = leftComponents; ViewBag.rightComponents = rightComponents; return(View(systemTab)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Edit(string id, [Bind("Id, imte, serialnumber, SystemsDescriptionID, OwnerID, FixtureCode, ModuleCode, Notes, LeftComponents, RightComponents")] SystemTab systemTab, string[] selectedIMTEs, string typeSubmit) { string[] fieldsToBind = new string[] { "Id", "imte", "serialnumber", "SystemsDescriptionID", "OwnerID", "FixtureCode", "ModuleCode", "Notes", "LeftComponents", "RightComponents" }; if (id == null) { return(BadRequest()); } var recordToUpdate = await _entityService.GetEntityAsync(id); if (recordToUpdate == null) { return(NotFound()); } // Nullify all previous components List <string> selectedIMTEsLeft = new List <string>(); List <string> selectedIMTEsRight = new List <string>(); foreach (String s in selectedIMTEs) { if (s.Substring(0, 1) == "0") { selectedIMTEsLeft.Add(s); } else { selectedIMTEsRight.Add(s); } } if (recordToUpdate.LeftComponents != null) { foreach (String s in recordToUpdate.LeftComponents) { if (FindImte(s, selectedIMTEsLeft)) { continue; } Component comp = await _componentService.GetEntityAsync(s); comp.imteModule = null; await _componentService.EditEntityAsync(comp); } ; } if (recordToUpdate.RightComponents != null) { foreach (String s in recordToUpdate.RightComponents) { if (FindImte(s, selectedIMTEsRight)) { continue; } Component comp = await _componentService.GetEntityAsync(s); comp.imteModule = null; await _componentService.EditEntityAsync(comp); } ; } if (ModelState.IsValid) { systemTab.Id = id; systemTab.SystemsDescription = await _systemsdescriptionService.GetEntityAsync(systemTab.SystemsDescriptionID); systemTab.Owner = await _ownerService.GetEntityAsync(systemTab.OwnerID); Status objStatus = (typeSubmit == "Deploy") ? _statusService.GetEntityAsyncByDescription("Active_PROD").Result : _statusService.GetEntityAsyncByDescription("Pending").Result; // Status objStatus = (typeSubmit == "Deploy") ? _statusService.GetEntityAsyncByFieldID("Desc", "Active_PROD").Result : _statusService.GetEntityAsyncByFieldID("Desc", "Pending").Result; systemTab.StatusID = objStatus != null ? (objStatus).Id : null; List <string> leftComponents = new List <string>(); List <string> rightComponents = new List <string>(); foreach (var imte in selectedIMTEsLeft) { Component recComponent = await _componentService.GetEntityAsync(imte.Substring(1)); recComponent.imteModule = systemTab.imte; recComponent.StatusID = systemTab.StatusID; leftComponents.Add(imte.Substring(1)); await _componentService.EditEntityAsync(recComponent); } foreach (var imte in selectedIMTEsRight) { Component recComponent = await _componentService.GetEntityAsync(imte.Substring(1)); recComponent.imteModule = systemTab.imte; recComponent.StatusID = systemTab.StatusID; rightComponents.Add(imte.Substring(1)); await _componentService.EditEntityAsync(recComponent); } systemTab.LeftComponents = leftComponents; systemTab.RightComponents = rightComponents; systemTab.CreatedAtUtc = DateTime.Now; await _entityService.EditEntityAsync(systemTab); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(recordToUpdate)); }
// GET: Systems/Edit/5 public async Task <ActionResult> Edit(string Id) { if (Id == null) { return(NotFound()); } SystemTab systemTab = await _entityService.GetEntityAsync(Id); if (systemTab == null) { return(NotFound()); } // List <SystemsDescription> descRecords = await _systemsdescriptionService.GetEntitiesAsync(); List <SelectListItem> sl = new SelectList(descRecords.OrderBy(x => x.Desc), "Id", "Desc", systemTab.SystemsDescriptionID).ToList(); if (systemTab.SystemsDescriptionID == null) { sl.Insert(0, new SelectListItem { Value = "0", Text = "Please Select", Selected = true }); } ViewBag.SystemsDescriptionID = sl; List <Owner> ownerRecords = await _ownerService.GetEntitiesAsync(); sl = new SelectList(ownerRecords.OrderBy(x => x.Desc), "Id", "Desc", systemTab.OwnerID).ToList(); if (systemTab.OwnerID == null) { sl.Insert(0, new SelectListItem { Value = "0", Text = "Please Select", Selected = true }); } ViewBag.OwnerID = sl; List <Location> locationRecords = await _locationService.GetEntitiesAsync(); sl = new SelectList(locationRecords.OrderBy(x => x.Desc), "Id", "Desc", systemTab.LocationID).ToList(); if (systemTab.LocationID == null) { sl.Insert(0, new SelectListItem { Value = "0", Text = "Please Select", Selected = true }); } ViewBag.LocationID = sl; //ViewBag.LocationID = new SelectList(locationRecords.OrderBy(x => x.Desc), "Id", "Desc", systemTab.LocationID); // select only components that are not yet commissioned List <Component> compRecords = await _componentService.GetEntitiesAsync(); var items = compRecords .OrderBy(x => x.Description.Desc) .Where(x => x.imteModule == null); // .Where(x => String.IsNullOrEmpty(x.imteModule)); //ViewBag.ComponentID = new SelectList(compRecords.OrderBy(x => x.Description.Desc).Where(x => x.imteModule == systemTab.ModuleCode || String.IsNullOrEmpty(x.imteModule) ), "Id", "DescTag"); // create lookup table with key = Description and value = IEnumerable<Component> ILookup <string, Component> lookup = items .ToLookup(p => p.Description.Desc.Trim() + (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(p.Description.Tag) ? " (" + p.Description.Tag + ")" : null), p => p); // will be used to create a select list of p.IMTE + " " + p.MaintenanceDateTime); ViewBag.LookUp = lookup; // from the lookup table: create a select list of description + tag only var listDesc = new List <SelectListItem>(); foreach (IGrouping <string, Component> g in lookup) { listDesc.Add ( new SelectListItem { Value = g.Key, Text = g.Key } ); } ViewBag.ComponentDescID = new SelectList(listDesc, "Value", "Text"); ViewBag.leftComponents = null; ViewBag.rightComponents = null; List <string> leftIMTEs = systemTab.LeftComponents; List <string> rightIMTEs = systemTab.RightComponents; List <Component> leftComponents = new List <Component>(); List <Component> rightComponents = new List <Component>(); foreach (String c in leftIMTEs) { var imteToAdd = await _componentService.GetEntityAsync(c); leftComponents.Add(imteToAdd); } foreach (String c in rightIMTEs) { var imteToAdd = await _componentService.GetEntityAsync(c); rightComponents.Add(imteToAdd); } /* * foreach (var lr in leftIMTEs.Zip(rightIMTEs, Tuple.Create)) * { * var imteToAdd = await _componentService.GetEntityAsync(lr.Item1); * leftComponents.Add(imteToAdd); * * imteToAdd = await _componentService.GetEntityAsync(lr.Item2); * rightComponents.Add(imteToAdd); * } */ ViewBag.leftComponents = leftComponents; ViewBag.rightComponents = rightComponents; return(View(systemTab)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Create([Bind("imte, serialnumber, SystemsDescriptionID, OwnerID, LocationID, Notes")] SystemTab systemTab, string[] selectedIMTEs, string typeSubmit) { // check if imte valid int resValidateIMTE = ValidateIMTE(systemTab.imte); // valid if (resValidateIMTE == (int)ErrorCodes.Valid) { List <string> leftComponents = new List <string>(); List <string> rightComponents = new List <string>(); Status statusRecord = (typeSubmit == "Deploy") ? _statusService.GetEntityAsyncByDescription("Active_PROD").Result : _statusService.GetEntityAsyncByDescription("Pending").Result; // Status statusRecord = (typeSubmit == "Deploy") ? _statusService.GetEntityAsyncByFieldID("Active_PROD").Result : _statusService.GetEntityAsyncByFieldID("Pending").Result; string statusID = statusRecord != null ? statusRecord.Id : null; foreach (var imte in selectedIMTEs) { Component recComponent = await _componentService.GetEntityAsync(imte.Substring(1)); recComponent.imteModule = systemTab.imte; recComponent.Status = statusRecord; recComponent.StatusID = statusID; if (imte.Substring(0, 1) == "0") { leftComponents.Add(imte.Substring(1)); } else { rightComponents.Add(imte.Substring(1)); } await _componentService.EditEntityAsync(recComponent); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { systemTab.serialnumber = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(systemTab.serialnumber) ? systemTab.serialnumber : String.Empty; systemTab.SystemsDescription = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(systemTab.SystemsDescriptionID) ? await _systemsdescriptionService.GetEntityAsync(systemTab.SystemsDescriptionID): null; systemTab.Owner = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(systemTab.OwnerID) ? await _ownerService.GetEntityAsync(systemTab.OwnerID):null; systemTab.Location = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(systemTab.LocationID) ? await _locationService.GetEntityAsync(systemTab.LocationID) : null; systemTab.ReferenceNo = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(systemTab.ReferenceNo) ? systemTab.ReferenceNo : String.Empty; systemTab.Status = statusRecord; systemTab.StatusID = statusID; systemTab.LeftComponents = leftComponents; systemTab.RightComponents = rightComponents; systemTab.DeploymentDate = (typeSubmit == "Deploy") ? DateTime.Now : (DateTime?)null; systemTab.CreatedAtUtc = DateTime.Now; await _entityService.PostEntityAsync(systemTab); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } } // invalid switch (resValidateIMTE) { case (int)ErrorCodes.SpecialCharacters: ModelState.AddModelError("imte", "No special characters allowed"); break; case (int)ErrorCodes.InvalidFormat: ModelState.AddModelError("imte", "IMTE formatted incorrectly"); break; case (int)ErrorCodes.DuplicateIMTESystem: ModelState.AddModelError("imte", "Duplicate imte found in System Table"); break; case (int)ErrorCodes.DuplicateIMTEComponent: ModelState.AddModelError("imte", "Duplicate imte found in Component Table"); break; default: break; } CreateCommon(); if (selectedIMTEs != null) { List <Component> leftComponents = new List <Component>(); List <Component> rightComponents = new List <Component>(); foreach (var imte in selectedIMTEs) { var imteToAdd = await _componentService.GetEntityAsync(imte.Substring(1)); if (imte.Substring(0, 1) == "0") { leftComponents.Add(imteToAdd); } else { rightComponents.Add(imteToAdd); } // remove component already selected from the dropdownlist //items = items.Where(x => x.Id != imteToAdd.Id); //items.Remove(items.Where(c => c.Value == Convert.ToString(imteToAdd.ID)).Single()); } ViewBag.leftComponents = leftComponents; ViewBag.rightComponents = rightComponents; } ; return(View(systemTab)); //return RedirectToAction("Create", systemTab); }