Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void TestSaveFormDefinitionFieldProtectedApp()
            EntityType     definition;
            CustomEditForm editForm;
            UserAccount    userAccount;

            using (new SecurityBypassContext())
                var solution = new Solution
                    Name = "TestSolution" + Guid.NewGuid(),
                    CanModifyApplication = true

                definition = new EntityType();
                definition.InSolution = solution;

                editForm = new CustomEditForm
                    TypeToEditWithForm = definition,
                    InSolution         = solution

                // Protect the app
                solution.CanModifyApplication = false;

                userAccount = Entity.GetByField <UserAccount>(SpecialStrings.TenantAdministratorUser, false, new EntityRef("core", "name")).FirstOrDefault();

            using (new SetUser(userAccount))
                // Adding new field to the definition.
                // This should succeed
                var sField = new StringField();
                definition.Fields.Add(sField.As <Field>());
                Entity.Save(new IEntity[] { editForm, definition, sField });

                // Update the new field
                // This should succeed
                sField.Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                Entity.Save(new IEntity[] { editForm, definition, sField });

                // Remove the field from the definition
                // This should succeed
                sField = Entity.Get <StringField>(sField.Id);
                definition.Fields.Remove(sField.As <Field>());
                Entity.Save(new IEntity[] { editForm, definition, sField });

                // Delete the field
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void TestRemoveProtectedFieldFromDefinitionProtectedApp()
            EntityType     definition;
            CustomEditForm editForm;
            UserAccount    userAccount;
            StringField    protectedField;

            using (new SecurityBypassContext())
                var solution = new Solution
                    Name = "TestSolution" + Guid.NewGuid(),
                    CanModifyApplication = true

                definition = new EntityType();
                definition.InSolution = solution;

                protectedField = new StringField {
                    InSolution = solution
                definition.Fields.Add(protectedField.As <Field>());

                editForm = new CustomEditForm
                    TypeToEditWithForm = definition,
                    InSolution         = solution

                // Protect the app
                solution.CanModifyApplication = false;

                userAccount = Entity.GetByField <UserAccount>(SpecialStrings.TenantAdministratorUser, false, new EntityRef("core", "name")).FirstOrDefault();

            using (new SetUser(userAccount))
                // Adding new field to the definition.
                // This should fail
                definition.Fields.Remove(protectedField.As <Field>());
                Assert.That(() => Entity.Save(new IEntity[] { editForm, definition }), Throws.TypeOf <PlatformSecurityException>());

                // Delete the field
                Assert.That(() => Entity.Delete(protectedField.Id), Throws.TypeOf <PlatformSecurityException>());
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void RegexDoesNotCheckEmptyStrings()
            // Ensure that regex is not applied for empty string, if IsRequired is not set.

            StringField field = new StringField();

            field.Name       = "f1";
            field.IsRequired = true;
            field.Pattern    = Entity.Get <StringPattern>("emailPattern");
            field.IsRequired = false;

            EntityType type = new EntityType();

            type.Name = "t1";
            type.Fields.Add(field.As <Field>());

            var e = new Entity(type.Id);

            e.SetField(field, "");
            e.Save( );

            e.Delete( );
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void RegexPatternChecksInvalid( )
            StringField field = new StringField();

            field.Name       = "f1";
            field.IsRequired = true;
            field.Pattern    = Entity.Get <StringPattern>("emailPattern");
            field.IsRequired = false;

            EntityType type = new EntityType();

            type.Name = "t1";
            type.Fields.Add(field.As <Field>());

            var e = new Entity(type.Id);

                e.SetField(field, "blah!!!");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void StringField_Regex( )
            var sf = new StringField
                Pattern = Entity.Get <StringPattern>("core:emailPattern")

            var    f    = sf.As <Field>( );
            string res1 = f.ValidateFieldValue("blah");

            Assert.IsNotNull(res1, "Test invalid email");

            string res2 = f.ValidateFieldValue("*****@*****.**");

            Assert.IsNull(res2, "Test valid email");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void FieldCastingTest_StringMaxLength( )
            var sf = new StringField
                MaxLength = 5

            var    f    = sf.As <Field>( );
            string res1 = f.ValidateFieldValue("hello world");

            Assert.IsNotNull(res1, "Test when too long");

            string res2 = f.ValidateFieldValue("hello");

            Assert.IsNull(res2, "Test exact length");
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void Test_MandatoryField(string mandatoryDefinedOn, string data)
            // Create JSON
            string jsonMember = "member";
            string jsonData   = data.Replace("'", "\"");
            string json       = "{\"" + jsonMember + "\":" + jsonData + "}";

            if (data == "'unprovided'")
                json = json.Replace(jsonMember, "somethingelse");

            // Create a type mapping
            EntityType         entityTypeResource = new EntityType();
            ApiResourceMapping typeMapping        = new ApiResourceMapping();

            typeMapping.MappedType = entityTypeResource;

            // Create a member mapping
            StringField     fieldResource = new StringField();
            ApiFieldMapping fieldMapping  = new ApiFieldMapping();

            fieldMapping.MappedField = fieldResource.As <Field>();
            fieldMapping.Name        = jsonMember;
            typeMapping.ResourceMemberMappings.Add(fieldMapping.As <ApiMemberMapping>());
            if (mandatoryDefinedOn == "Mapping")
                fieldMapping.ApiMemberIsRequired = true;
            if (mandatoryDefinedOn == "Schema")
                fieldResource.IsRequired = true;
            entityTypeResource.Save( );

            // Fill entity
            if (data == "'provided'")
                IEntity entity = RunTest(json, typeMapping);
                Assert.Throws <ConnectorRequestException>(() => RunTest(json, typeMapping), "E1010 '" + jsonMember + "' value is required.");
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static EntityType CreateDefinition(string name)
            var sourceDefn = new EntityType
                Name = name
            //add a string field to the definition
            var strField = new StringField
                Name = "String field"

            strField.Save( );
            //// cast to type to "Add" field & save definition
            sourceDefn.Fields.Add(strField.As <Field>( ));
            sourceDefn.Save( );

        public void Export_ReverseAlias( )
            IEntityXmlExporter exporter   = Factory.EntityXmlExporter;
            IEntityRepository  repository = Factory.EntityRepository;

            Definition type = new Definition( );

            StringField field = new StringField( );

            type.Fields.Add(field.As <Field>( ));
            type.Save( );

            // Export
            string xml;

            using (RunAsImportExportRole( ))
                xml = exporter.GenerateXml(type.Id, EntityXmlExportSettings.Default);

            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument( );


            XmlNamespaceManager ns = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable);

            // Note: can't get xpath to work with default namespace
            ns.AddNamespace("c", "core");
            ns.AddNamespace("k", "console");

            XmlElement e = doc.SelectSingleNode("/c:xml/c:entities/c:group/c:definition", ns) as XmlElement;

            Assert.That(e, Is.Not.Null);

            Assert.That(e.SelectSingleNode("c:fields/c:stringField", ns), Is.Not.Null);

            XmlAttribute alias = doc.SelectSingleNode("/c:xml/c:aliasMap/c:fields/@type", ns) as XmlAttribute;

            Assert.That(alias.Value, Is.EqualTo("revRel"));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void StringFieldNotOver10k()
            var tooLargeStringLength = ReadiNow.Model.FieldTypes.StringFieldHelper.RealMaximumStringFieldLength + 1;

            // Ensure that regex is not applied for empty string, if IsRequired is not set.

            StringField field = new StringField();

            field.Name       = "f1";
            field.IsRequired = true;
            field.Pattern    = Entity.Get <StringPattern>("emailPattern");
            field.IsRequired = false;

            EntityType type = new EntityType();

            type.Name = "t1";
            type.Fields.Add(field.As <Field>());

            var e = new Entity(type.Id);

            e.SetField(field, new string('#', tooLargeStringLength));
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void Setup( )
            // Getting Forbidden? Or ConnectorConfigException?
            // Maybe there's duplicate copies of these objects in the DB.

            // Define key and user
            using (new TenantAdministratorContext(TenantName))
                // Define schema
                type = new EntityType( );
                type.Name = "Test type " + Guid.NewGuid( );
                type.Save( );

                type2 = new EntityType();
                type2.Name = "Test type2 " + Guid.NewGuid();

                stringField               = new StringField( );
                stringField.Name          = "Field 1";
                stringField.FieldIsOnType = type;
                stringField.Save( );

                lookup = new Relationship();
                lookup.Cardinality_Enum = CardinalityEnum_Enumeration.OneToOne;
                lookup.FromType         = type;
                lookup.ToType           = type2;

                // Define API
                mapping            = new ApiResourceMapping( );
                mapping.Name       = "Test mapping " + Guid.NewGuid( );;
                mapping.MappedType = type;
                mapping.Save( );

                lookupMapping      = new ApiRelationshipMapping();
                lookupMapping.Name = "lookup1";
                lookupMapping.MappedRelationship       = lookup;
                lookupMapping.MemberForResourceMapping = mapping;

                fieldMapping             = new ApiFieldMapping( );
                fieldMapping.Name        = "field1";
                fieldMapping.MappedField = stringField.As <Field>( );
                fieldMapping.MemberForResourceMapping = mapping;
                fieldMapping.Save( );

                endpoint      = new ApiResourceEndpoint( );
                endpoint.Name = "Test endpoint " + Guid.NewGuid( );
                endpoint.ApiEndpointAddress      = EndpointAddress;
                endpoint.EndpointResourceMapping = mapping;
                endpoint.ApiEndpointEnabled      = true;
                endpoint.EndpointCanCreate       = true;
                endpoint.EndpointCanDelete       = true;
                endpoint.EndpointCanUpdate       = true;
                endpoint.Save( );

                api            = new Api( );
                api.Name       = "Test API " + Guid.NewGuid( );;
                api.ApiAddress = ApiAddress;
                api.ApiEnabled = true;
                api.ApiEndpoints.Add(endpoint.As <ApiEndpoint>( ));
                api.Save( );

                // Define access
                userAccount      = new UserAccount( );
                userAccount.Name = "Test user " + Guid.NewGuid( );
                userAccount.AccountStatus_Enum = UserAccountStatusEnum_Enumeration.Active;
                userAccount.Password           = "******";
                userAccount.Save( );

                key      = new ApiKey( );
                key.Name = ApiKey;
                key.ApiKeyUserAccount = userAccount;
                key.ApiKeyEnabled     = true;
                key.Save( );

                updateInstance             = Entity.Create(type).AsWritable <Resource>( );
                updateInstance.Name        = updateInstanceName = "ResourceToUpdate" + Guid.NewGuid( );
                updateInstance.Description = updateInstanceDesc = "ResourceToUpdate" + Guid.NewGuid( );
                updateInstance.Save( );
                updateInstanceGuid = updateInstance.UpgradeId;

                IAccessRuleFactory accessControlHelper = new AccessRuleFactory( );
                accessRule = accessControlHelper.AddAllowCreate(userAccount.As <Subject>( ), type.As <SecurableEntity>( ));
                accessRule = accessControlHelper.AddAllowByQuery(userAccount.As <Subject>( ), type.As <SecurableEntity>( ), new[] { Permissions.Read, Permissions.Modify, Permissions.Delete }, TestQueries.Entities(type).ToReport( ));

            cleanup = new List <IEntity> {
                userAccount, key, api, type, mapping, endpoint, fieldMapping, stringField, accessRule, updateInstance
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private void CreateScenarioImpl(string testInstanceName, Func <EntityRef[]> permissionsCallback)
            // Define key and user
            using (new TenantAdministratorContext(TenantName))
                // Define schema
                type = new EntityType( );
                type.Name = "Test type " + Guid.NewGuid( );
                type.Save( );

                type2 = new EntityType( );
                type2.Name = "Test type2 " + Guid.NewGuid( );
                type2.Save( );

                stringField               = new StringField( );
                stringField.Name          = "Field 1";
                stringField.FieldIsOnType = type;
                stringField.MaxLength     = 50;
                stringField.Save( );

                lookup = new Relationship( );
                lookup.Cardinality_Enum = CardinalityEnum_Enumeration.OneToOne;
                lookup.FromType         = type;
                lookup.ToType           = type2;

                relationship = new Relationship( );
                relationship.Cardinality_Enum = CardinalityEnum_Enumeration.ManyToMany;
                relationship.FromType         = type;
                relationship.ToType           = type2;

                // Define API
                mapping            = new ApiResourceMapping( );
                mapping.Name       = "Test mapping " + Guid.NewGuid( );;
                mapping.MappedType = type;
                mapping.Save( );

                fieldMapping             = new ApiFieldMapping( );
                fieldMapping.Name        = "field1";
                fieldMapping.MappedField = stringField.As <Field>( );
                fieldMapping.MemberForResourceMapping = mapping;
                fieldMapping.Save( );

                lookupMapping      = new ApiRelationshipMapping( );
                lookupMapping.Name = "lookup1";
                lookupMapping.MappedRelationship       = lookup;
                lookupMapping.MemberForResourceMapping = mapping;
                lookupMapping.Save( );

                relationshipMapping      = new ApiRelationshipMapping( );
                relationshipMapping.Name = "rel1";
                relationshipMapping.MappedRelationship       = relationship;
                relationshipMapping.MemberForResourceMapping = mapping;
                relationshipMapping.Save( );

                endpoint      = new ApiResourceEndpoint( );
                endpoint.Name = "Test endpoint " + Guid.NewGuid( );;
                endpoint.ApiEndpointAddress      = EndpointAddress;
                endpoint.EndpointResourceMapping = mapping;
                endpoint.ApiEndpointEnabled      = true;
                endpoint.EndpointCanCreate       = true;
                endpoint.EndpointCanUpdate       = true;
                endpoint.EndpointCanDelete       = true;
                endpoint.Save( );

                api            = new Api( );
                api.Name       = "Test API " + Guid.NewGuid( );;
                api.ApiAddress = ApiAddress;
                api.ApiEnabled = true;
                api.ApiEndpoints.Add(endpoint.As <ApiEndpoint>( ));
                api.Save( );

                // Define access
                userAccount      = new UserAccount( );
                userAccount.Name = "Test user " + Guid.NewGuid( );
                userAccount.AccountStatus_Enum = UserAccountStatusEnum_Enumeration.Active;
                userAccount.Password           = "******";
                userAccount.Save( );

                key      = new ApiKey( );
                key.Name = ApiKey;
                key.ApiKeyUserAccount = userAccount;
                key.ApiKeyEnabled     = true;
                key.Save( );

                if (testInstanceName != null)
                    scenarioInstance = Entity.Create(type);
                    scenarioInstance.SetField("core:name", testInstanceName);
                    scenarioInstance.Save( );

                foreignName     = "Foreign" + Guid.NewGuid( ).ToString( );
                foreignInstance = Entity.Create(type2);
                foreignInstance.SetField("core:name", foreignName);
                foreignInstance.Save( );

                // Grant create
                var permissions = permissionsCallback( );
                IAccessRuleFactory accessControlHelper = new AccessRuleFactory( );
                if (permissions [0] == Permissions.Create)
                    accessControlHelper.AddAllowCreate(userAccount.As <Subject>( ), type.As <SecurableEntity>( ));
                else if (permissions.Length > 0)
                    accessControlHelper.AddAllowByQuery(userAccount.As <Subject>( ), type.As <SecurableEntity>( ), permissions, TestQueries.Entities(type).ToReport( ));

                accessControlHelper.AddAllowByQuery(userAccount.As <Subject>( ), type2.As <SecurableEntity>( ), new [] { Permissions.Read, Permissions.Modify }, TestQueries.Entities(type2).ToReport( ));