Ejemplo n.º 1
        private ActionResult CreatePdfReport(SuratPengesahanHospitalModel model)
            string pdfString  = GetSuratPengesahanHospitalString(model);
            string exportData = string.Format(pdfString);
            var    bytes      = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(exportData);

            var document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 30, 30, 28, 28);

            using (var input = new MemoryStream(bytes))
                var output = new MemoryStream();
                var writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, output);
                writer.CloseStream = false;

                var xmlWorker = XMLWorkerHelper.GetInstance();
                iTextSharp.text.Font contentFont =
                    iTextSharp.text.FontFactory.GetFont("Arial", 7, iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD);

                xmlWorker.ParseXHtml(writer, document, input, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);

                output.Position = 0;

                return(new FileStreamResult(output, "application/pdf"));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult SuratPengesahanHospital(string noPekerja)
            SuratPengesahanHospitalModel model = new SuratPengesahanHospitalModel();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(noPekerja))
                model = SuratPengesahanHospitalModel.GetByNoPekerja(noPekerja);

Ejemplo n.º 3
 public ActionResult SuratPengesahanHospital(SuratPengesahanHospitalModel model, string Command)
     if (model != null)
         if (Command == "printDoc")
         return(new EmptyResult());
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private string GetSuratPengesahanHospitalString(SuratPengesahanHospitalModel model)
            string root    = Server.MapPath("~");
            string rootURL = Request.Url.Host;

            string htmlFileLocation = root + @"Reports\SuratPengesahanHospital.html";
            //string imageRootURL = rootURL + "/Images/";
            string output = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(htmlFileLocation);

            if (model != null)
                output = output.Replace("@TARIKH", model.TarikhString);
                output = output.Replace("@NAMAPEKERJA", model.NamaPekerja);
                output = output.Replace("@NOKPBARU", model.NoKPBaru);
                output = output.Replace("@NOPEKERJA", model.NoPekerja);
                output = output.Replace("@NAMAHOSPITAL", model.HospitalName);
                output = output.Replace("@JAWATAN", model.Jawatan);
                output = output.Replace("@GRED", model.GredGaji);
                output = output.Replace("@GAJIBULANAN", model.GajiBulanan.ToString("#,##0.00"));

                string baris1  = string.Empty;
                string baris2  = string.Empty;
                int    counter = 1;
                foreach (MaklumatTanggunganModel s in model.MaklumatTanggungan)
                    baris1 += string.Format("<tr><td width='50px'>&nbsp;</td>"
                                            + "<td><span style='font-size:12px;'>Nama: </span><span style='font-size:12px; text-decoration: underline'>{0}</span></td>"
                                            + "<td><span style='font-size:12px;'>No KP: </span><span style='font-size:12px; text-decoration: underline'>{1}</span></td>"
                                            + "</tr>", s.Nama, s.NoKP);

                    baris2 += string.Format("<span style='font-size:12px;'>&nbsp;</span>"
                                            + "<span style='font-size:12px;font-weight:bold;margin-left:10px;'>{0}</span><br/>",
                output = output.Replace("@TANGGUNGAN1", baris1);
                output = output.Replace("@TANGGUNGAN2", baris2);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public ActionResult CreateDocxReport(SuratPengesahanHospitalModel model)
            string path_file = Server.MapPath("~/Content/template/");

            Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application WordApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application();
            object missing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;

            string[] filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(path_file + "SuratPergerakanGaji\\");
            foreach (string filePath in filePaths)

            Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document Doc = WordApp.Documents.Add(ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing);
            object start = 0; object end = 0;

            Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Range rng = Doc.Range(ref start, ref missing);

            string tempFile = "SuratPengesahanHospital\\SuratPengesahanHospital(" + model.NoPekerja + ").docx";

            string LT1, LT2, LT3, LT4, LT5, LT6, LT7;
            string T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7;

            LT1 = model.MaklumatTanggungan.Count > 0 ? string.Format("Nama: {0}.     No KP: {1}",
                                                                     model.MaklumatTanggungan[0].Nama, model.MaklumatTanggungan[0].NoKP) : string.Empty;
            LT2 = model.MaklumatTanggungan.Count > 1 ? string.Format("Nama: {0}.     No KP: {1}",
                                                                     model.MaklumatTanggungan[1].Nama, model.MaklumatTanggungan[1].NoKP) : string.Empty;
            LT3 = model.MaklumatTanggungan.Count > 2 ? string.Format("Nama: {0}.     No KP: {1}",
                                                                     model.MaklumatTanggungan[2].Nama, model.MaklumatTanggungan[2].NoKP) : string.Empty;
            LT4 = model.MaklumatTanggungan.Count > 3 ? string.Format("Nama: {0}.     No KP: {1}"
                                                                     , model.MaklumatTanggungan[3].Nama, model.MaklumatTanggungan[3].NoKP) : string.Empty;
            LT5 = model.MaklumatTanggungan.Count > 4 ? string.Format("Nama: {0}.     No KP: {1}"
                                                                     , model.MaklumatTanggungan[4].Nama, model.MaklumatTanggungan[4].NoKP) : string.Empty;
            LT6 = model.MaklumatTanggungan.Count > 5 ? string.Format("Nama: {0}.     No KP: {1}",
                                                                     model.MaklumatTanggungan[5].Nama, model.MaklumatTanggungan[5].NoKP) : string.Empty;
            LT7 = model.MaklumatTanggungan.Count > 6 ? string.Format("Nama: {0}.     No KP: {1}",
                                                                     model.MaklumatTanggungan[6].Nama, model.MaklumatTanggungan[6].NoKP) : string.Empty;

            T1 = model.MaklumatTanggungan.Count > 0 ? model.MaklumatTanggungan[0].Nama : string.Empty;
            T2 = model.MaklumatTanggungan.Count > 1 ? model.MaklumatTanggungan[1].Nama : string.Empty;
            T3 = model.MaklumatTanggungan.Count > 2 ? model.MaklumatTanggungan[2].Nama : string.Empty;
            T4 = model.MaklumatTanggungan.Count > 3 ? model.MaklumatTanggungan[3].Nama : string.Empty;
            T5 = model.MaklumatTanggungan.Count > 4 ? model.MaklumatTanggungan[4].Nama : string.Empty;
            T6 = model.MaklumatTanggungan.Count > 5 ? model.MaklumatTanggungan[5].Nama : string.Empty;
            T7 = model.MaklumatTanggungan.Count > 6 ? model.MaklumatTanggungan[6].Nama : string.Empty;

            var templateEngine = new swxben.docxtemplateengine.DocXTemplateEngine();

                source: path_file + "SuratPengesahanHospital.docx",
                destination: path_file + tempFile,
                data: new
                tarikh          = model.TarikhString,
                namahospital    = model.HospitalName,
                namapegawai     = model.NamaPekerja,
                nokpbaru        = model.NoKPBaru,
                jawatan         = model.Jawatan,
                gred            = model.GredGaji,
                gajibulanan     = model.GajiBulanan.ToString("#,##0.00"),
                listtanggungan1 = LT1,
                listtanggungan2 = LT2,
                listtanggungan3 = LT3,
                listtanggungan4 = LT4,
                listtanggungan5 = LT5,
                listtanggungan6 = LT6,
                listtanggungan7 = LT7,
                tanggungan1     = T1,
                tanggungan2     = T2,
                tanggungan3     = T3,
                tanggungan4     = T4,
                tanggungan5     = T5,
                tanggungan6     = T6,
                tanggungan7     = T7

            rng.InsertFile(path_file + tempFile,
                           ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing);

            // now make start to point to the end of the content of the first document
            start = WordApp.ActiveDocument.Content.End - 1;
            rng   = Doc.Range(ref start, ref missing);

            //foreach (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Paragraph paragraph in Doc.Paragraphs)
            //    paragraph.Range.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
            //    paragraph.Range.Font.Size = 11;
            //    paragraph.Format.SpaceAfter = 0.1f;

            Doc.SaveAs2(path_file + tempFile);

            //System.IO.FileInfo file = new System.IO.FileInfo(path_file + tempFile);

            //Response.AddHeader("content-length", file.Length.ToString());
            //Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename = SuratPengesahanHospital.docx");
            //Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document";
            //Response.TransmitFile(path_file + "SuratPengesahanHospital.docx");

            //return View();
            string fullFilePath = path_file + tempFile;
