Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <IActionResult> PutStudent2(int id, Student2 student2)
            if (id != student2.Id)

            _context.Entry(student2).State = EntityState.Modified;

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
            catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                if (!Student2Exists(id))

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <ActionResult <Student2> > PostStudent2(Student2 student2)
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(CreatedAtAction("GetStudent2", new { id = student2.Id }, student2));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// 查询测试
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p"></param>
        /// <param name="d"></param>
        private void Select(Student2 p, SqlSugarClient db)
            var select1 = db.Queryable <Student>().Single(it => it.id == p.id);
            var select2 = db.Queryable <Student>().Single(it => it.id == _p.id);

            //查询分页 id3-id5
            var select3 = db.Queryable <Student>().OrderBy(it => it.id).Skip(2).Take(3).ToList();
            //查询分页 id4-id6
            var select4 = db.Queryable <Student>().OrderBy(it => it.id).ToPageList(2, 3).ToList();

            var join1 = db.Queryable <Student>().JoinTable <School>((st, sc) => st.sch_id == sc.id)
                        .Select <School, V_Student>((st, sc) => new V_Student()
                SchoolName = sc.name, id = st.id, name = st.name

            var join2 = db.Queryable <Student>()
                        .JoinTable <School>((st, sc) => st.sch_id == sc.id)
                        .JoinTable <School, Area>((st, sc, a) => sc.AreaId == a.id)
                        .Select <School, Area, V_Student>((st, sc, a) => new V_Student()
                SchoolName = sc.name, id = st.id, name = st.name, AreaName = a.name
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void Init()
            Student2 p = new Student2()
                id = 2, name = "张表", isOk = true

            using (var db = SugarDao.GetInstance())

                Select(p, db);

                Exp(p, db);

                SelectNew(p, db);

                Update(p, db);

                Delete(p, db);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// 批量更新
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p"></param>
        /// <param name="db"></param>
        private void Update(Student2 p, SqlSugarClient db)
            var list = db.Queryable <Student>().ToList();

            list = db.Queryable <Student>().ToList();
Ejemplo n.º 6
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        Student2 s2 = new Student2();

        s2.id2   = 104;
        s2.name2 = "Jane Doe \n";
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Student2 stu2   = DDD.getStudentObject(user);
            Form12   form12 = new Form12(ref DDD, user);
            string   s      = stu2.firstName + " " + stu2.middleName + " " + stu2.lastName;

Ejemplo n.º 8
        public IHttpActionResult Get(int id)
            Student2 student = students.FirstOrDefault(s => s.ID == id);

            if (student == null)
                return(Content(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Student not found."));
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public ActionResult DataAnnotation(Student2 model)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         ViewBag.name  = model.name;
         ViewBag.email = model.email;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public override string ToString()
            string result = Student1.ToString();

            if (Student2 != null)
                result += ", " + Student2.ToString();

Ejemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>
 /// 删除测试
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="p"></param>
 /// <param name="db"></param>
 private void Delete(Student2 p, SqlSugarClient db)
     db.Delete <Student>(it => it.id == 1);
     db.Delete <Student>(new Student()
         id = 2
     db.Delete <Student, int>(3, 4);
     db.Delete <Student, int>(it => it.id, 5, 6);
     var list = db.Queryable <Student>().ToList();
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public IHttpActionResult GetStudent2(int id)
            Student2 student2 = db.Student2.Find(id);

            if (student2 == null)

Ejemplo n.º 13
 private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (listBox1.SelectedItem != null)
         string   student = listBox1.SelectedItem.ToString();
         Student2 stu     = DDD.getStudentObject(student);
         Form11   form11  = new Form11(ref DDD, student);
         string   s       = stu.firstName + " " + stu.middleName + " " + stu.lastName;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public IHttpActionResult PostStudent2(Student2 student2)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)


            return(CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new { id = student2.IdStudent }, student2));
    public static void Main()
        // This Student uses get/set methods
        Student s = new Student();

        Console.WriteLine("Name is " + s.GetName());

        // This Student uses properties
        Student2 s2 = new Student2();

        s2.Name = "Maria";
        Console.WriteLine("Name is " + s2.Name);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public IHttpActionResult DeleteStudent2(int id)
            Student2 student2 = db.Student2.Find(id);

            if (student2 == null)


Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void Init()
            Student2 p = new Student2()
                id = 2, name = "张表", isOk = true

            using (var db = SugarDao.GetInstance())
                Exp(p, db);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void Init()
            OracleConfig.SequenceMapping = new List <SequenceModel>()
                new SequenceModel()
                    ColumnName = "ID", TableName = "STUDENT", Value = "SEQ"
                new SequenceModel()
                    ColumnName = "ID", TableName = "AREA", Value = "SEQ2"
                new SequenceModel()
                    ColumnName = "ID", TableName = "SCHOOL", Value = "SEQ3"
                new SequenceModel()
                    ColumnName = "ID", TableName = "SUBJECT", Value = "SEQ4"

            Student2 p = new Student2()
                id = 2, name = "张表", isOk = true

            using (var db = SugarDao.GetInstance())

                Select(p, db);

                Exp(p, db);

                SelectNew(p, db);

                Update(p, db);

Ejemplo n.º 19
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Controller  controller = new Controller();
            Menu        menu       = new Menu();
            MainStudent student1   = new Student1().get();
            MainStudent student2   = new Student2().get();

            students.AddRange(new List <MainStudent>()
                student2, student1
            main : menu.Main();
            int ordger;

                ordger = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                switch (ordger)
                case 1:

                case 2:

                case 3:
                goto main;
                Console.WriteLine("\n!!!please enter number!!!");
                goto main;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        static void classexample()
            Student2 firstStudent = new Student2("John", "Smith", "six");

            Student2 secondStudent = new Student2("Tom", "Thumb", "two");



            firstStudent.FirstName  = "Hello";
            secondStudent.FirstName = "Challo";

Ejemplo n.º 21
        public IHttpActionResult PutStudent2(int id, Student2 student2)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            if (id != student2.IdStudent)

            Student2 originalStudent = db.Student2.Find(id);

            if (originalStudent != null)
                originalStudent.Career    = student2.Career;
                originalStudent.File      = student2.File;
                originalStudent.FirstName = student2.FirstName;
                originalStudent.LastName  = student2.LastName;
                originalStudent.IdNumber  = student2.IdNumber;
                originalStudent.StartYear = student2.StartYear;

            catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                if (!Student2Exists(id))

Ejemplo n.º 22
         * 90分以上是A
         * 80分以上是B
         * 70分以上是C
         * 60分以上是D
         * 其餘是E
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Student a = new Student();

            a.Name  = "靜香";
            a.score = 83;
            Student b = new Student();

            b.Name  = "出木杉";
            b.score = 90;
            Student c = new Student();

            c.Name  = "胖虎";
            c.score = 68;
            Student d = new Student();

            d.Name  = "葉大雄";
            d.score = 17;


            Console.WriteLine($"a 的名字現在叫 {a.Name}");

            Console.WriteLine($"b 的名字現在叫 {b.Name}");

            Console.WriteLine($"c 的成績現在是 {c.score}");

            ModifyScore(d.Name, d.score);
            Console.WriteLine($"d 的成績現在是 {d.score}");

            Student2 e = new Student2("小夫", 75);

            Console.WriteLine($"{e.Name} 的分數是 {e.Score} ,成績為 {e.Grade}");
            Console.WriteLine($"{e.Name} 如果加5分,分數是 {e.Score += 5},成績為 {e.Grade}");
Ejemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// 拉姆达测试
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p"></param>
        /// <param name="db"></param>
        private void Exp(Student2 p, SqlSugarClient db)

            var t1 = db.Queryable <Student>().Where(it => it.id == 1).ToList();
            var t2 = db.Queryable <Student>().Where(it => it.id == p.id).ToList();
            var t3 = db.Queryable <Student>().Where(it => it.id == _p.id).ToList();
            var t4 = db.Queryable <Student>().Where(it => it.id == Getp().id).ToList();
            var t5 = db.Queryable <Student>().Where(it => it.id == MyCost.p.id).ToList();

            var t11  = db.Queryable <Student2>("Student").Where(it => it.isOk).ToList();
            var t21  = db.Queryable <Student2>("Student").Where(it => it.isOk == MyCost.p.isOk).ToList();
            var t31  = db.Queryable <Student2>("Student").Where(it => !it.isOk).ToList();
            var t41  = db.Queryable <Student2>("Student").Where(it => it.isOk == true).ToList();
            var t51  = db.Queryable <Student2>("Student").Where(it => it.isOk == false).ToList();
            var t61  = db.Queryable <Student2>("Student").Where(it => it.isOk == _p.isOk).ToList();
            var t71  = db.Queryable <Student2>("Student").Where(it => !it.isOk && !p.isOk == it.isOk).ToList();
            var t91  = db.Queryable <Student2>("Student").Where(it => _p.isOk == false).ToList();
            var t81  = db.Queryable <Student>().Where(it => it.isOk == false).ToList();
            var t111 = db.Queryable <Student2>("Student").Where(it => it.isOk && false).ToList();

            var c1 = db.Queryable <Student>().Where(c => c.name.Length > 4).ToList();
            var c2 = db.Queryable <Student>().Where(c => c.name.Length > _p.name.Length).ToList();
            var c3 = db.Queryable <Student>().Where(c => c.name.Length > "aa".Length).ToList();
            var c4 = db.Queryable <Student>().Where(c => c.name.Length > Getp().id).ToList();

            var a1 = db.Queryable <Student>().Where(c => c.name.Equals(null)).ToList();
            var x  = new InsertTest()
            var x1 = db.Queryable <Student>().Where(c => c.name.Equals(x.int1)).ToList();
            var a2 = db.Queryable <Student>().Where(c => c.name.Equals(p.name)).ToList();
            var a4 = db.Queryable <Student>().Where(c => c.name.Equals(Getp().name)).ToList();

            var s  = db.Queryable <Student>().Where(c => c.name.Contains(null)).ToList();
            var s0 = new InsertTest()
            var s1 = db.Queryable <Student>().Where(c => c.name.Contains(x.v1)).ToList();
            var s3 = db.Queryable <Student>().Where(c => c.name.Contains(p.name)).ToList();
            var s4 = db.Queryable <Student>().Where(c => c.name.Contains(Getp().name)).ToList();

            var s5 = db.Queryable <Student>().Where(c => c.name.StartsWith(Getp().name)).ToList();
            var s6 = db.Queryable <Student>().Where(c => c.name.EndsWith(Getp().name)).ToList();

                var e6 = db.Queryable <Student>().Where(c => Getp().name.StartsWith(c.name)).ToList();
            catch (Exception ex)
                var e6 = db.Queryable <Student>().Where(c => Getp().name.Equals(c.name)).ToList();
            catch (Exception ex)
                var e6 = db.Queryable <Student>().Where(c => c.name.First() != null).ToList();
            catch (Exception ex)

            var z   = db.Queryable <Student>().Where(c => (c.name.Equals(Getp().name) || c.name == p.name) && true && c.id > 1).ToList();
            var z23 = db.Queryable <Student>().Where(c => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.name) || (c.id == 1 || c.name.Contains(p.name))).ToList();
            var z2  = db.Queryable <Student>().Where(c => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.name) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.name)).ToList();
Ejemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// 测试select new
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p"></param>
        /// <param name="db"></param>
        private void SelectNew(Student2 p, SqlSugarClient db)
            var queryable = db.Queryable <Student>().Where(c => c.id < 10)
                            .Select <V_Student>(c => new V_Student {
                id = c.id, name = c.name, AreaName = "默认地区", SchoolName = "默认学校", SubjectName = "NET"

            var list = queryable.ToList();

            var queryable2 = db.Queryable <Student>()
                             .JoinTable <School>((s1, s2) => s1.sch_id == s2.id)
                             .Where <School>((s1, s2) => s2.id < 10)
                             .Select <School, V_Student>((s1, s2) => new V_Student()
                id = s1.id, name = s1.name, AreaName = "默认地区", SchoolName = s2.name, SubjectName = "NET"
            });                                                                                                                                                   //select new 目前只支持这种写法

            var list2 = queryable2.ToList();

            //select字符串 转换成V_Student
            var list3 = db.Queryable <Student>()
                        .JoinTable <School>((s1, s2) => s1.sch_id == s2.id)
                        .Where(s1 => s1.id <= 3)
                        .Select <V_Student>("s1.*,s2.name SchoolName")

            //新容器转换函数的支持 只支持ObjToXXX和Convert.ToXXX
            var f1 = db.Queryable <InsertTest>().Select <Student>(it => new Student()
                name = it.d1.ObjToString(),
                id   = it.int1.ObjToInt() // 支持ObjToXXX 所有函数

            var f2 = db.Queryable <InsertTest>().Select <Student>(it => new Student()
                name = Convert.ToString(it.d1),//支持Convet.ToXX所有函数
                id   = it.int1.ObjToInt(),
                sex  = Convert.ToString(it.d1),

            var f3 = db.Queryable <InsertTest>()
                     .JoinTable <InsertTest>((i1, i2) => i1.id == i2.id)
                     .Select <InsertTest, Student>((i1, i2) => new Student()
                name = Convert.ToString(i1.d1),     //多表查询例子
                id   = 1,
                sex  = Convert.ToString(i2.d1),

            //Select 外部参数用法
            var f4 = db.Queryable <InsertTest>().Where("1=1", new { id = 100 }).Select <Student>(it => new Student()
                id     = "@id".ObjToInt(), //取的是 100 的值
                name   = "张三",             //内部参数可以直接写
                sex    = it.txt,
                sch_id = it.id
            var f6 = db.Queryable <InsertTest>()
                     .JoinTable <InsertTest>((i1, i2) => i1.id == i2.id)
                     .Where("1=1", new { id = 100, name = "张三", isOk = true }) //外部传参给@id
                     .Select <InsertTest, Student>((i1, i2) => new Student()
                name   = "@name".ObjToString(), //多表查询例子
                id     = "@id".ObjToInt(),
                sex    = i2.txt,
                sch_id = 1,
                isOk   = "@isOk".ObjToBool()

                db.Queryable <Student>().Where(c => c.id < 10)
                .Select <V_Student>(c => new V_Student {
                    id = c.id, name = _p.name, AreaName = "默认地区", SchoolName = "默认学校", SubjectName = "NET"
            catch (Exception ex)
                db.Queryable <Student>().Where(c => c.id < 10)
                .Select <V_Student>(c => new V_Student {
                    id = c.id, name = p.name, AreaName = "默认地区", SchoolName = "默认学校", SubjectName = "NET"
            catch (Exception ex)
                db.Queryable <Student>().Where(c => c.id < 10)
                .Select <V_Student>(c => new V_Student {
                    id = c.id, name = Getp().name, AreaName = "默认地区", SchoolName = "默认学校", SubjectName = "NET"
            catch (Exception ex)
                db.Queryable <Student>().Where(c => c.id < 10)
                .Select <V_Student>(c => new V_Student {
                    id = c.id, name = Getp2(), AreaName = "默认地区", SchoolName = "默认学校", SubjectName = "NET"
            catch (Exception ex)
                db.Queryable <InsertTest>()
                .JoinTable <InsertTest>((i1, i2) => i1.id == i2.id)
                .Select <InsertTest, Student>((i1, i2) => new Student()
                    name = Getp2(),      //多表查询例子
                    id   = i1.int1.ObjToInt(),
                    sex  = Convert.ToString(i2.d1),
            catch (Exception ex)
                db.Queryable <InsertTest>()
                .JoinTable <InsertTest>((i1, i2) => i1.id == i2.id)
                .Select <InsertTest, Student>((i1, i2) => new Student()
                    name = Getp().name,      //多表查询例子
                    id   = i1.int1.ObjToInt(),
                    sex  = Convert.ToString(i2.d1),
            catch (Exception ex)
                db.Queryable <InsertTest>()
                .JoinTable <InsertTest>((i1, i2) => i1.id == i2.id)
                .Select <InsertTest, Student>((i1, i2) => new Student()
                    name = Getp().name,      //多表查询例子
                    id   = i1.int1.ObjToInt(),
                    sex  = Convert.ToString(i2.d1),
            catch (Exception ex)
                db.Queryable <InsertTest>()
                .JoinTable <InsertTest>((i1, i2) => i1.id == i2.id)
                .Select <InsertTest, Student>((i1, i2) => new Student()
                    name = Getp().name,      //多表查询例子
                    id   = i1.int1.ObjToInt() + 1,
                    sex  = Convert.ToString(i2.d1),
            catch (Exception ex)

                db.Queryable <InsertTest>()
                .JoinTable <InsertTest>((i1, i2) => i1.id == i2.id)
                .Select <InsertTest, Student>((i1, i2) => new Student()
                    name = p.name,      //多表查询例子
                    sex  = Convert.ToString(i2.d1),
            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 25
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Form2 form2 = new Form2(students, admin, faculty, courses, null);
            bool flag = false;

            foreach (DataRow row in DDD.FacultyDB.Rows)
                if (row.Field <string>(0) == textBox1.Text.ToLower() && row.Field <string>(1) == textBox2.Text)
                    Faculty2 fac   = DDD.getFacultyObject(textBox1.Text.ToLower());
                    Form5    form5 = new Form5(ref DDD, fac.user);
                    //List<Course> studentsCourses = element.getRegisteredCourses();
                    //courseBox = new List<string>();
                    //if (studentsCourses == null)
                    //    courseBox.Add("You are not registered for any courses yet!");
                    //    courseBox.Clear();
                    //    foreach (Course c in studentsCourses)
                    //    {
                    //        courseBox.Add(c.ToString());
                    //    }

                    string s = "Welcome " + fac.firstName + " " + fac.middleName + " " + fac.lastName;
                    flag = true;
                    //Faculty2 faculty = DDD.getFacultyObject(textBox1.Text.ToLower());
                    //Form5 form5 = new Form5(ref DDD, faculty.user);
                    //string s = "Welcome " + faculty.firstName + " " +  faculty.middleName + " " +  faculty.lastName;
                    //flag = true;
            foreach (DataRow row in DDD.AdminDB.Rows)
                if (row.Field <string>(0) == textBox1.Text.ToLower() && row.Field <string>(1) == textBox2.Text)
                    Admin2 adm   = DDD.getAdminObject(textBox1.Text.ToLower());
                    Form9  form9 = new Form9(ref DDD, adm.user);
                    //Admin2 admin = DDD.getAdminObject(textBox1.Text.ToLower());
                    //Form2 form2 = new Form2(DDD, admin);
                    //string s = "Welcome " + admin.firstName + " " +  admin.middleName + " " +  admin.lastName;
                    //flag = true;
                    string s = "Welcome " + adm.firstName + " " + adm.middleName + " " + adm.lastName;
                    flag = true;
            foreach (DataRow row in DDD.StudentDB.Rows)
                if (row.Field <string>(0) == textBox1.Text.ToLower() && row.Field <string>(1) == textBox2.Text)
                    Student2 student = DDD.getStudentObject(textBox1.Text.ToLower());
                    Form2    form2   = new Form2(ref DDD, student.user);
                    //List<Course> studentsCourses = element.getRegisteredCourses();
                    //courseBox = new List<string>();
                    //if (studentsCourses == null)
                    //    courseBox.Add("You are not registered for any courses yet!");
                    //    courseBox.Clear();
                    //    foreach (Course c in studentsCourses)
                    //    {
                    //        courseBox.Add(c.ToString());
                    //    }

                    string s = "Welcome " + student.firstName + " " + student.middleName + " " + student.lastName;
                    flag = true;

            if (flag == false)
                MessageBox.Show("The Username or Password is Incorrect", "Error");
                textBox2.Text = "";
                textBox1.Text = "";
                textBox2.Text = "";
        static void main(string[] args)
             * Inheritance -
             * allows us to define a class based on another class. This makes creating and maintaining an application easy.
             * The class whose properties are inherited by another class is called the Base class. The class which inherits the properties is called the Derived class.
             * for example, Base class Animal can be used to derive Cat and Dog classes.
             * The derived class inherits all the features from the base class and can have its own additional features
             * example line(12)
            Dog d = new Dog();

            Console.WriteLine(d.Legs); //output is 4
            d.Bark();                  //output Woof
            //A base clase can have multiple derived classes.
            //for example, a Cat class can inherit from Animal
            //Inheritance allows the derived class to reuse the code in the base class without having to rewrite it. Also the derive class can be customized by
            //adding more members. In this manner, the derived class extends the functionality of the base class.

            /*A derived class inherits all the members of the base class, including its methods
             * example line(30)
            Student s = new Student();

            s.Speak();          // output Hi there
                                //C# does not support multiple inheritance, so we cannot inherit from multiple classes, however, we can use interfaces to implement multiple inheritance

             * Protected -
             * This access modifier is very similar to private access modifier with one difference.
             * A Protected access modifier can be accessed in the derived classes. So a protected member is accessible only from derived classes
             * example line(43)
            Student2 s2 = new Student2("Iykeman");


            /*Sealed -
             * A class can prevent other classes from inheritig it, or any of its members by using the sealed modifier. example
             * sealed class Animal {
             *   //some code
             * }
             * class Dog : Animal {  }   // Error
             * The sealed keyword provides a level of protection to your class so that other classes cannot inherit from it

            /*Derived Class Constructor and Destructor
             * Contructors are called when objects of a class are created. With inheritance, the base class constructor and destructor are not inherited, so we should
             * define constructors for the derived classes.
             * However, he base class constructor and destructor are being invoked automatically when an object of the derived class is created or derleted
             * consider example line(61)
             * Note that the base class constructor is called first and the derived class constructor is called next. When the object is destroyed, the derived class
             * destructor is invoked and then the base class destructor is invoked.
             * we can think of this as the following: the derived class needs its base class in order to work which is why the base class constructor is called first
            Cow c = new Cow();

            /* Polymorphism -
             * this word means having many forms, it occurs when there is a hierarchy of classes and they are related through inheritance from a common base class.
             * Polymorphism means that a call to a member method will cause a different implementation to be executed depending on the type of object that invokes the method.
             * This simplt means that a single method can have a number of different implementations.
             * -Consider having a program that alllows users to draw different shapes.Each shape is drawn differently and you do not know which shape the user will choose,
             * Here, polymorphism can be leveraged to invoke the appropriate Draw method of any derived class. Such methods must be declared using the virtual keyword in the base class
             * example below and line(85)
             * class shape {
             *      public virtual void Draw() {
             *          Console.WriteLine("Base Draw");
             *      }
             * }
             * The virtual keyword allows methods to be overridden in derived classes.
             * Virtual methods enable us to work with groups of related objects in a uniform way.
             * we can derive different shape classes that define their own Draw methods using the override keyword. example line (93).
             * The virtual Draw method in the Shape base class can be overridden in the derived classes. In this case, Circle and Rectangle have their own Draw methods.
             * we can create separate Shape objects for each derived type and then call their Draw methods
            Shape cc = new Circle();

            cc.Draw();   // output "Circle Draw"
            Shape rt = new Rectangle();

            rt.Draw();  //output "Rectangle Draw"

            /*Polymorphism is useful in many cases, For example, we could create a game where we would have different player types with each player
             * having a separate behaviour for the Attack method.
             * In this case, Attack would be a virtual method of the base class Player and each derived class would override it.

            /*Abstract Classes -
             * In situation where it is not meaningful for the virtual method(polymorphism) to have a separate definition in base class,
             * we defined this method with the abstract keyword and specify that the derived classes must define their method on their own.
             * we cannot create objects of a class containing an abstract method, which is why the class itself should be abstract
             * lets use abstract method in the shape class as in polymorphism case, example line (113)
             * The draw method on line 133 is abstract and thus has no body, we do not even need a curly brackets, just end the statement with a semicolon.
             * The Shape class itself must be declared abstract because it contains an abstract method. Abstract method declarations are only permitted in abstract classess
             * Members marked as abstract or included in an abstract class must be implemented by classes that derive from the abstract class.
             * An abstract class can have multiple abstract members
             * Ab abstract class is intended to be a base class of other classess. It acts like a template for its derived classes.
             * we can now define other classes and define their own Draw() method. example line(117)
            Shape2 cc2 = new Circle2();

            cc.Draw();  // output "Circle Draw"
            Shape2 rt2 = new Rectangle2();

            rt.Draw(); //output "Rectangle Draw"

            /*Abstract class have the following features
             * An abstract class cannot be instantiated
             * An abstract class may contain abstract methods and accessors
             * A non-abstract class derived from an abstract class must include actual implementations of all inherited abstract methods and accessors
             * Note that it is not possible to modify an abstract class with the sealed modifier because the two modifiers have opposite meanings.
             * The sealed modifier prevents a class from being inherited and the abstract modifier requires a class to be inherited

            /* Interfaces -
             * An interface is a completely abstract class, which contains only abstract members. It is declared using the interface keyword,
             * Example -
             * public interface IShape
             * {
             *     void Draw();
             * }
             * All members of the interface are by default abstract, so no need to use the abstract keyword.
             * Also all members of an interface are always public, an no access modifiers can be applied to them.
             * It is common to use the capital letter I as the starting letter for an interface name.
             * Interfaces can contain properties, methods, etc but cannot contain fields (variables).
             * When a class implements an interface, it must also implement, or define, all of its methods.
             * The term implementing an interface is used(opposed to the term "inheriting from") to describe the process of creating a class based on an
             * interface. The interface simply describes what a class should do. The class implementing the interface must define how to accomplish the behaviours.
             * The syntax to implement an interface is the same as that to derive a class.
             * example line (134)
            IShape ca = new CircleA();

            ca.Draw();  //Output "Circle Draw"

            /*Note that the override keyword is not needed when you implement an interface
             * Why use interfaces rather than abstract classes?
             * A class can inherit from just one base class, but it can implement multiple interfaces!
             * Therefore, by using interfaces we can include behaviour from multiple sources in a class.
             * To implement multiple interfaces, use a comma separated list of interfaces when creating the class: Class A : IShape, IAnimal, etc

             * Nested Classes
             * C# supports nested classes, a nested class is a class that is a member of another class. example below & line (148)
             * class Car {
             *      string name;
             *      public Car(string nm) {
             *          name = nm;
             *          Motor m = new Motor();
             *      }
             *      public class Motor {
             *          // some code
             *      }
             * }
             * The Motor class is nested in the Car class and can be used similar to other members of the class.
             * A nested class acts as a member of the class, so it can have the same access modifiers as other members(public, private, protected).
             * Just as in real life, objects can contain other objects. For example, a car, which has its own attributes(color, brand, etc) contains
             * a motor, which as a separate object, has its own attributes(volume, horsepower, etc).
             * Here, the Car class can have a nested Motor class as one of its members

             * when we create a blank project, it has the following structure:
             * using System;
             * using System.Collections.Generic;
             * using System.Linq;
             * using.System.Text;
             * using System.Threading.Tasks;
             * namespace SoloLearn {
             *    class Program {
             *        static void Main(string[] args) {
             *        }
             *    }
             * }
             * Note that our whole program is inside a namespace. So, what are namespaces?
             * Namespaces declare a scope that contains a set of related objects. You can use a namespace to organize code elements.
             * You can define your own namespaces and use them in your program. The using keyword states that the rpogram is using a given namespace.
             * for example, we are using the System namespace in our programs, which is where the class Console is defined. Without the using
             * statement, we would have to specify the namespace whereever it is used like below
             * System.Console.WriteLine("Hello world");
             * The .NET framework uses namespaces to organize its many classes. System is one example of a .NET framework namespaces. Declaring your
             * own namespaces can help you group your class and method names in larger programming projects