Ejemplo n.º 1
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (TowerBuild.setUpDone)
            // check if the player turn has changed
            if (currentPlayer != playerTurn || nextTurn)
                currentPlayer = playerTurn;
                nextTurn      = false;
                if (gameOver)
                recentlyUndo = false;
                recentlyRedo = false;

                // reset redo undo lists
                redoTowerPos = new List <Vector3>();
                redoTowerRot = new List <Quaternion> ();
                undoTowerPos = tempPos;
                undoTowerRot = tempRot;
                tempPos      = new List <Vector3> ();
                tempRot      = new List <Quaternion> ();

                // get the list of blocklayers
                List <Transform> tower = TowerBuild.blkLayers;

                // in the beginning of the turn, get all the positions
                //print("FILLING IN TEMP");
                for (int i = 0; i < tower.Count; i++)
                    // fill in the perFrame buffer
                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                        Transform currBlock;
                        if (tower [i].childCount == 3 || j < tower [i].childCount)
                            currBlock = tower [i].GetChild(j);
                        // if one block is being held, retrieve that child
                        else if (tower [i].childCount < 3)
                            currBlock = tower [i].GetChild(0);
                            // retrieve the held block
                            Stylus5 stylusGO = (Stylus5)FindObjectOfType(typeof(Stylus5));
                            if (stylusGO.interactingWith != null)
                                Transform missing = stylusGO.interactingWith.transform;
                                if (j == missing.GetComponent <BlockInteraction> ().missIndex)
                                    currBlock = missing;
                            currBlock = tower [i].GetChild(0);

                        Vector3 toAdd = new Vector3(0f, 0.001f * i, 0f);
                        tempPos.Add(currBlock.position + toAdd);

        GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("TurnsTaken").GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text> ().text = "Turns taken: " + turnsTaken;

        if (!gameOver)
            GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("PlayerText").GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().text = "Player " + playerTurn + "'s turn";

            GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("PlayerText").GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().text = "Player " + playerTurn + " has lost!";
Ejemplo n.º 2
 void Start()
     stylusGO = (Stylus5)FindObjectOfType(typeof(Stylus5));
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public static void undo()
        if (TowerBuild.setUpDone && undoTowerPos.Count > 1)
            // get the list of block layers
            List <Transform> tower = TowerBuild.blkLayers;

            // if we've already moved one step, we don't have to do anything
            if (!recentlyUndo)
                // modify playerTurn, turnsTaken, currentPlayer, and recentlyUndo
                playerTurn = (playerTurn == 1 && Numbers.numPlayers == 2) ? 2 : 1;
                //if (gameOver)
                //	turnsTaken--;
                currentPlayer = playerTurn;
                recentlyRedo  = false;
                recentlyUndo  = true;

            // we shouldn't be in game over after an undo
            gameOver = false;
            GroundCollide.gameOver = false;

            // fill in the redo section
            for (int i = 0; i < tower.Count; i++)
                // fill in the perFrame buffer
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    Transform currBlock;
                    if (tower [i].childCount == 3 || j < tower [i].childCount)
                        currBlock = tower [i].GetChild(j);
                    // if one block is being held, retrieve that child
                    else if (tower [i].childCount < 3)
                        currBlock = tower [i].GetChild(0);
                        // retrieve the held block
                        Stylus5 stylusGO = (Stylus5)FindObjectOfType(typeof(Stylus5));
                        if (stylusGO.interactingWith != null)
                            Transform missing = stylusGO.interactingWith.transform;
                            if (j == missing.GetComponent <BlockInteraction> ().missIndex)
                                currBlock = missing;
                        currBlock = tower [i].GetChild(0);

                    Vector3 toAdd = new Vector3(0f, 0.001f * i, 0f);
                    redoTowerPos.Add(currBlock.position + toAdd);

            // reset the whole tower to the last turn
            for (int i = 0; i < tower.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    Transform block = tower [i].GetChild(j);
                    block.position = undoTowerPos [(i * 3) + j];
                    block.rotation = undoTowerRot [(i * 3) + j];
            if (GroundCollide.lastRemovedBlock.GetComponent <BlockState> ().hitTheGround)
                GroundCollide.lastRemovedBlock.GetComponent <BlockState> ().undoed = true;
            GroundCollide.lastRemovedBlock.GetComponent <BlockState> ().hitTheGround = false;
            print("undo failed");
Ejemplo n.º 4
    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
        // check if block (one) hits the ground
        GameObject g = collision.gameObject;

        if (g.layer == 8)
            BlockState bState = g.GetComponent <BlockState> ();
            if (!bState.hitTheGround)
                bState.hitTheGround = true;
                print(bState.hitTheGround + " " + g.name + " has hit the ground");
                lastRemovedBlock = g;
                // g.SetActive(false);
                startTimer = true;
                // if yes...
                // check if player holding block
                Stylus5 stylusGO = (Stylus5)FindObjectOfType(typeof(Stylus5));
                if (stylusGO.interactingWith != null)
                    Transform heldBlock = stylusGO.interactingWith.transform;
                    if (heldBlock == null)
                        // fail game
                        gameOver = true;

                // check if another block hits ground in next 5 seconds
                if (Time.time - timeStart < 5.0 && check2ndCollision)
                    // fail game
                    gameOver = true;
                check2ndCollision = true;

                // check if top layer fo tower falls below a threshold
                Transform topLayer = TowerBuild.blkLayers [TowerBuild.blkLayers.Count - 1];
                Transform topX, topY, topZ;
                if (topLayer.childCount == 3)
                    topX = topLayer.GetChild(0);
                    topY = topLayer.GetChild(1);
                    topZ = topLayer.GetChild(2);
                    topX = topLayer.GetChild(0);
                    topY = topLayer.GetChild(1);

                    if (stylusGO.interactingWith != null)
                        topZ = stylusGO.interactingWith.transform;
                        topZ = topLayer.GetChild(1);
                if (topLayer.position.y - topX.position.y > distThreshold ||
                    topLayer.position.y - topY.position.y > distThreshold ||
                    topLayer.position.y - topZ.position.y > distThreshold)
                    // fail game
                    gameOver = true;

        // when turn is done, set startTimer to false