Ejemplo n.º 1
    void Start()
        crudscore = GetComponent <CRUDScores>();

        studentscore = new StudentScores();

        world      = "world1";
        chap       = "chap1";
        difficulty = "easy";

        invalidworld           = "testingworld123";
        userid                 = "userid1159";
        userid2                = "user1";
        studentscore.attempt   = 1;
        studentscore.name      = "Sam";
        studentscore.scores    = 123;
        GameOwneruserid        = "student1";
        InvalidGameOwneruserid = "testinguser1234";
        UniqueQuestionId       = "3405934";

        Test_getLeaderBoard_WithValidValue(world, chap, difficulty);
        Test_getLeaderBoard_WithInvalidValue(invalidworld, chap, difficulty);

        Test_getUserScores_WithValidValue(world, chap, difficulty, userid);
        Test_getUserScores_WithInvalidValue(invalidworld, chap, difficulty, userid);

        Test_getUserScoreForStudentGame_WithValidValue(GameOwneruserid, userid2, UniqueQuestionId);
        Test_getUserScoreForStudentGame_WithInvalidValue(InvalidGameOwneruserid, userid2, UniqueQuestionId);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public void getUserScore(string world, string chap, string difficulty, string userid, System.Action <StudentScores, string, string, string> callback)
        Debug.Log(world + chap + difficulty + userid);
        .GetValueAsync().ContinueWith(task => {
            if (task.IsFaulted)
                Debug.Log("Failed to connect");
                // Handle the error...
            else if (task.IsCompleted)
                DataSnapshot snapshot = task.Result;

                StudentScores studentScore = new StudentScores();

                studentScore = JsonUtility.FromJson <StudentScores>(snapshot.GetRawJsonValue());
                // Debug.Log("here1");
                // Debug.Log(studentScore.scores);
                //need to check whether it exist in database
                if (studentScore == null)
                    // Debug.Log("it's null");
                    callback(null, null, null, null);
                    // Debug.Log("attemp:" + studentScore.attempt + "  , name is: " + studentScore.name + "  , score: " + studentScore.scores);
                    callback(studentScore, world, chap, difficulty);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public void leaderboardCallback(StudentScores[] scoresList, int listSize)
        StudentScores[] OrderedScoreList = new StudentScores[11];
        for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
            OrderedScoreList[i] = new StudentScores();
        //   StudentScores[] OrderedScoreList = new StudentScores[index];
        for (int i = 0; i < 11 && i < listSize; i++)
            OrderedScoreList[i] = scoresList[listSize - i - 1];
            //Debug.Log("Score: " + OrderedScoreList[i].name);
        leaderboardData = OrderedScoreList;

        // foreach (StudentScores s in scoresList)
        // {
        //     Debug.Log(s.name);
        //     Debug.Log(s.scores);
        //     if(s.name == StaticVariable.UserID){
        //         selfname.text = s.name;
        //         selfscore.text = s.scores.ToString();
        //     }
        //     Debug.Log("here");
        // }
        getLeaderboard = true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    public void RandomlyGenerateScores(string world)
        StudentScores newScore = new StudentScores();

        for (int k = 0; k < 20; k++)
            newScore.name    = "student" + Random.Range(0, 10000);
            newScore.scores  = Random.Range(0, 100000);
            newScore.attempt = Random.Range(1, 3);
            AddNewScores(world, "chap1", "easy", "userid" + Random.Range(0, 10000), newScore);
            AddNewScores(world, "chap1", "normal", "userid" + Random.Range(0, 10000), newScore);
            AddNewScores(world, "chap1", "hard", "userid" + Random.Range(0, 10000), newScore);

            AddNewScores(world, "chap2", "easy", "userid" + Random.Range(0, 10000), newScore);
            AddNewScores(world, "chap2", "normal", "userid" + Random.Range(0, 10000), newScore);
            AddNewScores(world, "chap2", "hard", "userid" + Random.Range(0, 10000), newScore);

            AddNewScores(world, "chap3", "easy", "userid" + Random.Range(0, 10000), newScore);
            AddNewScores(world, "chap3", "normal", "userid" + Random.Range(0, 10000), newScore);
            AddNewScores(world, "chap3", "hard", "userid" + Random.Range(0, 10000), newScore);

            AddNewScores(world, "chap4", "easy", "userid" + Random.Range(0, 10000), newScore);
            AddNewScores(world, "chap4", "normal", "userid" + Random.Range(0, 10000), newScore);
            AddNewScores(world, "chap4", "hard", "userid" + Random.Range(0, 10000), newScore);
Ejemplo n.º 5
    public void getUserScoreForStudentGame(string GameOwneruserid, string userid, string UniqueQuestionId, System.Action <StudentScores> callback)
        .GetValueAsync().ContinueWith(task =>
            if (task.IsFaulted)
                Debug.Log("Failed to connect");
                // Handle the error...
            else if (task.IsCompleted)
                DataSnapshot snapshot = task.Result;

                StudentScores studentScore = new StudentScores();

                studentScore = JsonUtility.FromJson <StudentScores>(snapshot.GetRawJsonValue());

                //need to check whether it exist in database
                if (studentScore == null)
                    //Debug.Log("it's null");
                    //Debug.Log("attemp:" + studentScore.attempt + "  , name is: " + studentScore.name + "  , score: " + studentScore.scores);
Ejemplo n.º 6
    public void callback(StudentScores[] scores, int index)
        OrderedScoreList = new StudentScores[11];
        for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
            OrderedScoreList[i] = new StudentScores();

        for (int i = 0; i < 11 && i < index; i++)
            OrderedScoreList[i] = scores[index - i - 1];
            //Debug.Log("Score: " + OrderedScoreList[i].name);

        for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
            if (scores[index - i - 1].name == username)
                userrank = (i + 1).ToString();
        gotData = true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public void getUserScoreCallback(StudentScores myScore, string world, string chap, string difficulty)
     Debug.Log("call back executed");
     username  = myScore.name;
     userscore = myScore.scores.ToString();
     dbClass.getLeaderBoard(world, chapter, mode, callback);
     gotUserScore = true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 private void PeriodPicker_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     StudentScores.DataSource = OgrenciDAO.GetScoresForStudent(ogrenci.Id, Convert.ToInt32(PeriodPicker.Text));
     for (int i = 1; i < StudentScores.ColumnCount; i++)
         StudentScores.Columns[i].ReadOnly = true;
Ejemplo n.º 9
    public void RandomlyGenerateStudentGameScores()
        StudentScores newScore = new StudentScores();

        for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++)
            newScore.name    = "student" + Random.Range(0, 10000);
            newScore.scores  = Random.Range(0, 100000);
            newScore.attempt = Random.Range(1, 3);

            AddStudentGameNewScores("student3", newScore.name, "84356", newScore);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the number of students assignments
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>int length</returns>
 public int GetStudentAssignmentsCount()
     catch (Exception ex)
         //This is the top level method so we want to handle the exception
         throw new Exception(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.Name + "." +
                             MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " -> " + ex.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 11
    public void getStudentGameLeaderBoard(string gameID, System.Action <StudentScores[], int> callback)
        .GetValueAsync().ContinueWith(task =>
            if (task.IsFaulted)
                Debug.Log("Failed to connect");
                // Handle the error...
            else if (task.IsCompleted)
                // Debug.Log("Code Runs");
                DataSnapshot snapshot = task.Result;

                int Scoreindex             = 0;
                StudentScores[] scoresList = new StudentScores[100];
                foreach (DataSnapshot s in snapshot.Children)
                    foreach (DataSnapshot ss in s.Children)
                        if (gameID == ss.Key)
                            foreach (DataSnapshot sss in ss.Child("scores").Children)
                                scoresList[Scoreindex]   = new StudentScores();
                                scoresList[Scoreindex++] = JsonUtility.FromJson <StudentScores>(sss.GetRawJsonValue());
                                //Debug.Log("StudentName: " + scoresList[Scoreindex-1].name + " , Student Score: " + scoresList[Scoreindex-1].scores);


                if (Scoreindex == 0)
                    callback(null, 0);
                    callback(scoresList, Scoreindex);
                //Debug.Log("Code End");
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public IActionResult Profile()
            string login = HttpContext.Session.GetString("Login");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(login))
            var            allStudentScores = _dbContext.StudentScores;
            List <Lecture> lectures         = _dbContext.Lecture.ToList();

            if (login == "Lecturer")
                var lecturerProfileModel = new LecturerProfileViewModel
                    Lectures         = new List <string>(),
                    AllStudentScores = new Dictionary <string, List <int> >()
                foreach (var lec in lectures)
                foreach (var stud in allStudentScores)
                    lecturerProfileModel.AllStudentScores.Add(stud.StudentName, stud.GetScoresAsCollection().ToList());
                return(View("LecturerProfile", lecturerProfileModel));
                StudentScores studentScores    = allStudentScores.FirstOrDefault(i => i.StudentName == login);
                var           profileViewModel = new ProfileViewModel
                    UserName = studentScores.StudentName,
                    Scores   = new List <int>(),
                    Lectures = new List <string>()
                foreach (var lec in lectures)
                var studentScoresResult = studentScores.GetScoresAsCollection();
                for (int i = 0; i < lectures.Count(); ++i)
                return(View("Profile", profileViewModel));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// 取得學生學期成績
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="utilCache"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Dictionary <string, StudentScores> GetStudentScores(Dictionary <string, HistoryUtil> utilCache)
            Dictionary <string, StudentScores> scores = new Dictionary <string, StudentScores>();

            foreach (JHSemesterScoreRecord scoreRecord in JHSemesterScore.SelectByStudentIDs(AllStudentID))
                if (!scores.ContainsKey(scoreRecord.RefStudentID))
                    StudentScores studentScores = new StudentScores(utilCache[scoreRecord.RefStudentID]);
                    scores.Add(scoreRecord.RefStudentID, studentScores);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public void myCallbackFunction(StudentScores myScore, string world, string chap, string difficulty)
     Debug.Log("call back executed");
     if (myScore == null)
         this.studentScores = myScore;
         _chap       = chap;
         _world      = world;
         _difficulty = difficulty;
         getStudentScores(_world, _chap, userid, _difficulty);
     callbackdone = true;
Ejemplo n.º 15
    // Start is called before the first frame update

    void Awake()
        // Set this before calling into the realtime database.

        // Get the root reference location of the database.
        mDatabaseRef = FirebaseDatabase.DefaultInstance.RootReference;

        ////////////////////////////This function will add a new score in the database//////////////////////////////////////
        ///Specify which world, chap and difficulty level of the question, student and the scores of the student into the function
        StudentScores sample = new StudentScores();

        sample.name    = "Johnny pean";
        sample.scores  = Random.Range(0, 100000);
        sample.attempt = Random.Range(1, 3);

        AddNewScores("world1", "chap1", "easy", "myuserid", sample);
Ejemplo n.º 16
    public void getLeaderBoard(string world, string chap, string difficulty, System.Action <StudentScores[], int> callback)
        .GetValueAsync().ContinueWith(task =>
            if (task.IsFaulted)
                Debug.Log("Failed to connect");
                // Handle the error...
            else if (task.IsCompleted)
                // Debug.Log("Code Runs");
                DataSnapshot snapshot = task.Result;

                int index = 0;
                //currently order is ascending
                StudentScores[] scoresList = new StudentScores[200];
                foreach (DataSnapshot s in snapshot.Children)
                    scoresList[index]   = new StudentScores();
                    scoresList[index++] = JsonUtility.FromJson <StudentScores>(s.GetRawJsonValue());
                //   StudentScores[] OrderedScoreList = new StudentScores[index];

                if (index == 0)
                    callback(null, 0);
                    callback(scoresList, index);
                //Debug.Log("Code End");
Ejemplo n.º 17
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        crudscore = GetComponent <CRUDScores>();
        crudUser  = GetComponent <AddUser>();

        studentscore = new StudentScores();

        world                = "testworld";
        chap                 = "chap1";
        difficulty           = "easy";
        userid               = "user1";
        studentscore.attempt = 1;
        studentscore.name    = "Sam";
        studentscore.scores  = 123;
        GameOwneruserid      = "student1";
        UniqueQuestionId     = "3405934";

        AddNewScores(world, chap, difficulty, userid, studentscore);
        getUserScores(world, chap, difficulty, userid);
        updateUserScore(world, chap, difficulty, userid, studentscore);
        AddStudentGameNewScores(GameOwneruserid, userid, UniqueQuestionId, studentscore);
        getUserScoreForStudentGame(GameOwneruserid, userid, UniqueQuestionId);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public void callbackFunc(StudentScores scList)
     scoreList = scList;
     call      = true;
Ejemplo n.º 19
    public void AddNewScores(string world, string chap, string difficulty, string userid, StudentScores studentscore)
        string json = JsonUtility.ToJson(studentscore);

Ejemplo n.º 20
 public bool AddNewScores(string world, string chap, string difficulty, string userid, StudentScores studentscore)
     if (world != null && chap != null && difficulty != null && userid != null && studentscore != null)
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public bool AddStudentGameNewScores(string GameOwneruserid, string userid, string UniqueQuestionId, StudentScores studentscore)
     if (GameOwneruserid != null && UniqueQuestionId != null && userid != null && studentscore != null)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    public void AddStudentGameNewScores(string GameOwneruserid, string userid, string UniqueQuestionId, StudentScores studentscore)
        Debug.Log("Add student's game user score into database");
        Debug.Log("Call Score manager to add data");
        crudscore.AddStudentGameNewScores(GameOwneruserid, userid, UniqueQuestionId, studentscore);

        crudscore.getUserScoreForStudentGame(GameOwneruserid, userid, UniqueQuestionId, printSuccessMsg);
Ejemplo n.º 23
    public void updateUserScore(string world, string chap, string difficulty, string userid, StudentScores studentscore)
        Debug.Log("Update user score");
        Debug.Log("Call Score manager to update data");
        crudscore.updateUserScore(world, chap, difficulty, userid, studentscore);

        crudscore.getUserScore(world, chap, difficulty, userid, printSuccessMsg);
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public void printSuccessMsg(StudentScores sc)
     Debug.Log("CRUD called");
Ejemplo n.º 25
    public void AddNewScores(string world, string chap, string difficulty, string userid, StudentScores studentscore)
        Debug.Log("Add user score into database");
        Debug.Log("Call Score manager to add data");
        crudscore.AddNewScores(world, chap, difficulty, userid, studentscore);

        crudscore.getUserScore(world, chap, difficulty, userid, printSuccessMsg);
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public void CallBackFunction_WithFalse(StudentScores sc)
     assert((sc != null), false);
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public void CallBackFunction_WithTrue(StudentScores sc)
     assert((sc != null), true);
Ejemplo n.º 28
    IEnumerator GenerateQuestions()
        var getTask = FirebaseDatabase.DefaultInstance

        yield return(new WaitUntil(() => getTask.IsCompleted || getTask.IsFaulted));

        DataSnapshot snapshot = null;

        if (getTask.IsCompleted)
            snapshot = getTask.Result;

        if (difficulty == "easy")
            NumQuestions = 10;
        else if (difficulty == "normal")
            NumQuestions = 15;
            NumQuestions = 20;

        int totalQuestion = int.Parse(snapshot.ChildrenCount.ToString());

        if (NumQuestions > totalQuestion) //If not enough questions from the database
            question.text  = "The lecturer has not set enough question for this chapter.";
            Time.timeScale = 0;
            GetQuestion[] questionList = new GetQuestion[snapshot.ChildrenCount];
            int           index        = 0;
            //Get question list
            foreach (DataSnapshot s in snapshot.Children)
                questionList[index]            = new GetQuestion();
                questionList[index].UniqueKey  = s.Key;
                questionList[index++].question = JsonUtility.FromJson <UploadQuestion>(s.GetRawJsonValue());

            GetQuestion[] randomQuestion = new GetQuestion[NumQuestions];
            for (int i = 0; i < NumQuestions; i++)
                randomQuestion[i] = questionList[i];
                while (randomQuestion[i] == null)
                    int random = Random.Range(0, NumQuestions - 1);
                    if (questionList[random] != null)
                        randomQuestion[i]    = questionList[random];
                        questionList[random] = null;

            int rightOption = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < NumQuestions; i++)
                question.text = randomQuestion[i].question.question;
                int random = Random.Range(1, 4);
                if (random == 1)
                    answer1.text = randomQuestion[i].question.ans1;
                    answer2.text = randomQuestion[i].question.ans2;
                    answer3.text = randomQuestion[i].question.ans3;
                    answer4.text = randomQuestion[i].question.ans4;
                else if (random == 2)
                    answer1.text = randomQuestion[i].question.ans2;
                    answer2.text = randomQuestion[i].question.ans3;
                    answer3.text = randomQuestion[i].question.ans1;
                    answer4.text = randomQuestion[i].question.ans4;
                else if (random == 3)
                    answer1.text = randomQuestion[i].question.ans3;
                    answer2.text = randomQuestion[i].question.ans2;
                    answer3.text = randomQuestion[i].question.ans4;
                    answer4.text = randomQuestion[i].question.ans1;
                    answer1.text = randomQuestion[i].question.ans3;
                    answer2.text = randomQuestion[i].question.ans1;
                    answer3.text = randomQuestion[i].question.ans4;
                    answer4.text = randomQuestion[i].question.ans2;

                string rightAnswer = randomQuestion[i].question.correctAns;

                if (rightAnswer == answer1.text)
                    rightOption = 1;
                else if (rightAnswer == answer2.text)
                    rightOption = 2;
                else if (rightAnswer == answer3.text)
                    rightOption = 3;
                else if (rightAnswer == answer4.text)
                    rightOption = 4;
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(4.2f));

                if (rightOption == userChoice)
                    Score.text = score.ToString();
                    // playSound();
                    yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.8f));
                    setCharacterMovement(character, true);

                    yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.6f));

                    setCharacterMovement(character, false);
                    yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.2f));
            // GETTING attempt  from scores

            int latestAttempt = 0;

            /* var task = FirebaseDatabase.DefaultInstance
             * .GetReference("scores").Child(world).Child(chap).Child(difficulty).Child(userID)
             * .GetValueAsync();
             * yield return new WaitUntil(() => task.IsCompleted || task.IsFaulted);
             * if (task.IsFaulted)
             * {
             *   Debug.Log("Failed to connect");
             *   // Handle the error...
             * }
             * else if (task.IsCompleted)
             * {
             *   Debug.Log("Code Runs");
             *   snapshot = task.Result;
             *   index = 0;
             *   //currently order is ascending
             *   StudentScores[] scoresList = new StudentScores[snapshot.ChildrenCount];
             *   foreach (DataSnapshot s in snapshot.Children)
             *   {
             *       scoresList[index] = new StudentScores();
             *       scoresList[index++] = JsonUtility.FromJson<StudentScores>(s.GetRawJsonValue());
             *   }
             *   Debug.Log("Total record found " + snapshot.ChildrenCount);
             *   foreach (var item in scoresList)
             *   {
             *       if (item != null)
             *       {
             *           //get the student name here
             *           if (item.attempt > latestAttempt)
             *           {
             *               latestAttempt = item.attempt;
             *           }
             *           if (item.scores > score)
             *           {
             *               score = item.scores;
             *           }
             *       }
             *   }
             * //}*/
            // To Insert student score into DB
            if (scoreList != null)
                if (scoreList.scores > score)
                    score = scoreList.scores;
                latestAttempt = scoreList.attempt;

            crudscore.getUserScore(world, chap, difficulty, userID, callbackFunc);

            StudentScores sc = new StudentScores();

            sc.name    = "";
            sc.attempt = latestAttempt + 1;
            sc.scores  = score;
            crudscore.updateUserScore(world, chap, difficulty, userID, sc);

            Time.timeScale = 0;
            question.text  = "Game Completed! Click back to attempt another game!";
Ejemplo n.º 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a string to display all the student's scores
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="preDisplay">Header string</param>
        /// <returns>String display</returns>
        public String GenerateDisplay(String preDisplay)
            String display = preDisplay;

                for (int i = 0; i < StudentNames.Length; ++i)
                    double sum = 0;
                    display += Environment.NewLine;

                    display += StudentNames[i] + "\t\t";

                    for (int j = 0; j < StudentScores.GetLength(1); ++j)
                        display += StudentScores[i, j] + "\t";
                        sum     += StudentScores[i, j];

                    double average = (sum / StudentScores.GetLength(1));
                    display += average + "\t";

                    String letterGrade;
                    if (average >= 93)
                        letterGrade = "A";
                    else if (average >= 90)
                        letterGrade = "A-";
                    else if (average >= 87)
                        letterGrade = "B+";
                    else if (average >= 83)
                        letterGrade = "B";
                    else if (average >= 80)
                        letterGrade = "B-";
                    else if (average >= 77)
                        letterGrade = "C=";
                    else if (average >= 73)
                        letterGrade = "C";
                    else if (average >= 70)
                        letterGrade = "C-";
                    else if (average >= 67)
                        letterGrade = "D+";
                    else if (average >= 63)
                        letterGrade = "D";
                    else if (average >= 60)
                        letterGrade = "D-";
                        letterGrade = "F";
                    display += letterGrade;
            catch (Exception ex)
                //This is the top level method so we want to handle the exception
                throw new Exception(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.Name + "." +
                                    MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " -> " + ex.Message);

 public void printggetUserScoreForStudentGameTime(StudentScores dummy)
     Debug.Log("Getting getUserScoreForStudentGame data at: " + System.DateTime.Now);