/// <summary>
        /// Push clients
        /// </summary>
        public void PushClients()
            Trace.TraceInformation("{0}: -- Starting PUSH of patients to CR --", this.m_context.JobId);

            List <Int32> unsyncedChildren = new List <int>();

            // Get the last sync to be completed
            using (SyncData dao = new SyncData())
                // Last modified filter
                var      lastSync           = dao.GetLastSync();
                DateTime?lastModifiedFilter = lastSync == null ? null : (DateTime?)lastSync.StartTime;

                foreach (var id in dao.GetUnsyncedChildrenId())
                    this.m_waitThread.QueueUserWorkItem(this.PushPatientsAsync, id);

            // Wait for the worker threads to finish
            if (this.m_errorState)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Sync resulted in error state");