Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static Vec3 ComputePrincipleComponent(Sym3x3 matrix)
            Vec4 row0 = new Vec4(matrix[0], matrix[1], matrix[2], 0.0f);
            Vec4 row1 = new Vec4(matrix[1], matrix[3], matrix[4], 0.0f);
            Vec4 row2 = new Vec4(matrix[2], matrix[4], matrix[5], 0.0f);
            Vec4 v    = new Vec4(1.0f);

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                // matrix multiply
                Vec4 w = row0 * v.SplatX();
                w = row1.MultiplyAdd(v.SplatY(), w);
                w = row2.MultiplyAdd(v.SplatZ(), w);

                // get max component from xyz in all channels
                Vec4 a = Vec4.Max(w.SplatX(), Vec4.Max(w.SplatY(), w.SplatZ()));

                // divide through and advance
                v = w * a.Reciprocal();

Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected override void Compress3(BlockWindow block)
            // prepare an ordering using the principle axis

            // declare variables
            int count = m_colours.Count;

            Vec4 beststart = Vec4.Zero;
            Vec4 bestend   = Vec4.Zero;

            var besterror     = float.MaxValue;
            var bestbesterror = float.MaxValue;

            // check all possible clusters for this total order
            var indices     = new Byte[16];
            var bestindices = new Byte[16];

            // first cluster [0,i) is at the start
            for (int m = 0; m < count; ++m)
                indices[m] = 0;
                m_alpha[m] = m_weights[m];
                m_beta[m]  = 0;

            for (int i = count; i >= 0; --i)
                // second cluster [i,j) is half along
                for (int m = i; m < count; ++m)
                    indices[m] = 2;
                    m_alpha[m] = m_beta[m] = 0.5f * m_weights[m];

                for (int j = count; j > i; --j)
                    // last cluster [j,k) is at the end
                    if (j < count)
                        indices[j] = 1;
                        m_alpha[j] = 0;
                        m_beta[j]  = m_weights[j];

                    // solve a least squares problem to place the endpoints
                    var error = SolveLeastSquares(out Vec4 start, out Vec4 end);

                    // keep the solution if it wins
                    if (error < besterror)
                        beststart = start;
                        bestend   = end;
                        indices.CopyTo(bestindices, 0);
                        besterror = error;

            // save the block if necessary
            if (besterror < bestbesterror)
                // remap the indices
                var unordered = new Byte[16];
                for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                    unordered[m_order[i]] = bestindices[i];
                m_colours.RemapIndices(unordered, bestindices);

                // save the block
                block.WriteColourBlock3(beststart.GetVec3(), bestend.GetVec3(), bestindices);

                // save the error
                bestbesterror = besterror;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected override void Compress4(BlockWindow block)
            // declare variables
            var count = m_colours.Count;

            // prepare an ordering using the principle axis
            ConstructOrdering(m_principle, 0);

            // check all possible clusters and iterate on the total order
            Vec4  beststart = Vec4.Zero;
            Vec4  bestend = Vec4.Zero;
            float m_besterror = float.MaxValue;
            float besterror = m_besterror;
            var   bestindices = new Byte[16];
            int   bestiteration = 0;
            int   besti = 0, bestj = 0, bestk = 0;

            // loop over iterations (we avoid the case that all points in first or last cluster)
            for (int iterationIndex = 0; ;)
                // first cluster [0,i) is at the start
                Vec4 part0 = Vec4.Zero;
                for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                    // second cluster [i,j) is one third along
                    Vec4 part1 = Vec4.Zero;
                    for (int j = i; ;)
                        // third cluster [j,k) is two thirds along
                        Vec4 part2 = (j == 0) ? m_points_weights[0] : Vec4.Zero;
                        int  kmin  = (j == 0) ? 1 : j;
                        for (int k = kmin; ;)
                            // last cluster [k,count) is at the end
                            Vec4 part3 = m_xsum_wsum - part2 - part1 - part0;

                            // compute least squares terms directly
                            Vec4 alphax_sum    = ONETHIRD_ONETHIRD2.MultiplyAdd(part2, TWOTHIRDS_TWOTHIRDS2.MultiplyAdd(part1, part0));
                            Vec4 betax_sum     = ONETHIRD_ONETHIRD2.MultiplyAdd(part1, TWOTHIRDS_TWOTHIRDS2.MultiplyAdd(part2, part3));
                            Vec4 alphabeta_sum = TWONINETHS * (part1 + part2).SplatW();

                            var error = ComputeLeastSquares(alphax_sum, betax_sum, alphabeta_sum, out Vec4 a, out Vec4 b);

                            // keep the solution if it wins
                            if (error < besterror)
                                beststart     = a;
                                bestend       = b;
                                besterror     = error;
                                besti         = i;
                                bestj         = j;
                                bestk         = k;
                                bestiteration = iterationIndex;

                            // advance
                            if (k == count)
                            part2 += m_points_weights[k];

                        // advance
                        if (j == count)
                        part1 += m_points_weights[j];

                    // advance
                    part0 += m_points_weights[i];

                // stop if we didn't improve in this iteration
                if (bestiteration != iterationIndex)

                // advance if possible
                if (iterationIndex == m_iterationCount)

                // stop if a new iteration is an ordering that has already been tried
                Vec3 axis = (bestend - beststart).GetVec3();
                if (!ConstructOrdering(axis, iterationIndex))

            // save the block if necessary
            if (besterror < m_besterror)
                // remap the indices
                var orderIndex = 16 * bestiteration;

                var unordered = new Byte[16];
                for (int m = 0; m < besti; ++m)
                    unordered[m_order[orderIndex + m]] = 0;
                for (int m = besti; m < bestj; ++m)
                    unordered[m_order[orderIndex + m]] = 2;
                for (int m = bestj; m < bestk; ++m)
                    unordered[m_order[orderIndex + m]] = 3;
                for (int m = bestk; m < count; ++m)
                    unordered[m_order[orderIndex + m]] = 1;

                m_colours.RemapIndices(unordered, bestindices);

                // save the block
                block.WriteColourBlock4(beststart.GetVec3(), bestend.GetVec3(), bestindices);

                // save the error
                m_besterror = besterror;