Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Code compiled into PresentationFramework.dll

        // Initialize known object types
        internal static object CreateKnownElement(KnownElements knownElement) 
            object o = null; 
            switch (knownElement) 
                case KnownElements.AccessText: o = new System.Windows.Controls.AccessText();   break; 
                case KnownElements.AdornedElementPlaceholder: o = new System.Windows.Controls.AdornedElementPlaceholder();   break;
                case KnownElements.AdornerDecorator: o = new System.Windows.Documents.AdornerDecorator();   break;
                case KnownElements.AmbientLight: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.AmbientLight();   break;
                case KnownElements.Application: o = new System.Windows.Application();   break; 
                case KnownElements.ArcSegment: o = new System.Windows.Media.ArcSegment();   break;
                case KnownElements.ArrayExtension: o = new System.Windows.Markup.ArrayExtension();   break; 
                case KnownElements.AxisAngleRotation3D: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.AxisAngleRotation3D();   break; 
                case KnownElements.BeginStoryboard: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.BeginStoryboard();   break;
                case KnownElements.BevelBitmapEffect: o = new System.Windows.Media.Effects.BevelBitmapEffect();   break; 
                case KnownElements.BezierSegment: o = new System.Windows.Media.BezierSegment();   break;
                case KnownElements.Binding: o = new System.Windows.Data.Binding();   break;
                case KnownElements.BitmapEffectCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.Effects.BitmapEffectCollection();   break;
                case KnownElements.BitmapEffectGroup: o = new System.Windows.Media.Effects.BitmapEffectGroup();   break; 
                case KnownElements.BitmapEffectInput: o = new System.Windows.Media.Effects.BitmapEffectInput();   break;
                case KnownElements.BitmapImage: o = new System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage();   break; 
                case KnownElements.BlockUIContainer: o = new System.Windows.Documents.BlockUIContainer();   break; 
                case KnownElements.BlurBitmapEffect: o = new System.Windows.Media.Effects.BlurBitmapEffect();   break;
                case KnownElements.BmpBitmapEncoder: o = new System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BmpBitmapEncoder();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Bold: o = new System.Windows.Documents.Bold();   break;
                case KnownElements.BoolIListConverter: o = new System.Windows.Media.Converters.BoolIListConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.BooleanAnimationUsingKeyFrames: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.BooleanAnimationUsingKeyFrames();   break;
                case KnownElements.BooleanConverter: o = new System.ComponentModel.BooleanConverter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.BooleanKeyFrameCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.BooleanKeyFrameCollection();   break;
                case KnownElements.BooleanToVisibilityConverter: o = new System.Windows.Controls.BooleanToVisibilityConverter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Border: o = new System.Windows.Controls.Border();   break; 
                case KnownElements.BorderGapMaskConverter: o = new System.Windows.Controls.BorderGapMaskConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.BrushConverter: o = new System.Windows.Media.BrushConverter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.BulletDecorator: o = new System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.BulletDecorator();   break;
                case KnownElements.Button: o = new System.Windows.Controls.Button();   break;
                case KnownElements.ByteAnimation: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.ByteAnimation();   break;
                case KnownElements.ByteAnimationUsingKeyFrames: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.ByteAnimationUsingKeyFrames();   break; 
                case KnownElements.ByteConverter: o = new System.ComponentModel.ByteConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.ByteKeyFrameCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.ByteKeyFrameCollection();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Canvas: o = new System.Windows.Controls.Canvas();   break; 
                case KnownElements.CharAnimationUsingKeyFrames: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.CharAnimationUsingKeyFrames();   break;
                case KnownElements.CharConverter: o = new System.ComponentModel.CharConverter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.CharIListConverter: o = new System.Windows.Media.Converters.CharIListConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.CharKeyFrameCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.CharKeyFrameCollection();   break;
                case KnownElements.CheckBox: o = new System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox();   break;
                case KnownElements.CollectionContainer: o = new System.Windows.Data.CollectionContainer();   break; 
                case KnownElements.CollectionViewSource: o = new System.Windows.Data.CollectionViewSource();   break;
                case KnownElements.Color: o = new System.Windows.Media.Color();   break; 
                case KnownElements.ColorAnimation: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.ColorAnimation();   break; 
                case KnownElements.ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames();   break;
                case KnownElements.ColorConvertedBitmap: o = new System.Windows.Media.Imaging.ColorConvertedBitmap();   break; 
                case KnownElements.ColorConvertedBitmapExtension: o = new System.Windows.ColorConvertedBitmapExtension();   break;
                case KnownElements.ColorConverter: o = new System.Windows.Media.ColorConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.ColorKeyFrameCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.ColorKeyFrameCollection();   break;
                case KnownElements.ColumnDefinition: o = new System.Windows.Controls.ColumnDefinition();   break; 
                case KnownElements.CombinedGeometry: o = new System.Windows.Media.CombinedGeometry();   break;
                case KnownElements.ComboBox: o = new System.Windows.Controls.ComboBox();   break; 
                case KnownElements.ComboBoxItem: o = new System.Windows.Controls.ComboBoxItem();   break; 
                case KnownElements.CommandConverter: o = new System.Windows.Input.CommandConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.ComponentResourceKey: o = new System.Windows.ComponentResourceKey();   break; 
                case KnownElements.ComponentResourceKeyConverter: o = new System.Windows.Markup.ComponentResourceKeyConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.Condition: o = new System.Windows.Condition();   break;
                case KnownElements.ContainerVisual: o = new System.Windows.Media.ContainerVisual();   break;
                case KnownElements.ContentControl: o = new System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl();   break; 
                case KnownElements.ContentElement: o = new System.Windows.ContentElement();   break;
                case KnownElements.ContentPresenter: o = new System.Windows.Controls.ContentPresenter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.ContextMenu: o = new System.Windows.Controls.ContextMenu();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Control: o = new System.Windows.Controls.Control();   break;
                case KnownElements.ControlTemplate: o = new System.Windows.Controls.ControlTemplate();   break; 
                case KnownElements.CornerRadius: o = new System.Windows.CornerRadius();   break;
                case KnownElements.CornerRadiusConverter: o = new System.Windows.CornerRadiusConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.CroppedBitmap: o = new System.Windows.Media.Imaging.CroppedBitmap();   break;
                case KnownElements.CultureInfoConverter: o = new System.ComponentModel.CultureInfoConverter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.CultureInfoIetfLanguageTagConverter: o = new System.Windows.CultureInfoIetfLanguageTagConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.CursorConverter: o = new System.Windows.Input.CursorConverter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.DashStyle: o = new System.Windows.Media.DashStyle();   break; 
                case KnownElements.DataTemplate: o = new System.Windows.DataTemplate();   break;
                case KnownElements.DataTemplateKey: o = new System.Windows.DataTemplateKey();   break; 
                case KnownElements.DataTrigger: o = new System.Windows.DataTrigger();   break;
                case KnownElements.DateTimeConverter: o = new System.ComponentModel.DateTimeConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.DateTimeConverter2: o = new System.Windows.Markup.DateTimeConverter2();   break;
                case KnownElements.DecimalAnimation: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.DecimalAnimation();   break; 
                case KnownElements.DecimalAnimationUsingKeyFrames: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.DecimalAnimationUsingKeyFrames();   break;
                case KnownElements.DecimalConverter: o = new System.ComponentModel.DecimalConverter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.DecimalKeyFrameCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.DecimalKeyFrameCollection();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Decorator: o = new System.Windows.Controls.Decorator();   break;
                case KnownElements.DependencyObject: o = new System.Windows.DependencyObject();   break; 
                case KnownElements.DependencyPropertyConverter: o = new System.Windows.Markup.DependencyPropertyConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.DialogResultConverter: o = new System.Windows.DialogResultConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.DiffuseMaterial: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.DiffuseMaterial();   break;
                case KnownElements.DirectionalLight: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.DirectionalLight();   break; 
                case KnownElements.DiscreteBooleanKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.DiscreteBooleanKeyFrame();   break;
                case KnownElements.DiscreteByteKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.DiscreteByteKeyFrame();   break; 
                case KnownElements.DiscreteCharKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.DiscreteCharKeyFrame();   break; 
                case KnownElements.DiscreteColorKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.DiscreteColorKeyFrame();   break;
                case KnownElements.DiscreteDecimalKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.DiscreteDecimalKeyFrame();   break; 
                case KnownElements.DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame();   break;
                case KnownElements.DiscreteInt16KeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.DiscreteInt16KeyFrame();   break;
                case KnownElements.DiscreteInt32KeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.DiscreteInt32KeyFrame();   break;
                case KnownElements.DiscreteInt64KeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.DiscreteInt64KeyFrame();   break; 
                case KnownElements.DiscreteMatrixKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.DiscreteMatrixKeyFrame();   break;
                case KnownElements.DiscreteObjectKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.DiscreteObjectKeyFrame();   break; 
                case KnownElements.DiscretePoint3DKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.DiscretePoint3DKeyFrame();   break; 
                case KnownElements.DiscretePointKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.DiscretePointKeyFrame();   break;
                case KnownElements.DiscreteQuaternionKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.DiscreteQuaternionKeyFrame();   break; 
                case KnownElements.DiscreteRectKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.DiscreteRectKeyFrame();   break;
                case KnownElements.DiscreteRotation3DKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.DiscreteRotation3DKeyFrame();   break;
                case KnownElements.DiscreteSingleKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.DiscreteSingleKeyFrame();   break;
                case KnownElements.DiscreteSizeKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.DiscreteSizeKeyFrame();   break; 
                case KnownElements.DiscreteStringKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.DiscreteStringKeyFrame();   break;
                case KnownElements.DiscreteThicknessKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.DiscreteThicknessKeyFrame();   break; 
                case KnownElements.DiscreteVector3DKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.DiscreteVector3DKeyFrame();   break; 
                case KnownElements.DiscreteVectorKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.DiscreteVectorKeyFrame();   break;
                case KnownElements.DockPanel: o = new System.Windows.Controls.DockPanel();   break; 
                case KnownElements.DocumentPageView: o = new System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.DocumentPageView();   break;
                case KnownElements.DocumentReference: o = new System.Windows.Documents.DocumentReference();   break;
                case KnownElements.DocumentViewer: o = new System.Windows.Controls.DocumentViewer();   break;
                case KnownElements.DoubleAnimation: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.DoubleAnimation();   break; 
                case KnownElements.DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames();   break;
                case KnownElements.DoubleAnimationUsingPath: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.DoubleAnimationUsingPath();   break; 
                case KnownElements.DoubleCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.DoubleCollection();   break; 
                case KnownElements.DoubleCollectionConverter: o = new System.Windows.Media.DoubleCollectionConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.DoubleConverter: o = new System.ComponentModel.DoubleConverter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.DoubleIListConverter: o = new System.Windows.Media.Converters.DoubleIListConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.DoubleKeyFrameCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.DoubleKeyFrameCollection();   break;
                case KnownElements.DrawingBrush: o = new System.Windows.Media.DrawingBrush();   break;
                case KnownElements.DrawingCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.DrawingCollection();   break; 
                case KnownElements.DrawingGroup: o = new System.Windows.Media.DrawingGroup();   break;
                case KnownElements.DrawingImage: o = new System.Windows.Media.DrawingImage();   break; 
                case KnownElements.DrawingVisual: o = new System.Windows.Media.DrawingVisual();   break; 
                case KnownElements.DropShadowBitmapEffect: o = new System.Windows.Media.Effects.DropShadowBitmapEffect();   break;
                case KnownElements.Duration: o = new System.Windows.Duration();   break; 
                case KnownElements.DurationConverter: o = new System.Windows.DurationConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.DynamicResourceExtension: o = new System.Windows.DynamicResourceExtension();   break;
                case KnownElements.DynamicResourceExtensionConverter: o = new System.Windows.DynamicResourceExtensionConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.Ellipse: o = new System.Windows.Shapes.Ellipse();   break; 
                case KnownElements.EllipseGeometry: o = new System.Windows.Media.EllipseGeometry();   break;
                case KnownElements.EmbossBitmapEffect: o = new System.Windows.Media.Effects.EmbossBitmapEffect();   break; 
                case KnownElements.EmissiveMaterial: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.EmissiveMaterial();   break; 
                case KnownElements.EventSetter: o = new System.Windows.EventSetter();   break;
                case KnownElements.EventTrigger: o = new System.Windows.EventTrigger();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Expander: o = new System.Windows.Controls.Expander();   break;
                case KnownElements.ExpressionConverter: o = new System.Windows.ExpressionConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.Figure: o = new System.Windows.Documents.Figure();   break;
                case KnownElements.FigureLength: o = new System.Windows.FigureLength();   break; 
                case KnownElements.FigureLengthConverter: o = new System.Windows.FigureLengthConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.FixedDocument: o = new System.Windows.Documents.FixedDocument();   break; 
                case KnownElements.FixedDocumentSequence: o = new System.Windows.Documents.FixedDocumentSequence();   break; 
                case KnownElements.FixedPage: o = new System.Windows.Documents.FixedPage();   break;
                case KnownElements.Floater: o = new System.Windows.Documents.Floater();   break; 
                case KnownElements.FlowDocument: o = new System.Windows.Documents.FlowDocument();   break;
                case KnownElements.FlowDocumentPageViewer: o = new System.Windows.Controls.FlowDocumentPageViewer();   break;
                case KnownElements.FlowDocumentReader: o = new System.Windows.Controls.FlowDocumentReader();   break;
                case KnownElements.FlowDocumentScrollViewer: o = new System.Windows.Controls.FlowDocumentScrollViewer();   break; 
                case KnownElements.FontFamily: o = new System.Windows.Media.FontFamily();   break;
                case KnownElements.FontFamilyConverter: o = new System.Windows.Media.FontFamilyConverter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.FontSizeConverter: o = new System.Windows.FontSizeConverter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.FontStretch: o = new System.Windows.FontStretch();   break;
                case KnownElements.FontStretchConverter: o = new System.Windows.FontStretchConverter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.FontStyle: o = new System.Windows.FontStyle();   break;
                case KnownElements.FontStyleConverter: o = new System.Windows.FontStyleConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.FontWeight: o = new System.Windows.FontWeight();   break;
                case KnownElements.FontWeightConverter: o = new System.Windows.FontWeightConverter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.FormatConvertedBitmap: o = new System.Windows.Media.Imaging.FormatConvertedBitmap();   break;
                case KnownElements.Frame: o = new System.Windows.Controls.Frame();   break; 
                case KnownElements.FrameworkContentElement: o = new System.Windows.FrameworkContentElement();   break; 
                case KnownElements.FrameworkElement: o = new System.Windows.FrameworkElement();   break;
                case KnownElements.FrameworkElementFactory: o = new System.Windows.FrameworkElementFactory();   break; 
                case KnownElements.FrameworkPropertyMetadata: o = new System.Windows.FrameworkPropertyMetadata();   break;
                case KnownElements.GeneralTransformCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.GeneralTransformCollection();   break;
                case KnownElements.GeneralTransformGroup: o = new System.Windows.Media.GeneralTransformGroup();   break;
                case KnownElements.GeometryCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.GeometryCollection();   break; 
                case KnownElements.GeometryConverter: o = new System.Windows.Media.GeometryConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.GeometryDrawing: o = new System.Windows.Media.GeometryDrawing();   break; 
                case KnownElements.GeometryGroup: o = new System.Windows.Media.GeometryGroup();   break; 
                case KnownElements.GeometryModel3D: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.GeometryModel3D();   break;
                case KnownElements.GestureRecognizer: o = new System.Windows.Ink.GestureRecognizer();   break; 
                case KnownElements.GifBitmapEncoder: o = new System.Windows.Media.Imaging.GifBitmapEncoder();   break;
                case KnownElements.GlyphRun: o = new System.Windows.Media.GlyphRun();   break;
                case KnownElements.GlyphRunDrawing: o = new System.Windows.Media.GlyphRunDrawing();   break;
                case KnownElements.GlyphTypeface: o = new System.Windows.Media.GlyphTypeface();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Glyphs: o = new System.Windows.Documents.Glyphs();   break;
                case KnownElements.GradientStop: o = new System.Windows.Media.GradientStop();   break; 
                case KnownElements.GradientStopCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.GradientStopCollection();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Grid: o = new System.Windows.Controls.Grid();   break;
                case KnownElements.GridLength: o = new System.Windows.GridLength();   break; 
                case KnownElements.GridLengthConverter: o = new System.Windows.GridLengthConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.GridSplitter: o = new System.Windows.Controls.GridSplitter();   break;
                case KnownElements.GridView: o = new System.Windows.Controls.GridView();   break;
                case KnownElements.GridViewColumn: o = new System.Windows.Controls.GridViewColumn();   break; 
                case KnownElements.GridViewColumnHeader: o = new System.Windows.Controls.GridViewColumnHeader();   break;
                case KnownElements.GridViewHeaderRowPresenter: o = new System.Windows.Controls.GridViewHeaderRowPresenter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.GridViewRowPresenter: o = new System.Windows.Controls.GridViewRowPresenter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.GroupBox: o = new System.Windows.Controls.GroupBox();   break;
                case KnownElements.GroupItem: o = new System.Windows.Controls.GroupItem();   break; 
                case KnownElements.GuidConverter: o = new System.ComponentModel.GuidConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.GuidelineSet: o = new System.Windows.Media.GuidelineSet();   break;
                case KnownElements.HeaderedContentControl: o = new System.Windows.Controls.HeaderedContentControl();   break;
                case KnownElements.HeaderedItemsControl: o = new System.Windows.Controls.HeaderedItemsControl();   break; 
                case KnownElements.HierarchicalDataTemplate: o = new System.Windows.HierarchicalDataTemplate();   break;
                case KnownElements.HostVisual: o = new System.Windows.Media.HostVisual();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Hyperlink: o = new System.Windows.Documents.Hyperlink();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Image: o = new System.Windows.Controls.Image();   break;
                case KnownElements.ImageBrush: o = new System.Windows.Media.ImageBrush();   break; 
                case KnownElements.ImageDrawing: o = new System.Windows.Media.ImageDrawing();   break;
                case KnownElements.ImageSourceConverter: o = new System.Windows.Media.ImageSourceConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.InkCanvas: o = new System.Windows.Controls.InkCanvas();   break;
                case KnownElements.InkPresenter: o = new System.Windows.Controls.InkPresenter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.InlineUIContainer: o = new System.Windows.Documents.InlineUIContainer();   break;
                case KnownElements.InputScope: o = new System.Windows.Input.InputScope();   break; 
                case KnownElements.InputScopeConverter: o = new System.Windows.Input.InputScopeConverter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.InputScopeName: o = new System.Windows.Input.InputScopeName();   break;
                case KnownElements.InputScopeNameConverter: o = new System.Windows.Input.InputScopeNameConverter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Int16Animation: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.Int16Animation();   break;
                case KnownElements.Int16AnimationUsingKeyFrames: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.Int16AnimationUsingKeyFrames();   break;
                case KnownElements.Int16Converter: o = new System.ComponentModel.Int16Converter();   break;
                case KnownElements.Int16KeyFrameCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.Int16KeyFrameCollection();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Int32Animation: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.Int32Animation();   break;
                case KnownElements.Int32AnimationUsingKeyFrames: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.Int32AnimationUsingKeyFrames();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Int32Collection: o = new System.Windows.Media.Int32Collection();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Int32CollectionConverter: o = new System.Windows.Media.Int32CollectionConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.Int32Converter: o = new System.ComponentModel.Int32Converter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Int32KeyFrameCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.Int32KeyFrameCollection();   break;
                case KnownElements.Int32Rect: o = new System.Windows.Int32Rect();   break;
                case KnownElements.Int32RectConverter: o = new System.Windows.Int32RectConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.Int64Animation: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.Int64Animation();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Int64AnimationUsingKeyFrames: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.Int64AnimationUsingKeyFrames();   break;
                case KnownElements.Int64Converter: o = new System.ComponentModel.Int64Converter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Int64KeyFrameCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.Int64KeyFrameCollection();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Italic: o = new System.Windows.Documents.Italic();   break;
                case KnownElements.ItemsControl: o = new System.Windows.Controls.ItemsControl();   break; 
                case KnownElements.ItemsPanelTemplate: o = new System.Windows.Controls.ItemsPanelTemplate();   break;
                case KnownElements.ItemsPresenter: o = new System.Windows.Controls.ItemsPresenter();   break;
                case KnownElements.JournalEntryListConverter: o = new System.Windows.Navigation.JournalEntryListConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.JournalEntryUnifiedViewConverter: o = new System.Windows.Navigation.JournalEntryUnifiedViewConverter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.JpegBitmapEncoder: o = new System.Windows.Media.Imaging.JpegBitmapEncoder();   break;
                case KnownElements.KeyBinding: o = new System.Windows.Input.KeyBinding();   break; 
                case KnownElements.KeyConverter: o = new System.Windows.Input.KeyConverter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.KeyGestureConverter: o = new System.Windows.Input.KeyGestureConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.KeySpline: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.KeySpline();   break; 
                case KnownElements.KeySplineConverter: o = new System.Windows.KeySplineConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.KeyTime: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.KeyTime();   break;
                case KnownElements.KeyTimeConverter: o = new System.Windows.KeyTimeConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.Label: o = new System.Windows.Controls.Label();   break; 
                case KnownElements.LengthConverter: o = new System.Windows.LengthConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.Line: o = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();   break; 
                case KnownElements.LineBreak: o = new System.Windows.Documents.LineBreak();   break; 
                case KnownElements.LineGeometry: o = new System.Windows.Media.LineGeometry();   break;
                case KnownElements.LineSegment: o = new System.Windows.Media.LineSegment();   break; 
                case KnownElements.LinearByteKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.LinearByteKeyFrame();   break;
                case KnownElements.LinearColorKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.LinearColorKeyFrame();   break;
                case KnownElements.LinearDecimalKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.LinearDecimalKeyFrame();   break;
                case KnownElements.LinearDoubleKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.LinearDoubleKeyFrame();   break; 
                case KnownElements.LinearGradientBrush: o = new System.Windows.Media.LinearGradientBrush();   break;
                case KnownElements.LinearInt16KeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.LinearInt16KeyFrame();   break; 
                case KnownElements.LinearInt32KeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.LinearInt32KeyFrame();   break; 
                case KnownElements.LinearInt64KeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.LinearInt64KeyFrame();   break;
                case KnownElements.LinearPoint3DKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.LinearPoint3DKeyFrame();   break; 
                case KnownElements.LinearPointKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.LinearPointKeyFrame();   break;
                case KnownElements.LinearQuaternionKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.LinearQuaternionKeyFrame();   break;
                case KnownElements.LinearRectKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.LinearRectKeyFrame();   break;
                case KnownElements.LinearRotation3DKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.LinearRotation3DKeyFrame();   break; 
                case KnownElements.LinearSingleKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.LinearSingleKeyFrame();   break;
                case KnownElements.LinearSizeKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.LinearSizeKeyFrame();   break; 
                case KnownElements.LinearThicknessKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.LinearThicknessKeyFrame();   break; 
                case KnownElements.LinearVector3DKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.LinearVector3DKeyFrame();   break;
                case KnownElements.LinearVectorKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.LinearVectorKeyFrame();   break; 
                case KnownElements.List: o = new System.Windows.Documents.List();   break;
                case KnownElements.ListBox: o = new System.Windows.Controls.ListBox();   break;
                case KnownElements.ListBoxItem: o = new System.Windows.Controls.ListBoxItem();   break;
                case KnownElements.ListItem: o = new System.Windows.Documents.ListItem();   break; 
                case KnownElements.ListView: o = new System.Windows.Controls.ListView();   break;
                case KnownElements.ListViewItem: o = new System.Windows.Controls.ListViewItem();   break; 
                case KnownElements.MaterialCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.MaterialCollection();   break; 
                case KnownElements.MaterialGroup: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.MaterialGroup();   break;
                case KnownElements.Matrix: o = new System.Windows.Media.Matrix();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Matrix3D: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Matrix3D();   break;
                case KnownElements.Matrix3DConverter: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Matrix3DConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.MatrixAnimationUsingKeyFrames: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.MatrixAnimationUsingKeyFrames();   break;
                case KnownElements.MatrixAnimationUsingPath: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.MatrixAnimationUsingPath();   break; 
                case KnownElements.MatrixCamera: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.MatrixCamera();   break;
                case KnownElements.MatrixConverter: o = new System.Windows.Media.MatrixConverter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.MatrixKeyFrameCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.MatrixKeyFrameCollection();   break; 
                case KnownElements.MatrixTransform: o = new System.Windows.Media.MatrixTransform();   break;
                case KnownElements.MatrixTransform3D: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.MatrixTransform3D();   break; 
                case KnownElements.MediaElement: o = new System.Windows.Controls.MediaElement();   break;
                case KnownElements.MediaPlayer: o = new System.Windows.Media.MediaPlayer();   break;
                case KnownElements.MediaTimeline: o = new System.Windows.Media.MediaTimeline();   break;
                case KnownElements.Menu: o = new System.Windows.Controls.Menu();   break; 
                case KnownElements.MenuItem: o = new System.Windows.Controls.MenuItem();   break;
                case KnownElements.MenuScrollingVisibilityConverter: o = new System.Windows.Controls.MenuScrollingVisibilityConverter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.MeshGeometry3D: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.MeshGeometry3D();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Model3DCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Model3DCollection();   break;
                case KnownElements.Model3DGroup: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Model3DGroup();   break; 
                case KnownElements.ModelVisual3D: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.ModelVisual3D();   break;
                case KnownElements.ModifierKeysConverter: o = new System.Windows.Input.ModifierKeysConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.MouseActionConverter: o = new System.Windows.Input.MouseActionConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.MouseBinding: o = new System.Windows.Input.MouseBinding();   break; 
                case KnownElements.MouseGesture: o = new System.Windows.Input.MouseGesture();   break;
                case KnownElements.MouseGestureConverter: o = new System.Windows.Input.MouseGestureConverter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.MultiBinding: o = new System.Windows.Data.MultiBinding();   break; 
                case KnownElements.MultiDataTrigger: o = new System.Windows.MultiDataTrigger();   break;
                case KnownElements.MultiTrigger: o = new System.Windows.MultiTrigger();   break; 
                case KnownElements.NameScope: o = new System.Windows.NameScope();   break;
                case KnownElements.NavigationWindow: o = new System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationWindow();   break;
                case KnownElements.NullExtension: o = new System.Windows.Markup.NullExtension();   break;
                case KnownElements.NullableBoolConverter: o = new System.Windows.NullableBoolConverter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.NumberSubstitution: o = new System.Windows.Media.NumberSubstitution();   break;
                case KnownElements.Object: o = new System.Object();   break; 
                case KnownElements.ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames();   break; 
                case KnownElements.ObjectDataProvider: o = new System.Windows.Data.ObjectDataProvider();   break;
                case KnownElements.ObjectKeyFrameCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.ObjectKeyFrameCollection();   break; 
                case KnownElements.OrthographicCamera: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.OrthographicCamera();   break;
                case KnownElements.OuterGlowBitmapEffect: o = new System.Windows.Media.Effects.OuterGlowBitmapEffect();   break;
                case KnownElements.Page: o = new System.Windows.Controls.Page();   break;
                case KnownElements.PageContent: o = new System.Windows.Documents.PageContent();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Paragraph: o = new System.Windows.Documents.Paragraph();   break;
                case KnownElements.ParallelTimeline: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.ParallelTimeline();   break; 
                case KnownElements.ParserContext: o = new System.Windows.Markup.ParserContext();   break; 
                case KnownElements.PasswordBox: o = new System.Windows.Controls.PasswordBox();   break;
                case KnownElements.Path: o = new System.Windows.Shapes.Path();   break; 
                case KnownElements.PathFigure: o = new System.Windows.Media.PathFigure();   break;
                case KnownElements.PathFigureCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.PathFigureCollection();   break;
                case KnownElements.PathFigureCollectionConverter: o = new System.Windows.Media.PathFigureCollectionConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.PathGeometry: o = new System.Windows.Media.PathGeometry();   break; 
                case KnownElements.PathSegmentCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.PathSegmentCollection();   break;
                case KnownElements.PauseStoryboard: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.PauseStoryboard();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Pen: o = new System.Windows.Media.Pen();   break; 
                case KnownElements.PerspectiveCamera: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.PerspectiveCamera();   break;
                case KnownElements.PixelFormat: o = new System.Windows.Media.PixelFormat();   break; 
                case KnownElements.PixelFormatConverter: o = new System.Windows.Media.PixelFormatConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.PngBitmapEncoder: o = new System.Windows.Media.Imaging.PngBitmapEncoder();   break;
                case KnownElements.Point: o = new System.Windows.Point();   break;
                case KnownElements.Point3D: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Point3D();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Point3DAnimation: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.Point3DAnimation();   break;
                case KnownElements.Point3DAnimationUsingKeyFrames: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.Point3DAnimationUsingKeyFrames();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Point3DCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Point3DCollection();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Point3DCollectionConverter: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Point3DCollectionConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.Point3DConverter: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Point3DConverter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Point3DKeyFrameCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.Point3DKeyFrameCollection();   break;
                case KnownElements.Point4D: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Point4D();   break;
                case KnownElements.Point4DConverter: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Point4DConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.PointAnimation: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.PointAnimation();   break; 
                case KnownElements.PointAnimationUsingKeyFrames: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.PointAnimationUsingKeyFrames();   break;
                case KnownElements.PointAnimationUsingPath: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.PointAnimationUsingPath();   break; 
                case KnownElements.PointCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.PointCollection();   break; 
                case KnownElements.PointCollectionConverter: o = new System.Windows.Media.PointCollectionConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.PointConverter: o = new System.Windows.PointConverter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.PointIListConverter: o = new System.Windows.Media.Converters.PointIListConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.PointKeyFrameCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.PointKeyFrameCollection();   break;
                case KnownElements.PointLight: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.PointLight();   break;
                case KnownElements.PolyBezierSegment: o = new System.Windows.Media.PolyBezierSegment();   break; 
                case KnownElements.PolyLineSegment: o = new System.Windows.Media.PolyLineSegment();   break;
                case KnownElements.PolyQuadraticBezierSegment: o = new System.Windows.Media.PolyQuadraticBezierSegment();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Polygon: o = new System.Windows.Shapes.Polygon();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Polyline: o = new System.Windows.Shapes.Polyline();   break;
                case KnownElements.Popup: o = new System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Popup();   break; 
                case KnownElements.PriorityBinding: o = new System.Windows.Data.PriorityBinding();   break;
                case KnownElements.ProgressBar: o = new System.Windows.Controls.ProgressBar();   break;
                case KnownElements.PropertyPathConverter: o = new System.Windows.PropertyPathConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.QuadraticBezierSegment: o = new System.Windows.Media.QuadraticBezierSegment();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Quaternion: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Quaternion();   break;
                case KnownElements.QuaternionAnimation: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.QuaternionAnimation();   break; 
                case KnownElements.QuaternionAnimationUsingKeyFrames: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.QuaternionAnimationUsingKeyFrames();   break; 
                case KnownElements.QuaternionConverter: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.QuaternionConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.QuaternionKeyFrameCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.QuaternionKeyFrameCollection();   break; 
                case KnownElements.QuaternionRotation3D: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.QuaternionRotation3D();   break;
                case KnownElements.RadialGradientBrush: o = new System.Windows.Media.RadialGradientBrush();   break;
                case KnownElements.RadioButton: o = new System.Windows.Controls.RadioButton();   break;
                case KnownElements.Rect: o = new System.Windows.Rect();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Rect3D: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Rect3D();   break;
                case KnownElements.Rect3DConverter: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Rect3DConverter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.RectAnimation: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.RectAnimation();   break; 
                case KnownElements.RectAnimationUsingKeyFrames: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.RectAnimationUsingKeyFrames();   break;
                case KnownElements.RectConverter: o = new System.Windows.RectConverter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.RectKeyFrameCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.RectKeyFrameCollection();   break;
                case KnownElements.Rectangle: o = new System.Windows.Shapes.Rectangle();   break;
                case KnownElements.RectangleGeometry: o = new System.Windows.Media.RectangleGeometry();   break;
                case KnownElements.RelativeSource: o = new System.Windows.Data.RelativeSource();   break; 
                case KnownElements.RemoveStoryboard: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.RemoveStoryboard();   break;
                case KnownElements.RepeatBehavior: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.RepeatBehavior();   break; 
                case KnownElements.RepeatBehaviorConverter: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.RepeatBehaviorConverter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.RepeatButton: o = new System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.RepeatButton();   break;
                case KnownElements.ResizeGrip: o = new System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ResizeGrip();   break; 
                case KnownElements.ResourceDictionary: o = new System.Windows.ResourceDictionary();   break;
                case KnownElements.ResumeStoryboard: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.ResumeStoryboard();   break;
                case KnownElements.RichTextBox: o = new System.Windows.Controls.RichTextBox();   break;
                case KnownElements.RotateTransform: o = new System.Windows.Media.RotateTransform();   break; 
                case KnownElements.RotateTransform3D: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.RotateTransform3D();   break;
                case KnownElements.Rotation3DAnimation: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.Rotation3DAnimation();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Rotation3DAnimationUsingKeyFrames: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.Rotation3DAnimationUsingKeyFrames();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Rotation3DKeyFrameCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.Rotation3DKeyFrameCollection();   break;
                case KnownElements.RoutedCommand: o = new System.Windows.Input.RoutedCommand();   break; 
                case KnownElements.RoutedEventConverter: o = new System.Windows.Markup.RoutedEventConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.RoutedUICommand: o = new System.Windows.Input.RoutedUICommand();   break;
                case KnownElements.RowDefinition: o = new System.Windows.Controls.RowDefinition();   break;
                case KnownElements.Run: o = new System.Windows.Documents.Run();   break; 
                case KnownElements.SByteConverter: o = new System.ComponentModel.SByteConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.ScaleTransform: o = new System.Windows.Media.ScaleTransform();   break; 
                case KnownElements.ScaleTransform3D: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.ScaleTransform3D();   break; 
                case KnownElements.ScrollBar: o = new System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ScrollBar();   break;
                case KnownElements.ScrollContentPresenter: o = new System.Windows.Controls.ScrollContentPresenter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.ScrollViewer: o = new System.Windows.Controls.ScrollViewer();   break;
                case KnownElements.Section: o = new System.Windows.Documents.Section();   break;
                case KnownElements.SeekStoryboard: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.SeekStoryboard();   break;
                case KnownElements.Separator: o = new System.Windows.Controls.Separator();   break; 
                case KnownElements.SetStoryboardSpeedRatio: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.SetStoryboardSpeedRatio();   break;
                case KnownElements.Setter: o = new System.Windows.Setter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.SingleAnimation: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.SingleAnimation();   break; 
                case KnownElements.SingleAnimationUsingKeyFrames: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.SingleAnimationUsingKeyFrames();   break;
                case KnownElements.SingleConverter: o = new System.ComponentModel.SingleConverter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.SingleKeyFrameCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.SingleKeyFrameCollection();   break;
                case KnownElements.Size: o = new System.Windows.Size();   break;
                case KnownElements.Size3D: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Size3D();   break;
                case KnownElements.Size3DConverter: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Size3DConverter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.SizeAnimation: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.SizeAnimation();   break;
                case KnownElements.SizeAnimationUsingKeyFrames: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.SizeAnimationUsingKeyFrames();   break; 
                case KnownElements.SizeConverter: o = new System.Windows.SizeConverter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.SizeKeyFrameCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.SizeKeyFrameCollection();   break;
                case KnownElements.SkewTransform: o = new System.Windows.Media.SkewTransform();   break; 
                case KnownElements.SkipStoryboardToFill: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.SkipStoryboardToFill();   break;
                case KnownElements.Slider: o = new System.Windows.Controls.Slider();   break;
                case KnownElements.SolidColorBrush: o = new System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush();   break;
                case KnownElements.SoundPlayerAction: o = new System.Windows.Controls.SoundPlayerAction();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Span: o = new System.Windows.Documents.Span();   break;
                case KnownElements.SpecularMaterial: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.SpecularMaterial();   break; 
                case KnownElements.SplineByteKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.SplineByteKeyFrame();   break; 
                case KnownElements.SplineColorKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.SplineColorKeyFrame();   break;
                case KnownElements.SplineDecimalKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.SplineDecimalKeyFrame();   break; 
                case KnownElements.SplineDoubleKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.SplineDoubleKeyFrame();   break;
                case KnownElements.SplineInt16KeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.SplineInt16KeyFrame();   break;
                case KnownElements.SplineInt32KeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.SplineInt32KeyFrame();   break;
                case KnownElements.SplineInt64KeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.SplineInt64KeyFrame();   break; 
                case KnownElements.SplinePoint3DKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.SplinePoint3DKeyFrame();   break;
                case KnownElements.SplinePointKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.SplinePointKeyFrame();   break; 
                case KnownElements.SplineQuaternionKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.SplineQuaternionKeyFrame();   break; 
                case KnownElements.SplineRectKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.SplineRectKeyFrame();   break;
                case KnownElements.SplineRotation3DKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.SplineRotation3DKeyFrame();   break; 
                case KnownElements.SplineSingleKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.SplineSingleKeyFrame();   break;
                case KnownElements.SplineSizeKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.SplineSizeKeyFrame();   break;
                case KnownElements.SplineThicknessKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.SplineThicknessKeyFrame();   break;
                case KnownElements.SplineVector3DKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.SplineVector3DKeyFrame();   break; 
                case KnownElements.SplineVectorKeyFrame: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.SplineVectorKeyFrame();   break;
                case KnownElements.SpotLight: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.SpotLight();   break; 
                case KnownElements.StackPanel: o = new System.Windows.Controls.StackPanel();   break; 
                case KnownElements.StaticExtension: o = new System.Windows.Markup.StaticExtension();   break;
                case KnownElements.StaticResourceExtension: o = new System.Windows.StaticResourceExtension();   break; 
                case KnownElements.StatusBar: o = new System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.StatusBar();   break;
                case KnownElements.StatusBarItem: o = new System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.StatusBarItem();   break;
                case KnownElements.StopStoryboard: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.StopStoryboard();   break;
                case KnownElements.Storyboard: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.Storyboard();   break; 
                case KnownElements.StreamGeometry: o = new System.Windows.Media.StreamGeometry();   break;
                case KnownElements.StreamResourceInfo: o = new System.Windows.Resources.StreamResourceInfo();   break; 
                case KnownElements.StringAnimationUsingKeyFrames: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.StringAnimationUsingKeyFrames();   break; 
                case KnownElements.StringConverter: o = new System.ComponentModel.StringConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.StringKeyFrameCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.StringKeyFrameCollection();   break; 
                case KnownElements.StrokeCollection: o = new System.Windows.Ink.StrokeCollection();   break;
                case KnownElements.StrokeCollectionConverter: o = new System.Windows.StrokeCollectionConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.Style: o = new System.Windows.Style();   break;
                case KnownElements.TabControl: o = new System.Windows.Controls.TabControl();   break; 
                case KnownElements.TabItem: o = new System.Windows.Controls.TabItem();   break;
                case KnownElements.TabPanel: o = new System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.TabPanel();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Table: o = new System.Windows.Documents.Table();   break; 
                case KnownElements.TableCell: o = new System.Windows.Documents.TableCell();   break;
                case KnownElements.TableColumn: o = new System.Windows.Documents.TableColumn();   break; 
                case KnownElements.TableRow: o = new System.Windows.Documents.TableRow();   break;
                case KnownElements.TableRowGroup: o = new System.Windows.Documents.TableRowGroup();   break;
                case KnownElements.TemplateBindingExpressionConverter: o = new System.Windows.TemplateBindingExpressionConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.TemplateBindingExtension: o = new System.Windows.TemplateBindingExtension();   break; 
                case KnownElements.TemplateBindingExtensionConverter: o = new System.Windows.TemplateBindingExtensionConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.TemplateKeyConverter: o = new System.Windows.Markup.TemplateKeyConverter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.TextBlock: o = new System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock();   break; 
                case KnownElements.TextBox: o = new System.Windows.Controls.TextBox();   break;
                case KnownElements.TextDecoration: o = new System.Windows.TextDecoration();   break; 
                case KnownElements.TextDecorationCollection: o = new System.Windows.TextDecorationCollection();   break;
                case KnownElements.TextDecorationCollectionConverter: o = new System.Windows.TextDecorationCollectionConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.TextEffect: o = new System.Windows.Media.TextEffect();   break;
                case KnownElements.TextEffectCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.TextEffectCollection();   break; 
                case KnownElements.ThemeDictionaryExtension: o = new System.Windows.ThemeDictionaryExtension();   break;
                case KnownElements.Thickness: o = new System.Windows.Thickness();   break; 
                case KnownElements.ThicknessAnimation: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.ThicknessAnimation();   break; 
                case KnownElements.ThicknessAnimationUsingKeyFrames: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.ThicknessAnimationUsingKeyFrames();   break;
                case KnownElements.ThicknessConverter: o = new System.Windows.ThicknessConverter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.ThicknessKeyFrameCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.ThicknessKeyFrameCollection();   break;
                case KnownElements.Thumb: o = new System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Thumb();   break;
                case KnownElements.TickBar: o = new System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.TickBar();   break;
                case KnownElements.TiffBitmapEncoder: o = new System.Windows.Media.Imaging.TiffBitmapEncoder();   break; 
                case KnownElements.TimeSpanConverter: o = new System.ComponentModel.TimeSpanConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.TimelineCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.TimelineCollection();   break; 
                case KnownElements.ToggleButton: o = new System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ToggleButton();   break; 
                case KnownElements.ToolBar: o = new System.Windows.Controls.ToolBar();   break;
                case KnownElements.ToolBarOverflowPanel: o = new System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ToolBarOverflowPanel();   break; 
                case KnownElements.ToolBarPanel: o = new System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ToolBarPanel();   break;
                case KnownElements.ToolBarTray: o = new System.Windows.Controls.ToolBarTray();   break;
                case KnownElements.ToolTip: o = new System.Windows.Controls.ToolTip();   break;
                case KnownElements.Track: o = new System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Track();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Transform3DCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Transform3DCollection();   break;
                case KnownElements.Transform3DGroup: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Transform3DGroup();   break; 
                case KnownElements.TransformCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.TransformCollection();   break; 
                case KnownElements.TransformConverter: o = new System.Windows.Media.TransformConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.TransformGroup: o = new System.Windows.Media.TransformGroup();   break; 
                case KnownElements.TransformedBitmap: o = new System.Windows.Media.Imaging.TransformedBitmap();   break;
                case KnownElements.TranslateTransform: o = new System.Windows.Media.TranslateTransform();   break;
                case KnownElements.TranslateTransform3D: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.TranslateTransform3D();   break;
                case KnownElements.TreeView: o = new System.Windows.Controls.TreeView();   break; 
                case KnownElements.TreeViewItem: o = new System.Windows.Controls.TreeViewItem();   break;
                case KnownElements.Trigger: o = new System.Windows.Trigger();   break; 
                case KnownElements.TypeExtension: o = new System.Windows.Markup.TypeExtension();   break; 
                case KnownElements.TypeTypeConverter: o = new System.Windows.Markup.TypeTypeConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.UIElement: o = new System.Windows.UIElement();   break; 
                case KnownElements.UInt16Converter: o = new System.ComponentModel.UInt16Converter();   break;
                case KnownElements.UInt32Converter: o = new System.ComponentModel.UInt32Converter();   break;
                case KnownElements.UInt64Converter: o = new System.ComponentModel.UInt64Converter();   break;
                case KnownElements.UShortIListConverter: o = new System.Windows.Media.Converters.UShortIListConverter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Underline: o = new System.Windows.Documents.Underline();   break;
                case KnownElements.UniformGrid: o = new System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.UniformGrid();   break; 
                case KnownElements.UriTypeConverter: o = new System.UriTypeConverter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.UserControl: o = new System.Windows.Controls.UserControl();   break;
                case KnownElements.Vector: o = new System.Windows.Vector();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Vector3D: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3D();   break;
                case KnownElements.Vector3DAnimation: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.Vector3DAnimation();   break;
                case KnownElements.Vector3DAnimationUsingKeyFrames: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.Vector3DAnimationUsingKeyFrames();   break;
                case KnownElements.Vector3DCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3DCollection();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Vector3DCollectionConverter: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3DCollectionConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.Vector3DConverter: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3DConverter();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Vector3DKeyFrameCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.Vector3DKeyFrameCollection();   break; 
                case KnownElements.VectorAnimation: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.VectorAnimation();   break;
                case KnownElements.VectorAnimationUsingKeyFrames: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.VectorAnimationUsingKeyFrames();   break; 
                case KnownElements.VectorCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.VectorCollection();   break;
                case KnownElements.VectorCollectionConverter: o = new System.Windows.Media.VectorCollectionConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.VectorConverter: o = new System.Windows.VectorConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.VectorKeyFrameCollection: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.VectorKeyFrameCollection();   break; 
                case KnownElements.VideoDrawing: o = new System.Windows.Media.VideoDrawing();   break;
                case KnownElements.Viewbox: o = new System.Windows.Controls.Viewbox();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Viewport3D: o = new System.Windows.Controls.Viewport3D();   break; 
                case KnownElements.Viewport3DVisual: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Viewport3DVisual();   break;
                case KnownElements.VirtualizingStackPanel: o = new System.Windows.Controls.VirtualizingStackPanel();   break; 
                case KnownElements.VisualBrush: o = new System.Windows.Media.VisualBrush();   break;
                case KnownElements.Window: o = new System.Windows.Window();   break;
                case KnownElements.WmpBitmapEncoder: o = new System.Windows.Media.Imaging.WmpBitmapEncoder();   break;
                case KnownElements.WrapPanel: o = new System.Windows.Controls.WrapPanel();   break; 
                case KnownElements.XamlBrushSerializer: o = new System.Windows.Markup.XamlBrushSerializer();   break;
                case KnownElements.XamlInt32CollectionSerializer: o = new System.Windows.Markup.XamlInt32CollectionSerializer();   break; 
                case KnownElements.XamlPathDataSerializer: o = new System.Windows.Markup.XamlPathDataSerializer();   break; 
                case KnownElements.XamlPoint3DCollectionSerializer: o = new System.Windows.Markup.XamlPoint3DCollectionSerializer();   break;
                case KnownElements.XamlPointCollectionSerializer: o = new System.Windows.Markup.XamlPointCollectionSerializer();   break; 
                case KnownElements.XamlStyleSerializer: o = new System.Windows.Markup.XamlStyleSerializer();   break;
                case KnownElements.XamlTemplateSerializer: o = new System.Windows.Markup.XamlTemplateSerializer();   break;
                case KnownElements.XamlVector3DCollectionSerializer: o = new System.Windows.Markup.XamlVector3DCollectionSerializer();   break;
                case KnownElements.XmlDataProvider: o = new System.Windows.Data.XmlDataProvider();   break; 
                case KnownElements.XmlLanguageConverter: o = new System.Windows.Markup.XmlLanguageConverter();   break;
                case KnownElements.XmlNamespaceMapping: o = new System.Windows.Data.XmlNamespaceMapping();   break; 
                case KnownElements.ZoomPercentageConverter: o = new System.Windows.Documents.ZoomPercentageConverter();   break; 
            return o; 
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public List <PointF> AddElementsPreviewF(GridSetup grid)
            List <PointF>    filteredPoints = new List <PointF>();
            List <UIElement> prewiElements  = grid.canvas.Children.OfType <UIElement>().Where(n => n.Uid.Contains("ElementPreview")).ToList();

            foreach (var item in prewiElements)
            foreach (var item in grid.gridPoints)
                int  counter = 0;
                Line check   = DrawCheckline(item, wpfOutterCheckpoint, wpfOutterCheckpoint);

                foreach (var wall in grid.WpfWalls)
                    PointF intersection = tool.GetIntersection(check, wall);
                    if (CheckIfPointBelongToLine(check, intersection))
                        if (CheckIfPointBelongToLine(wall, intersection))

                if (counter % 2 == 0)

                Ellipse el = new Ellipse();
                el.Height = 10;
                el.Width  = 10;
                el.Stroke = Brushes.Tomato;
                el.Fill   = Brushes.Aqua;
                el.Uid    = "ElementPreview";
                Canvas.SetTop(el, item.Y - el.Height / 2);
                Canvas.SetLeft(el, item.X - el.Width / 2);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void move(List <string> args)
            List <double> argd = new List <double>();

            foreach (string arg in args)
                double a = 0;
                if (!double.TryParse(arg, out a))
                    throw new Exception("Not numeric arguments for a moving command");
            if (args.Count % 2 != 0)
                throw new Exception("Odd number of arguments for a move command");

            for (int i = 0; i < argd.Count; i += 2)
                System.Windows.Point startPosition = currentPosition;
                double dx = -argd[i];
                double dy = argd[i + 1];
                if (isRelative)
                    currentPosition = new System.Windows.Point(startPosition.X + dx, startPosition.Y + dy);
                    currentPosition = new System.Windows.Point(dx, dy);
                if (isDown)
                    System.Windows.Shapes.Line newLine = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();
                    newLine.X1 = startPosition.X;
                    newLine.Y1 = startPosition.Y;
                    newLine.X2 = currentPosition.X;
                    newLine.Y2 = currentPosition.Y;
                    if (Math.Abs(newLine.X2 - newLine.X1) > 0 || Math.Abs(newLine.Y2 - newLine.Y1) > 0)
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override void Draw()
            if (Instance == null || !(Instance is System.Windows.Shapes.Line))
                Instance = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();
            var line = Instance as System.Windows.Shapes.Line;

            line.X1 = A.X;
            line.Y1 = A.Y;

            line.X2 = B.X;
            line.Y2 = B.Y;


            line.StrokeThickness = 2;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static void addCordinate(Canvas gv)
            System.Windows.Shapes.Line a1 = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();
            a1.X1     = -100;
            a1.Y1     = 0;
            a1.X2     = 100;
            a1.Y2     = 0;
            a1.Stroke = Brushes.Black;

            System.Windows.Shapes.Line a2 = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();
            a2.X1     = 00;
            a2.Y1     = 100;
            a2.X2     = 0;
            a2.Y2     = -100;
            a2.Stroke = Brushes.Black;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public override void OnMouseDown(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            isDrawig = true;
            point    = new Point(e.GetPosition(canvas).X, e.GetPosition(canvas).Y);
            triangle = new Triangle(point, point, point);

            triangleSide1 = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();
            triangleSide2 = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();
            triangleSide3 = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();

            triangleSide1.X1 = triangleSide2.X1 = triangleSide3.X1 = triangleSide1.X2 = triangleSide2.X2 = triangleSide3.X2 = point.getX();
            triangleSide1.Y1 = triangleSide2.Y1 = triangleSide3.Y1 = triangleSide1.Y2 = triangleSide2.Y2 = triangleSide3.Y2 = point.getY();

            triangleSide1.Stroke = triangleSide2.Stroke = triangleSide3.Stroke = Brushes.Red;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the DrawingCanvas class.
        /// </summary>
        public DrawingCanvas()
            // Set the control content.
            this.Content = this.mainGrid = new Grid();

            // Background must not be null (null backgrounds don't pass mouse hit tests).
            this.mainGrid.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent);

            // Hook the mouse events.
            this.mainGrid.MouseLeftButtonDown  += mainGrid_MouseLeftButtonDown;
            this.mainGrid.MouseLeftButtonUp    += mainGrid_MouseLeftButtonUp;
            this.mainGrid.MouseRightButtonDown += mainGrid_MouseRightButtonDown;
            this.mainGrid.MouseRightButtonUp   += mainGrid_MouseRightButtonUp;
            this.mainGrid.MouseMove            += mainGrid_MouseMove;

            // Init all grids.
            this.mainGrid.Children.Add(this.animationGrid = new Grid());
            this.mainGrid.Children.Add(this.polygonsGrid  = new Grid());
            this.mainGrid.Children.Add(this.linesGrid     = new Grid());
            this.mainGrid.Children.Add(this.pointsGrid    = new Grid());
            this.mainGrid.Children.Add(this.selectionGrid = new Grid());

            // Init the selection line.
            this.selectionGrid.Children.Add(this.selectionLine = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line());
            this.selectionLine.Stroke          = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gray);
            this.selectionLine.StrokeDashArray = new DoubleCollection(new double[] { 2, 1 });

            // Initialized the observable collections (read more about observables).
            this.points = new ObservableCollection <CGUtilities.Point>();
            this.points.CollectionChanged += points_CollectionChanged;
            this.lines = new ObservableCollection <Line>();
            this.lines.CollectionChanged += lines_CollectionChanged;
            this.polygons = new ObservableCollection <Polygon>();
            this.polygons.CollectionChanged += polygons_CollectionChanged;

            polygonsUI  = new List <ObservableCollection <Line> >();
            this.KeyUp += DrawingCanvas_KeyUp;

            // Set the polygons flag to ready for receiving new Polygon
            lastPolygonClosed = true;

            // Ready to start Dragging new Polygon first line
            rightBtnIsDragging = false;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /*Draw Mesh*/
        public static void DrawMesh(Mesh xMesh, Canvas mainCanvas)
            System.Windows.Shapes.Polygon wPoly = new System.Windows.Shapes.Polygon();

            foreach (netDxf.Entities.MeshEdge xEdge in xMesh.Edges)
                System.Windows.Point myPt1 = TypeConverter.Vertex3ToPoint(xMesh.Vertexes[xEdge.StartVertexIndex]);
                System.Windows.Point myPt2 = TypeConverter.Vertex3ToPoint(xMesh.Vertexes[xEdge.EndVertexIndex]);
                myPt1.Y = mainCanvas.Height - myPt1.Y;
                myPt2.Y = mainCanvas.Height - myPt2.Y;

                System.Windows.Shapes.Line wLine = DrawUtils.GetLine(myPt1.X, myPt1.Y, myPt2.X, myPt2.Y);

                TypeConverter.Entity2Shape(xMesh, wLine);

Ejemplo n.º 9
        internal override void Reset()
            if (_x1 < 1 || _x2 < 1 || _lines.Count == 0)

            Line line = _lines[_lines.Count - 1];

            _x1Value = _chartX.GetReverseXInternal(line.X1) + _chartX._startIndex;
            _y1Value = _chartPanel.GetReverseY(line.Y1);
            _x2Value = _chartX.GetReverseXInternal(line.X2) + _chartX._startIndex;
            _y2Value = _chartPanel.GetReverseY(line.Y2);

            _x1 = _chartX.GetXPixel(_x1Value - _chartX._startIndex);
            _y1 = _chartPanel.GetY(_y1Value);
            _x2 = _chartX.GetXPixel(_x2Value - _chartX._startIndex);
            _y2 = _chartPanel.GetY(_y2Value);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        internal override void DrawLineStudy(Types.RectEx rect, LineStatus lineStatus)
            if (_line == null && lineStatus != LineStatus.StartPaint)
                DrawLineStudy(rect, LineStatus.StartPaint);

            if (lineStatus == LineStatus.StartPaint)
                _line = new Line {
                    Stroke = Stroke, StrokeThickness = StrokeThickness, Tag = this
                Types.SetShapePattern(_line, StrokeType);
                Canvas.SetZIndex(_line, ZIndexConstants.LineStudies1);

                if (_contextLine == null)
                    _contextLine = new ContextLine(this);
                    _chartX.InvokeLineStudyCreated(new StockChartX.LineStudyCreatedEventArgs(this));

                _internalObjectCreated = true;


            if (double.IsInfinity(rect.Top))

            //      _line.X1 = rect.Left;
            //      _line.Y1 = rect.Top;
            //      _line.X2 = rect.Right;
            //      _line.Y2 = rect.Bottom;
            _segment.X1 = rect.Left;
            _segment.Y1 = rect.Top;
            _segment.X2 = rect.Right;
            _segment.Y2 = rect.Bottom;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public static List <PolyLine> convertRectangleToPolyLines(System.Windows.Rect rectangle, bool machineRemoval)
            double removal = machineRemoval ? Machine.INSIDE_KNIFE_POINTS_REMOVAL / Machine.POINTS_PER_INCH : 0;

            System.Windows.Shapes.Line left, right, top, bottom;
            left      = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();
            right     = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();
            top       = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();
            bottom    = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();
            bottom.X1 = top.X2 = rectangle.Right - removal;
            bottom.X2 = top.X1 = rectangle.Left + removal;
            left.Y1   = right.Y2 = rectangle.Bottom + removal;
            left.Y2   = right.Y1 = rectangle.Top - removal;
            bottom.Y1 = bottom.Y2 = rectangle.Bottom;
            top.Y1    = top.Y2 = rectangle.Top;
            left.X1   = left.X2 = rectangle.Left;
            right.X1  = right.X2 = rectangle.Right + 0.01;
            return(convertLinesToPolyLines(new List <System.Windows.Shapes.Line>(new System.Windows.Shapes.Line[] { bottom, left, top, right })));
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public Line(Circle start, Circle end, Brush stroke, Brush labelColor, double opacity, double thickness = 1, double strokeDashLength = 0)
     _line = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();
     Canvas.SetZIndex(_line, int.MinValue);
     _label     = new LineLabel(labelColor);
     Start      = start;
     End        = end;
     Stroke     = stroke;
     LabelColor = labelColor;
     Opacity    = opacity;
     Thickness  = thickness;
     if (strokeDashLength > 0)
         StrokeDash = new DoubleCollection()
Ejemplo n.º 13
        internal static void DrawLine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, Brush strokeBrush,
                                      LinePattern strokePattern, double strokeThickness,
                                      PaintObjectsManager <Line> lines)
            Line linePo = lines.GetPaintObject();

            System.Windows.Shapes.Line line = linePo._line;

            line.X1 = x1;
            line.X2 = x2;
            line.Y1 = y1;
            line.Y2 = y2;
            if (!BrushesEqual(line.Stroke, strokeBrush))
                line.Stroke = strokeBrush;

            line.StrokeThickness = strokeThickness;
            Types.SetShapePattern(line, strokePattern);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void MouseDownPolyLine(Panel canvas, MouseButtonEventArgs e, Matrix screenToWorld, PolyLine1 ply)
            Point p = e.GetPosition(canvas);

            p = screenToWorld.Transform(p);
            var point = new Point(p.X, p.Y);


            _polyline = ply;
            PolyLine1 clonePy = new PolyLine1();

            clonePy.Points = new PointCollection();

            _line = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();
            //_line = new Line();
            _line.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);
            _line.X1 = p.X;
            _line.Y1 = p.Y;
            _line.X2 = p.X;
            _line.Y2 = p.Y;

            if (ply.Points.Count == 1)
                // ply.Points.Add(point);//添加新的数据点
                lastIndex = canvas.Children.IndexOf(ply);
                clonePy.Points = ply.Points.Clone();
                _polyline      = clonePy;
                canvas.Children.Insert(lastIndex, clonePy);//重新new  新节点否则不会onrender 执行
                canvas.Children.RemoveAt(lastIndex + 1);
                canvas.Children.Insert(lastIndex + 1, _line);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private void PaintLine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, int index, bool paint)
            if (!paint && _lines[index] != null)
                _lines[index]._line.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            System.Windows.Shapes.Line l = _lines[index]._line;

            _lines[index]._line.X1 = x1;
            _lines[index]._line.Y1 = y1;
            _lines[index]._line.X2 = x2;
            _lines[index]._line.Y2 = y2;
            _lines[index]._line.StrokeThickness = _series.StrokeThickness;
            if (_lines[index]._line.Visibility == Visibility.Collapsed)
                _lines[index]._line.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Displays the grouping of the strokes.
        /// </summary>
        public void displayAdjacency()
            foreach (Sketch.Shape shape1 in panel.Sketch.Shapes)
                foreach (Sketch.Shape shape2 in shape1.ConnectedShapes)
                    System.Windows.Point p1 = new System.Windows.Point((int)shape1.Centroid.X, (int)shape1.Centroid.Y);

                    System.Windows.Point p2 = new System.Windows.Point((int)shape2.Centroid.X, (int)shape2.Centroid.Y);

                    System.Windows.Shapes.Line line = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();
                    line.X1 = p1.X;
                    line.X2 = p2.X;
                    line.Y1 = p1.Y;
                    line.Y1 = p2.Y;

                    line.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
        public void drawLine(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, Brush outer, Brush inner)
            System.Windows.Shapes.Line objLine = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();

            objLine.Stroke = outer;
            objLine.Fill   = inner;
            //objLine.Width = 1;

            //< Start-Point >
            objLine.X1 = x1;
            objLine.Y1 = y1;
            //</ Start-Point >

            //< End-Point >
            objLine.X2 = x2;
            objLine.Y2 = y2;
            //</ End-Point >

            //< show in maingrid >
            //</ show in maingrid >
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public static Canvas GetPoint(Color couleur, double radius, double thickness)
            SolidColorBrush myBrush     = new SolidColorBrush(couleur);
            double          myThickness = 1 * (radius / 40);

            if (thickness > 0)
                myThickness = thickness;

            Canvas canvas1 = new Canvas();

            System.Windows.Shapes.Rectangle wRect = new System.Windows.Shapes.Rectangle();
            wRect.Width           = radius;
            wRect.Height          = radius;
            wRect.Stroke          = myBrush;
            wRect.StrokeThickness = myThickness;
            Canvas.SetLeft(wRect, radius / 2);
            Canvas.SetTop(wRect, radius / 2);

            System.Windows.Shapes.Line wLine = GetLine(0, radius, radius * 2, radius);
            wLine.Stroke              = myBrush;
            wLine.StrokeThickness     = myThickness;
            wLine.SnapsToDevicePixels = false;

            wLine                 = GetLine(radius, 0, radius, radius * 2);
            wLine.Stroke          = myBrush;
            wLine.StrokeThickness = myThickness;

            Canvas.SetZIndex(canvas1, 9999);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void displayConnections(Dictionary <Sketch.Shape, Dictionary <Sketch.Shape, bool> > shapeconnections)
            foreach (Sketch.Shape shape1 in shapeconnections.Keys)
                foreach (Sketch.Shape shape2 in shapeconnections[shape1].Keys)
                    if (shapeconnections[shape1][shape2])
                        System.Windows.Point p1 = new System.Windows.Point((int)shape1.Centroid.X, (int)shape1.Centroid.Y);

                        System.Windows.Point p2 = new System.Windows.Point((int)shape2.Centroid.X, (int)shape2.Centroid.Y);

                        System.Windows.Shapes.Line line = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();
                        line.X1 = p1.X;
                        line.X2 = p2.X;
                        line.Y1 = p1.Y;
                        line.Y1 = p2.Y;

                        line.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        protected override void Write(WpfRenderer renderer, ThematicBreakBlock obj)
            if (renderer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(renderer));
            if (obj == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(obj));

            var line = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line {
                X2 = 1

            line.SetResourceReference(FrameworkContentElement.StyleProperty, Styles.ThematicBreakStyleKey);

            var paragraph = new Paragraph
                Inlines = { new InlineUIContainer(line) }

Ejemplo n.º 21
 internal override void SetCursor()
     if (_lines.Length == 0)
     System.Windows.Shapes.Line line = _lines[0];
     if (_selectionVisible)
         foreach (System.Windows.Shapes.Line l in _lines)
             l.Cursor = Cursors.Hand;
     if (_selectionVisible || line.Cursor == Cursors.Arrow)
     foreach (System.Windows.Shapes.Line l in _lines)
         l.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public Line()
     C = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();
Ejemplo n.º 23
        internal override void DrawLineStudy(Types.RectEx rect, LineStatus lineStatus)
            if (lineStatus == LineStatus.StartPaint)


            if (rect.Width == 0 || rect.Left < 0)

            int revX1 = (int)(_chartX.GetReverseXInternal(rect.Left) + _chartX._startIndex);
            int revX2 = (int)(_chartX.GetReverseXInternal(rect.Right) + _chartX._startIndex);

            if (revX1 < 0)
                revX1 = 0;
            if (revX2 < 0)
                revX2 = 0;

            if (revX1 == revX2)

            // Note: this code makes the vague assumption
            // that only one symbol exists on this panel.
            // Get the close series
            Series sClose = GetSeriesOHLC(SeriesTypeOHLC.Close);

            if (sClose == null)
            //Debug.Assert(sClose.RecordCount == _chartX.RecordCount);
            if (revX1 >= _chartX.RecordCount)
                revX1 = _chartX.RecordCount - 1;
            if (revX2 >= _chartX.RecordCount)
                revX2 = _chartX.RecordCount - 1;

            // Get the highest high of the high series.
            double highestHigh = 0;
            Series sHigh       = GetSeriesOHLC(SeriesTypeOHLC.High);

            if (sHigh == null)
            //Debug.Assert(revX1 <= revX2);
            for (int i = revX1; i <= revX2; i++)
                if (sHigh[i].Value > highestHigh)
                    highestHigh = sHigh[i].Value.Value;

            //Get the lowest low of the low series.
            double lowestLow = highestHigh;
            Series sLow      = GetSeriesOHLC(SeriesTypeOHLC.Low);

            if (sLow == null)
            for (int i = revX1; i <= revX2; i++)
                if (sLow[i].Value < lowestLow)
                    lowestLow = sLow[i].Value.Value;

            double range = (highestHigh - lowestLow) * 0.5;

            if (_rangeScale.HasValue)
                range = (highestHigh - lowestLow) * _rangeScale.Value;

            // Perform linear regression on the data
            double xSum = 0, ySum = 0, xSquaredSum = 0, xYSum = 0;
            int    x = revX2 - revX1;
            int    j, n;

            for (n = 1; n != x + 1; ++n)
                j            = revX1 + n - 1;
                xSum        += n;
                ySum        += sClose[j].Value.Value;
                xSquaredSum += (n * n);
                xYSum       += (sClose[j].Value.Value * n);
            n = x;
            double q1         = n != 0 ? (xYSum - ((xSum * ySum) / n)) : 0;
            double q2         = n != 0 ? (xSquaredSum - ((xSum * xSum) / n)) : 0;
            double slope      = q2 != 0 ? (q1 / q2) : 0;
            double leftValue  = slope != 0 ? (((1 / (double)n) * ySum) - (((int)((double)n / 2)) * slope)) : 0.0;
            double rightValue = ((n * slope) + leftValue);
            double inc        = (x - 1) != 0 ? (rightValue - leftValue) / (x - 1) : 0;

            j = 0;
            double prevVal = 0;
            double lX1     = rect.Left;  //_chartX.GetX(revX1 - _chartX._startIndex);
            double lX2     = rect.Right; // _chartX.GetX((revX2 - 1) - _chartX._startIndex + 1);

            if (_linesError.Count == 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    System.Windows.Shapes.Line line = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line {
                        Tag = this
                    Canvas.SetZIndex(line, ZIndexConstants.LineStudies1);


                _contextLine = new ContextLine(this);

                _chartX.InvokeLineStudyCreated(new StockChartX.LineStudyCreatedEventArgs(this));

            _internalObjectCreated = true;

            _lines.C = C;
            for (n = revX1; n <= revX2; n++, j++)
                double val = leftValue + inc * (j - 1);
                //double lX1 = _chartX.GetX(n - _chartX._startIndex);
                //double lX2 = _chartX.GetX(n - _chartX._startIndex + 1);
                double lY1 = _chartPanel.GetY(prevVal + range);
                double lY2 = _chartPanel.GetY(val + range);
                if (prevVal != 0.0)
                    _errorLines[2].Y1 = lY1;
                    _errorLines[2].Y2 = lY2;
                    Utils.DrawLine(lX1, lY1, lX2, lY2, Stroke, StrokeType, StrokeThickness, _linesError[0]);

                lY1 = _chartPanel.GetY(prevVal - range);
                lY2 = _chartPanel.GetY(val - range);
                if (prevVal != 0.0)
                    _errorLines[0].Y1 = lY1;
                    _errorLines[0].Y2 = lY2;
                    Utils.DrawLine(lX1, lY1, lX2, lY2, Stroke, StrokeType, StrokeThickness, _linesError[1]);

                lY1 = _chartPanel.GetY(prevVal);
                lY2 = _chartPanel.GetY(val);
                if (prevVal != 0.0)
                    _errorLines[1].Y1 = lY1;
                    _errorLines[1].Y2 = lY2;
                    Utils.DrawLine(lX1, lY1, lX2, lY2, Stroke, StrokeType, StrokeThickness, _linesError[2]);

                prevVal = val;
            if (lineStatus == LineStatus.Moving || lineStatus == LineStatus.Painting)
                Utils.DrawLine(rect.Left, 0, rect.Left, _chartPanel.Height, Stroke, StrokeType, StrokeThickness, _lines);
                Utils.DrawLine(rect.Right, 0, rect.Right, _chartPanel.Height, Stroke, StrokeType, StrokeThickness, _lines);


            _lines.Do(l => l.ZIndex = ZIndexConstants.LineStudies1);

            _errorLines[0].X1 = rect.Left;
            _errorLines[0].X2 = rect.Right;
            _errorLines[1].X1 = rect.Left;
            _errorLines[1].X2 = rect.Right;
            _errorLines[2].X1 = rect.Left;
            _errorLines[2].X2 = rect.Right;

            if (_contextLine == null && _linesError.Count > 0)
                _contextLine = new ContextLine(this);
Ejemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles setting up the custom numbering margin.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Handles being called more than once as it will only add margin if it doesn't exist yet.</remarks>
        /// <history>
        /// [Curtis_Beard]		04/08/2015	ADD: update RichTextBox to AvalonEdit
        /// </history>
        private void InitCustomMargin()
            if (hasCustomMargin)

             var leftMargins = this.TextArea.LeftMargins;
             var dottedLine = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line
            X1 = 0,
            Y1 = 0,
            X2 = 0,
            Y2 = 1,
            StrokeDashArray = { 0, 2 },
            Stretch = System.Windows.Media.Stretch.Fill,
            StrokeThickness = 1,
            StrokeDashCap = System.Windows.Media.PenLineCap.Round,
            Margin = new System.Windows.Thickness(2, 0, 2, 0),
            Tag = dottedLineTag

            new System.Windows.Data.Binding("LineNumbersForeground") { Source = this }

             leftMargins.Insert(0, customMargin);
             leftMargins.Insert(1, dottedLine);

                                new System.Windows.Data.Binding("LineNumbersForeground")
                                   Source = this

                                new System.Windows.Data.Binding("LineNumbersMatchForeground")
                                   Source = this

             hasCustomMargin = true;
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public int GetScale(PointF min, PointF max, int CanvasSize)
            int    BorderAroutWorkArea = 150;
            double LongestWall         = 0;
            int    Scale = 0;

            CanvasSize = CanvasSize - BorderAroutWorkArea;
            List <System.Windows.Shapes.Line> sides = new List <System.Windows.Shapes.Line>();

            System.Windows.Shapes.Line sideA = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();
            sideA.X1 = min.X; sideA.Y1 = min.Y;
            sideA.X2 = min.X; sideA.Y2 = max.Y;

            System.Windows.Shapes.Line sideB = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();
            sideB.X1 = min.X; sideB.Y1 = max.Y;
            sideB.X2 = max.X; sideB.Y2 = max.Y;

            System.Windows.Shapes.Line sideC = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();
            sideC.X1 = max.X; sideC.Y1 = max.Y;
            sideC.X2 = max.X; sideC.Y2 = min.Y;

            System.Windows.Shapes.Line sideD = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();
            sideD.X1 = max.X; sideD.Y1 = min.Y;
            sideD.X2 = min.X; sideD.Y2 = min.Y;
            WpfCoordinates coord = new WpfCoordinates();

            foreach (var item in sides)
                if (coord.GetLength(item) > LongestWall)
                    LongestWall = coord.GetLength(item);

            if ((LongestWall / CanvasSize) < 1)
                Scale = 1;
            else if ((LongestWall / CanvasSize) >= 1 && (LongestWall / CanvasSize) < 2)
                Scale = 2;
            else if ((LongestWall / CanvasSize) >= 2 && (LongestWall / CanvasSize) < 5)
                Scale = 5;
            else if ((LongestWall / CanvasSize) >= 5 && (LongestWall / CanvasSize) < 10)
                Scale = 10;
            else if ((LongestWall / CanvasSize) >= 10 && (LongestWall / CanvasSize) < 20)
                Scale = 20;
            else if ((LongestWall / CanvasSize) >= 20 && (LongestWall / CanvasSize) < 25)
                Scale = 25;
            else if ((LongestWall / CanvasSize) >= 25 && (LongestWall / CanvasSize) < 50)
                Scale = 50;
            else if ((LongestWall / CanvasSize) >= 50 && (LongestWall / CanvasSize) < 100)
                Scale = 100;
            else if ((LongestWall / CanvasSize) >= 100 && (LongestWall / CanvasSize) < 200)
                Scale = 200;
            else if ((LongestWall / CanvasSize) >= 200 && (LongestWall / CanvasSize) < 500)
                Scale = 500;
            else if ((LongestWall / CanvasSize) >= 500 && (LongestWall / CanvasSize) < 1000)
                Scale = 1000;

Ejemplo n.º 26
        public List <PolyLine> getOutsideLines()
            List <System.Windows.Shapes.Line> lines = new List <System.Windows.Shapes.Line>();

            if (!cutOutside_)

            bool top  = qtyX_ % 2 == 1;
            bool left = qtyY_ % 2 == 0;

            for (int i = left ? 1 : qtyX_ - 1; left?i < qtyX_ : i > 0; i += left ? 1 : -1)
                System.Windows.Shapes.Line newLine = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();
                newLine.X1 = newLine.X2 = i * outside_.Width;
                if (top)
                    newLine.Y1 = 0;
                    newLine.Y2 = outside_.Height * qtyY_;
                    newLine.Y2 = 0;
                    newLine.Y1 = outside_.Height * qtyY_;

                top = !top;

            for (int j = 1; j < qtyY_; j++)
                System.Windows.Shapes.Line newLine = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();
                newLine.Y1 = newLine.Y2 = j * outside_.Height;
                if (left)
                    newLine.X1 = outside_.Width * qtyX_;
                    newLine.X2 = 0;
                    newLine.X1 = 0;
                    newLine.X2 = outside_.Width * qtyX_;
                left = !left;
            System.Windows.Shapes.Line topLine    = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();
            System.Windows.Shapes.Line rightLine  = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();
            System.Windows.Shapes.Line bottomLine = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();
            System.Windows.Shapes.Line leftLine   = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();
            topLine.X2 = rightLine.X1 = rightLine.X2 = bottomLine.X1 = 0;

            topLine.X1   = bottomLine.X2 = leftLine.X1 = leftLine.X2 = outside_.Width * qtyX_;
            topLine.Y1   = topLine.Y2 = rightLine.Y1 = leftLine.Y2 = outside_.Height * qtyY_;
            rightLine.Y2 = bottomLine.Y1 = bottomLine.Y2 = leftLine.Y1;
                new List <System.Windows.Shapes.Line> {
                rightLine, bottomLine, leftLine, topLine,
Ejemplo n.º 27
        internal override void DrawLineStudy(Types.RectEx rect, LineStatus lineStatus)
            if (lineStatus == LineStatus.StartPaint)
                for (int i = 0; i < _lines.Length; i++)
                    _lines[i] = new Line {
                        Tag = this
                    Canvas.SetZIndex(_lines[i], ZIndexConstants.LineStudies1);

                _contextLine = new ContextLine(this);

                _internalObjectCreated = true;

                _chartX.InvokeLineStudyCreated(new StockChartX.LineStudyCreatedEventArgs(this));


            //      for (int i = 0; i < _lines.Length; i++ )
            //      {
            //        double cx = C.ActualWidth - rect.Right;
            //        double cy = rect.Bottom - (cx * _angles[i]);
            //        Utils.DrawLine(rect.Right, rect.Bottom, C.ActualWidth, cy, Stroke, StrokeType, StrokeThickness, _lines[i]);
            //      }
            double x = 0; double cx = 0;
            double y = 0; double cy = 0;


            for (int n = 0; n != 10; n++)
                bool   flip = true;
                double ay   = 0;
                if (lineStatus == LineStatus.Painting || lineStatus == LineStatus.Moving)
                    ay = rect.Bottom;
                    ay = _y1;

                if (ay > C.ActualHeight - 30)
                    flip = true;
                else if (ay < 30)
                    flip = false;
                    flip = _prevUp;

                double right = rect.Left + ((rect.Right + MAX_VISIBLE) * ((n + 3) * 0.125));
                cx = right;

                if (flip)
                    cy = rect.Top - MAX_VISIBLE;
                    if (n == 4)
                        n = 5;
                    if (n == 5)
                        cx = rect.Right + MAX_VISIBLE;

                    y = rect.Bottom;
                    x = rect.Left;
                    cy = rect.Bottom + MAX_VISIBLE;
                    y  = rect.Top;
                    x  = rect.Left;

                Utils.DrawLine(x, y, cx, cy, Stroke, StrokeType, StrokeThickness, Opacity, _lines[n]);
Ejemplo n.º 28
        internal override void DrawLineStudy(Types.RectEx rect, LineStatus lineStatus)
            if (lineStatus == LineStatus.StartPaint)
                for (int i = 0; i < _lines.Length; i++)
                    _lines[i] = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line {
                        Tag = this
                    Canvas.SetZIndex(_lines[i], ZIndexConstants.LineStudies1);

                if (_contextLine == null)
                    _contextLine = new ContextLine(this);
                    _chartX.InvokeLineStudyCreated(new StockChartX.LineStudyCreatedEventArgs(this));

                _internalObjectCreated = true;



            if (rect.Width == 0)

            int revX1 = (int)(_chartX.GetReverseXInternal(rect.Left) + _chartX._startIndex);
            int revX2 = (int)(_chartX.GetReverseXInternal(rect.Right) + _chartX._startIndex);

            if (revX1 < 0)
                revX1 = 0;
            if (revX2 < 0)
                revX2 = 0;

            if (revX1 == revX2)

            // Get the highest high of the high series.
            // Note: this code makes the vague assumption
            // that only one symbol exists on this panel.
            Series sHigh = GetSeriesOHLC(SeriesTypeOHLC.High);

            if (sHigh == null)
            Series sLow = GetSeriesOHLC(SeriesTypeOHLC.Low);

            if (sLow == null)
            Series sClose = GetSeriesOHLC(SeriesTypeOHLC.Close);

            if (revX1 >= sHigh.RecordCount)
                revX1 = sHigh.RecordCount;
            if (revX2 >= sHigh.RecordCount)
                revX2 = sHigh.RecordCount;

            // Perform linear regression on the data
            double xSum = 0, ySum = 0, xSquaredSum = 0, xYSum = 0;
            int    n, j;

            if (revX1 > revX2)
                revX2 = revX1;
            int x = revX2 - revX1;

            for (n = 1; n != x + 1; ++n)
                j            = revX1 + n - 1;
                xSum        += n;
                ySum        += sClose[j].Value.Value;
                xSquaredSum += (n * n);
                xYSum       += (sClose[j].Value.Value * n);
            n = x;
            double q1         = n != 0 ? (xYSum - ((xSum * ySum) / n)) : 0;
            double q2         = n != 0 ? (xSquaredSum - ((xSum * xSum) / n)) : 0;
            double slope      = q2 != 0 ? (q1 / q2) : 0;
            double leftValue  = slope != 0 ? (((1 / (double)n) * ySum) - (((int)((double)n / 2)) * slope)) : 0.0;
            double rightValue = ((n * slope) + leftValue);
            double right      = (x - 1);
            double inc        = 0;

            if (right != 0)
                inc = (rightValue - leftValue) / right;

            double prevVal = 0.0;

            j = 0;
            // Find max distance from linear regression line
            double lowestLow   = sHigh[0].Value.Value;
            double highestHigh = 0;

            for (n = revX1; n < revX2; ++n)
                double val = leftValue + inc * (j - 1);
                if (prevVal != 0)
                    if (sHigh[n].Value.Value - val > highestHigh)
                        highestHigh = sHigh[n].Value.Value - val;
                    if (val - sLow[n].Value.Value < lowestLow &&
                        val - sLow[n].Value.Value > 0)
                        lowestLow = val - sLow[n].Value.Value;
                prevVal = val;
            if (highestHigh > lowestLow)
                lowestLow = highestHigh;
            if (lowestLow > highestHigh)
                highestHigh = lowestLow;

            _linesSel.C = C;

            double lX1 = _chartX.GetXPixel(revX1 - _chartX._startIndex);
            double lX2 = _chartX.GetXPixel(revX2 - _chartX._startIndex + 1);

            j = 0;
            for (n = revX1; n < revX2; n++, j++)
                double val = leftValue + inc * (j - 1);
                double lY1 = _chartPanel.GetY(prevVal - lowestLow);
                double lY2 = _chartPanel.GetY(val - lowestLow);
                if (prevVal != 0)
                    Utils.DrawLine(lX1, lY1, lX2, lY2, Stroke, StrokeType, StrokeThickness, _lines[0]);

                lY1 = _chartPanel.GetY(prevVal);
                lY2 = _chartPanel.GetY(val);
                if (prevVal != 0)
                    Utils.DrawLine(lX1, lY1, lX2, lY2, Stroke, StrokeType, StrokeThickness, _lines[1]);

                lY1 = _chartPanel.GetY(prevVal + highestHigh);
                lY2 = _chartPanel.GetY(val + highestHigh);
                if (prevVal != 0)
                    Utils.DrawLine(lX1, lY1, lX2, lY2, Stroke, StrokeType, StrokeThickness, _lines[2]);

                prevVal = val;

            if (lineStatus == LineStatus.Moving || lineStatus == LineStatus.Painting)
                Utils.DrawLine(lX1, 0, lX1, C.ActualHeight, Stroke, LinePattern.Dot, StrokeThickness, _linesSel);
                Utils.DrawLine(lX2, 0, lX2, C.ActualHeight, Stroke, LinePattern.Dot, StrokeThickness, _linesSel);
            _linesSel.Do(l => l.ZIndex = ZIndexConstants.LineStudies1);
Ejemplo n.º 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates this instance.
        /// </summary>
        private void Update()
            double xAxisWidthStep = (int)this.ActualWidth / this.XAxis.MIntervalCount;
            double xAxisWidthPosition = xAxisWidthStep;
            int xminorCount = 0;
            int yminorCount = 0;
            if ((this.XAxis.MLabels.Count) == _xLines.Count)
                for (int i = 0; i < this.XAxis.MLabels.Count; i++)
                    Line line = _xLines[i];
                    line.X1 = xAxisWidthPosition;
                    line.X2 = xAxisWidthPosition;
                    line.Y2 = (int)this.ActualHeight;
                    if (i != (this.XAxis.MLabels.Count - 1))
                        for (int a = 0; a < this.XAxis.MinorTicksCount; a++)
                            Line minorline = _xMinorLines[xminorCount];
                            minorline.X1 = this.XAxis.DataToPoint((this.XAxis.MStartValue + (this.XAxis.MInterval * i)) + ((this.XAxis.MInterval / (this.XAxis.MinorTicksCount + 1)) * (a + 1)));
                            minorline.X2 = this.XAxis.DataToPoint((this.XAxis.MStartValue + (this.XAxis.MInterval * i)) + ((this.XAxis.MInterval / (this.XAxis.MinorTicksCount + 1)) * (a + 1)));
                            minorline.Y1 = 0;
                            minorline.Y2 = this.ActualHeight;
                    xAxisWidthPosition += xAxisWidthStep;
                if ((this.XAxis.MLabels.Count) > _xLines.Count)
                    int offset = (this.XAxis.MLabels.Count) - _xLines.Count;
                    for (int j = 0; j < offset; j++)
                        Line line = new Line {X1 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = this.ActualHeight};
                        Binding styleBinding = new Binding
                                Path = new PropertyPath("CrossLineStyle"),
                                Source = this.XAxis
                        Binding showCrossLines = new Binding
                                Path = new PropertyPath("ShowCrossLines"),
                                Source = this.XAxis,
                                Converter = new BooleanToVisibilityConverter()
                        line.SetBinding(Line.VisibilityProperty, showCrossLines);
                        line.SetBinding(Line.StyleProperty, styleBinding);
                        for (int a = 0; a < this.XAxis.MinorTicksCount; a++)
                            Line minorline = new Line();
                            Binding minorstyleBinding = new Binding
                                    Path = new PropertyPath("MinorCrossLineStyle"),
                                    Source = this.XAxis
                            minorline.SetBinding(Line.StyleProperty, minorstyleBinding);
                            Binding minorshowCrossLines = new Binding
                                    Path = new PropertyPath("ShowMinorCrossLines"),
                                    Source = this.XAxis
                            minorshowCrossLines.Converter = new BooleanToVisibilityConverter();
                            minorline.SetBinding(Line.VisibilityProperty, minorshowCrossLines);
                            minorline.X1 = this.XAxis.DataToPoint((this.XAxis.MStartValue + (this.XAxis.MInterval * j)) + ((this.XAxis.MInterval / (this.XAxis.MinorTicksCount + 1)) * (a + 1)));
                            minorline.X2 = this.XAxis.DataToPoint((this.XAxis.MStartValue + (this.XAxis.MInterval * j)) + ((this.XAxis.MInterval / (this.XAxis.MinorTicksCount + 1)) * (a + 1)));
                            minorline.Y1 = 0;
                            minorline.Y2 = this.ActualHeight;

                    int offset = _xLines.Count - (this.XAxis.MLabels.Count);
                    for (int j = 0; j < offset; j++)
                        for (int a = 0; a < this.XAxis.MinorTicksCount; a++)
                            this.Children.Remove(_xMinorLines[_xMinorLines.Count - 1]);
                            _xMinorLines.RemoveAt(_xMinorLines.Count - 1);
                        this.Children.Remove(_xLines[_xLines.Count - 1]);
                        _xLines.RemoveAt(_xLines.Count - 1);
                for (int i = 0; i < this.XAxis.MLabels.Count; i++)
                    Line line = _xLines[i];
                    line.X1 = xAxisWidthPosition;
                    line.X2 = xAxisWidthPosition;
                    line.Y2 = this.ActualHeight;
                    if (i != (this.XAxis.MLabels.Count - 1))
                        for (int a = 0; a < this.XAxis.MinorTicksCount; a++)
                            Line minorline = _xMinorLines[xminorCount];
                            minorline.X1 = this.XAxis.DataToPoint((this.XAxis.MStartValue + (this.XAxis.MInterval * i)) + ((this.XAxis.MInterval / (this.XAxis.MinorTicksCount + 1)) * (a + 1)));
                            minorline.X2 = this.XAxis.DataToPoint((this.XAxis.MStartValue + (this.XAxis.MInterval * i)) + ((this.XAxis.MInterval / (this.XAxis.MinorTicksCount + 1)) * (a + 1)));
                            minorline.Y1 = 0;
                            minorline.Y2 = this.ActualHeight;
                    xAxisWidthPosition += xAxisWidthStep;
            double yAxisHeightStep = (int)this.ActualHeight / this.YAxis.MIntervalCount;
            double yAxisHeightPosition = yAxisHeightStep;
            if (YAxis.MLabels.Count == _yLines.Count)
                for (int i = 0; i < YAxis.MLabels.Count ; i++)
                    Line line = _yLines[i];
                    line.X2 = this.ActualWidth;
                    line.Y1 = yAxisHeightPosition;
                    line.Y2 = yAxisHeightPosition;
                    if (i != (this.YAxis.MLabels.Count - 1))
                        for (int a = 0; a < this.YAxis.MinorTicksCount; a++)
                            Line minorline = _yMinorLines[yminorCount];
                            minorline.Y1 = this.YAxis.DataToPoint((this.YAxis.MStartValue + (this.YAxis.MInterval * i)) + ((this.YAxis.MInterval / (this.YAxis.MinorTicksCount + 1)) * (a + 1)));
                            minorline.Y2 = this.YAxis.DataToPoint((this.YAxis.MStartValue + (this.YAxis.MInterval * i)) + ((this.YAxis.MInterval / (this.YAxis.MinorTicksCount + 1)) * (a + 1)));
                            minorline.X1 = 0;
                            minorline.X2 = this.ActualWidth;
                    yAxisHeightPosition += yAxisHeightStep;
                if ((this.YAxis.MLabels.Count) > _yLines.Count)
                    int offset = (this.YAxis.MLabels.Count) - _yLines.Count;
                    for (int j = 0; j < offset; j++)
                        Line line = new Line();
                        line.X1 = 0;
                        line.X2 = this.ActualWidth;
                        line.Y1 = yAxisHeightPosition;
                        line.Y2 = yAxisHeightPosition;
                        Binding showCrossLines = new Binding
                                Path = new PropertyPath("ShowCrossLines"),
                                Source = this.YAxis,
                                Converter = new BooleanToVisibilityConverter()
                        line.SetBinding(Line.VisibilityProperty, showCrossLines);
                        Binding styleBinding = new Binding
                                Path = new PropertyPath("CrossLineStyle"),
                                Source = this.YAxis
                        line.SetBinding(Line.StyleProperty, styleBinding);
                        for (int a = 0; a < this.YAxis.MinorTicksCount; a++)
                            Line minorline = new Line();
                            Binding minorstyleBinding = new Binding
                                    Path = new PropertyPath("MinorCrossLineStyle"),
                                    Source = this.YAxis
                            minorline.SetBinding(Line.StyleProperty, minorstyleBinding);
                            Binding minorshowCrossLines = new Binding
                                    Path = new PropertyPath("ShowMinorCrossLines"),
                                    Source = this.YAxis
                            minorshowCrossLines.Converter = new BooleanToVisibilityConverter();
                            minorline.SetBinding(Line.VisibilityProperty, minorshowCrossLines);
                            minorline.Y1 = this.YAxis.DataToPoint((this.YAxis.MStartValue + (this.YAxis.MInterval * j)) + ((this.YAxis.MInterval / (this.YAxis.MinorTicksCount + 1)) * (a + 1)));
                            minorline.Y2 = this.YAxis.DataToPoint((this.YAxis.MStartValue + (this.YAxis.MInterval * j)) + ((this.YAxis.MInterval / (this.YAxis.MinorTicksCount + 1)) * (a + 1)));
                            minorline.X1 = 0;
                            minorline.X2 = this.ActualWidth;
                    int offset = _yLines.Count - (this.YAxis.MLabels.Count);
                    for (int j = 0; j < offset; j++)
                        for (int a = 0; a < this.YAxis.MinorTicksCount; a++)
                            this.Children.Remove(_yMinorLines[_yMinorLines.Count - 1]);
                            _yMinorLines.RemoveAt(_yMinorLines.Count - 1);
                        this.Children.Remove(_yLines[_yLines.Count - 1]);
                        _yLines.RemoveAt(_yLines.Count - 1);
                for (int i = 0; i < YAxis.MLabels.Count-1; i++)
                    Line line = _yLines[i];
                    line.X2 = this.ActualWidth;
                    line.Y1 = yAxisHeightPosition;
                    line.Y2 = yAxisHeightPosition;
                    if (i != (this.YAxis.MLabels.Count - 1))
                        for (int a = 0; a < this.YAxis.MinorTicksCount; a++)
                            Line minorline = _yMinorLines[yminorCount];
                            minorline.Y1 = this.YAxis.DataToPoint((this.YAxis.MStartValue + (this.YAxis.MInterval * i)) + ((this.YAxis.MInterval / (this.YAxis.MinorTicksCount + 1)) * (a + 1)));
                            minorline.Y2 = this.YAxis.DataToPoint((this.YAxis.MStartValue + (this.YAxis.MInterval * i)) + ((this.YAxis.MInterval / (this.YAxis.MinorTicksCount + 1)) * (a + 1)));
                            minorline.X1 = 0;
                            minorline.X2 = this.ActualWidth;
                    yAxisHeightPosition += yAxisHeightStep;
Ejemplo n.º 30
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="key">Unique key for line study</param>
 /// <param name="stroke">Stroke brush</param>
 /// <param name="chartPanel">Reference to chart panel where it will be placed.</param>
 public VerticalLine(string key, Brush stroke, ChartPanel chartPanel)
     : base(key, stroke, chartPanel)
     _studyType = StudyTypeEnum.VerticalLine;
     _line      = new Line();
Ejemplo n.º 31
		UIElement CreateGraphicsElement(ExportGraphic column)
			var  line = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();
			line.Stroke = ConvertBrush(column.StyleDecorator.ForeColor);
			line.StrokeThickness = column.StyleDecorator.Thickness;
			var ld = column.StyleDecorator as LineDecorator;
			if (ld != null) {
				line.X1 = ld.From.X;
				line.Y1 = ld.From.Y;
				line.X2 = ld.To.X;
				line.Y2 = ld.To.Y;
			} else {
				line.X1 = column.StyleDecorator.Location.X;
				line.Y1 = column.StyleDecorator.Location.Y;
				line.X2 = column.StyleDecorator.DisplayRectangle.Width;
				line.Y2 = column.StyleDecorator.Location.Y;
			return line;
Ejemplo n.º 32
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw an individual skeleton.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="skeleton">The skeleton to draw.</param>
        /// <param name="brush">The brush to use.</param>
        /// <param name="thickness">This thickness of the stroke.</param>
        private void DrawStickMan(Skeleton skeleton, Brush brush, int thickness)
            foreach (var run in SkeletonSegmentRuns)
                var next = this.GetJointPoint(skeleton, run[0]);
                for (var i = 1; i < run.Length; i++)
                    var prev = next;
                    next = this.GetJointPoint(skeleton, run[i]);

                    var line = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line
                        Stroke = brush,
                        StrokeThickness = thickness,
                        X1 = prev.X,
                        Y1 = prev.Y,
                        X2 = next.X,
                        Y2 = next.Y,
                        StrokeEndLineCap = PenLineCap.Round,
                        StrokeStartLineCap = PenLineCap.Round

Ejemplo n.º 33
 public PolyLine(System.Windows.Shapes.Line line)
     lines_ = new List <System.Windows.Shapes.Line>(new System.Windows.Shapes.Line[] { line });
Ejemplo n.º 34
 private void Initialize()
     if (this.ActualHeight > 0 && this.ActualWidth > 0)
         double xAxisWidthStep = this.ActualWidth / this.XAxis.MIntervalCount;
         double xAxisWidthPosition = 0;
         _xLines = new List<Line>();
         _yLines = new List<Line>();
         _xMinorLines = new List<Line>();
         _yMinorLines = new List<Line>();
         int k = 0;
         for (int i = 0; i < this.XAxis.MLabels.Count; i++)
             Line line = new Line();
             line.X1 = this.XAxis.DataToPoint(this.XAxis.MStartValue + (this.XAxis.MInterval * k));
             line.X2 = this.XAxis.DataToPoint(this.XAxis.MStartValue + (this.XAxis.MInterval * k));
             line.Y1 = 0;
             line.Y2 = this.ActualHeight;
             Binding styleBinding = new Binding {Path = new PropertyPath("CrossLineStyle"), Source = this.XAxis};
             line.SetBinding(Line.StyleProperty, styleBinding);
             Binding showCrossLines = new Binding
                     Path = new PropertyPath("ShowCrossLines"),
                     Source = this.XAxis
             showCrossLines.Converter = new BooleanToVisibilityConverter();
             line.SetBinding(Line.VisibilityProperty, showCrossLines);
             if (i != (this.XAxis.MLabels.Count - 1))
                 for (int a = 0; a < this.XAxis.MinorTicksCount; a++)
                     Line minorline = new Line();
                     Binding minorstyleBinding = new Binding
                             Path = new PropertyPath("MinorCrossLineStyle"),
                             Source = this.XAxis
                     minorline.SetBinding(Line.StyleProperty, minorstyleBinding);
                     Binding minorshowCrossLines = new Binding
                             Path = new PropertyPath("ShowMinorCrossLines"),
                             Source = this.XAxis
                     minorshowCrossLines.Converter = new BooleanToVisibilityConverter();
                     minorline.SetBinding(Line.VisibilityProperty, minorshowCrossLines);
                     minorline.X1 = this.XAxis.DataToPoint((this.XAxis.MStartValue + (this.XAxis.MInterval * k)) + ((this.XAxis.MInterval / (this.XAxis.MinorTicksCount + 1)) * (a + 1)));
                     minorline.X2 = this.XAxis.DataToPoint((this.XAxis.MStartValue + (this.XAxis.MInterval * k)) + ((this.XAxis.MInterval / (this.XAxis.MinorTicksCount + 1)) * (a + 1)));
                     minorline.Y1 = 0;
                     minorline.Y2 = this.ActualHeight;
             xAxisWidthPosition += xAxisWidthStep;
         double yAxisHeightStep = this.ActualHeight / this.YAxis.MIntervalCount;
         double yAxisHeightPosition = 0;
         int j = 0;
         for (int i = 0; i < YAxis.MLabels.Count; i++)
             Line line = new Line();
             line.X1 = 0;
             line.X2 = this.ActualWidth;
             line.Y1 = this.YAxis.DataToPoint(this.YAxis.MStartValue + (this.YAxis.MInterval * j));
             line.Y2 = this.YAxis.DataToPoint(this.YAxis.MStartValue + (this.YAxis.MInterval * j));
             Binding showCrossLines = new Binding
                     Path = new PropertyPath("ShowCrossLines"),
                     Source = this.YAxis
             showCrossLines.Converter = new BooleanToVisibilityConverter();
             line.SetBinding(Line.VisibilityProperty, showCrossLines);
             Binding styleBinding = new Binding {Path = new PropertyPath("CrossLineStyle"), Source = this.YAxis};
             line.SetBinding(Line.StyleProperty, styleBinding);
             if (i != (this.YAxis.MLabels.Count - 1))
                 for (int a = 0; a < this.YAxis.MinorTicksCount; a++)
                     Line minorline = new Line();
                     Binding minorstyleBinding = new Binding
                             Path = new PropertyPath("MinorCrossLineStyle"),
                             Source = this.YAxis
                     minorline.SetBinding(Line.StyleProperty, minorstyleBinding);
                     Binding minorshowCrossLines = new Binding
                             Path = new PropertyPath("ShowMinorCrossLines"),
                             Source = this.YAxis
                     minorshowCrossLines.Converter = new BooleanToVisibilityConverter();
                     minorline.SetBinding(Line.VisibilityProperty, minorshowCrossLines);
                     minorline.Y1 = this.YAxis.DataToPoint((this.YAxis.MStartValue + (this.YAxis.MInterval * j)) + ((this.YAxis.MInterval / (this.YAxis.MinorTicksCount + 1)) * (a + 1)));
                     minorline.Y2 = this.YAxis.DataToPoint((this.YAxis.MStartValue + (this.YAxis.MInterval * j)) + ((this.YAxis.MInterval / (this.YAxis.MinorTicksCount + 1)) * (a + 1)));
                     minorline.X1 = 0;
                     minorline.X2 = this.ActualWidth;
             yAxisHeightPosition += yAxisHeightStep;
         _isInitialized = true;
Ejemplo n.º 35
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start"></param>
        /// <param name="end"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        FrameworkElement CreateTickMark(Point start, Point end, TickLocation location)
            // If no template was specified, use the default
                if (TickTemplate == null)
                    System.Windows.Shapes.Line ln = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();
                    ln.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);
                    ln.StrokeThickness = 1.0;
                    ln.X1 = start.X;
                    ln.Y1 = start.Y;
                    ln.X2 = end.X;
                    ln.Y2 = end.Y;

                    return ln;
                    ContentPresenter cp = new ContentPresenter();
                    //cp.Content = "a";
                    cp.ContentTemplate = TickTemplate;

                    if (location == TickLocation.Top)
                        cp.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, start.Y - cp.ActualHeight);
                        cp.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, start.X - (cp.ActualWidth / 2));
                        cp.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, end.Y);
                        cp.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, start.X - (cp.ActualWidth / 2));

                    return cp;
Ejemplo n.º 36
        internal override void DrawLineStudy(Types.RectEx rect, LineStatus lineStatus)
            double cy = 0;

            if (rect.IsZero)

            if (_lines.Count == 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    Line line = new Line {
                        Tag = this
                    Canvas.SetZIndex(line, ZIndexConstants.LineStudies1);


                _internalObjectCreated = true;

                _chartX.InvokeLineStudyCreated(new StockChartX.LineStudyCreatedEventArgs(this));

            double value = (rect.Bottom - rect.Top) / 3;

            rect.Bottom += 15;

            double b  = (rect.Top - rect.Bottom) / (rect.Left - rect.Right);
            double c  = rect.Top - b * rect.Left;
            double cx = C.ActualWidth;

            cy = (b * cx + c) + cy * 0.3;
            double y = rect.Top;
            double x = rect.Left;

            Utils.DrawLine(x, y, cx, cy, Stroke, StrokeType, StrokeThickness, Opacity, _lines[0]);

            b  = ((rect.Top + value * 1) - rect.Bottom) / (rect.Left - rect.Right);
            c  = (rect.Top + value * 1) - b * rect.Left;
            cx = C.ActualWidth;
            cy = (b * cx + c) + cy * 0.5;
            y  = rect.Top;
            x  = rect.Left;
            Utils.DrawLine(x, y, cx, cy, Stroke, StrokeType, StrokeThickness, Opacity, _lines[1]);

            b  = (rect.Top + value * 2 - rect.Bottom) / (rect.Left - rect.Right);
            c  = rect.Top + value * 2 - b * rect.Left;
            cx = C.ActualWidth;
            cy = (b * cx + c) + cy * 0.8;
            y  = rect.Top;
            x  = rect.Left;
            Utils.DrawLine(x, y, cx, cy, Stroke, StrokeType, StrokeThickness, Opacity, _lines[2]);
            rect.Bottom -= 15;

            Utils.DrawLine(rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Right, rect.Bottom, Stroke, StrokeType, StrokeThickness, Opacity, _lines[3]);

            if (_contextLine == null)
                _contextLine = new ContextLine(this);
Ejemplo n.º 37
        public static Canvas GenerateLegendPart(int type, int column)
            Canvas c = null;

            // 1 = Symbol
            if (column == 1)
                c        = new Canvas();
                c.Width  = 30;
                c.Height = 30;

            // 2 = Explanation
            TextBox tb = null;

            if (column == 2)
                c        = new Canvas();
                c.Width  = 140;
                c.Height = 30;

                tb              = new TextBox();
                tb.Width        = 138;
                tb.Height       = 28;
                tb.TextWrapping = System.Windows.TextWrapping.Wrap;
                tb.HorizontalContentAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                tb.VerticalContentAlignment   = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Center;
                tb.IsReadOnly      = true;
                tb.BorderThickness = new System.Windows.Thickness(0);
                Canvas.SetLeft(tb, 0);
                Canvas.SetTop(tb, 0);

            // Self Managed
            if (column == 1 && c != null && type == 1)
                var r = new System.Windows.Shapes.Rectangle();
                r.Width     = 20;
                r.Height    = 20;
                r.MinWidth  = 20;
                r.MinHeight = 20;
                r.Fill      = ColorToBrush(AssetSelfManagedColor);
                r.Stroke    = ColorToBrush(DefaultBorderColor);
                r.Width     = 2.0;
                r.RadiusX   = 5;
                r.RadiusY   = 5;
                Canvas.SetLeft(r, 5);
                Canvas.SetTop(r, 3);
            if (column == 2 && tb != null && type == 1)
                tb.Text = "Entity (self-managed)";

            // Co Managed
            if (column == 1 && c != null && type == 2)
                var r = new System.Windows.Shapes.Rectangle();
                r.Width     = 20;
                r.Height    = 20;
                r.MinWidth  = 20;
                r.MinHeight = 20;
                r.Fill      = ColorToBrush(AssetCoManagedColor);
                r.Stroke    = ColorToBrush(DefaultBorderColor);
                r.Width     = 2.0;
                r.RadiusX   = 5;
                r.RadiusY   = 5;
                Canvas.SetLeft(r, 5);
                Canvas.SetTop(r, 3);
            if (column == 2 && tb != null && type == 2)
                tb.Text = "Entity (co-managed)";

            // Property
            if (column == 1 && c != null && type == 3)
                var r = new System.Windows.Shapes.Rectangle();
                r.Width     = 20;
                r.Height    = 20;
                r.MinWidth  = 20;
                r.MinHeight = 20;
                r.Fill      = ColorToBrush(PropertyFillColor);
                r.Stroke    = ColorToBrush(PropertyBorderColor);
                r.Width     = 2.0;
                r.RadiusX   = 0;
                r.RadiusY   = 0;
                Canvas.SetLeft(r, 5);
                Canvas.SetTop(r, 3);
            if (column == 2 && tb != null && type == 3)
                tb.Text = "Property";

            // Asset
            if (column == 1 && c != null && type == 4)
                var r = new System.Windows.Shapes.Rectangle();
                r.Width     = 20;
                r.Height    = 20;
                r.MinWidth  = 20;
                r.MinHeight = 20;
                r.Fill      = ColorToBrush(AssetFillColor);
                r.Stroke    = ColorToBrush(AssetBorderColor);
                r.Width     = 2.0;
                r.RadiusX   = 0;
                r.RadiusY   = 0;
                Canvas.SetLeft(r, 5);
                Canvas.SetTop(r, 3);
            if (column == 2 && tb != null && type == 4)
                tb.Text = "Asset";

            // Prop Rel
            if (column == 1 && c != null && type == 5)
                var line = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();
                line.X1              = 2;
                line.Y1              = 15;
                line.X2              = 28;
                line.Y2              = 15;
                line.Stroke          = ColorToBrush(PropertyBorderColor);
                line.StrokeThickness = 2.0;
            if (column == 2 && tb != null && type == 5)
                tb.Text = "Property \u2b64  Entity";

            // normal Rel
            if (column == 1 && c != null && type == 6)
                var line = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();
                line.X1              = 2;
                line.Y1              = 15;
                line.X2              = 28;
                line.Y2              = 15;
                line.Stroke          = ColorToBrush(DefaultBorderColor);
                line.StrokeThickness = 2.0;
            if (column == 2 && tb != null && type == 6)
                tb.Text = "Relation";

            // ok
            if (c != null)
                c.Margin = new System.Windows.Thickness(2);
Ejemplo n.º 38
        internal override void DrawLineStudy(Types.RectEx rect, LineStatus lineStatus)
            if (lineStatus == LineStatus.StartPaint)
                for (int i = 0; i < _lines.Length; i++)
                    _lines[i] = new Line {
                        Tag = this
                    Canvas.SetZIndex(_lines[i], ZIndexConstants.LineStudies1);

                if (_contextLine == null)
                    _contextLine = new ContextLine(this);
                    _chartX.InvokeLineStudyCreated(new StockChartX.LineStudyCreatedEventArgs(this));

            // ****************************************************************
            // *Note: This line study requires OHLC series in the owner panel!*
            // ****************************************************************

            if (rect.Width == 0)

            int revX1 = (int)(_chartX.GetReverseXInternal(rect.Left) + _chartX._startIndex);
            int revX2 = (int)(_chartX.GetReverseXInternal(rect.Right) + _chartX._startIndex);

            if (revX1 < 0)
                revX1 = 0;
            if (revX2 < 0)
                revX2 = 0;

            if (revX1 == revX2)

            // Get the highest high of the high series.
            // Note: this code makes the vague assumption
            // that only one symbol exists on this panel.
            Series sHigh = GetSeriesOHLC(SeriesTypeOHLC.High);

            if (sHigh == null)
            Series sLow = GetSeriesOHLC(SeriesTypeOHLC.Low);

            if (sLow == null)

            double highestHigh = sHigh.MaxFromInterval(ref revX1, ref revX2);
            double lowestLow   = sLow.MinFromInterval(ref revX1, ref revX2);

            double value = highestHigh + ((highestHigh - lowestLow) / 4);

            _linesSel.C = C;
            for (int i = 0; i < _lines.Length; i++)
                value   -= ((highestHigh - lowestLow) / 4);
                rect.Top = _chartPanel.GetY(value);
                Utils.DrawLine(rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Right, rect.Top,
                               Stroke, i == 2 ? LinePattern.Dot : StrokeType, StrokeThickness, Opacity, _lines[i]);

            if (lineStatus == LineStatus.Moving || lineStatus == LineStatus.Painting)
                Utils.DrawLine(rect.Left, 0, rect.Left, C.ActualHeight, Stroke, LinePattern.Dot, StrokeThickness, Opacity, _linesSel);
                Utils.DrawLine(rect.Right, 0, rect.Right, C.ActualHeight, Stroke, LinePattern.Dot, StrokeThickness, Opacity, _linesSel);


            _internalObjectCreated = true;

            _linesSel.Do(l => l.ZIndex = ZIndexConstants.LineStudies1);
Ejemplo n.º 39
 public override void PostprocessMouseMove(System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e)
         if (this._isMouseDown && (e.RightButton == System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonState.Pressed))
             string lineColor = Umc.Core.Tools.VSGesture.Services.VSGestureService.Current.VSGestureInfo.UserSettings.LineColor;
             string lineThickness = Umc.Core.Tools.VSGesture.Services.VSGestureService.Current.VSGestureInfo.UserSettings.LineThickness;
             string[] strArray = lineColor.Split(new char[] { ',' });
             Point position = e.GetPosition(this._view.VisualElement);
             Brush brush = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(byte.Parse(strArray[0]), byte.Parse(strArray[1]), byte.Parse(strArray[2])));
             this._analyzer.Add(new System.Windows.Input.StylusPoint(position.X, position.Y));
             this._layer = this._view.GetAdornmentLayer("VSGestureWindow");
             var adornment = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line
                 X1 = this._preX,
                 Y1 = this._preY,
                 X2 = position.X + this._view.ViewportLeft,
                 Y2 = position.Y + this._view.ViewportTop,
                 StrokeThickness = (float)((Umc.Core.Tools.VSGesture.Controls.LineThicknessStyle)Enum.Parse(typeof(Umc.Core.Tools.VSGesture.Controls.LineThicknessStyle), lineThickness)),
                 Stroke = brush
             this._layer.AddAdornment(AdornmentPositioningBehavior.ViewportRelative, null, null, adornment, null);
             this._preX = position.X + this._view.ViewportLeft;
             this._preY = position.Y + this._view.ViewportTop;
     catch (Exception exception)