Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static IEnumerable <StudyPlan> TryToImproveSchedule(StudyPlan plan)
            // TODO: Fixme
            Semester first        = currentSemester;
            Semester last         = FSharpSchedulingWizard.lastSemester(plan);
            Semester bestPossible = bestAchievable(plan);

            //variables for mutating to get the results using while loop
            IEnumerable <StudyPlan> bestPlans = new StudyPlan[] { };
            Semester targetGraduation         = StudyPlannerModel.previousSemester(last);

            while (targetGraduation.CompareTo(bestPossible) >= 0)
                IEnumerable <PlannedUnit> bounds = BoundsOptimizer.boundUnitsInPlan(plan, first, targetGraduation);
                StudyPlan newPlan = scheduleRemaning(bounds, new UnitInPlan[] { });

                if (newPlan == null)

                //append the newPlan and try to get better plan with tighter target graduation semester
                bestPlans        = bestPlans.Concat(new[] { newPlan });
                targetGraduation = StudyPlannerModel.previousSemester(FSharpSchedulingWizard.lastSemester(newPlan));

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private Task Wizard(bool FSharpVersion)
            cancelWizard = new CancellationTokenSource();

            // run the study plan wizard in the background on a separate thread (so that the UI remains responsive)
            return(Task.Run(() =>
                if (plan.Items.Count() > 0 && StudyPlannerModel.isLegalPlan(plan.Items))
                    IEnumerable <StudyPlan> wizard;
                    if (FSharpVersion)
                        wizard = FSharpSchedulingWizard.TryToImproveSchedule(plan.Items);
                        wizard = CSharpSchedulingWizard.TryToImproveSchedule(plan.Items);

                    foreach (var betterPlan in wizard)
                        uiFactory.StartNew(() =>
                            // present each progressively improved study plan as they are discovered
                        }, cancelWizard.Token);
            }, cancelWizard.Token));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // Transform the study plan (a list of enrolled units) into a list of semesters, each with their own list of enrolled units
        private IEnumerable <SemesterPlan> projectPlan()
            List <SemesterPlan> semesters = new List <SemesterPlan>();

            var thisYear = System.DateTime.Now.Year;

            for (int year = thisYear + 5; year >= thisYear - 4; year--)
                foreach (var offering in new Offering[] { Offering.Semester2, Offering.Semester1 })
                    Semester semester = new Semester(year, offering);
                    semesters.Add(new SemesterPlan
                        label      = StudyPlannerModel.display(semester),
                        semester   = semester,
                        enrollable = inFlightUnitCode != null && StudyPlannerModel.isEnrollableIn(inFlightUnitCode, semester, plan.Items),
                        units      = plan.Items
                                     .Where(unit => unit.semester.Equals(semester))
                                     .Select(unit => new UnitInSemester
                            unit         = unit,
                            offering     = StudyPlannerModel.displayOffered(unit.code),
                            group        = getGroup(unit.code, unit.studyArea),
                            statusColour = StudyPlannerModel.isLegalIn(unit.code, semester, plan.Items) ? StudyAreaColour(unit.studyArea) : "Red"
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private static StudyPlan scheduleRemaning(IEnumerable <PlannedUnit> remainingUnits, StudyPlan plannedUnits)
                if (!remainingUnits.Any())

                PlannedUnit schedulableUnit =
                        unit => unit.possibleSemesters.Where(
                            sem => StudyPlannerModel.isEnrollableIn(unit.code, sem, plannedUnits)

                foreach (var sem in schedulableUnit.possibleSemesters)
                    if (StudyPlannerModel.isEnrollableIn(schedulableUnit.code, sem, plannedUnits))
                        UnitInPlan newUnitPlan     = new UnitInPlan(schedulableUnit.code, schedulableUnit.studyArea, sem);
                        StudyPlan  scheduleEachSem = scheduleRemaning(remainingUnits.Where(unit => unit.code != schedulableUnit.code), plannedUnits.Concat(new UnitInPlan[] { newUnitPlan }));
                        if (scheduleEachSem != null)
            }catch (Exception ex) //if can't find any schedulable unit while there are still units needed to add to the plan

            return(null); //if can't add all the remaining units
        public static IEnumerable <StudyPlan> TryToImproveSchedule(StudyPlan plan)
            List <StudyPlan> improvedPlans = new List <StudyPlan>();

            // earliest possible sem + first and last sem of study plan
            Semester earliestPossible = bestPossible(plan, currentSemester);
            Semester firstSem         = currentSemester; ///
            Semester lastSem          = latestSem(plan);

            // get target completion date
            Semester target = StudyPlannerModel.previousSemester(lastSem); //

            /// create new bounds with target completion to be rescheduled into a new study plan
            List <PlannedUnit> newBound = BoundsOptimizer.boundUnitsInPlan(plan, firstSem, target).ToList();
            StudyPlan          newPlan;

            while (target.CompareTo(earliestPossible) >= 0) // while target is still possible
                // if bounds infeasible then can't reschedule
                if (!FSharpSchedulingWizard.allBoundsFeasible(ListModule.OfSeq(newBound)))
                    return(improvedPlans); /// return sequence
                // otherwise, add plan to improved plans
                newPlan = scheduleRemaining(newBound, new List <UnitInPlan>());
                if (newPlan is null)
                    break; // stop trying to find better plans


                // update target semester
                target = StudyPlannerModel.previousSemester(latestSem(newPlan));

                // update new bounds for 1 sem earlier
                newBound = BoundsOptimizer.boundUnitsInPlan(newPlan, firstSem, target).ToList();

Ejemplo n.º 6
 // Update the status colours of the units in the study plan(s)
 private IEnumerable <StudyArea> enrollable(IEnumerable <UnitInPlan> plan, IEnumerable <StudyArea> studyareas)
     foreach (var area in studyAreas)
         foreach (var unit in area.units)
             if (plan.Any(unitInPlan => unitInPlan.code == unit.code)) // units that are already enrolled are shown using the colour of the study area
                 unit.statusColour = StudyAreaColour(plan.First(unitInPlan => unitInPlan.code == unit.code).studyArea);
             else if (StudyPlannerModel.isEnrollable(unit.code, plan)) // units that can be enrolled are shown in green
                 unit.statusColour = "Lime";
                 unit.statusColour = "LightGray"; // units that cannot yet be enrolled are shown in gray
     return(new List <StudyArea>(studyAreas));
        public static StudyPlan scheduleRemaining(List <PlannedUnit> boundUnits, List <UnitInPlan> plan)
            if (boundUnits.Count == 0) // all units have been scheduled, so return plan

            PlannedUnit firstUnit = boundUnits.FirstOrDefault(unit => unit.possibleSemesters
                                                              .Any(sem => StudyPlannerModel.isEnrollableIn(unit.code, sem, plan)));

            if (firstUnit is null) // we have failed in finding an enrollable unit, so cannot complete schedule

            // otherwise schedule in possible semester
            foreach (Semester sem in firstUnit.possibleSemesters)
                if (StudyPlannerModel.isEnrollableIn(firstUnit.code, sem, plan))
                    UnitInPlan newUnit = new UnitInPlan(firstUnit.code, firstUnit.studyArea, sem);
                    IEnumerable <UnitInPlan>  newPlan  = plan.Append(newUnit);                                      // add new unit to plan
                    IEnumerable <PlannedUnit> newBound = boundUnits.Where(subject => subject.code != newUnit.code); // remove new unit from planned units
                    StudyPlan final = scheduleRemaining(newBound.ToList(), newPlan.ToList());                       // try to schedule the rest of the planned units

                    // if we finish with a plan that is not null, then we hav succeeded and return plan
                    if (!(final is null))

            // otherwise no possible choices
Ejemplo n.º 8
 // Can we legally drop the currently inFlight unit in the specified semester?
 private bool CanScheduleIn(Semester semester)
     return(inFlightUnitCode != null && StudyPlannerModel.isEnrollableIn(inFlightUnitCode, semester, plan.Items));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        // Load a new course by parsing Study Area information from a CSV resourse file
        private IEnumerable <StudyArea> LoadCourse(string CVSFile)
            var studyAreas = new List <StudyArea>();

            using (var file = new System.IO.StringReader(CVSFile))
                while (true)
                    var studyArea = new StudyArea();
                    studyArea.code = file.ReadLine();
                    if (studyArea.code == "" || studyArea.code == null)
                    studyArea.title  = file.ReadLine();
                    studyArea.colour = file.ReadLine();
                    var units = new List <UnitInStudyArea>();
                    studyArea.units = units;
                    while (true)
                        var line = file.ReadLine();
                        if (line == null)
                        var csv = line.Split(',');
                        if (csv.Length < 3)
                            units.Add(new UnitInStudyArea {
                                code = csv[0], studyArea = studyArea.code, XPos = ScaleX(double.Parse(csv[1])), YPos = ScaleY(double.Parse(csv[2])), offering = StudyPlannerModel.displayOffered(csv[0]), group = csv[3]
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public string getPrereq(string unitCode)
Ejemplo n.º 11
        // Miscellaneous getter methods ...

        public string getUnitTitle(string unitCode)