Ejemplo n.º 1
 protected override void OnStateChange()
     if (State == State.SetDefaults)
         Description             = @"Correlation of Two Instruments";
         Name                    = "Correlation";
         Calculate               = Calculate.OnBarClose;
         IsOverlay               = false;
         DisplayInDataBox        = true;
         DrawOnPricePanel        = true;
         DrawHorizontalGridLines = true;
         DrawVerticalGridLines   = true;
         PaintPriceMarkers       = true;
         ScaleJustification      = NinjaTrader.Gui.Chart.ScaleJustification.Right;
         //Disable this property if your indicator requires custom values that cumulate with each new market data event.
         //See Help Guide for additional information.
         IsSuspendedWhileInactive = true;
         //Symbol2										= string.Empty;
         Period          = 100;
         PeriodPctChange = 1;
         AddPlot(Brushes.CornflowerBlue, "Name");
     else if (State == State.Configure)
         AddDataSeries("CL 01-18", BarsPeriodType.Day, 1);
         //AddDataSeries("CL 01-18", new BarsPeriod { BarsPeriodType = BarsPeriodType.Minute, Value = 1440 }, "Default 24 x 7");
     else if (State == State.DataLoaded)
         Instrument2BIPClose = new SyncedDataSeries(this, Instrument1BIP, Instrument2BIP, Closes[Instrument2BIP]);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private double SyncedRankCorrelation(PriceSeries inputSeries1, SyncedDataSeries inputSeries2, int corrPeriod)
        //  SyncedRankCorrelation: Calculate the Spearman Rank Correlation of 2 Data Series, using only the bars which are synchronized
        //	Inputs:
        //		inputSeries1: 1st DataSeries, typically Closes[x]
        //		inputSeries2: SyncedDataSeries, synced to InputSeries1; some bars (flagged by BoolSeries "Synced") hold valid (synchronized) values
        //		corrPeriod: Period for Correlation calculation; there must be >= CorrPeriod synced bars in the input series, or it will throw an exception
            int index1 = 0;

            double[] dataArray1 = new double[corrPeriod];
            double[] dataArray2 = new double[corrPeriod];
            for (int counter = corrPeriod - 1; counter >= 0; counter--)
                while (!inputSeries2.Synced[index1])                  //Find next synced Bar
                dataArray1[counter] = inputSeries1[index1];
                dataArray2[counter] = inputSeries2[index1];
            return(KDRankCorrelation(dataArray1, dataArray2, corrPeriod));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private double SyncedPctChangeCorrelation(PriceSeries inputSeries1, SyncedDataSeries inputSeries2, int corrPeriod, int changeLookback)
            int index = 0;

            double[] pctChangeArray1 = new double[corrPeriod];
            double[] pctChangeArray2 = new double[corrPeriod];

            while (!inputSeries2.Synced[index])              //Find most recent synced Bar
            double val1 = inputSeries1[index];
            double val2 = inputSeries2[index];


            for (int counter = corrPeriod - 1; counter >= 0; counter--)
                int changeIndex;
                while (!inputSeries2.Synced[index])                  //Find previous synced Bar
                double chg2 = inputSeries2.SyncedGet(changeLookback - 1, index, out changeIndex);              // this will scan back more synced bars if changeLookback > 0
                double chg1 = inputSeries1[changeIndex];
                pctChangeArray1[counter] = (val1 - chg1) / chg1;
                pctChangeArray2[counter] = (val2 - chg2) / chg2;
                val1 = inputSeries1[index];
                val2 = inputSeries2[index];

//			return(KDRankCorrelation(pctChangeArray1,pctChangeArray2,corrPeriod));	// maybe rank correlation of PctChange would be better?
            return(KDCorrelation(pctChangeArray1, pctChangeArray2, corrPeriod));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private double SyncedCorrelation(PriceSeries inputSeries1, SyncedDataSeries inputSeries2, int corrPeriod)
        //  SyncedCorrelation: Calculates the Pearson Product Moment Correlation of 2 Data Series, using only the bars which are synchronized
        //  Note: Correlations may differ from Excel if NinjaTrader is set to dividend-adjust historical prices
        //	Inputs:
        //		inputSeries1: 1st DataSeries, typically Closes[x]
        //		inputSeries2: SyncedDataSeries, synced to InputSeries1; some bars (flagged by BoolSeries "Synced") hold valid (synchronized) values
        //		corrPeriod: Period for Correlation calculation; there must be >= CorrPeriod synced bars in the input series, or it will throw an exception
            double sum1 = 0;
            double sum2 = 0;
            double sum3 = 0;
            int    index1 = 0;
            double mean1, mean2, variance1, variance2, denominator;

            mean1 = SyncedSMA(inputSeries1, inputSeries2.Synced, corrPeriod);
            mean2 = SyncedSMA(inputSeries2, inputSeries2.Synced, corrPeriod);

            for (int counter = 0; counter < corrPeriod; counter++)
                while (!inputSeries2.Synced[index1])                  //Find next synced Bar
                variance1 = inputSeries1[index1] - mean1;
                variance2 = inputSeries2[index1] - mean2;
                sum1     += variance1 * variance2;
                sum2     += variance1 * variance1;
                sum3     += variance2 * variance2;
            denominator = Math.Sqrt(sum2 * sum3);
            if (denominator == 0)
                return(0);                   // avoid divide-by-zero error;  not really the correct result (actual correlation is undefined)
                return(sum1 / denominator);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private double SyncedResidualCorrelation(PriceSeries inputSeries1, SyncedDataSeries inputSeries2, int corrPeriod)
        //	Correlation of residuals (residual = error = difference between actual values and linear regression line)
            int index1 = 0;

            double[] residualArray1 = new double[corrPeriod];
            double[] residualArray2 = new double[corrPeriod];
            double[] dataArray1     = new double[corrPeriod];
            double[] dataArray2     = new double[corrPeriod];
            for (int counter = corrPeriod - 1; counter >= 0; counter--)
                while (!inputSeries2.Synced[index1])                  //Find next synced Bar
                dataArray1[counter] = inputSeries1[index1];
                dataArray2[counter] = inputSeries2[index1];
            KDResidual(dataArray1, corrPeriod, residualArray1);
            KDResidual(dataArray2, corrPeriod, residualArray2);
//			return(KDRankCorrelation(residualArray1,residualArray2,corrPeriod));	// maybe rank correlation of residuals would be better?
            return(KDCorrelation(residualArray1, residualArray2, corrPeriod));