Ejemplo n.º 1
         * given m=2, k=3, y=3x+2
        public static void FromSlopeInterceptToLineSlopeIntercept(EqGoal slopeGoal, EqGoal interceptGoal, LineSymbol ls)
            //1. Substitute slope and intercept properties into the line slope-intercept form y=mx+b.

            var ts0 = new TraceStep(null, slopeGoal, GeometryScaffold.KC_LineSlopeForm, PlottingRule.PlottingStrategy, PlottingRule.Plot(slopeGoal));
            var ts1 = new TraceStep(null, interceptGoal, GeometryScaffold.KC_LineInterceptForm, PlottingRule.PlottingStrategy, PlottingRule.Plot(interceptGoal));


            var abstractLs  = new Line(ls.Shape.Label, slopeGoal.Lhs, interceptGoal.Lhs);
            var abstractLss = new LineSymbol(abstractLs);
            var internalLs  = new Line(ls.Shape.Label, ls.SymSlope, interceptGoal.Lhs);
            var internalLss = new LineSymbol(internalLs);

            var traceStep1 = new TraceStep(abstractLss, internalLss, SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC(), SubstitutionRule.SubstitutionStrategy, SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(abstractLss, slopeGoal));



             *          var rule = "Substitute given property to line slope-intercept form.";
             *          var appliedRule1 = string.Format("Substitute slope={0} into y=mx+b", ls.SymSlope);
             *          var appliedRule2= string.Format("Substitute intercept={0} into y=mx+b", ls.SymIntercept);*/
            var traceStep2 = new TraceStep(internalLss, ls, SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC(), SubstitutionRule.SubstitutionStrategy, SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(internalLss, interceptGoal));


            string strategy = "Substitute slope and intercept properties into the line slope-intercept form y = mx + b.";

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void FromPointPointToLine(PointSymbol ps1, PointSymbol ps2, LineSymbol ls)
            var m    = new Var("m");
            var k    = new Var("k");
            var x    = new Var("x");
            var y    = new Var("y");
            var term = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List <object>()
                m, x
            var term1 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List <object>()
                term, k
            var eqPattern = new Equation(y, term1);

            var term2 = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List <object>()
                m, ps1.SymXCoordinate
            var term22 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List <object>()
                term2, k
            var eqPattern1 = new Equation(ps1.SymYCoordinate, term22);

            var term3 = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List <object>()
                m, ps2.SymXCoordinate
            var term33 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List <object>()
                term3, k
            var eqPattern2 = new Equation(ps2.SymYCoordinate, term33);

            string strategy = "Generate a line by substituting two given points into the line slope-intercept form y=mx+k.";

            var ts0 = new TraceStep(eqPattern, eqPattern1, SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC(), SubstitutionRule.SubstitutionStrategy,
                                    SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(eqPattern, ps1));
            var ts1 = new TraceStep(eqPattern, eqPattern2, SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC(), SubstitutionRule.SubstitutionStrategy,
                                    SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(eqPattern, ps2));

            string kc = GeometryScaffold.KC_LineSlopeForm;

            var ts2 = new TraceStep(null, ls, kc, "calculate m and k through the above two linear equations.",
                                    "calculate m and k through linear equation and retrieve y=mx+k line form.");


Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void FromPointSlopeToLine(PointSymbol ps, EqGoal goal, LineSymbol ls)
            string strategy = "Substitute point and slope property into line form.";

            // 1. Substitute slope property into the line slope-intercept form.
            // 2. Calculate the line intercept by substituting the point into line pattern.


            string strategy1 = "Substitute slope property into the line slope-intercept form.";

            var m    = new Var("m");
            var k    = new Var("k");
            var x    = new Var("x");
            var y    = new Var("y");
            var term = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List <object>()
                m, x
            var term1 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List <object>()
                term, k
            var eqPattern = new Equation(y, term1);

            var term2 = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List <object>()
                goal.Rhs, x
            var term3 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List <object>()
                term2, k
            var eqInternal1 = new Equation(y, term3);

            var appliedRule1 = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(eqPattern, goal);

            var ts0 = new TraceStep(eqPattern, eqInternal1, SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC(), strategy1, appliedRule1);



            var point = ps.Shape as Point;

            Debug.Assert(point != null);

            string strategy2 = "Calculate the line intercept by substituting the point into line pattern.";

            var term4 = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List <object>()
                goal.Rhs, point.XCoordinate
            var term5 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List <object>()
                term4, k
            var eqinternal2 = new Equation(point.YCoordinate, term5);

            object obj;
            bool   result = eqinternal2.IsEqGoal(out obj);
            var    eqGoal = obj as EqGoal;

            Debug.Assert(eqGoal != null);

            var gTuple = eqGoal.Traces[0];
            var gLst   = gTuple.Item2 as List <TraceStep>;

            Debug.Assert(gLst != null);

            var appliedRule2 = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(eqInternal1, ps);

            var ts = new TraceStep(eqInternal1, ls, SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC(), strategy2, appliedRule2);

Ejemplo n.º 4
         * Automatic scaffolding
         * Distance function (x-x0)^2+(y-y0)^2 = d^2
         * Forward chaining to derive d.
         * Backward chaining to derive other four parameters.
        private static Tuple <object, object> SlopeSubstitution(Point pt1, Point pt2, double value)
            //out strategy
            string strategy = "Substitute two points and slope value into the slope function.";

            //1. Substitute two points into the line slope function.
            //2. Substitute slope property into the line slope function.
            var lst = new List <TraceStep>();

            var variable = new Var('m');

            string step1metaRule    = "Consider the Line Slope Function: m=(y1-y0)/(x1-x0)";
            string step1AppliedRule = String.Format(
                "Substitute two points value into the slope function {0}=({1}-{2})/({3}-{4})",

            /*   var pt1X = new Var("x0");
             * var pt1Y = new Var("y0");
             * var pt2X = new Var("x1");
             * var pt2Y = new Var("y1");*/

            /*   var term1_1 = new Term(Expression.Subtract, new List<object>() { pt1X, pt2X });
             * var term2_1 = new Term(Expression.Subtract, new List<object>() { pt1Y, pt2Y });
             * var rhs_1 = new Term(Expression.Divide, new List<object>() { term2_1, term1_1 });
             * var old_eq = new Equation(variable, rhs_1);*/

            var term1_11 = new Term(Expression.Subtract, new List <object>()
                pt2.XCoordinate, pt1.XCoordinate
            var term2_11 = new Term(Expression.Subtract, new List <object>()
                pt2.YCoordinate, pt1.YCoordinate
            var rhs_11 = new Term(Expression.Divide, new List <object>()
                term1_11, term2_11
            var eq = new Equation(variable, rhs_11);

            string kc = GeometryScaffold.KC_LineSlopeForm;

            var trace1 = new TraceStep(null, eq, kc, step1metaRule, step1AppliedRule);



            var newEq = new Equation(value, rhs_11);

            string step2metaRule    = "Substitute slope property into the Line Slope Function: m=(y1-y0)/(x1-x0)";
            string step2AppliedRule = String.Format(
                "Substitute slope value into the slope function {0}=({1}-{2})/({3}-{4})",

            kc = SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC();

            var trace2 = new TraceStep(null, newEq, kc, step2metaRule, step2AppliedRule);



            var newTuple = new Tuple <object, object>(strategy, lst);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void GenerateYCacheSymbol(object obj, EqGoal goal)
            var point = Shape as Point;

            Debug.Assert(point != null);
            CachedGoals.Add(new KeyValuePair <object, EqGoal>(PointAcronym.Y, goal));
            if (CachedSymbols.Count == 0)
                var gPoint       = new Point(point.Label, point.XCoordinate, obj);
                var gPointSymbol = new PointSymbol(gPoint);
                gPointSymbol.CachedGoals.Add(new KeyValuePair <object, EqGoal>(PointAcronym.Y, goal));

                //transform goal trace
                for (int i = goal.Traces.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    gPoint.Traces.Insert(0, goal.Traces[i]);
                //Substitution trace
                var rule        = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute();
                var appliedRule = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(this, goal);
                var ts          = new TraceStep(this, gPointSymbol, SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC(), rule, appliedRule);

                string strategy = "Reify a Point's y-coordinate by substituing a given fact.";

                //gPoint.Traces.Insert(0, ts);
                foreach (ShapeSymbol ss in CachedSymbols.ToList())
                    var pt = ss.Shape as Point;
                    if (pt != null)
                        var yResult = LogicSharp.Reify(pt.YCoordinate, goal.ToDict());
                        if (!pt.YCoordinate.Equals(yResult))
                            var gPt          = new Point(pt.Label, pt.XCoordinate, pt.YCoordinate);
                            var gPointSymbol = new PointSymbol(gPt);
                            pt.YCoordinate = yResult;
                            ss.CachedGoals.Add(new KeyValuePair <object, EqGoal>(PointAcronym.Y, goal));
                            //transform goal trace
                            for (int i = goal.Traces.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                pt.Traces.Insert(0, goal.Traces[i]);
                            string rule        = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute();
                            string appliedRule = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(this, goal);
                            var    ts          = new TraceStep(this, gPointSymbol, SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC(), rule, appliedRule);
                            string strategy = "Reify a Point's y-coordinate by substituing a given fact.";
                            //pt.Traces.Insert(0, ts);
                            var gPoint       = new Point(pt.Label, pt.XCoordinate, obj);
                            var gPointSymbol = new PointSymbol(gPoint);
                            gPointSymbol.CachedGoals.Add(new KeyValuePair <object, EqGoal>(PointAcronym.Y, goal));
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <object, EqGoal> pair in ss.CachedGoals)
                                if (pair.Key.Equals(PointAcronym.X))
                                    gPointSymbol.CachedGoals.Add(new KeyValuePair <object, EqGoal>(PointAcronym.X, pair.Value));
                            //Add traces from pt to gPoint
                            for (int i = pt.Traces.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                gPoint.Traces.Insert(0, pt.Traces[i]);
                            //transform goal trace
                            for (int i = goal.Traces.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                gPoint.Traces.Insert(0, goal.Traces[i]);
                            var rule        = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute();
                            var appliedRule = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(this, goal);
                            var ts          = new TraceStep(this, gPointSymbol, SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC(), rule, appliedRule);

                            string strategy = "Reify a Point's y-coordinate by substituing a given fact.";
                            //gPoint.Traces.Insert(0, ts);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void CacheC(object obj, EqGoal goal)
            CachedGoals.Add(new KeyValuePair <object, EqGoal>(LineAcronym.C, goal));

            if (CachedSymbols.Count == 0)
                var line = Shape as Line;
                Debug.Assert(line != null);

                #region generate new object

                var gLine       = new Line(line.Label, line.A, line.B, obj);
                var gLineSymbol = new LineSymbol(gLine);
                gLineSymbol.CachedGoals.Add(new KeyValuePair <object, EqGoal>(LineAcronym.C, goal));

                //Transform goal trace
                for (int i = goal.Traces.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    gLine.Traces.Insert(0, goal.Traces[i]);

                //Substitution trace
                string rule        = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute();
                string appliedRule = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(this, goal);
                string kc          = SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC();

                var ts = new TraceStep(this, gLineSymbol, kc, rule, appliedRule);
                //gLine.Traces.Insert(0, ts);
                #region Iterate existing point object

                foreach (ShapeSymbol ss in CachedSymbols.ToList())
                    var line = ss.Shape as Line;
                    if (line != null)
                        var cResult = LogicSharp.Reify(line.C, goal.ToDict());
                        if (!line.C.Equals(cResult))
                            var gline       = new Line(line.Label, line.A, line.B, line.C);
                            var gLineSymbol = new LineSymbol(gline);
                            line.C = cResult;
                            ss.CachedGoals.Add(new KeyValuePair <object, EqGoal>(LineAcronym.C, goal));

                            //transform goal trace
                            for (int i = goal.Traces.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                line.Traces.Insert(0, goal.Traces[i]);

                            string rule        = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute();
                            string appliedRule = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(gLineSymbol, goal);
                            string kc          = SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC();

                            var ts = new TraceStep(gLineSymbol, ss, kc, rule, appliedRule);
                            //line.Traces.Insert(0, ts);
                            var gLine       = new Line(line.Label, line.A, line.B, obj);
                            var gLineSymbol = new LineSymbol(gLine);
                            gLineSymbol.CachedGoals.Add(new KeyValuePair <object, EqGoal>(LineAcronym.C, goal));
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <object, EqGoal> pair in ss.CachedGoals)
                                if (pair.Key.Equals(LineAcronym.A))
                                    gLineSymbol.CachedGoals.Add(new KeyValuePair <object, EqGoal>(LineAcronym.A, pair.Value));
                                else if (pair.Key.Equals(LineAcronym.B))
                                    gLineSymbol.CachedGoals.Add(new KeyValuePair <object, EqGoal>(LineAcronym.B, pair.Value));

                            //Add traces from line to gLine
                            for (int i = line.Traces.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                gLine.Traces.Insert(0, line.Traces[i]);
                            //transform goal trace
                            for (int i = goal.Traces.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                gLine.Traces.Insert(0, goal.Traces[i]);
                            string rule        = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute();
                            string appliedRule = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(gLineSymbol, goal);
                            string kc          = SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC();

                            var ts = new TraceStep(ss, gLineSymbol, kc, rule, appliedRule);
                            //gLine.Traces.Insert(0, ts);