/// <summary>
        /// Compresses and saves data for a resource.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inStream">The stream open on the resource data. It must have read/write access.</param>
        /// <param name="resourceIndex">The index of the resource to edit.</param>
        /// <param name="data">The data to compress.</param>
        /// <returns>The total size of the compressed resource in bytes.</returns>
        public uint Compress(Stream inStream, int resourceIndex, byte[] data)
            if (resourceIndex < 0 || resourceIndex > _resources.Count)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("resourceIndex");

            // Compress the data (just use a single chunk)
            var compressed = LZ4Codec.EncodeHC(data, 0, data.Length);

            // Resize the resource's data so that the chunk can fit
            var resource    = _resources[resourceIndex];
            var newSize     = (uint)compressed.Length + ChunkHeaderSize;
            var roundedSize = (newSize + 0xF) & ~0xFU;             // Round up to a multiple of 0x10
            var sizeDelta   = (int)(roundedSize - resource.Size);

            if (sizeDelta > 0)
                // Resource needs to grow
                inStream.Position = resource.Offset + resource.Size;
                StreamUtil.Insert(inStream, sizeDelta, 0);
                // Resource needs to shrink
                inStream.Position = resource.Offset + roundedSize;
                StreamUtil.Remove(inStream, -sizeDelta);

            // Write the chunk in
            inStream.Position = resource.Offset;
            var writer = new BinaryWriter(inStream);

            writer.Write(compressed, 0, compressed.Length);
            StreamUtil.Fill(inStream, 0, (int)(roundedSize - newSize));             // Padding

            // Adjust resource offsets
            for (var i = resourceIndex + 1; i < _resources.Count; i++)
                _resources[i].Offset = (uint)(_resources[i].Offset + sizeDelta);
            return((uint)compressed.Length + ChunkHeaderSize);