// Helper class to provide a common set of tests for constructor-args based
        // multi-mocks testing.  Exercises a mocked StringWriter (which should also be an IDataErrorInfo)
        // constructed with a mocked IFormatProvider.  The test checks the semantics
        // of the mocked StringWriter to compare it with the expected semantics.
        private static void CommonConstructorArgsTest(StringBuilder stringBuilder, IFormatProvider formatProvider, StringWriter mockedWriter, MockType mockType)
            string stringToWrite     = "The original string";
            string stringToWriteLine = "Extra bit";

            IDataErrorInfo errorInfo = mockedWriter as IDataErrorInfo;


            // Configure expectations for mocked writer
            mockedWriter.Stub(x => x.FormatProvider).Return(formatProvider).CallOriginalMethod();
            mockedWriter.Expect(x => x.Write((string)null)).IgnoreArguments().CallOriginalMethod();
            mockedWriter.Expect(x => x.Flush()).Repeat.Any().CallOriginalMethod();
            mockedWriter.Expect(x => x.Close());

            // Configure expectations for object through interface
            errorInfo.Expect(x => x.Error).Return(null);
            errorInfo.Expect(x => x.Error).Return("error!!!");

            // Ensure that arguments arrived okay
            // Is the format provider correct
            Assert.Same(formatProvider, mockedWriter.FormatProvider);
            // Does writing to the writer forward to our stringbuilder from the constructor?

            // Let's see what mode our mock is running in.
            // We have not configured WriteLine at all, so:
            //  a) if we're running as a strict mock, it'll fail
            //  b) if we're running as a dynamic mock, it'll no-op
            //  c) if we're running as a partial mock, it'll work
            catch (ExpectationViolationException)
                // We're operating strictly.
                Assert.Equal(MockType.Strict, mockType);

            string expectedStringBuilderContents = null;

            switch (mockType)
            case MockType.Dynamic:
            case MockType.Strict:
                // The writeline won't have done anything
                expectedStringBuilderContents = stringToWrite;

            case MockType.Partial:
                // The writeline will have worked
                expectedStringBuilderContents = stringToWrite + stringToWriteLine + Environment.NewLine;

            Assert.Equal(expectedStringBuilderContents, stringBuilder.ToString());

            // Satisfy expectations.
            Assert.Equal("error!!!", errorInfo.Error);

            if (MockType.Strict != mockType)