public static StreamO GetStreamByUser(string channelId) { StreamO stream = new StreamO(); string channelOauth = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["channelOauth"]; string helixChannelSubscriptionToken = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["helixChannelSubscriptionToken"]; string url = "" + channelId; try { HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); if (webRequest != null) { webRequest.Method = "GET"; webRequest.Timeout = 12000; webRequest.Headers.Add("Client-ID", channelOauth); webRequest.ContentType = "application/json"; webRequest.Accept = "application/vnd.twitchtv.v5+json"; webRequest.Headers.Add("Authorization: " + helixChannelSubscriptionToken); } using (Stream s = webRequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()) { using (System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(s)) { var jsonResponse = sr.ReadToEnd(); stream = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <StreamO>(jsonResponse); } } } catch (Exception ex) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + " : " + ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(sb); } return(stream); }
static void Main(string[] args) { #region LoadChannel _channel = ChannelD.GetChannel(); _channelId = _channel._id; #endregion #region LoadStream _stream = StreamD.GetStreamByUser(_channelId); if ( == null) { _streamUptime = new DateTime(); } else { _streamUptime =; } #endregion _irc = new IrcClient("", 6667, ChatBot.botName, _password,; TwitchApi api = new TwitchApi(); TmiApi tmi = new TmiApi(); ViewerList chatters = new ViewerList(); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler(CurrentDomain_ProcessExit); TwitchSocket twitchSocket = new TwitchSocket(); ChatBot.init(); #region LoadBroadCasterInfo _broadcaster = UserD.GetUser(_broadcasterName); #endregion _moderators.Add("gaelLevel"); _moderators.Add("terror_seeds"); _moderators.Add("nebulea"); _moderators.Add("novaevermoon"); #region LoadCommands List <CommandO> commands = new List <CommandO>(); commands = CommandD.LoadCommands(); LaunchTimer launchTimer = new LaunchTimer(_irc); foreach (CommandO command in commands) { if (command.type == "timed") { launchTimer.createTimer(command); } } if (commands.Count != 0) { _commandsText = new StringBuilder(); foreach (CommandO command in commands) { if (command.userLevel == "everyone" && command.timer == 0) { _commandsText.Append("!" + command.keyword + ", "); } } _commandsText.Length = _commandsText.Length - 2; } #endregion //chatters = tmi.getViewerList(_channel); //_viewers = tmi.getViewers(chatters); twitchSocket.ClientWebSocket = twitchSocket.WebSocketConnectAsync().Result; var testSocket = twitchSocket.WhisperSubscribeAsync(twitchSocket.ClientWebSocket, _broadcaster.users[0]._id); //ClientWebSocket webSocket = twitchSocket.WebSocketConnectAsync().Result; //var testWebSocket = twitchSocket.WhisperSubscribeAsync(twitchSocket.whisperWebSocket,_broadcaster.users[0]._id).Result; PingSender ping = new PingSender(_irc); ping.Start(); while (true) { string fullMessage = _irc.ReadMessage(); CommandO foundCommand = new CommandO(); if (fullMessage.Contains("PRIVMSG")) { _username = UserD.GetUsername(fullMessage); string message = ChatBot.GetMessage(fullMessage); _user = UserD.GetUser(_username); UserD.InsertUser(_user); bool isSubscriber = SubscriberD.IsSubscriber(_user.users[0]._id, _broadcaster.users[0]._id); if (isSubscriber == false && _user.isPermit == false) { bool link = ChatBot.checkLink(message); if (link == true) { _irc.WriteChatMessage(".timeout " + _username + " 15"); _irc.WriteChatMessage("Posting links is not allowed here for non-subs, if you think this link might interest me, just whisper me or one of my mods ♡"); } } char firstCharacter = message[0]; try { if (firstCharacter == '!') { string commandMessage = message.Substring(message.IndexOf('!') + 1); bool kappamonCommand = CommandD.IsKappamonCommand(commandMessage); if (!kappamonCommand) { if (commandMessage.Contains(" ")) { _command = commandMessage.Split(' '); if (_command.Length == 2) { commandMessage = _command[0]; _chatterUsername = _command[1]; } } else { _command[0] = commandMessage; } if (commands.Any(c => c.keyword == commandMessage)) { foundCommand = commands.Single(c => c.keyword == commandMessage); if (foundCommand.parameters != 0) { Type testType = typeof(Program); Dictionary <string, dynamic> newDic = new Dictionary <string, dynamic>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, dynamic> dic in foundCommand.parameterList) { var fieldInfo = testType.GetField(dic.Key.ToString(), BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public).GetValue(testType); newDic.Add(dic.Key.ToString(), fieldInfo.ToString()); } foundCommand.parameterList = newDic; } if (foundCommand.userLevel == "moderator" && !_moderators.Contains(_username)) { _irc.WriteChatMessage("You are not allowed to use this command !"); } else { DateTime date = DateTime.Now; if (foundCommand.startedTime.AddMilliseconds(foundCommand.cooldown) < DateTime.Now) { foundCommand.startedTime = DateTime.Now; if (foundCommand.keyword == "commands") { foundCommand.message += _commandsText; } switch (foundCommand.type) { case "request": string query = foundCommand.request; using (MySqlConnection mySqlConnection = new MySqlConnection("" /*connectionString*/)) { if (foundCommand.condition != "") { switch (foundCommand.condition) { case "userName": foundCommand.request = string.Format(foundCommand.request, _username); foundCommand.message = string.Format(foundCommand.message, _username); break; } } if (foundCommand.request.Contains("SELECT")) { Tuple <int, string> test = CommandD.ExecuteSelectCommand(foundCommand.request); if (foundCommand.message.Contains("@")) { _irc.WriteChatMessage(foundCommand.message.Replace("@", test.Item1.ToString())); } else { _irc.WriteChatMessage(test.Item2); } } else if (foundCommand.request.Contains("UPDATE")) { Tuple <int, string> result = CommandD.ExecuteUpdateCommand(foundCommand.request, foundCommand.message); mySqlConnection.Close(); if (result.Item1 < 0) { } else { _irc.WriteChatMessage(result.Item2); } } } break; case "regular": if (foundCommand.message.Contains("{")) { _irc.WriteChatMessage(string.Format(foundCommand.message, _username)); } else { _irc.WriteChatMessage(foundCommand.message); } break; case "api": MethodInfo mInfo; Type type = Assembly.Load("MoonBot_Data").GetType(foundCommand.assembly, false, true); mInfo = type.GetMethod(foundCommand.message); object[] parameters; if (foundCommand.parameters == 0) { parameters = new object[] {}; } else { //Type testType = typeof(Program); parameters = new object[] { foundCommand.parameterList }; } object apiAnswer = mInfo.Invoke(null, parameters); _irc.WriteChatMessage(apiAnswer.ToString()); break; case "moonlights": _irc.WriteChatMessage("Switching color to : " + foundCommand.keyword); _port.Open(); _port.Write(foundCommand.message); _port.Close(); break; } } else { TimeSpan span = date - foundCommand.startedTime; int ms = (int)span.TotalMilliseconds; if (ms <= foundCommand.cooldown) { _irc.WriteChatMessage("This command is in cooldown right now, be patient !"); } else { _irc.WriteChatMessage(foundCommand.message); foundCommand.startedTime = DateTime.Now; } } } } else { _irc.WriteChatMessage("This command does not exist, type !commands to know what commands are available"); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + " : " + ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(sb); } } } }