Ejemplo n.º 1
    // Vytvoří instanci části místnosti na mapě podle poču otevřených zdí
    private void SpawnTilePrefab(Subcell subcell)
        int firstDoor = subcell.GetFirstDoor();

        switch (subcell.GetDoorCount())
        case 1:
            Instantiate(_tileSets[subcell.TileType].tiles[0], subcell.Position, Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, firstDoor * 90, 0)), transform);

        case 2:
            if (subcell.Neighbours[((firstDoor + 2) * 2) % 8] == null)
                Instantiate(_tileSets[subcell.TileType].tiles[1], subcell.Position, Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, firstDoor * 90, 0)), transform);
                Instantiate(_tileSets[subcell.TileType].tiles[2], subcell.Position, Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, firstDoor * 90, 0)), transform);

        case 3:
            Instantiate(_tileSets[subcell.TileType].tiles[3], subcell.Position, Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, (firstDoor - 1) * 90, 0)), transform);

        case 4:
            Instantiate(_tileSets[subcell.TileType].tiles[4], subcell.Position, Quaternion.identity, transform);

            throw new System.Exception("Cell can't have more than four doors");
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public Subcell(int position, float x, float y, float z, int tileType)
     PositionInArray = position;
     Position        = new Vector3(x, y, z);
     Neighbours      = new Subcell[8];
     TileType        = tileType;
     NodesCreated    = false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    // Připojí vedlejší místnost
    private Subcell CreateOuterRoomSubcell(int subcellPositionInArray, int side)
        Subcell currentSubcell = _subcellData.Subcells[subcellPositionInArray];
        Subcell newSubcell;

        switch (side)
        case 0:     // TOP
            while (currentSubcell.Neighbours[0] != null)
                currentSubcell = currentSubcell.Neighbours[0];

            newSubcell = new Subcell(_subcellData.EmptySpotInArray, currentSubcell.Position.x, currentSubcell.Position.y, currentSubcell.Position.z + _mazeSettings.distanceBetweenCells, currentSubcell.TileType);
            currentSubcell.ConnectToSubcell(newSubcell, Side.Top);

        case 1:     // RIGHT
            while (currentSubcell.Neighbours[2] != null)
                currentSubcell = currentSubcell.Neighbours[2];

            newSubcell = new Subcell(_subcellData.EmptySpotInArray, currentSubcell.Position.x + _mazeSettings.distanceBetweenCells, currentSubcell.Position.y, currentSubcell.Position.z, currentSubcell.TileType);
            currentSubcell.ConnectToSubcell(newSubcell, Side.Right);

        case 2:     // BOTTOM
            while (currentSubcell.Neighbours[4] != null)
                currentSubcell = currentSubcell.Neighbours[4];

            newSubcell = new Subcell(_subcellData.EmptySpotInArray, currentSubcell.Position.x, currentSubcell.Position.y, currentSubcell.Position.z - _mazeSettings.distanceBetweenCells, currentSubcell.TileType);
            currentSubcell.ConnectToSubcell(newSubcell, Side.Bottom);

        case 3:     // LEFT
            while (currentSubcell.Neighbours[6] != null)
                currentSubcell = currentSubcell.Neighbours[6];

            newSubcell = new Subcell(_subcellData.EmptySpotInArray, currentSubcell.Position.x - _mazeSettings.distanceBetweenCells, currentSubcell.Position.y, currentSubcell.Position.z, currentSubcell.TileType);
            currentSubcell.ConnectToSubcell(newSubcell, Side.Left);


            throw new System.Exception("Index out of bounds");

        _subcellData.Subcells[_subcellData.EmptySpotInArray] = newSubcell;

Ejemplo n.º 4
    // Vytvoří místnost
    private void CreateRoom(Vector2Int position)
        int tileType = _mazeSettings.roomTileTypes[Random.Range(0, _mazeSettings.roomTileTypes.Length)];

        Vector2Int dimensions = _cellData.GetDimensions(position);
        // X, Z
        Vector2 realPosition = new Vector2(_startPoint.x + _cellData.XDistance[position.y] * _mazeSettings.distanceBetweenCells, _startPoint.z + _cellData.ZDistance[position.x] * _mazeSettings.distanceBetweenCells); // RLpos

        _cellData.Cells[position.x, position.y].lowestSubcellIndex = _emptySpotInArray;

        // Začne v levém spodním rohu
        for (int i = 0; i < dimensions.x; i++)                                                                                                                                                                            // Z
            for (int j = 0; j < dimensions.y; j++)                                                                                                                                                                        // X
                _subcells[_emptySpotInArray] = new Subcell(_emptySpotInArray, realPosition.x + _mazeSettings.distanceBetweenCells * j, _startPoint.y, realPosition.y + _mazeSettings.distanceBetweenCells * i, tileType); // RLpos

                // Když je podbuňka aspoň ve druhém sloupci, je potřeba ji propojit s podbuňkou nalevo od ní; (Y)
                if (j > 0)
                    _subcells[_emptySpotInArray].ConnectToSubcell(_subcells[_emptySpotInArray - 1], Side.Left);

                // Když je podbuňka aspoň ve druhé řadě, je potřeba ji propojit s podbuňkou pod ní; (X)
                if (i > 0)
                    _subcells[_emptySpotInArray].ConnectToSubcell(_subcells[_emptySpotInArray - dimensions.y], Side.Bottom);

                    // Když je podbuňka aspoň ve druhém sloupci, je potřeba ji propojit s podbuňkou vlevo dole od ní;
                    if (j > 0)
                        _subcells[_emptySpotInArray].ConnectToSubcell(_subcells[_emptySpotInArray - dimensions.y - 1], Side.BottomLeft);

                    // Když je podbuňka není v posledním sloupci, je potřeba ji propojit s podbuňkou vpravo dole od ní;
                    if (j < dimensions.y - 1)
                        _subcells[_emptySpotInArray].ConnectToSubcell(_subcells[_emptySpotInArray - dimensions.y + 1], Side.BottomRight);


        // Propojí podbuňky s podbuňkami z jiných buňek
        ConnectSubcellsFromDifferentCells(position, dimensions);
Ejemplo n.º 5
    // Vytvoří místnost na kraji mapy a prpojí ji ke zbytku
    private void CreateOuterRoom()
        int side = Random.Range(0, 4);

        Vector2Int cellPosition       = GetOuterCell(side);
        Vector2Int dimensions         = _cellData.GetDimensions(cellPosition);
        Vector2Int path               = _cellData.GetPath(cellPosition, dimensions);
        int        currenSubcellIndex = _cellData.Cells[cellPosition.x, cellPosition.y].lowestSubcellIndex + (dimensions.y * path.x) + path.y;

        Subcell outerRoomSubcell = CreateOuterRoomSubcell(currenSubcellIndex, side);

        GetComponent <TileGenerator>().SpawnSingleTile(outerRoomSubcell.Position, outerRoomSubcell.GetFirstDoor() * 90, 2, outerRoomSubcell.TileType);
        GameObject boss = GetComponent <Spawner>().SpawnBossRoom(outerRoomSubcell.Position, side, _mazeSettings.distanceBetweenCells);

        boss.GetComponent <Boss>().OnBossDeath = _winCondition.OnCompleted;
Ejemplo n.º 6
    // Propojí navzájem podbuňku s druhou podbuňkou
    public void ConnectToSubcell(Subcell other, Side direction)
        switch (direction)
        case Side.Top:
            Neighbours[0]       = other;
            other.Neighbours[4] = this;

        case Side.Right:
            Neighbours[2]       = other;
            other.Neighbours[6] = this;

        case Side.Bottom:
            Neighbours[4]       = other;
            other.Neighbours[0] = this;

        case Side.Left:
            Neighbours[6]       = other;
            other.Neighbours[2] = this;

        case Side.TopRight:
            Neighbours[1]       = other;
            other.Neighbours[5] = this;

        case Side.BottomRight:
            Neighbours[3]       = other;
            other.Neighbours[7] = this;

        case Side.BottomLeft:
            Neighbours[5]       = other;
            other.Neighbours[1] = this;

        case Side.TopLeft:
            Neighbours[7]       = other;
            other.Neighbours[3] = this;
Ejemplo n.º 7
    // Propojí uzly v podbuňce s uzly v sousedních buňkách
    private void ConnectNodesInSubcellToNeighbours(Subcell subcell, int dimension)
        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            //  Přeskakuje diagonální propojení buňek - odstranit, kdyby to bylo potřeba
            if (i % 2 == 1)

            if (subcell.Neighbours[i] != null)
                if (subcell.Neighbours[i].NodesCreated)
                    ConnectNodesFromDifferentSubcells(subcell, subcell.Neighbours[i], i, dimension);
Ejemplo n.º 8
    // Propojí vyhledávací uzly z dvou různých podbuňek
    private void ConnectNodesFromDifferentSubcells(Subcell first, Subcell second, int direction, int dimension)
        switch (direction)
        case 0:
            int firstID  = first.LowestPathfindingNodeID + (dimension) * (dimension - 1);
            int secondID = second.LowestPathfindingNodeID;

            for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++)
                ConnectTwoNodes(_pathfindingNodes[firstID], _pathfindingNodes[secondID], Side.Top);

                if (i < dimension - 1)
                    ConnectTwoNodes(_pathfindingNodes[firstID], _pathfindingNodes[secondID + 1], Side.TopRight);

                if (i > 0)
                    ConnectTwoNodes(_pathfindingNodes[firstID], _pathfindingNodes[secondID - 1], Side.TopLeft);


        case 1:
            ConnectTwoNodes(_pathfindingNodes[first.LowestPathfindingNodeID + (dimension * dimension) - 1], _pathfindingNodes[second.LowestPathfindingNodeID], Side.TopRight);

        case 2:
            int firstID  = first.LowestPathfindingNodeID + dimension - 1;
            int secondID = second.LowestPathfindingNodeID;

            for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++)
                ConnectTwoNodes(_pathfindingNodes[firstID], _pathfindingNodes[secondID], Side.Right);

                if (i < dimension - 1)
                    ConnectTwoNodes(_pathfindingNodes[firstID], _pathfindingNodes[secondID + dimension], Side.TopRight);

                if (i > 0)
                    ConnectTwoNodes(_pathfindingNodes[firstID], _pathfindingNodes[secondID - dimension], Side.BottomRight);

                firstID  += dimension;
                secondID += dimension;

        case 3:
            ConnectTwoNodes(_pathfindingNodes[first.LowestPathfindingNodeID + (dimension - 1)], _pathfindingNodes[second.LowestPathfindingNodeID + (dimension) * (dimension - 1)], Side.BottomRight);

        case 4:
            int firstID  = first.LowestPathfindingNodeID;
            int secondID = second.LowestPathfindingNodeID + (dimension) * (dimension - 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++)
                ConnectTwoNodes(_pathfindingNodes[firstID], _pathfindingNodes[secondID], Side.Bottom);

                if (i < dimension - 1)
                    ConnectTwoNodes(_pathfindingNodes[firstID], _pathfindingNodes[secondID + 1], Side.BottomRight);

                if (i > 0)
                    ConnectTwoNodes(_pathfindingNodes[firstID], _pathfindingNodes[secondID - 1], Side.BottomLeft);


        case 5:
            ConnectTwoNodes(_pathfindingNodes[first.LowestPathfindingNodeID], _pathfindingNodes[second.LowestPathfindingNodeID + (dimension * dimension) - 1], Side.BottomLeft);

        case 6:
            int firstID  = first.LowestPathfindingNodeID;
            int secondID = second.LowestPathfindingNodeID + dimension - 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++)
                ConnectTwoNodes(_pathfindingNodes[firstID], _pathfindingNodes[secondID], Side.Left);

                if (i < dimension - 1)
                    ConnectTwoNodes(_pathfindingNodes[firstID], _pathfindingNodes[secondID + dimension], Side.TopLeft);

                if (i > 0)
                    ConnectTwoNodes(_pathfindingNodes[firstID], _pathfindingNodes[secondID - dimension], Side.BottomLeft);

                firstID  += dimension;
                secondID += dimension;

        case 7:
            ConnectTwoNodes(_pathfindingNodes[first.LowestPathfindingNodeID + (dimension) * (dimension - 1)], _pathfindingNodes[second.LowestPathfindingNodeID + (dimension - 1)], Side.TopLeft);
Ejemplo n.º 9
    // Vytvoří chodbu
    private void CreateCorridor(Vector2Int position)
        int tileType = _mazeSettings.corridorTileTypes[Random.Range(0, _mazeSettings.corridorTileTypes.Length)];

        // X, Z
        Vector2    realPosition   = new Vector2(_startPoint.x + _cellData.XDistance[position.y] * _mazeSettings.distanceBetweenCells, _startPoint.z + _cellData.ZDistance[position.x] * _mazeSettings.distanceBetweenCells); // RLpos
        Vector2Int dimensions     = _cellData.GetDimensions(position);
        Vector2Int pathCoords     = _cellData.GetPath(position, dimensions);
        Vector2    centerPosition = new Vector2(realPosition.x + _mazeSettings.distanceBetweenCells * pathCoords.y, realPosition.y + _mazeSettings.distanceBetweenCells * pathCoords.x); // RLpos
        // Vytvoří podbuňku uprostřed buňky; Z, X
        int centerPositionInArray = _emptySpotInArray + (dimensions.y * pathCoords.x) + pathCoords.y;

        _cellData.Cells[position.x, position.y].lowestSubcellIndex = _emptySpotInArray;

        Subcell centerSubcell = new Subcell(centerPositionInArray, centerPosition.x, _startPoint.y, centerPosition.y, tileType);

        _subcells[centerPositionInArray] = centerSubcell;

        // Vytváří podbuňky nad sebou až k hranici buňky; Top
        if (_cellData.Cells[position.x, position.y].IsDoor(Side.Top))
            if (pathCoords.x < (dimensions.x - 1))
                int positionInArray = centerPositionInArray + dimensions.y;
                _subcells[positionInArray] = new Subcell(centerPositionInArray + dimensions.y, centerPosition.x, _startPoint.y, centerPosition.y + _mazeSettings.distanceBetweenCells, tileType); // RLpos
                _subcells[positionInArray].ConnectToSubcell(centerSubcell, Side.Bottom);
        // Vytváří podbuňky od prostřední podbuňky napravo až k hranici buňky; Right
        if (_cellData.Cells[position.x, position.y].IsDoor(Side.Right))
            if (pathCoords.y < (dimensions.y - 1))
                int positionInArray = centerPositionInArray + 1;
                _subcells[positionInArray] = new Subcell(centerPositionInArray + 1, centerPosition.x + _mazeSettings.distanceBetweenCells, _startPoint.y, centerPosition.y, tileType); // RLpos
                _subcells[positionInArray].ConnectToSubcell(centerSubcell, Side.Left);
        // Vytváří podbuňky pod sebou až k hranici buňky; Bottom
        if (_cellData.Cells[position.x, position.y].IsDoor(Side.Bottom))
            if (pathCoords.x > 0)
                int positionInArray = centerPositionInArray - dimensions.y;
                _subcells[positionInArray] = new Subcell(centerPositionInArray - dimensions.y, centerPosition.x, _startPoint.y, centerPosition.y - _mazeSettings.distanceBetweenCells, tileType); // RLpos
                _subcells[positionInArray].ConnectToSubcell(centerSubcell, Side.Top);
        // Vytváří podbuňky od prostřední podbuňky nalevo až k hranici buňky; Left
        if (_cellData.Cells[position.x, position.y].IsDoor(Side.Left))
            if (pathCoords.y > 0)
                int positionInArray = centerPositionInArray - 1;
                _subcells[positionInArray] = new Subcell(centerPositionInArray - 1, centerPosition.x - _mazeSettings.distanceBetweenCells, _startPoint.y, centerPosition.y, tileType); // RLpos
                _subcells[positionInArray].ConnectToSubcell(centerSubcell, Side.Right);

        _emptySpotInArray += dimensions.x * dimensions.y;

        // Propojí podbuňky s podbuňkami ze sousedících buňek
        ConnectSubcellsFromDifferentCells(position, dimensions);