Ejemplo n.º 1
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns the Jaro-Winkler distance between the specified  
            /// strings. The distance is symmetric and will fall in the 
            /// range 0 (no match) to 1 (perfect match). 
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="S1">First String</param>
            /// <param name="S2">Second String</param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public static int Similarity(string S1, string S2)
                int lLen1 = S1.Length;
                int lLen2 = S2.Length;
                if (lLen1 == 0)
                    return lLen2 == 0 ? TreeSearchOptions.Equility : 0;

                StringPairKey K = new StringPairKey(S1, S2);
                if (_Similarity.ContainsKey(K))
                    return _Similarity[K];

                int Sim = 0;

                int lSearchRange = Math.Max(0, Math.Max(lLen1, lLen2) / 2 - 1);

                // default initialized to false
                bool[] lMatched1 = new bool[lLen1];
                bool[] lMatched2 = new bool[lLen2];

                int lNumCommon = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < lLen1; ++i)
                    int lStart = Math.Max(0, i - lSearchRange);
                    int lEnd = Math.Min(i + lSearchRange + 1, lLen2);
                    for (int j = lStart; j < lEnd; ++j)
                        if (lMatched2[j]) continue;
                        if (S1[i] != S2[j])
                        lMatched1[i] = true;
                        lMatched2[j] = true;
                if (lNumCommon == 0)
                    _Similarity.Add(K, 0);
                    return 0;

                int lNumHalfTransposed = 0;
                int k = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < lLen1; ++i)
                    if (!lMatched1[i]) continue;
                    while (!lMatched2[k]) ++k;
                    if (S1[i] != S2[k])
                // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("numHalfTransposed=" + numHalfTransposed);
                int lNumTransposed = lNumHalfTransposed / 2;

                // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("numCommon=" + numCommon + " numTransposed=" + numTransposed);
                double lNumCommonD = lNumCommon;
                double lWeight = (lNumCommonD / lLen1
                                 + lNumCommonD / lLen2
                                 + (lNumCommon - lNumTransposed) / lNumCommonD) / 3.0;

                if (lWeight <= mWeightThreshold)
                    Sim = (int)(lWeight * TreeSearchOptions.Equility);
                    _Similarity.Add(K, Sim);
                    return Sim;
                int lMax = Math.Min(mNumChars, Math.Min(S1.Length, S2.Length));
                int lPos = 0;
                while (lPos < lMax && S1[lPos] == S2[lPos])
                if (lPos == 0) return (int)lWeight * TreeSearchOptions.Equility;
                Sim = (int)((lWeight + 0.1 * lPos * (1.0 - lWeight)) * TreeSearchOptions.Equility);
                _Similarity.Add(K, Sim);
                return Sim;
Ejemplo n.º 2
            /// <summary>
            /// Возвращает степень похожести двух строк
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="S1"></param>
            /// <param name="S2"></param>
            /// <returns>От 0 до TreeSearchOptions.Equality</returns>
            public static int Similarity(string S1, string S2)
                if (S1 == S2)
                    return TreeSearchOptions.Equility;
                int MinLen = Math.Min(S1.Length, S2.Length);
                int MaxLen = Math.Max(S1.Length, S2.Length);
                if (MinLen == 0 && MaxLen != 0)
                    return 0;

                //если в словаре уже есть такая пара - возвращаем сохраненный результат
                StringPairKey K = new StringPairKey(S1, S2);
                if (_Similarity.ContainsKey(K))
                    return _Similarity[K];

                //найдем длины общих префиксов и суффиксов
                int prefix = 0;
                int suffix = 0;

                while (prefix < MinLen && S1[prefix] == S2[prefix])
                while (suffix < MinLen && S1[S1.Length - 1 - suffix] == S2[S2.Length - 1 - suffix])

                int Dist;
                if (prefix == MinLen || suffix == MinLen || (prefix + suffix >= MinLen))
                    //одна строка является префиксом или суффиксом другой
                    Dist = (MaxLen - MinLen) * TreeSearchOptions.CostInsertRemoveChar;
                    int S1Len = S1.Length - prefix - suffix;
                    int S2Len = S2.Length - prefix - suffix;

                    //вычислим матрицу расстояний
                    int[,] D = new int[S1Len + 1, S2Len + 1];
                    D[0, 0] = 0;
                    for (int j = 1; j <= S2Len; ++j)
                        D[0, j] = D[0, j - 1] + TreeSearchOptions.CostInsertRemoveChar;

                    for (int i = 1; i <= S1Len; ++i)
                        D[i, 0] = D[i - 1, 0] + TreeSearchOptions.CostInsertRemoveChar;
                        for (int j = 1; j <= S2Len; ++j)
                            D[i, j] = Math.Min(
                                D[i - 1, j] + TreeSearchOptions.CostInsertRemoveChar,
                                    D[i, j - 1] + TreeSearchOptions.CostInsertRemoveChar,
                                    D[i - 1, j - 1] + (S1[i - 1 + prefix] == S2[j - 1 + prefix] ? 0 : TreeSearchOptions.CostReplaceChar)
                    Dist = D[S1Len, S2Len];
                //максимальное расстояние для пары строк такой длины
                int MaxDist = Math.Min(S1.Length, S2.Length) * Math.Min(TreeSearchOptions.CostReplaceChar, TreeSearchOptions.CostInsertRemoveChar * 2);
                MaxDist += Math.Abs(S1.Length - S2.Length) * TreeSearchOptions.CostInsertRemoveChar;

                //Нормированная степень похожести
                int Sim = (MaxDist - Dist) * TreeSearchOptions.Equility / MaxDist;

                _Similarity.AddOrUpdate(K, Sim, (k, v) => v);
                return Sim;