Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override bool UseItem(Player player)
            SurvivariaPlayer modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <SurvivariaPlayer>();

            modPlayer.CurrentHunger = 100;
            modPlayer.CurrentThirst = 100;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override void Update(Player player, ref int buffIndex)
            SurvivariaPlayer modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <SurvivariaPlayer>();

            player.lifeRegen          -= 1;
            player.allDamageMult      -= 0.08f;
            modPlayer.HungerLossMulti += 0.10f;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override bool UseItem(Item item, Player player)
            if (!(item.modItem is SurvivariaItem || item.modItem is FoodItem || item.modItem is DrinkItem))
                SurvivariaPlayer modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <SurvivariaPlayer>();

                player.GetModPlayer <SurvivariaPlayer>().AddHunger(HungerAmount);
                player.GetModPlayer <SurvivariaPlayer>().AddThirst(ThirstAmount);
            return(base.UseItem(item, player));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="spriteBatch">Spritebatch.</param>
        /// <param name="player">Inst. player.</param>
        /// <param name="_texture">Bar texture.</param>
        /// <param name="divideBy">Divide by the amount of frames required to find the height of each frame.</param>
        /// <param name="frameFormula">The formula for frame display.</param>
        /// <param name="drawPosX">Modify the PosX draw. Do always divisible by 8. *8, *16, *24</param>
        /// <param name="drawPosY">Modify the PosY draw. Do always divisible by 8. *8, *16, *24</param>
        public void DrawBar(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, SurvivariaPlayer player, Texture2D _texture, int divideBy, int frameFormula, float drawPosX = 1, float drawPosY = 1)
            Texture2D texture     = _texture;
            int       frameHeight = texture.Height / divideBy;
            int       frame       = frameFormula;

            _drawPosition = new Vector2(backPanel.Left.Pixels - PaddingX * drawPosX, backPanel.Top.Pixels - PaddingY * drawPosY);

            Rectangle sourceRectangle = new Rectangle(0, frameHeight * frame, texture.Width, frameHeight);

            spriteBatch.Draw(texture, _drawPosition, sourceRectangle, Color.White);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override void UpdateEquip(Player player)
            SurvivariaPlayer modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <SurvivariaPlayer>();

            modPlayer.HydrolyzerCrystals = true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public override void UpdateEquip(Player player)
            SurvivariaPlayer modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <SurvivariaPlayer>();

            modPlayer.BloodAnalyzer = true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        protected override void DrawSelf(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
            SurvivariaPlayer player        = Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <SurvivariaPlayer>();
            Vector2          mousePosition = new Vector2((float)Main.mouseX, (float)Main.mouseY);

            if (!locationInitialized)
                if (player.MenuOffset == Vector2.Zero)
                    backPanel.Left.Set(Main.screenWidth / 2f - backPanel.Width.Pixels / 2f, 0f);
                    backPanel.Top.Set(Main.screenHeight / 12f, 0f);
                    backPanel.Left.Set(player.MenuOffset.X, 0f);
                    backPanel.Top.Set(player.MenuOffset.Y, 0f);
                locationInitialized = true;
            if (backPanel.ContainsPoint(mousePosition))
                Main.LocalPlayer.mouseInterface = true;
            if (dragging)
                backPanel.Left.Set(mousePosition.X - _offset.X, 0f);
                backPanel.Top.Set(mousePosition.Y - _offset.Y, 0f);
                player.MenuOffset = new Vector2(backPanel.Left.Pixels, backPanel.Top.Pixels);
            if (backPanel.Left.Pixels > Main.screenWidth)
                backPanel.Left.Set(Main.screenWidth / 2f - backPanel.Width.Pixels / 2f, 0f);

            //if (mod.GetConfig<SurvivariaConfigServer>().SanityEnabled)
            //DrawBar(spriteBatch, player, GFX.sanityIndicatorTexture, 5, (int)(player.CurrentSanity / player.MaximumSanity * 100 / 21), 1, 10);
            if (ModContent.GetInstance <SurvivariaConfigServer>().HungerEnabled)
                DrawBar(spriteBatch, player, GFX.hungerIndicatorTexture, 8, (int)(player.CurrentHunger / player.HungerMaximum * 100 / 13 * 1.04 - 0.01));
                if (player.BloodAnalyzer)
                    DrawBarText(spriteBatch, "" + (int)player.CurrentHunger, new Color(255, 153, 51), player, 0.7f, 4.4f, 0.3f);

            if (ModContent.GetInstance <SurvivariaConfigServer>().ThirstEnabled)
                if (player.BloodAnalyzer)
                    DrawBar(spriteBatch, player, GFX.thirstIndicatorTexture, 5, (int)(player.CurrentThirst / player.MaximumThirst * 100 / 21), 1.6f, 7);
                    DrawBar(spriteBatch, player, GFX.thirstIndicatorTexture, 5, (int)(player.CurrentThirst / player.MaximumThirst * 100 / 21), 1.6f, 5);
                if (player.HydrolyzerCrystals)
                    if (player.BloodAnalyzer)
                        DrawBarText(spriteBatch, "" + (int)player.CurrentThirst, Color.LightBlue, player, 1.3f, 11.4f, 0.3f);
                        DrawBarText(spriteBatch, "" + (int)player.CurrentThirst, Color.LightBlue, player, 1.3f, 9.4f, 0.3f);
            //if (mod.GetConfig<SurvivariaConfigServer>().TemperatureEnabled)
            //DrawTemperatureFill(spriteBatch, player, -0.4f, 14.5f);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            Player           player    = Main.LocalPlayer;
            SurvivariaPlayer modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <SurvivariaPlayer>();

            if (delayedTemperature < modPlayer.CurrentTemperature && changeTimer > 8)
                changeTimer = 0;
            if (delayedTemperature > modPlayer.CurrentTemperature && changeTimer > 8)
                changeTimer = 0;

            int temp24 = (int)modPlayer.CurrentTemperature - 24;

            if (changeTimer2 > 8)
                RCol         = ((250 + temp24 * 4 - Math.Abs(temp24) * 4) + RCol * 32) / 33;
                GCol         = ((250 - Math.Abs(temp24) * 3) + GCol * 32) / 33;
                BCol         = ((250 - temp24 * 4 - Math.Abs(temp24 * 4) + BCol * 32) / 33);
                changeTimer2 = 0;

            displayRCol = (RCol + displayRCol) / 2;
            displayGCol = (GCol + displayGCol) / 2;
            displayBCol = (BCol + displayBCol) / 2;

             * if (modPlayer.CurrentTemperature < 24)
             * {
             *  if (changeTimer2 > 6)
             *  {
             *      if (colorDifferenceRed != 0)
             *          colorDifferenceRed--;
             *      colorDifferenceBlue--;
             *      changeTimer2 = 0;
             *  }
             * }
             * if (modPlayer.CurrentTemperature > 24)
             * {
             *  if (changeTimer2 > 12)
             *  {
             *      if (colorDifferenceBlue != 0)
             *          colorDifferenceBlue++;
             *      colorDifferenceRed++;
             *      changeTimer2 = 0;
             *  }
             * }
             * else if (modPlayer.CurrentTemperature == 24)
             * {
             *  colorDifferenceBlue = 0;
             *  colorDifferenceRed = 0;
             * }*/

            //insideColor = new Color(224 + colorDifferenceBlue * 3, 224 + colorDifferenceBlue * 3 - colorDifferenceRed * 3, 224 - colorDifferenceRed * 3);
            insideColor = new Color(displayRCol, displayGCol, displayBCol);

            //Main.NewText("The inside colors are: " + "R: " + insideColor.R + " " + "G: " + insideColor.G + " " + "B: " + insideColor.B);
            //Main.NewText("The blue color difference is: " + colorDifferenceBlue);
            //Main.NewText("The red color difference is: " + colorDifferenceRed);

Ejemplo n.º 9
 public void DrawTemperatureText(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, SurvivariaPlayer player, float drawPosX = 1f, float drawPosY = 1f)
     _drawPosition = new Vector2(backPanel.Left.Pixels - PaddingX * drawPosX, backPanel.Top.Pixels - PaddingY * drawPosY);
     spriteBatch.DrawString(Main.fontDeathText, delayedTemperature + "°", _drawPosition, Color.Black, 0, new Vector2(0, 0), 0.4f, SpriteEffects.None, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public void DrawTemperatureFill(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, SurvivariaPlayer player, float drawPosX = 1f, float drawPosY = 1f)
     _drawPosition = new Vector2(backPanel.Left.Pixels - PaddingX * drawPosX, backPanel.Top.Pixels - PaddingY * drawPosY);
     spriteBatch.Draw(GFX.temperatureFillTexture, _drawPosition, insideColor);
     DrawTemperatureIndicator(spriteBatch, player, drawPosX, drawPosY);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public void DrawTemperatureIndicator(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, SurvivariaPlayer player, float drawPosX = 1f, float drawPosY = 1f)
     _drawPosition = new Vector2(backPanel.Left.Pixels - PaddingX * drawPosX, backPanel.Top.Pixels - PaddingY * drawPosY);
     spriteBatch.Draw(GFX.temperatureBorderTexture, _drawPosition, Color.White);
     DrawTemperatureText(spriteBatch, player, drawPosX * -1.4f, drawPosY * 1.15f);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public void DrawBarText(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, string text, Color color, SurvivariaPlayer player, float drawPosX = 1, float drawPosY = 1, float scale = 1f)
     _drawPosition = new Vector2(backPanel.Left.Pixels - PaddingX * drawPosX, backPanel.Top.Pixels - PaddingY * drawPosY);
     spriteBatch.DrawString(Main.fontDeathText, text, _drawPosition, color, 0, new Vector2(0, 0), scale, SpriteEffects.None, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public override void UpdateEquip(Player player)
            SurvivariaPlayer modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <SurvivariaPlayer>();

            modPlayer.ThirstLossMulti -= 0.15f;