/// <summary>
        /// Verify StringArray_r structure.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stringArray">A StringArray_r value to be verified.</param>
        private void VerifystringArray_r(StringArray_r stringArray)
            // Verify MS-OXNSPI requirement: MS-OXNSPI_R1567
            // Because the underlying parser code has parsed out the structure which contains it, this requirement can be captured directly.
                @"[In stringArray_r Structure] [The type is defined as following:] typedef struct _stringArray_r {
                    [range(0,100000)] DWORD cValues;
                    [string, size_is(cValues)] char** lppszA;
                } stringArray_r;");

            // Add the debug information
                "Verify MS-OXNSPI_R158: The value of cValues in StringArray_r Structure is {0} here.",

            // Verify MS-OXNSPI requirement: MS-OXNSPI_R158
                stringArray.CValues <= 100000,
                @"[In StringArray_r Structure] [cValues] This value MUST NOT exceed 100,000.");


            // Verify MS-OXNSPI requirement: MS-OXNSPI_R156
            // This test suite parses code according to this definition. So if the codes can reach here, this requirement can be captured directly.
                @"[In StringArray_r Structure] The StringArray_r structure encodes an array of references to 8-bit character strings.");

            // Verify MS-OXNSPI requirement: MS-OXNSPI_R157
            // This test suite parses code according to this definition. So if the codes can reach here, this requirement can be captured directly.
                @"[In StringArray_r Structure] cValues: The number of 8-bit character string references represented in the StringArray_r structure.");

            // Verify MS-OXNSPI requirement: MS-OXNSPI_R159
            // This test suite parses code according to this definition. So if the codes can reach here, this requirement can be captured directly.
                @"[In StringArray_r Structure] lppszA: The 8-bit character string references.");

            // Verify MS-OXNSPI requirement: MS-OXNSPI_R160
            // The parser code parses the strings based on the string that is ended with null. If all the codes can reach here, it illustrates that it is parsed correctly.
                @"[In StringArray_r Structure] [lppszA] The strings referred to are NULL-terminated.");
        /// <summary>
        /// The NspiDNToMId method maps a set of DN to a set of Minimal Entry ID.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reserved">A DWORD value reserved for future use. Ignored by the server.</param>
        /// <param name="names">A StringsArray_r value. It holds a list of strings that contain DNs.</param>
        /// <param name="mids">A PropertyTagArray_r value. On return, it holds a list of Minimal Entry IDs.</param>
        /// <returns>Status of NSPI method.</returns>
        public ErrorCodeValue DNToMId(uint reserved, StringsArray_r names, out PropertyTagArray_r? mids)
            ErrorCodeValue result;
            byte[] auxIn = new byte[] { };
            StringArray_r nameArray = new StringArray_r();
            nameArray.CValues = names.CValues;
            nameArray.LppszA = names.LppszA;
            DNToMinIdRequestBody requestBodyOfdnToMId = new DNToMinIdRequestBody()
                Reserved = reserved,
                HasNames = true,
                Names = nameArray,
                AuxiliaryBuffer = auxIn,
                AuxiliaryBufferSize = (uint)auxIn.Length

            ChunkedResponse chunkedResponse = this.SendAddressBookRequest(requestBodyOfdnToMId, RequestType.DNToMId);
            DnToMinIdResponseBody distinguishedNameToMinIdResponseBody = DnToMinIdResponseBody.Parse(chunkedResponse.ResponseBodyRawData);
            result = (ErrorCodeValue)distinguishedNameToMinIdResponseBody.ErrorCode;
            if (distinguishedNameToMinIdResponseBody.HasMinimalIds)
                PropertyTagArray_r propertyTagArray = AdapterHelper.ParsePropertyTagArray_r(distinguishedNameToMinIdResponseBody.MinimalIdCount.Value, distinguishedNameToMinIdResponseBody.MinimalIds);
                mids = propertyTagArray;
                mids = null;

            return result;