Ejemplo n.º 1
    static public void GetInfo()
        renderer = SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVersion;
        renderer = renderer.ToLower();
        if (renderer.Length > 8)
            s = renderer.Substring(0, 8);
            if (s == "direct3d" || s == "directx")
                renderer = "DirectX" + renderer.Substring(8);
            s = s.Substring(0, 6);
            if (s == "opengl")
                renderer = "OpenGL" + renderer.Substring(6);
            s = s.Substring(0, 3);
            if (s == "d3d")
                renderer = "DirectX" + renderer.Substring(3);
            s = s.Substring(0, 2);
            if (s == "dx" || s == "dd")
                renderer = "DirectX" + renderer.Substring(2);
            // check if there's a drivername in the name still (see OpenGL Core)
        if (renderer.Contains("["))
            if (renderer.Contains("[level ") == false)
                renderer = renderer.Substring(0, renderer.IndexOf('[') - 1);
                // remove any number before "[level"
                i = renderer.Length - 6;
                while (i > 0)
                    if (renderer.Substring(i, 6) == "[level")
                        //remove any numbers that come before i
                        while (i > 1)
                            int.TryParse(renderer.Substring(i, 1), out tester);
                            if (tester != 0 || renderer[i] == '0')
                                if (renderer[i - 1] == '.')
                                    renderer = renderer.Substring(0, i - 1) + renderer.Substring(i + 1);
                                    renderer = renderer.Substring(0, i) + renderer.Substring(i + 1);

                // find "[level " in string
                //count number of '['s
                i = 0;
                foreach (char character in renderer)
                    if (character == '[')
                if (i == 1)
                    renderer = renderer.Substring(0, renderer.IndexOf('[') - 1) + renderer.Substring(renderer.IndexOf('[') + 6);
                    // remove ']'
                    if (renderer.Contains("]"))
                        renderer = renderer.Substring(0, renderer.IndexOf(']')) + renderer.Substring(renderer.IndexOf(']') + 1);

                /*else{ // i > 1
                 *      //find the one that has "level " after it
                 *      i = renderer.Length;
                 *      while(i > 1){
                 *              i --;
                 *              if(renderer.Substring(i, 6) == "[level"){
                 *                      renderer =
                 *              }
                 *      }
                 * }*/
        renderer = renderer.Replace(" ", string.Empty);         // removes any spaces
        // now insert a space in front of the first number in the string
        i = 0;
        while (i < renderer.Length)
            int.TryParse(renderer.Substring(i, 1), out tester);
            if (tester != 0 || renderer[i] == '0')
                renderer = renderer.Substring(0, i) + " " + renderer.Substring(i);
        while (renderer.Substring(renderer.Length - 1, 1) == " ")
            renderer = renderer.Substring(0, renderer.Length - 1);

        cpuName = SystemInfo.processorType;

        // Android Specific CPU name grab
                #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR
        string   filePath = "/proc/cpuinfo";
        string[] content;

        string processor = null;

        if (cpuName.Contains("NEON"))
            supports_neon = true;

        if (File.Exists(filePath))
            content = File.ReadAllLines(filePath);
            foreach (string line in content)
                if (line == "")

                // I want to harvest "Processor" (the first one that comes up)
                if (line.Length > 9 && processor == null && line.Substring(0, 9) == "Processor")
                    processor = line.Substring(12);
                // and "Hardware"
                else if (line.Length > 8 && soc == null && line.Substring(0, 8) == "Hardware")
                    soc = line.Substring(11);

                // and Neon support
                else if (supports_neon == false && line.Contains("neon"))
                    supports_neon = true;
        if (soc.Substring(0, 2) == "MT")
            cpuName = "Mediatek " + soc;
        if (cpuName.Substring(0, 4) == "ARMv")
            cpuName = processor;

        // CPU info (name and speed)
        //Intel(R) Core(TM) i5(R) CPU M480 @ 2.67Ghz		// switcheroo M and 480 FIXED
        //Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU Q 720 @ 1.60GHz			// switcheroo Q and 720 and remove the space between them FIXED
        //AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+    // get rid of "Dual Core" FIXED
        //Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6300 @ 1.86GHz				// missing "duo" keyword FIXED
        //AMD A6-3620 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics		// get rid of 'APU' and get rid of 'with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics' FIXED
        //Intel(R) Celeron(TM) M CPU 430 @ 1.73Ghz
        i = 0;
        // scan if this PC has a core2 with bad naming convention (has the core2 name, but no 'solo', 'duo' ect suffix)
        if (cpuName.Contains("Core(TM)2") && (cpuName.Contains("Solo") == false && cpuName.Contains("Duo") == false && cpuName.Contains("Quad") == false && cpuName.Contains("Extreme") == false))
            while (i < cpuName.Length - 1)
                print(cpuName.Substring(i, 9));
                if (cpuName.Length - i > 8 && cpuName[i] == 'C' && cpuName.Substring(i, 9) == "Core(TM)2")
                    cpuName = cpuName.Substring(0, i) + "Core2 Duo" + cpuName.Substring(i + 9);
            i = 0;
        while (i < cpuName.Length - 1)
            if (cpuName[i] == '(')
                if (cpuName[i + 2] == ')')             // removes (r)
                    cpuName = cpuName.Substring(0, i) + cpuName.Substring(i + 3);
                else if (cpuName[i + 3] == ')')              // removes (tm)
                    cpuName = cpuName.Substring(0, i) + cpuName.Substring(i + 4);
            else if (cpuName.Length - i > 2 && (cpuName[i] == 'C' || cpuName[i] == 'c') && (cpuName.Substring(i, 3) == "CPU" || cpuName.Substring(i, 3) == "cpu"))
                cpuName = cpuName.Substring(0, i) + cpuName.Substring(i + 4);
            else if (cpuName.Length - i > 2 && (cpuName[i] == 'A' || cpuName[i] == 'a') && (cpuName.Substring(i, 3) == "APU" || cpuName.Substring(i, 3) == "apu"))
                cpuName = cpuName.Substring(0, i) + cpuName.Substring(i + 4);
            else if (cpuName.Length - i > 8 && (cpuName[i] == 'P' || cpuName[i] == 'p') && (cpuName.Substring(i, 9) == "Processor"))
                cpuName = cpuName.Substring(0, i) + cpuName.Substring(i + 10);
            else if (cpuName.Length - i > 8 && (cpuName[i] == 'A') && (cpuName.Substring(i, 4) == "ARMv"))
                cpuName = "Generic ARMv" + cpuName.Substring(i + 4, 1) + " Core";
            else if (cpuName.Length - i > 8 && cpuName[i] == 'D' && cpuName.Substring(i, 9) == "Dual Core")
                cpuName = cpuName.Substring(0, i) + cpuName.Substring(i + 10);
            else if (cpuName.Length - i > 8 && cpuName[i] == 'Q' && cpuName.Substring(i, 9) == "Quad-Core")
                cpuName = cpuName.Substring(0, i) + cpuName.Substring(i + 10);
            else if (cpuName.Length - i > 7 && cpuName[i] == 'S' && cpuName.Substring(i, 8) == "Six-Core")
                cpuName = cpuName.Substring(0, i) + cpuName.Substring(i + 9);
            else if (cpuName.Length - i > 9 && cpuName[i] == 'E' && cpuName.Substring(i, 10) == "Eight-Core")
                cpuName = cpuName.Substring(0, i) + cpuName.Substring(i + 11);
            else if (cpuName.Length - i > 26 && cpuName[i] == 'w' && cpuName.Substring(i, 27) == "with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics")
                cpuName = cpuName.Substring(0, i);
            else if (cpuName.Contains("FX-9590"))
                cpuName  = "AMD FX-9590 Black Edition";
                cpuSpeed = "4.70GHz";
            else if (cpuName.Contains("FX-9370"))
                cpuName  = "AMD FX-9370 Black Edition";
                cpuSpeed = "4.40GHz";
            else if (cpuName.Contains("FX-8370E"))
                cpuName  = "AMD FX-8370E Black Edition";
                cpuSpeed = "3.30GHz";
            else if (cpuName.Contains("FX-8370 "))
                cpuName  = "AMD FX-8370 Black Edition";
                cpuSpeed = "4.00GHz";
            else if (cpuName.Contains("FX-8350"))
                cpuName  = "AMD FX-8350 Black Edition";
                cpuSpeed = "4.00GHz";
            else if (cpuName.Contains("FX-8320E"))
                cpuName  = "AMD FX-8320E Black Edition";
                cpuSpeed = "3.20GHz";
            else if (cpuName.Contains("FX-8320 "))
                cpuName  = "AMD FX-8320 Black Edition";
                cpuSpeed = "3.50GHz";
            else if (cpuName.Contains("FX-8150"))
                cpuName  = "AMD FX-8150 Black Edition";
                cpuSpeed = "3.60GHz";
            else if (cpuName.Contains("FX-8140"))
                cpuName  = "AMD FX-8140 Black Edition";
                cpuSpeed = "4.10GHz";
            else if (cpuName.Contains("FX-8120"))
                cpuName  = "AMD FX-8120 Black Edition";
                cpuSpeed = "3.10GHz";
            else if (cpuName.Contains("FX-8100"))
                cpuName  = "AMD FX-8100 Black Edition";
                cpuSpeed = "2.80GHz";
            else if (cpuName.Contains("FX-6350"))
                cpuName  = "AMD FX-6350 Black Edition";
                cpuSpeed = "3.90GHz";
            else if (cpuName.Contains("FX-6300"))
                cpuName  = "AMD FX-6300 Black Edition";
                cpuSpeed = "3.50GHz";
            else if (cpuName.Contains("FX-4350"))
                cpuName  = "AMD FX-4350 Black Edition";
                cpuSpeed = "4.20GHz";
            else if (cpuName.Contains("FX-4300"))
                cpuName  = "AMD FX-4300 Black Edition";
                cpuSpeed = "3.80GHz";
            else if (cpuName.Contains("FX-4100"))
                cpuName  = "AMD FX-4100 Black Edition";
                cpuSpeed = "3.60Ghz";
            else if (cpuName.Contains("X2 5000+"))
                cpuName  = "AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ Black Edition";
                cpuSpeed = "2.60GHz";
        if (cpuName.Contains("@"))
            // start going string until you hit 'Hz'
            // then work back until there are no more numbers
            string[] temp = cpuName.Split('@');
            cpuName = temp[0];
            if (temp[temp.Length - 1].Contains("hz") || temp[temp.Length - 1].Contains("HZ") || temp[temp.Length - 1].Contains("Hz"))
                cpuSpeed = temp[temp.Length - 1].Replace(" ", string.Empty);                // removes any spaces
        while (cpuName.Substring(cpuName.Length - 1, 1) == " ")
            cpuName = cpuName.Substring(0, cpuName.Length - 1);
        // scan for first gen i7 names
        if (cpuName.Contains("i7 ") || cpuName.Contains("i5 ") || cpuName.Contains("i3 "))
            i = 0;
            while (i < cpuName.Length)
                if (cpuName[i] == 'i' && (cpuName[i + 1] == '7' || cpuName[i + 1] == '5' || cpuName[i + 1] == '3'))
                    cpuName = cpuName.Substring(0, i + 2) + "-" + cpuName.Substring(i + 3);

        // scan for i7 names with letters ordered BEFORE the type name instead of after it
        if (cpuName.Contains("i7-") || cpuName.Contains("i5-") || cpuName.Contains("i3-"))
            i = 0;
            while (i < cpuName.Length)
                // first fix stray spaces/empty characters
                if (cpuName[i] == 'i' && cpuName[i + 2] == '-')
                    if (cpuName[i + 3] == ' ')
                        //print ("yo");
                        cpuName = cpuName.Substring(0, i + 3) + cpuName.Substring(i + 4);
                    if (cpuName[i + 4] == ' ')
                        cpuName = cpuName.Substring(0, i + 4) + cpuName.Substring(i + 5);
                    // cool now scan if there's a stray letter, too
                    if (StringFunction.isNumber(cpuName[i + 3]) == false)
                        // cool, stray letter
                        //print ("stray letter detected");
                        tester = i;                         // backup value
                        //keep on looking until we find another space
                        while (i < cpuName.Length)
                            if (cpuName[i] == ' ')
                                // first part is name until i-7..
                                // second part is the type number
                                // final part is the letter
                                cpuName = cpuName.Substring(0, tester + 2) + cpuName.Substring(tester + 4, i - tester) + cpuName[i + 3];
                        if (i >= cpuName.Length)                        // there are no more spaces, so assume the type number until the end of the string
                            cpuName = cpuName.Substring(0, tester + 3) + cpuName.Substring(tester + 4) + cpuName[tester + 3];

        // GPU name
        gpuName = SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceName.ToLower();
        if (gpuName.Contains("emulated"))          // emulated GPU
            gpuName = "Software Renderer";
            // Removes the ()'s
            i = 0;
            while (i < gpuName.Length)
                if (gpuName [i] == '(')
                    tester = i;
                    while (tester < gpuName.Length)
                        if (gpuName [tester] == ')')
                            gpuName = gpuName.Substring(0, i) + gpuName.Substring(tester + 1);
            while (gpuName.Substring(gpuName.Length - 1, 1) == " ")               // remove space at the end
                gpuName = gpuName.Substring(0, gpuName.Length - 1);
            // convert to title casing
            gpuName = textInfo.ToTitleCase(gpuName);
            // TODO: restore HD and GTX and R# (R5, R7, R9 et cetera) if missing
        if (gpuName.Substring(gpuName.Length - 3) == " Mp")        // catches Mali 400 MP GPU chips
            gpuName = gpuName.Substring(0, gpuName.Length - 3) + " MP";

        // grab shader model version
        shaderModel = SystemInfo.graphicsShaderLevel * 1F / 10F;

        if (SystemInfo.systemMemorySize <= 1024)        // if you have less than one GB of DRam show it in MBs
            dram = SystemInfo.systemMemorySize + "mb";
        else         // if you have more than one gb, show in GBs instead
            dram = Mathf.Floor(SystemInfo.systemMemorySize / 102.4f) / 10f + "gb";

        if (SystemInfo.graphicsMemorySize <= 1024)
            vram = SystemInfo.graphicsMemorySize + "mb";
            vram = Mathf.Floor(SystemInfo.graphicsMemorySize / 10.24f) / 100f + "gb";

        // grab # of logical cores
        coreCount = Environment.ProcessorCount;
        if (coreCount == 0)        // environment grab failed. Use internal fallback
            coreCount = SystemInfo.processorCount;

                #if UNITY_EDITOR_WIN || UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN // windows dependant
        if (cpuSpeed == null)                                // internal name speed grab failed. Use registery instead.
            cpuSpeed = ((int)Registry.GetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Hardware\\Description\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0", "~MHz", 0) / 1000f) + " GHz";

        motherBoardModel = (string)Registry.GetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Hardware\\Description\\System\\BIOS", "BaseBoardProduct", null);
        // convert to lower case then capitalise the first letter of every word
        motherBoardModel = motherBoardModel.ToLower();
        motherBoardModel = textInfo.ToTitleCase(motherBoardModel);

        platform = "Windows";
                #elif UNITY_EDITOR_OSX || UNITY_STANDALONE_OSX     // osx dependant
        platform = "OSX";
                #elif UNITY_EDITOR_LINUX || UNITY_STANDALONE_LINUX // linux dependant
        platform = "Linux";
                #elif UNITY_ANDROID
        platform = "Android";

        // this grabs the cpu speed in case we don't already have it
        // www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/cpu-freq/user-guide.txt
        filePath = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq";

        if (cpuSpeed == null && File.Exists(filePath))
            content = File.ReadAllLines(filePath);

            int frequency;
            int.TryParse(content[0], out frequency);

            if (frequency > 1000)
                if (frequency < 1100000)
                    cpuSpeed = (frequency / 1000f) + " Mhz";
                    cpuSpeed = (frequency / 1000000f) + " Ghz";

        // this gives access to the build information
        var clazz   = AndroidJNI.FindClass("android.os.Build$VERSION");
        var fieldID = AndroidJNI.GetStaticFieldID(clazz, "SDK_INT", "I");
        android_sdk = AndroidJNI.GetStaticIntField(clazz, fieldID);

        clazz          = AndroidJNI.FindClass("android.os.BatteryManager");
        fieldID        = AndroidJNI.GetStaticFieldID(clazz, "BATTERY_PROPERTY_CURRENT_AVERAGE", "I");
        batteryCurrent = AndroidJNI.GetStaticIntField(clazz, fieldID).ToString();
        if (batteryCurrent != "0")
            batteryCurrent += " Amp/h";
            batteryCurrent = null;

        clazz   = AndroidJNI.FindClass("android.os.Build");
        fieldID = AndroidJNI.GetStaticFieldID(clazz, "BOARD", "Ljava/lang/String;");
        board   = AndroidJNI.GetStaticStringField(clazz, fieldID);
        if (board == "unknown")
            board = null;

        fieldID = AndroidJNI.GetStaticFieldID(clazz, "BRAND", "Ljava/lang/String;");
        brand   = AndroidJNI.GetStaticStringField(clazz, fieldID);

        fieldID = AndroidJNI.GetStaticFieldID(clazz, "DEVICE", "Ljava/lang/String;");
        device  = AndroidJNI.GetStaticStringField(clazz, fieldID);

        fieldID      = AndroidJNI.GetStaticFieldID(clazz, "MANUFACTURER", "Ljava/lang/String;");
        manufacturer = AndroidJNI.GetStaticStringField(clazz, fieldID);

        fieldID = AndroidJNI.GetStaticFieldID(clazz, "MODEL", "Ljava/lang/String;");
        model   = AndroidJNI.GetStaticStringField(clazz, fieldID);

        fieldID = AndroidJNI.GetStaticFieldID(clazz, "PRODUCT", "Ljava/lang/String;");
        product = AndroidJNI.GetStaticStringField(clazz, fieldID);

        fieldID = AndroidJNI.GetStaticFieldID(clazz, "CPU_ABI", "Ljava/lang/String;");
        abi     = AndroidJNI.GetStaticStringField(clazz, fieldID);

        fieldID = AndroidJNI.GetStaticFieldID(clazz, "SERIAL", "Ljava/lang/String;");
        serial  = AndroidJNI.GetStaticStringField(clazz, fieldID);