public virtual bool AddSnapshot(ISnapshot snapshot)
            if (snapshot == null)
            Logger.Debug(Messages.AddingSnapshot, snapshot.StreamId, snapshot.BucketId, snapshot.StreamRevision);
                BsonDocument  mongoSnapshot = snapshot.ToMongoSnapshot(_serializer);
                IMongoQuery   query         = Query.EQ(MongoShapshotFields.Id, mongoSnapshot[MongoShapshotFields.Id]);
                UpdateBuilder update        = Update.Set(MongoShapshotFields.Payload, mongoSnapshot[MongoShapshotFields.Payload]);

                // Doing an upsert instead of an insert allows us to overwrite an existing snapshot and not get stuck with a
                // stream that needs to be snapshotted because the insert fails and the SnapshotRevision isn't being updated.
                PersistedSnapshots.Update(query, update, UpdateFlags.Upsert);

                // More commits could have been made between us deciding that a snapshot is required and writing it so just
                // resetting the Unsnapshotted count may be a little off. Adding snapshots should be a separate process so
                // this is a good chance to make sure the numbers are still in-sync - it only adds a 'read' after all ...
                BsonDocument streamHeadId  = GetStreamHeadId(snapshot.BucketId, snapshot.StreamId);
                StreamHead   streamHead    = PersistedStreamHeads.FindOneById(streamHeadId).ToStreamHead();
                int          unsnapshotted = streamHead.HeadRevision - snapshot.StreamRevision;
                    Query.EQ(MongoStreamHeadFields.Id, streamHeadId),
                    Update.Set(MongoStreamHeadFields.SnapshotRevision, snapshot.StreamRevision).Set(MongoStreamHeadFields.Unsnapshotted, unsnapshotted));

            catch (Exception)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //public static (IEnumerable<EventData> Events, long Version) LoadBulkEvents(
        //    this DaprClient client, string storeName,
        //    string streamName, long version, Dictionary<string, string> meta, StreamHead head)
        //    var events = client

        //        .LoadAsyncBulkEventsAsync(storeName, streamName, version, meta, head)
        //        .ToEnumerable();

        //    return (events, events.LastOrDefault()?.Version ?? head.Version);

        public static async IAsyncEnumerable <EventData> LoadAsyncBulkEventsAsync(
            this DaprClient client, string storeName,
            string streamName, long version, Dictionary <string, string> meta, StreamHead head, int chunkSize = 20)
            var keys = Enumerable
                       .Range(version == default ? 1 : (int)version, (int)(head.Version) + (version == default ? default : 1))
                       .Where(x => x <= head.Version)
                       .Select(x => Naming.StreamKey(streamName, x))

            if (!keys.Any())
                yield break;

            foreach (var chunk in keys.BuildChunks(chunkSize))
                var events = (await client.GetBulkStateAsync(storeName, chunk.ToArray(), null, metadata: meta))
                             .Select(x => JsonSerializer.Deserialize <EventData>(x.Value))
                             .OrderBy(x => x.Version);

                foreach (var e in events)
                    yield return(e);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private async ValueTask <StreamHead> UpdateStreamHeadSnapshotRevisionAsync(StreamHead streamHead, long snapshotRevision, CancellationToken cancellation)
            var id       = streamHead.Id;
            var bucketId = streamHead.BucketId;
            var streamId = streamHead.StreamId;

            StreamHead desired;

            while (streamHead.SnapshotRevision < snapshotRevision)
                desired = new StreamHead(bucketId,
                                         streamHead.Version + 1);

                if (await _database.CompareExchangeAsync(desired, streamHead, (left, right) => left.Version == right.Version, cancellation))

                streamHead = await _database.GetOneAsync <StreamHead>(p => p.Id == id, cancellation);

                if (streamHead == null && (streamHead = await AddStreamHeadAsync(bucketId, streamId, cancellation)) == null)

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public virtual void Commit(Commit attempt)
            Logger.Debug(Resources.AttemptingToCommit, attempt.CommitId, attempt.StreamId, attempt.CommitSequence);

            lock (_commits)
                if (_commits.Contains(attempt))
                    throw new DuplicateCommitException();
                if (_commits.Any(c => c.StreamId == attempt.StreamId && c.StreamRevision == attempt.StreamRevision))
                    throw new ConcurrencyException();

                _stamps[attempt.CommitId] = attempt.CommitStamp;


                StreamHead head = _heads.FirstOrDefault(x => x.StreamId == attempt.StreamId);

                Logger.Debug(Resources.UpdatingStreamHead, attempt.StreamId);
                int snapshotRevision = head == null ? 0 : head.SnapshotRevision;
                _heads.Add(new StreamHead(attempt.StreamId, attempt.StreamRevision, snapshotRevision));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private ValueTask <StreamHead> AddStreamHeadAsync(string bucketId,
                                                          string streamId,
                                                          long headRevision,
                                                          long snapshotRevision,
                                                          long dispatchedRevision,
                                                          CancellationToken cancellation)
            var streamHead = new StreamHead(bucketId, streamId, headRevision, snapshotRevision, dispatchedRevision, version: 1);

            return(_database.GetOrAdd(streamHead, cancellation));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static async Task StateTransactionSliceAsync(this DaprClient client,
                                                            string storeName,
                                                            string streamHeadKey, StreamHead head, string headetag, Dictionary <string, string> meta, EventData[] versionedEvents, string sliceKey, string sliceetag)
            var sliceReq = new StateTransactionRequest(sliceKey, JsonSerializer.SerializeToUtf8Bytes(versionedEvents), Client.StateOperationType.Upsert, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sliceetag) ? null : sliceetag, metadata: meta);
            var headReq  = new StateTransactionRequest(streamHeadKey, JsonSerializer.SerializeToUtf8Bytes(head), Client.StateOperationType.Upsert, etag: string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(headetag) ? null : headetag, metadata: meta);
            var reqs     = new List <StateTransactionRequest> {
                sliceReq, headReq

            await client.ExecuteStateTransactionAsync(storeName, reqs, meta);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public async Task <long> AppendToStreamAsync(string streamName, Action <StreamHead> concurrencyGuard, params EventData[] events)
            var streamKey = $"{streamName}|head";

            var(head, headetag) = await client.GetStateAndETagAsync <StreamHead>(StoreName, streamKey);

            if (head == null)
                head = new StreamHead();

            if (!events.Any())


            var newVersion      = head.Version + events.Length;
            var versionedEvents = events
                                  .Select((e, i) => new EventData {
                EventId = e.EventId, EventName = e.EventName, Data = e.Data, Version = head.Version + (i + 1)

            var sliceKey = $"{streamName}|{newVersion}";

            var(slice, sliceetag) = await client.GetStateAndETagAsync <EventData[]>(StoreName, sliceKey);

            if (slice != null)
                throw new DBConcurrencyException($"Event slice {sliceKey} ending with event version {newVersion} already exists");

            var sliceWriteSuccess = await client.TrySaveStateAsync(StoreName, sliceKey, versionedEvents, sliceetag);

            if (!sliceWriteSuccess)
                throw new DBConcurrencyException($"Error writing events. Event slice {sliceKey} ending with event version {newVersion} already exists");

            head.Version = newVersion;
            var headWriteSuccess = await client.TrySaveStateAsync(StoreName, streamKey, head, headetag);

            if (!headWriteSuccess)
                throw new DBConcurrencyException($"stream head {streamKey} have been updated");

Ejemplo n.º 8
            public bool AddSnapshot(Snapshot snapshot)
                lock (_commits)
                    StreamHead currentHead = _heads.FirstOrDefault(h => h.StreamId == snapshot.StreamId);
                    if (currentHead == null)

                    _heads.Add(new StreamHead(currentHead.BucketId, currentHead.StreamId, currentHead.HeadRevision, snapshot.StreamRevision));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public async Task <long> AppendToStreamAsync(string streamName, Action <StreamHead> concurrencyGuard, params EventData[] events)
            var streamHeadKey = Naming.StreamHead(streamName);
            var meta          = MetaProvider(streamName);

            var(head, headetag) = await client.GetStateAndETagAsync <StreamHead>(StoreName, streamHeadKey, metadata : meta);

            if (head == null)
                head = new StreamHead();

            if (!events.Any())


            var newVersion      = head.Version + events.Length;
            var versionedEvents = events
                                  .Select((e, i) => new EventData(e.EventId, e.EventName, e.Data, head.Version + (i + 1)))

            var sliceKey = Naming.StreamKey(streamName, newVersion);

            var(slice, sliceetag) = await client.GetStateAndETagAsync <EventData[]>(StoreName, sliceKey, metadata : meta);

            if (slice != null)
                throw new DBConcurrencyException($"Event slice {sliceKey} ending with event version {newVersion} already exists");

            head = new StreamHead(newVersion);

            var task = Mode switch
                SliceMode.Off => client.StateTransactionAsync(StoreName, streamName, streamHeadKey, head, headetag, meta, versionedEvents),
                SliceMode.Transactional => client.StateTransactionSliceAsync(StoreName, streamHeadKey, head, headetag, meta, versionedEvents, sliceKey, sliceetag),
                SliceMode.TwoPhased => client.TwoPhasedAsync(StoreName, streamHeadKey, head, headetag, meta, newVersion, versionedEvents, sliceKey, sliceetag),
                _ => throw new Exception("Mode not supported")

            await task;

Ejemplo n.º 10
        private async ValueTask <StreamHead> UpdateStreamHeadDispatchedRevisionAsync(StreamHead streamHead, long dispatchedRevision, CancellationToken cancellation)
            var id       = streamHead.Id;
            var bucketId = streamHead.BucketId;
            var streamId = streamHead.StreamId;

            StreamHead desired;

            while (streamHead.DispatchedRevision < dispatchedRevision)
                var sequentialDispatchedRevision = dispatchedRevision;

                if (streamHead.DispatchedRevision < dispatchedRevision - 1)
                    var commits = GetCommitsInternalAsync(bucketId, streamId, streamHead.DispatchedRevision + 1, dispatchedRevision);
                    var latestDispatchedCommit = await LatestDispatchedCommitAsync(commits, cancellation);

                    if (latestDispatchedCommit == null)

                    sequentialDispatchedRevision = latestDispatchedCommit.StreamRevision;

                desired = new StreamHead(bucketId,
                                         streamHead.Version + 1);

                if (await _database.CompareExchangeAsync(desired, streamHead, (left, right) => left.Version == right.Version, cancellation))

                streamHead = await _database.GetOneAsync <StreamHead>(p => p.Id == id, cancellation);

                if (streamHead == null && (streamHead = await AddStreamHeadAsync(bucketId, streamId, cancellation)) == null)

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public static async Task TwoPhasedAsync(this DaprClient client,
                                                string storeName,
                                                string streamHeadKey, StreamHead head, string headetag, Dictionary <string, string> meta, long newVersion, EventData[] versionedEvents, string sliceKey, string sliceetag)
            var sliceWriteSuccess = await client.TrySaveStateAsync(storeName, sliceKey, versionedEvents, sliceetag, metadata : meta);

            if (!sliceWriteSuccess)
                throw new DBConcurrencyException($"Error writing events. Event slice {sliceKey} ending with event version {newVersion} already exists");

            var headWriteSuccess = await client.TrySaveStateAsync(storeName, streamHeadKey, head, headetag, metadata : meta);

            if (!headWriteSuccess)
                throw new DBConcurrencyException($"stream head {streamHeadKey} have been updated");
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public virtual bool AddSnapshot(Snapshot snapshot)
            Logger.Debug(Resources.AddingSnapshot, snapshot.StreamId, snapshot.StreamRevision);

            lock (_commits)
                StreamHead currentHead = _heads.FirstOrDefault(h => h.StreamId == snapshot.StreamId);
                if (currentHead == null)

                _heads.Add(new StreamHead(currentHead.StreamId, currentHead.HeadRevision, snapshot.StreamRevision));

Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static async Task <(IEnumerable <EventData> Events, long Version)> LoadSlicesAsync(
            this DaprClient client, string storeName, ILogger logger,
            string streamName, long version, Dictionary <string, string> meta, StreamHead head)
            var eventSlices = new List <EventData[]>();

            using (logger.BeginScope("Loading head {streamName}. Starting version {version}", streamName, head.Version))
                var next = head.Version;

                while (next != 0 && next >= version)
                    var sliceKey = Naming.StreamKey(streamName, next);
                    var slice    = await client.GetStateAsync <EventData[]>(storeName, sliceKey, metadata : meta);

                    logger.LogDebug("Slice {sliceKey} loaded range : {firstVersion} - {lastVersion}", sliceKey, slice.First().Version, slice.Last().Version);
                    next = slice.First().Version - 1;

                    if (next < version)
                        logger.LogDebug("Version within slice. Next : {next}. Version : {version}", next, version);
                        eventSlices.Add(slice.Where(e => e.Version >= version).ToArray());

                    logger.LogDebug("Adding slice. Next : {next}. Version : {version}", next, version);


                logger.LogDebug("Done reading. Got {sliceCount} slices.", eventSlices.Count);

                var events = eventSlices
                             .Reverse <EventData[]>()
                             .SelectMany(e => e)

                return(events, events.LastOrDefault()?.Version ?? head.Version);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public static async Task StateTransactionAsync(this DaprClient client,
                                                       string storeName,
                                                       string streamName, string streamHeadKey, StreamHead head, string headetag, Dictionary <string, string> meta, EventData[] versionedEvents)
            var eventsReq = versionedEvents.Select(x => new StateTransactionRequest(Naming.StreamKey(streamName, x.Version), JsonSerializer.SerializeToUtf8Bytes(x), StateOperationType.Upsert, metadata: meta));
            var headReq   = new StateTransactionRequest(streamHeadKey, JsonSerializer.SerializeToUtf8Bytes(head), Client.StateOperationType.Upsert, etag: string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(headetag) ? null : headetag, metadata: meta);
            var reqs      = new List <StateTransactionRequest>();


            await client.ExecuteStateTransactionAsync(storeName, reqs, meta);