Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine if the system can execute the proposed schedule
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="system"></param>
        /// <param name="proposedSchedule"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool CheckSchedule(SystemClass system, SystemSchedule proposedSchedule)
            // Iterate through Subsystem Nodes and set that they havent run
            foreach (var subsystem in system.Subsystems)
                subsystem.IsEvaluated = false;

            // Iterate through constraints
            foreach (var constraint in system.Constraints)
                foreach (Subsystem sub in constraint.Subsystems)
                    if (!checkSub(sub, proposedSchedule, system.Environment))
                        return false;
                    if (!CheckConstraints(system, proposedSchedule, constraint))
                        return false;
                    //if (!constraint.accepts(proposedSchedule))
                    //    return false;
            // Check the remaining Subsystems that aren't included in any Constraints
            if (!checkSubs(system.Subsystems, proposedSchedule, system.Environment))
                return false;

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void ProcessDay(DateTime rangeStart, DateTime rangeEnd, DateTime inProcessDay,
                                SystemSchedule scheduleDetail,
                                List <ScheduledExecution> scheduledExecutions, Job job, IList <SystemJobSchedule> systemJobSchedules,
                                List <sysjobhistory> workingDurations)
            var dayStartTime = new DateTime(inProcessDay.Year, inProcessDay.Month,
                                            inProcessDay.Day, scheduleDetail.ActiveStartDate.Hour, scheduleDetail.ActiveStartDate.Minute,

            var dayEndTime = new DateTime(inProcessDay.Year, inProcessDay.Month,
                                          inProcessDay.Day, scheduleDetail.ActiveEndDate.Hour, scheduleDetail.ActiveEndDate.Minute,

            if (scheduleDetail.FreqSubdayType == (int)FrequencySubdayType.AtTheSpecifiedTime)
                scheduledExecutions.Add(GetScheduledExecution(dayStartTime, job, systemJobSchedules, workingDurations));
            else if (scheduleDetail.FreqSubdayType == (int)FrequencySubdayType.Hours)
                for (var hourDateTime = dayStartTime;
                     hourDateTime <= dayEndTime;
                     hourDateTime = hourDateTime.AddHours(scheduleDetail.FreqSubdayInterval))
                    if (hourDateTime > rangeStart && hourDateTime < rangeEnd)
                        scheduledExecutions.Add(GetScheduledExecution(hourDateTime, job,
                                                                      systemJobSchedules, workingDurations));
            else if (scheduleDetail.FreqSubdayType == (int)FrequencySubdayType.Minutes)
                for (var minuteDateTime = dayStartTime;
                     minuteDateTime <= dayEndTime;
                     minuteDateTime = minuteDateTime.AddMinutes(scheduleDetail.FreqSubdayInterval))
                    if (minuteDateTime > rangeStart && minuteDateTime < rangeEnd)
                        scheduledExecutions.Add(GetScheduledExecution(minuteDateTime, job,
                                                                      systemJobSchedules, workingDurations));
            else if (scheduleDetail.FreqSubdayType == (int)FrequencySubdayType.Seconds)
                for (var secondDateTime = dayStartTime;
                     secondDateTime <= dayEndTime;
                     secondDateTime = secondDateTime.AddSeconds(scheduleDetail.FreqSubdayInterval))
                    if (secondDateTime > rangeStart && secondDateTime < rangeEnd)
                        scheduledExecutions.Add(GetScheduledExecution(secondDateTime, job,
                                                                      systemJobSchedules, workingDurations));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        static int Main(string[] args)
            Program program = new Program();

            // Begin the Logger
            program.log = LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
            program.log.Info("STARTING HSF RUN"); //Do not delete
            string       outputPath  = program.InitOutput();
            Stack <Task> systemTasks = program.LoadTargets();

            double maxSched = program.EvaluateSchedules();

            int i = 0;

            //Morgan's Way
            using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(outputPath))
                foreach (SystemSchedule sched in program.schedules)
                    sw.WriteLine("Schedule Number: " + i + "Schedule Value: " + program.schedules[i].ScheduleValue);
                    foreach (var eit in sched.AllStates.Events)
                        if (i < 5)//just compare the first 5 schedules for now
                program.log.Info("Max Schedule Value: " + maxSched);

            // Mehiel's way
            string stateDataFilePath = @"C:\HorizonLog\Scratch";// + string.Format("output-{0:yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss}", DateTime.Now);

            SystemSchedule.WriteSchedule(program.schedules[0], stateDataFilePath);

            var csv = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var asset in program.simSystem.Assets)
                File.WriteAllText(@"..\..\..\" + asset.Name + "_dynamicStateData.csv", asset.AssetDynamicState.ToString());

Ejemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Override of the Evaluate method
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="schedule"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override double Evaluate(SystemSchedule schedule)
     double sum = 0;
     foreach(Event eit in schedule.AllStates.Events)
         foreach(KeyValuePair<Asset, Task> assetTask in eit.Tasks)
             Task task = assetTask.Value;
             sum += task.Target.Value;
             if(task.Type == TaskType.COMM)
                 sum = sum + (double)Dependencies.GetDependencyFunc("EvalfromSSDR" + "." + assetTask.Key.Name).DynamicInvoke(eit);
     return sum;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to check if the subsystem can perform the most recent task that was added to the schedule
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="subsystem"></param>
        /// <param name="proposedSchedule"></param>
        /// <param name="environment"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static bool checkSub(Subsystem subsystem, SystemSchedule proposedSchedule, Universe environment)
            if (subsystem.IsEvaluated)
                return true;
            var events = proposedSchedule.AllStates.Events;
            if (events.Count != 0)
                //if (events.Count > 1)
                //    subsystem._oldState = events.ElementAt(events.Count - 2).State;
                //    subsystem._oldState = null;

                    if (!subsystem.CanPerform(events.Peek(), environment))
                        return false;
                    events.Peek().isEvaluated +=1;

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Implementation of the evaluate method
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="schedule"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override double Evaluate(SystemSchedule schedule)
     dynamic eval = _pythonInstance.Evaluate(schedule);
     return (double)eval;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate schedules by adding a new event to the end of existing ones
        /// Create a new system schedule list by adding each of the new Task commands for the Assets onto each of the old schedules
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="system"></param>
        /// <param name="tasks"></param>
        /// <param name="initialStateList"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual List<SystemSchedule> GenerateSchedules(SystemClass system, Stack<Task> tasks, SystemState initialStateList)
            log.Info("SIMULATING... ");
            // Create empty systemSchedule with initial state set
            SystemSchedule emptySchedule = new SystemSchedule(initialStateList);
            List<SystemSchedule> systemSchedules = new List<SystemSchedule>();

            // if all asset position types are not dynamic types, can pregenerate accesses for the simulation
            bool canPregenAccess = true;

            foreach (var asset in system.Assets)
                if(asset.AssetDynamicState != null)
                    canPregenAccess &= asset.AssetDynamicState.Type != HSFUniverse.DynamicStateType.DYNAMIC_ECI && asset.AssetDynamicState.Type != HSFUniverse.DynamicStateType.DYNAMIC_LLA;
                    canPregenAccess = false;

            // if accesses can be pregenerated, do it now
            Stack<Access> preGeneratedAccesses = new Stack<Access>();
            Stack<Stack<Access>> scheduleCombos = new Stack<Stack<Access>>();

            if (canPregenAccess)
                log.Info("Pregenerating Accesses...");
                //DWORD startPregenTickCount = GetTickCount();

                preGeneratedAccesses = Access.pregenerateAccessesByAsset(system, tasks, _startTime, _endTime, _stepLength);
                //DWORD endPregenTickCount = GetTickCount();
                //pregenTimeMs = endPregenTickCount - startPregenTickCount;
                //writeAccessReport(access_pregen, tasks); - TODO:  Finish this code - EAM
                log.Info("Done pregenerating accesses");
            // otherwise generate an exhaustive list of possibilities for assetTaskList
                log.Info("Generating Exhaustive Task Combinations... ");
                Stack<Stack<Access>> exhaustive = new Stack<Stack<Access>>();
                Stack<Access> allAccesses = new Stack<Access>(tasks.Count);

                foreach (var asset in system.Assets)
                    foreach (var task in tasks)
                        allAccesses.Push(new Access(asset, task));
                    allAccesses.Push(new Access(asset, null));

                scheduleCombos = (Stack<Stack<Access>>)exhaustive.CartesianProduct();
                log.Info("Done generating exhaustive task combinations");

            /// TODO: Delete (or never create in the first place) schedules with inconsistent asset tasks (because of asset dependencies)

            // Find the next timestep for the simulation
            //DWORD startSchedTickCount = GetTickCount();
            int i = 1;
            List<SystemSchedule> potentialSystemSchedules = new List<SystemSchedule>();
            List<SystemSchedule> systemCanPerformList = new List<SystemSchedule>();
            for (double currentTime = _startTime; currentTime < _endTime; currentTime += _stepLength)
                log.Info("Simulation Time " + currentTime);
                // if accesses are pregenerated, look up the access information and update assetTaskList
                if (canPregenAccess)
                    scheduleCombos = GenerateExhaustiveSystemSchedules(preGeneratedAccesses, system, currentTime);

                // Check if it's necessary to crop the systemSchedule list to a more managable number
                if (systemSchedules.Count > _maxNumSchedules)
                    log.Info("Cropping Schedules...");
                    CropSchedules(systemSchedules, ScheduleEvaluator, emptySchedule);

                // Generate an exhaustive list of new tasks possible from the combinations of Assets and Tasks
                //TODO: Parallelize this.
                int k = 0;

                foreach (var oldSystemSchedule in systemSchedules)
                    potentialSystemSchedules.Add(new SystemSchedule( new StateHistory(oldSystemSchedule.AllStates)));
                    foreach (var newAccessStack in scheduleCombos)
                        if (oldSystemSchedule.CanAddTasks(newAccessStack, currentTime))
                            var CopySchedule = new StateHistory(oldSystemSchedule.AllStates);
                            potentialSystemSchedules.Add(new SystemSchedule(CopySchedule, newAccessStack, currentTime));
                            // oldSched = new SystemSchedule(CopySchedule);


                int numSched = 0;
                foreach (var potentialSchedule in potentialSystemSchedules)

                    if (Checker.CheckSchedule(system, potentialSchedule))
                foreach (SystemSchedule systemSchedule in systemCanPerformList)
                    systemSchedule.ScheduleValue = ScheduleEvaluator.Evaluate(systemSchedule);

                systemCanPerformList.Sort((x, y) => x.ScheduleValue.CompareTo(y.ScheduleValue));
                // Merge old and new systemSchedules
                var oldSystemCanPerfrom = new List<SystemSchedule>(systemCanPerformList);
                systemSchedules.InsertRange(0, oldSystemCanPerfrom);//<--This was potentialSystemSchedules
                // Print completion percentage in command window
                Console.WriteLine("Scheduler Status: {0}% done; {1} schedules generated.", 100 * currentTime / _endTime, systemSchedules.Count);
            return systemSchedules;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove Schedules with the worst scores from the List of SystemSchedules so that there are only _maxNumSchedules.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="schedulesToCrop"></param>
        /// <param name="scheduleEvaluator"></param>
        /// <param name="emptySched"></param>
        public void CropSchedules(List<SystemSchedule> schedulesToCrop, Evaluator scheduleEvaluator, SystemSchedule emptySched)
            // Evaluate the schedules and set their values
            foreach (SystemSchedule systemSchedule in schedulesToCrop)
                systemSchedule.ScheduleValue = scheduleEvaluator.Evaluate(systemSchedule);

            // Sort the sysScheds by their values
            schedulesToCrop.Sort((x, y) => x.ScheduleValue.CompareTo(y.ScheduleValue));

            // Delete the sysScheds that don't fit
            int numSched = schedulesToCrop.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < numSched - _numSchedCropTo; i++)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Check if the constraint has been violated in progressing the state of the system
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="system"></param>
 /// <param name="proposedSchedule"></param>
 /// <param name="constraint"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static bool CheckConstraints(SystemClass system, SystemSchedule proposedSchedule, Constraint constraint)
     if (!constraint.Accepts(proposedSchedule.AllStates.GetLastState()))
         // TODO: Change this to logger
         // HSFLogger.Log(new HSFLogData(constraint, subsystem, task, value, time));
         Console.WriteLine("Constraint Failed");
         return false;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Anstract class that analyzes the given schedule and assigns a value to it.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="schedule"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public abstract double Evaluate(SystemSchedule schedule);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        static int Main(string[] args)
            // Begin the Logger
            ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);

            log.Info("STARTING HSF RUN"); //Do not delete

            // Set Defaults
            var  simulationInputFilePath = @"..\..\..\SimulationInput.XML";
            var  targetDeckFilePath = @"..\..\..\v2.2-300targets.xml";
            var  modelInputFilePath = @"..\..\..\DSAC_Static.xml";
            bool simulationSet = false, targetSet = false, modelSet = false;

            // Get the input filenames
            int i          = 0;

            foreach (var input in args)
                switch (input)
                case "-s":
                    simulationInputFilePath = args[i];
                    simulationSet           = true;

                case "-t":
                    targetDeckFilePath = args[i];
                    targetSet          = true;

                case "-m":
                    modelInputFilePath = args[i];
                    modelSet           = true;
            ///add usage statement

            if (!simulationSet)
                log.Info("Using Default Simulation File");

            if (!targetSet)
                log.Info("Using Default Target File");

            if (!modelSet)
                log.Info("Using Default Model File");

            // Initialize Output File
            var outputFileName = string.Format("output-{0:yyyy-MM-dd}-*", DateTime.Now);
            var outputPath = @"C:\HorizonLog\";
            var txt        = ".txt";

            string[] fileNames = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(outputPath, outputFileName, System.IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
            double   number    = 0;

            foreach (var fileName in fileNames)
                char version = fileName[fileName.Length - txt.Length - 1];
                if (number < Char.GetNumericValue(version))
                    number = Char.GetNumericValue(version);
            outputFileName = outputFileName.Remove(outputFileName.Length - 1) + number;
            outputPath    += outputFileName + txt;
            // Find the main input node from the XML input files
            XmlNode evaluatorNode = XmlParser.ParseSimulationInput(simulationInputFilePath);

            // Load the target deck into the targets list from the XML target deck input file
            Stack <Task> systemTasks   = new Stack <Task>();
            bool         targetsLoaded = Task.loadTargetsIntoTaskList(XmlParser.GetTargetNode(targetDeckFilePath), systemTasks);

            if (!targetsLoaded)

            // Find the main model node from the XML model input file
            var modelInputXMLNode = XmlParser.GetModelNode(modelInputFilePath);

            // Load the environment. First check if there is an ENVIRONMENT XMLNode in the input file
            Universe SystemUniverse = null;

            //Create singleton dependency dictionary
            Dependency dependencies = Dependency.Instance;

            // Initialize List to hold assets and subsystem nodes
            List <Asset>     assetList = new List <Asset>();
            List <Subsystem> subList   = new List <Subsystem>();

            // Maps used to set up preceeding nodes
            Dictionary <ISubsystem, XmlNode>      subsystemXMLNodeMap = new Dictionary <ISubsystem, XmlNode>();
            Dictionary <string, Subsystem>        subsystemMap        = new Dictionary <string, Subsystem>();
            List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > dependencyMap       = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();
            List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > dependencyFcnMap    = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();
            // Dictionary<string, ScriptedSubsystem> scriptedSubNames = new Dictionary<string, ScriptedSubsystem>();

            // Create Constraint list
            List <Constraint> constraintsList = new List <Constraint>();

            //Create Lists to hold all the initial condition and dependency nodes to be parsed later
            List <XmlNode> ICNodes         = new List <XmlNode>();
            List <XmlNode> DepNodes        = new List <XmlNode>();
            SystemState    initialSysState = new SystemState();

            // Set up Subsystem Nodes, first loop through the assets in the XML model input file
            foreach (XmlNode modelChildNode in modelInputXMLNode.ChildNodes)
                if (modelChildNode.Name.Equals("ENVIRONMENT"))
                    // Create the Environment based on the XMLNode
                    SystemUniverse = new Universe(modelChildNode);
                if (modelChildNode.Name.Equals("ASSET"))
                    Asset asset = new Asset(modelChildNode);
                    // Loop through all the of the ChildNodess for this Asset
                    foreach (XmlNode childNode in modelChildNode.ChildNodes)
                        // Get the current Subsystem XML Node, and create it using the SubsystemFactory
                        if (childNode.Name.Equals("SUBSYSTEM"))
                        {  //is this how we want to do this?
                            // Check if the type of the Subsystem is scripted, networked, or other
                            string subName = SubsystemFactory.GetSubsystem(childNode, dependencies, asset, subsystemMap);
                            foreach (XmlNode ICorDepNode in childNode.ChildNodes)
                                if (ICorDepNode.Name.Equals("IC"))
                                if (ICorDepNode.Name.Equals("DEPENDENCY"))
                                    string depSubName = "", depFunc = "";
                                    depSubName = Subsystem.parseNameFromXmlNode(ICorDepNode, asset.Name);
                                    dependencyMap.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(subName, depSubName));

                                    if (ICorDepNode.Attributes["fcnName"] != null)
                                        depFunc = ICorDepNode.Attributes["fcnName"].Value.ToString();
                                        dependencyFcnMap.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(subName, depFunc));
                        //Create a new Constraint
                        if (childNode.Name.Equals("CONSTRAINT"))
                            constraintsList.Add(ConstraintFactory.GetConstraint(childNode, subsystemMap, asset));
                    if (ICNodes.Count > 0)
                        initialSysState.Add(SystemState.setInitialSystemState(ICNodes, asset));
            if (SystemUniverse == null)
                SystemUniverse = new Universe();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Subsystem> sub in subsystemMap)
                if (!sub.Value.GetType().Equals(typeof(ScriptedSubsystem)))//let the scripted subsystems add their own dependency collector
            log.Info("Subsystems and Constraints Loaded");

            //Add all the dependent subsystems to the dependent subsystem list of the subsystems
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> depSubPair in dependencyMap)
                Subsystem subToAddDep, depSub;
                subsystemMap.TryGetValue(depSubPair.Key, out subToAddDep);
                subsystemMap.TryGetValue(depSubPair.Value, out depSub);

            //give the dependency functions to all the subsytems that need them
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> depFunc in dependencyFcnMap)
                Subsystem subToAddDep;
                subsystemMap.TryGetValue(depFunc.Key, out subToAddDep);
                subToAddDep.SubsystemDependencyFunctions.Add(depFunc.Value, dependencies.GetDependencyFunc(depFunc.Value));
            log.Info("Dependencies Loaded");

            SystemClass simSystem = new SystemClass(assetList, subList, constraintsList, SystemUniverse);

            if (simSystem.CheckForCircularDependencies())
                throw new NotFiniteNumberException("System has circular dependencies! Please correct then try again.");

            Evaluator             schedEvaluator = EvaluatorFactory.GetEvaluator(evaluatorNode, dependencies);
            Scheduler             scheduler      = new Scheduler(schedEvaluator);
            List <SystemSchedule> schedules      = scheduler.GenerateSchedules(simSystem, systemTasks, initialSysState);

            // Evaluate the schedules and set their values
            foreach (SystemSchedule systemSchedule in schedules)
                systemSchedule.ScheduleValue = schedEvaluator.Evaluate(systemSchedule);
                bool canExtendUntilEnd = true;
                // Extend the subsystem states to the end of the simulation
                foreach (var subsystem in simSystem.Subsystems)
                    if (systemSchedule.AllStates.Events.Count > 0)
                        if (!subsystem.CanExtend(systemSchedule.AllStates.Events.Peek(), simSystem.Environment, SimParameters.SimEndSeconds))
                            log.Error("Cannot Extend " + subsystem.Name + " to end of simulation");

            // Sort the sysScheds by their values
            schedules.Sort((x, y) => x.ScheduleValue.CompareTo(y.ScheduleValue));
            double maxSched = schedules[0].ScheduleValue;

            i = 0;
            //Morgan's Way
            using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(outputPath))
                foreach (SystemSchedule sched in schedules)
                    sw.WriteLine("Schedule Number: " + i + "Schedule Value: " + schedules[i].ScheduleValue);
                    foreach (var eit in sched.AllStates.Events)
                        if (i < 5)//just compare the first 5 schedules for now
                log.Info("Max Schedule Value: " + maxSched);

            // Mehiel's way
            string stateDataFilePath = @"C:\HorizonLog\" + string.Format("output-{0:yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss}", DateTime.Now);

            SystemSchedule.WriteSchedule(schedules[0], stateDataFilePath);

            var csv = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var asset in simSystem.Assets)
                File.WriteAllText(@"..\..\..\" + asset.Name + "_dynamicStateData.csv", asset.AssetDynamicState.ToString());
            //   Console.ReadKey();
Ejemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 /// See if all the subsystems can perform the most recent task that was added to the schedule
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="subsystems"></param>
 /// <param name="proposedSchedule"></param>
 /// <param name="environment"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static bool checkSubs(List<Subsystem> subsystems, SystemSchedule proposedSchedule, Universe environment)
     foreach (var sub in subsystems)
         if (!sub.IsEvaluated && !checkSub(sub, proposedSchedule, environment))
             return false;
     return true;