Ejemplo n.º 1
    static void Main()
        C obj = new C("ABC");
        // StringSupplier f1 = () => obj.ToString(); // Anonymous method, Lambda
        StringSupplier f2 = obj.ToString; // Method Reference <=> Java> obj::ToString
        StringSupplier f3 = new StringSupplier(obj.ToString);
        StringSupplier f4 = App.Foo;      // ldnull + ldftn App:: Foo + newobj StringSupplier

        Bar(obj.Equals);                  // ldloc0 + ldvirtftn C::Equals + newobj Predicate + call App::Bar

        string s1 = f2.Invoke();
        string s2 = f2(); // <=> f2.Invoke()
Ejemplo n.º 2
    static void Main()
        C obj = new C("ABC");

        // StringSupplier f1 = App.Foo; // ldnull + ldftn App:: Foo + newobj StringSupplier

         * Is there any difference in IL from the compilation of f1 and f2 assignment?
         * R: yes
         * Which instruction is different?
         * f1: ldftn      App/'<>c__DisplayClass2_0'::'<Main>b__0' // anymous method containing the lambda body
         * f2: ldvirtftn  Object::ToString()
        StringSupplier f1 = () => obj.ToString(); // Anonymous method, Lambda
        StringSupplier f2 = obj.ToString;         // Method Reference <=> Java> obj::ToString
        // f1() == f2() // f1() two jumps and f2() one jump

        StringSupplier f3 = new StringSupplier(obj.ToString); // <=> f2

        Bar(obj.Equals);                                      // ldloc0 + dup + ldvirtftn C::Equals + newobj Predicate + call App::Bar

        string s1 = f2.Invoke();
        string s2 = f2(); // <=> f2.Invoke()