Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected virtual void AreaControl_Leaving(object sender, WPFUserControl.AutoCompleteTextBoxControlEventArgs e)
            if (SubAreaControl.ListBoxReadOnly)
                // get the subareas and let the base class do the work
                var countrySubAreas = (CountryControl.GetCurrentObject() as Country)?.SubAreas;
                var areaSubAreas    = (e.Object as Area)?.SubAreas;

                // valid subareas
                if ((areaSubAreas != null) && (countrySubAreas != null))
                    // get the subareas belong to both selected area and selected country
                    if (GetCountrySubAreas(areaSubAreas.ToList(), countrySubAreas.ToList()) is List <SubArea> matchingSubareas)
                        // refresh control
                        RefreshControl(matchingSubareas.OfType <Location>().ToList(), SubAreaControl);
                RefreshControl(_allSubAreas.OfType <Location>().ToList(), SubAreaControl);

            // derived class can set the view model property
            // take area name from area object (if in database) or from UI text
            SetAreaDisplayItem(e.Object is Area area? area.Name : AreaControl.GetCurrentText());

            // set focus to the respective text box
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private void SubjectLocationControl_LeavingViaShift(object sender, AutoCompleteTextBoxControlEventArgs e)