Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void Sign(string path, bool strongName = false)
            /*  try
             * {
             *    try
             *    {
             *        _loggingService.Debug("LoggingInAuthenticodeSign");
             *        //LogManager.GetLogger(GetType()).DebugFormat("path is {0}", path);
             *        var certRef = new CertificateReference(Certificate);
             *        _loggingService.Debug("Going to load binary at {0}".format(path));
             *        /*
             *        if (new FileInfo(path).Length < 4)
             *        {
             *            throw new InvalidFileToSignException();
             *        }*/
            if (strongName)
                using (var wrap = new StrongNameCertificateWrapper(Certificate))

            _loggingService.Debug("Signing {0} with {1}".format(path, Certificate.SerialNumber));
            AuthenticodeCertificateWrapper.SignUsingDefaultTimeStampUrls(path, Certificate, _loggingService);
            _loggingService.Debug("Finished signing {0} with {1}".format(path, Certificate.SerialNumber));

 *                  r = BinaryLoad(path);
 *                  _loggingService.Debug("Binary at {0} loaded".format(path));
 *                  //LogManager.GetLogger(GetType()).DebugFormat("filename of Binary is {0}", r.Filename);
 *                  r.SigningCertificate = certRef;
 *                  if (strongName)
 *                      r.StrongNameKeyCertificate = certRef;
 *                  _loggingService.Debug("Going to do the signing");
 *                  _loggingService.Debug("signgin finished successfully");
 *              }
 *              catch (AggregateException ae)
 *              {
 *                  _loggingService.Debug("Something is wrong!");
 *                  foreach (var i in ae.Flatten().InnerExceptions)
 *                  {
 *                      _loggingService.Error("Bad", i);
 *                  }
 *                  if (ae.Flatten()
 *                        .InnerExceptions.OfType<DigitalSignFailure>()
 *                        .Any(dsf => dsf.Win32Code == 2148204547))
 *                  {
 *                      throw new InvalidFileToSignException();
 *                  }
 *                  throw;
 *              }
 *          }*/
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void Sign(string path, bool strongName = false)
            /*  try

                    //LogManager.GetLogger(GetType()).DebugFormat("path is {0}", path);
                    var certRef = new CertificateReference(Certificate);
                    _loggingService.Debug("Going to load binary at {0}".format(path));
                    if (new FileInfo(path).Length < 4)
                        throw new InvalidFileToSignException();
                    if (strongName)
                        using (var wrap = new StrongNameCertificateWrapper(Certificate))


                    _loggingService.Debug("Signing {0} with {1}".format(path, Certificate.SerialNumber));
                    AuthenticodeCertificateWrapper.SignUsingDefaultTimeStampUrls(path, Certificate, _loggingService);
                    _loggingService.Debug("Finished signing {0} with {1}".format(path, Certificate.SerialNumber));
                    r = BinaryLoad(path);
                    _loggingService.Debug("Binary at {0} loaded".format(path));
                    //LogManager.GetLogger(GetType()).DebugFormat("filename of Binary is {0}", r.Filename);
                    r.SigningCertificate = certRef;
                    if (strongName)
                        r.StrongNameKeyCertificate = certRef;

                    _loggingService.Debug("Going to do the signing");

                    _loggingService.Debug("signgin finished successfully");

                catch (AggregateException ae)
                    _loggingService.Debug("Something is wrong!");
                    foreach (var i in ae.Flatten().InnerExceptions)
                        _loggingService.Error("Bad", i);

                    if (ae.Flatten()
                          .Any(dsf => dsf.Win32Code == 2148204547))
                        throw new InvalidFileToSignException();