Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static extern int sws_getColorspaceDetails(SwsContext* c, int** inv_table, int* srcRange, int** table, int* dstRange, int* brightness, int* contrast, int* saturation);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static extern SwsContext* sws_getCachedContext(SwsContext* context, int srcW, int srcH, AVPixelFormat srcFormat, int dstW, int dstH, AVPixelFormat dstFormat, int flags, SwsFilter* srcFilter, SwsFilter* dstFilter, double* param);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public static extern int sws_scale(SwsContext* c, byte** srcSlice, int* srcStride, int srcSliceY, int srcSliceH, byte** dst, int* dstStride);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static extern int sws_setColorspaceDetails(SwsContext* c, int* inv_table, int srcRange, int* table, int dstRange, int brightness, int contrast, int saturation);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public static extern int sws_init_context(SwsContext* sws_context, SwsFilter* srcFilter, SwsFilter* dstFilter);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public static extern void sws_freeContext(SwsContext* swsContext);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public static extern int sws_scale_ordered(SwsContext* context, byte** src, int* srcStride, int srcSliceY,
                                            int srcSliceH, byte** dst, int dstStride);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public static void sws_scale(SwsContext* sws_context, byte* unmanagedPointer, int* linesize1, int v1, int height, byte** v2, int* linesize2)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private unsafe static Bitmap ExtractNextImage(AVFormatContext* pFormatContext, AVCodecContext* pCodecContext, AVPacket* pPacket, AVStream* vidStream, SwsContext* pConvertContext, AVFrame* pDecodedFrame, AVPicture* pConvertedFrame, int width, int height, bool createCopy, double timeBase, out TimeSpan pos)
            pos = new TimeSpan();
            Bitmap result = null;

            int gotPicture = 0;

            while (gotPicture != 1)
                if (ffmpeg.av_read_frame(pFormatContext, pPacket) < 0)
                    result = null;

                if (pPacket->stream_index != vidStream->index)

                gotPicture = 0;
                int size = ffmpeg.avcodec_decode_video2(pCodecContext, pDecodedFrame, &gotPicture, pPacket);
                if (size < 0)
                    throw new Exception("Error while decoding frame!");

                if (gotPicture == 1)
                    // Get current position from frame
                    pos = ToTimeSpan(ffmpeg.av_frame_get_best_effort_timestamp(pDecodedFrame), timeBase);

                    // Extract image
                    sbyte** src = &pDecodedFrame->data0;
                    sbyte** dst = &pConvertedFrame->data0;
                    ffmpeg.sws_scale(pConvertContext, src, pDecodedFrame->linesize, 0, height, dst, pConvertedFrame->linesize);
                    var imageBufferPtr = new IntPtr(pConvertedFrame->data0);
                    int linesize = pConvertedFrame->linesize[0];
                    Bitmap img = new Bitmap(width, height, linesize, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb, imageBufferPtr);

                    result = createCopy ? new Bitmap(img) : img;


            return result;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private unsafe Bitmap ExtractNextImage2(AVCodecContext* pCodecContext, AVPacket* pPacket, AVStream* vidStream, SwsContext* pConvertContext, AVFrame* pDecodedFrame, AVPicture* pConvertedFrame, int width, int height, bool createCopy, double timeBase, int? delay, TimeSpan prev, out TimeSpan pos, out bool end)
            pos = new TimeSpan();
            end = false;
            Bitmap result = null;

            int gotPicture = 0;

            while (gotPicture != 1)
                if (ffmpeg.av_read_frame(this.AVFormatContext, pPacket) < 0)
                    end = true;
                    result = null;

                if (pPacket->stream_index != vidStream->index)

                gotPicture = 0;
                int size = ffmpeg.avcodec_decode_video2(pCodecContext, pDecodedFrame, &gotPicture, pPacket);
                if (size < 0)
                    throw new Exception("Error while decoding frame!");

                if (gotPicture == 1)
                    // Get current position from frame
                    pos = ToTimeSpan(ffmpeg.av_frame_get_best_effort_timestamp(pDecodedFrame), timeBase);

                    if (delay.HasValue && prev != TimeSpan.Zero && (pos - prev).TotalMilliseconds < delay)
                        return null;

                    // Extract image
                    sbyte** src = &pDecodedFrame->data0;
                    sbyte** dst = &pConvertedFrame->data0;
                    int src_height = pCodecContext->height;
                    ffmpeg.sws_scale(pConvertContext, src, pDecodedFrame->linesize, 0, src_height, dst, pConvertedFrame->linesize);
                    var imageBufferPtr = new IntPtr(pConvertedFrame->data0);
                    int linesize = pConvertedFrame->linesize[0];
                    result = new Bitmap(width, height, linesize, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb, imageBufferPtr);


            return result;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            WrapperUtils.RegisterLibrariesPathSimple("ffmpeg-x64", "ffmpeg-x86");

            AvFormatContext format = AvFormatContext.Allocate();

            if (!format.OpenInput(@"http://www.quirksmode.org/html5/videos/big_buck_bunny.mp4"))
                throw new Exception("Failed to open file :(");
            if (!format.FindStreamInfo())
                throw new Exception("Failed to find stream info :(");

            AvStream pStream = null;

            foreach (AvStream avStream in format.Streams)
                if (avStream.Codec.Type == AvMediaType.Video)
                    pStream = avStream;

            if (pStream == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not find video stream :(");

            AvCodecContext codecContext = pStream.Codec;

            int           width        = codecContext.Width;
            int           height       = codecContext.Height;
            AvPixelFormat sourceFormat = codecContext.PixelFormat;
            AvPixelFormat targetFormat = AvPixelFormat.Bgr24;

            SwsContext convertContext = SwsContext.Get(width, height, sourceFormat, width, height, targetFormat,

            if (convertContext == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not initialize the conversion context");

            AvFrame     convertedFrame           = AvFrame.Allocate();
            int         convertedFrameBufferSize = AvPicture.GetSize(targetFormat, width, height);
            SByteBuffer convertedFrameBuffer     = AvUtil.Malloc((ulong)convertedFrameBufferSize);

            ((AvPicture)convertedFrame).Fill(convertedFrameBuffer, targetFormat, width, height);

            AvCodec codec = AvCodec.FindDecoder(codecContext.Id);

            if (codec == null)
                throw new Exception("Unsupported codec");

            if (codec.HasCapability(CodecCapabilities.Truncated))
                codecContext.Flags |= CodecFlags.Truncated;

            if (!codecContext.Open2(codec))
                throw new Exception("Could not open codec");

            AvFrame frame = AvFrame.Allocate();

            AvPacket packet = AvPacket.Create();


            int frameNumber = 0;

            while (frameNumber < 500)
                if (!format.ReadFrame(packet))
                    throw new Exception("Could not read frame!");

                if (packet.StreamIndex != pStream.Index)

                int gotPicture;
                int size = codecContext.DecodeVideo2(frame, out gotPicture, packet);
                if (size < 0)
                    throw new Exception("Error while decoding frame " + frameNumber);

                if (gotPicture == 1)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Frame: {frameNumber}");

                    SByteBufferArray src       = frame.Data;
                    SByteBufferArray dst       = convertedFrame.Data;
                    IntArray         srcStride = frame.LineSize;
                    IntArray         dstStride = convertedFrame.LineSize;
                    convertContext.Scale(src, srcStride, 0, height, dst, dstStride);

                    int linesize = dstStride[0];
                    using (
                        Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(width, height, linesize,
                                                   PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb, convertedFrame.Data0))
                        bitmap.Save(@"frame.buffer." + frameNumber + ".jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);
