Ejemplo n.º 1
    void deleteChunks(WorldPos curChunk)
        //the list that will gather chunks to be deleted
        List <WorldPos> chunksToDelete = new List <WorldPos>();

        foreach (WorldPos pos in requestedChunks)
            //NOTE: make 100 a definied variable later and change it to not 100
            //if the distance between the current chunk and one chunk still in the requestedchunks list is greater than an arbitrary value, request its destruction
            if (Vector3.Distance(curChunk.toVector3(), pos.toVector3()) > 120)

        //now deleta all the chunks that were added to the list
        foreach (WorldPos pos in chunksToDelete)
            //convert the worldpos to a surface pos
            SurfacePos surfp = UnitConverter.getSP(pos.toVector3(), UniverseSystem.curPlanet.surface.sideLength);

            //convert the surfacepos to a surface unit then request its deletion
Ejemplo n.º 2
    //converts the surface position of a system with certain side length(sideLength1)
    //to the surface position of a system with a different side length(sideLength2)
    //for example, convert the position of the SurfaceSystem to a position in a TransportSystem (actually, this is probably the only use)
    //banana time
    public static SurfacePos SPtoSP(SurfacePos pos, int sideLength1, int sideLength2)
        //straightforward, divide each coordinate by the first sidelength and multiply it by the second
        pos.u = (pos.u / sideLength1) * sideLength2;
        pos.v = (pos.v / sideLength1) * sideLength2;

Ejemplo n.º 3
    void deleteSurface(WorldPos pos)
        //convert the worldpos to a surface pos
        SurfacePos surfp = UnitConverter.getSP(pos.toVector3(), UniverseSystem.curPlanet.surface.sideLength);

        //convert the surfacepos to a surface unit then request its creation
Ejemplo n.º 4
    //this requests the generation of a surface unit that is at the center of the chunk
    void requestSurface(WorldPos pos)
        //convert the worldpos to a surface pos
        SurfacePos surfp = UnitConverter.getSP(pos.toVector3(), UniverseSystem.curPlanet.surface.sideLength);

        //Debug.Log (pos);
        //convert the surfacepos to a surface unit then request its creation
Ejemplo n.º 5
    //builds the surface units from a chunk
    void buildSurfFromChunk(WorldPos chunk)
        //convert the worldpos to a surface pos
        SurfacePos surfp = UnitConverter.getSP(chunk.toVector3(), UniverseSystem.curPlanet.surface.sideLength);

        //convert the surfacepos to a surface unit then request its creation
        requestedChunks.Add(chunk);        //add it to the already requested chunks list
Ejemplo n.º 6
    //converts a surface position to a world position given a surfacepos and radius
    //this converts the surfacepos to a point on a unit cube, which is then converted to a point on a unit sphere
    //sideLength is the length of the side of a face
    public static Vector3 getWP(SurfacePos sp, float radius, int sideLength)
        float halfSide = sideLength / 2;      //halfside is used more often than side

        //point on a unit cube
        Vector3 cubePos;

        //converts surface position to a world position on a cube(not on a sphere yet)
        //NOTE: the u v axes on the front, bottom, and left are inverted, so one of the values is made negative to flip it
        switch (sp.side)
        case PSide.TOP:
            cubePos = new Vector3(sp.u, halfSide, sp.v);            //halfside in the y component means this point is on the top of the cube

        case PSide.BOTTOM:
            cubePos = new Vector3(sp.u, -halfSide, -sp.v);            //negative sp.v because on the bottom the z/v axis is reversed so the coordinate system for this side is not backwards

        case PSide.RIGHT:
            cubePos = new Vector3(halfSide, sp.v, sp.u);

        case PSide.LEFT:
            cubePos = new Vector3(-halfSide, sp.v, -sp.u);            //negative sp.u for same reason as the bottom

        case PSide.FRONT:
            cubePos = new Vector3(-sp.u, sp.v, halfSide);            //negative sp.u for same reason as the left and bottom

        case PSide.BACK:
            cubePos = new Vector3(sp.u, sp.v, -halfSide);

        case PSide.NONE:        //used to catch any errors
            return(new Vector3(0, 0, 0));

        default:        //won't ever happen
            cubePos = new Vector3();

        //shrinks the cube down to having a side length of 2
        cubePos /= halfSide;

        //point on a unit sphere
        Vector3 spherePos = new Vector3();

        //this formula maps the coordinates on a cube to coordinates on a sphere
        //found here: http://mathproofs.blogspot.co.uk/2005/07/mapping-cube-to-sphere.html

        //for use in the formula
        float xsq = cubePos.x * cubePos.x;
        float ysq = cubePos.y * cubePos.y;
        float zsq = cubePos.z * cubePos.z;

        spherePos.x = cubePos.x * Mathf.Sqrt(1.0f - ysq * 0.5f - zsq * 0.5f + ysq * zsq / 3.0f);
        spherePos.y = cubePos.y * Mathf.Sqrt(1.0f - xsq * 0.5f - zsq * 0.5f + xsq * zsq / 3.0f);
        spherePos.z = cubePos.z * Mathf.Sqrt(1.0f - ysq * 0.5f - xsq * 0.5f + ysq * xsq / 3.0f);

        //resulting vector is 1 unit long, so multiply by some specified radius
        return(spherePos * radius);
Ejemplo n.º 7
    //returns the surface Position (side, x, and y) given a world xyz position
    //inverse of getWP
    public static SurfacePos getSP(Vector3 pos, int sideLength)
        pos.Normalize();        //normalize the pos to get a point on the unit sphere
        //will later be returned after infoed(new word i just made up)
        SurfacePos sp = new SurfacePos();

        //absolute values of each component
        float absx = Mathf.Abs(pos.x);
        float absy = Mathf.Abs(pos.y);
        float absz = Mathf.Abs(pos.z);

        //the position of a point on a cube with side length 2 in world space
        //one of the values will always be 1 or -1
        Vector3 cubePos = new Vector3();

        //determines the side and assigns x and y values
        //basically, the direction that is farthes from the center determines the side you are on
        if (absy > absx && absy > absz)        //if the y value is the farthest it will be the top or bottom
            //pos.y == -1 or 1 (bottom or top)
            //calculate the remaining cube components
            cubify(pos.x, pos.z, out sp.u, out sp.v);
            //Debug.Log (sp.u + " " + sp.v);
            if (pos.y >= 0)
                sp.side = PSide.TOP;                //if positive y value, it is the top
                sp.side = PSide.BOTTOM;
                sp.v   *= -1;            //take opposite of sp.v because the uv axes on the bottom are reversed, so this flips the v axis back
        else if (absx > absy && absx > absz)        //if the x value is the farthest it will be the Right or left
            //calculate the remaining cube components
            cubify(pos.z, pos.y, out sp.u, out sp.v);

            if (pos.x >= 0)
                sp.side = PSide.RIGHT;                //if positive x value, it is the right
                sp.side = PSide.LEFT;
                sp.u   *= -1;            //uv axes on the left are reversed, so this flips the u axis back
        else if (absz > absy && absz > absx)        //if the z value is the farthest it will be the front or back
            //calculate the remaining cube components
            cubify(pos.x, pos.y, out sp.u, out sp.v);

            //NOTE: the front is pretty much the back in terms of where right and left are
            if (pos.z >= 0)
                sp.side = PSide.FRONT;   //if positive z value, it is the front
                sp.u   *= -1;            //uv axes on the 'front' are reversed, so this flips the u axis back
                sp.side = PSide.BACK;
        else         //shouldn't happen, actually it could happen
            sp.x    = 0;
            sp.y    = 0;
            sp.side = PSide.NONE;

        float halfSide = sideLength / 2;      //halfside is used more often than side

        //these values have a range of 2 [-1,1], so multiply them by half the side length
        sp.u *= halfSide;
        sp.v *= halfSide;
        //Debug.Log (pos);
        //Debug.Log (sp);
Ejemplo n.º 8
    //a working name
    //builds all the objects in a certain surface unit
    //or if it already exists, increase its wuCount
    public void CreateSurfaceObjects(SurfaceUnit su)
        //creates an empty surface holder
        SurfaceHolder sh = null;

        //Debug.Log (su);
        //only make the objects in this unit if it has not already been generated
        //and add it to the list so it is not generated again
        if (!surfList.TryGetValue(su, out sh))
            sh    = new SurfaceHolder();
            curSH = sh;            //connect class wide reference

            surfList.Add(su, sh);
            //instance a random number generator with seed based on the su position sent through a hash function
            //NOTE: the last 1 parameter is used as a kind of planet identifier, but this may not be needed
            //System.Random rand = new System.Random((int)WorldManager.hash.GetHash(su.u, su.v, (int)su.side, 1));
            System.Random rand = RandomHandler.surfaceRandom(su);

            //NOTE: all objects that are in the rect list are always in the radial list
            //create a list of radial collisions
            List <RadialCol> radCols = new List <RadialCol>();
            //create a list of rectangular collisions
            //List<Vector4> rectCols = new List<Vector4>();
            //first add all roads, then buildings, then natural things

            //build all transportation segments and add them to the collision lists

            //create a list of samples
            List <Sub> samples = new List <Sub>();
            for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
                SurfacePos surfPos = new SurfacePos(su.side, su.u + (float)rand.NextDouble(), su.v + (float)rand.NextDouble());

                //convert the surface position to world position
                Vector3 worldPos = UnitConverter.getWP(surfPos, radius, sideLength);

                //TODO: make function to only retrieve the substance and not vox val
                float val;
                Sub   sub;
                planet.noise.getVoxData(worldPos, out val, out sub);


            foreach (Blueprint bp in blueprints)
                int amount = bp.getAmount(samples, new WorldPos(), rand.NextDouble());
                for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)
                    //possibly later method to build all object in this su within the blueprint class and return a list
                    //WorldObject wo = bp.buildObject(rand);
                    Mesh mesh = bp.buildObject(rand.Next());

                    //choose random x and y position within the su
                    float u = (float)rand.NextDouble();
                    float v = (float)rand.NextDouble();

                    //choose random rotation(will not be random for things like buildings later)
                    Quaternion surfRot = Quaternion.Euler((float)rand.NextDouble() * 360, (float)rand.NextDouble() * 360, (float)rand.NextDouble() * 360);
                    //the global surfaceposition of the object
                    SurfacePos surfPos = new SurfacePos(su.side, su.u + u, su.v + v);

                    //convert the surface position and rotation to world position and rotation
                    Vector3    worldPos = UnitConverter.getWP(surfPos, radius, sideLength);
                    Quaternion worldRot = getWorldRot(worldPos, surfRot, su.side);

                    //adjust from point on sphere to correct altitude
                    worldPos = planet.noise.altitudePos(worldPos);

                    //build(intantiate) the actual gameobject
                    MobileObjects wo = Build.buildObject <Rock>(worldPos, worldRot);
                    sh.objects.Add(wo);                    //add it to the surface holder list

            /*int count = rand.Next(30);
             * //	MyDebug.placeMarker(UnitConverter.getWP(new SurfacePos(su.side, su.u, su.v), radius, sideLength));
             * for(int i = 0; i<count; i++)
             * {
             *      //Vector3 pos = new Vector3(
             *      //choose random x and y position within the su
             *      //Vector2 surfPos = new Vector2((float)rand.NextDouble(), (float)rand.NextDouble());
             *      float u = (float)rand.NextDouble();
             *      float v = (float)rand.NextDouble();
             *      //choose random rotation(will not be random for things like buildings later)
             *      Quaternion surfRot = Quaternion.Euler(0, (float)rand.NextDouble()*360, 0);
             *      //Debug.Log(surfRot.eulerAngles);
             *      //temp radius of tree used for testing
             *      float wuRadius = 2;
             *      //radius in world units/length of a surface unit = radius in surface units(less than 1)
             *      float suRadius = wuRadius/suLength;
             *      //Debug.Log("suRadius is " + suRadius);
             *  bool isColliding = false;
             *      foreach(RadialCol oth in radCols)
             *      {
             *              //distance formula(move to struct later)
             *              //if the distance between the two centers - their radii is less than zero, they are colliding
             *              if(Mathf.Sqrt((oth.u-u)*(oth.u-u)+(oth.v-v)*(oth.v-v))-suRadius-oth.radius<0)
             *              {
             *                      isColliding = true;
             *                      //Debug.Log("samwell");
             *                      break;
             *              }
             *      }
             *      //for the time being, if something is colliding, just discard it
             *      //later it may be moved slightly or completely repositioned
             *      if(isColliding)
             *      {
             *              continue;
             *      }
             *      //add this obect to the radial collision list
             *      //later, create the RadialCol object initially(replace x y and suRadius)
             *      radCols.Add(new RadialCol(u,v,suRadius));
             *      //surfacepos of the tree
             *      SurfacePos treeSurf = new SurfacePos(su.side, su.u + u, su.v + v);
             *      //Debug.Log (u + " " + v + " " + su.u + " " + su.v);
             *      //convert to world unit and rotation
             *      Vector3 worldPos = UnitConverter.getWP(treeSurf, radius, sideLength);
             *      Quaternion worldRot = getWorldRot(worldPos, surfRot, su.side);
             *      //Debug.Log (treeSurf+ " " + worldPos + " " + surfRot.eulerAngles + " " + worldRot);
             *      //adjust the pos to the correct altitude, later move to function
             *      //worldPos = worldPos.normalized*planet.noise.getAltitude(worldPos);
             *      worldPos = planet.noise.altitudePos(worldPos);
             *      //GameObject.Instantiate(tree, treeWorld, Quaternion.identity);
             *      //build the tree object(adds it to builtobjects list and maybe eventually add it to the render list
             *      //buildObject<TestTree>(worldPos, worldRot, sh).init();
             *      //build(intantiate) the object
             *      WorldObject wo = Build.buildObject<TestTree>(worldPos, worldRot);
             *      wo.Render();
             *      sh.objects.Add(wo);//add it to the surface holder list
             *      //wo.init();//initailize it (normally has parameters)
             * }*/

            /*GameObject go = Resources.Load("Test things/rottest") as GameObject;
             * Vector3 pos = UnitConverter.getWP(new SurfacePos(su.side, su.u+0.5f, su.v+0.5f), radius, sideLength);
             * Quaternion rot = getWorldRot(pos, Quaternion.identity, su.side);
             * GameObject.Instantiate(go, pos, rot);*/

            curSH = null;            //disconnect reference to avoid possible confusion later/catch errors

        //increase the worldunit count of the surface holder