Ejemplo n.º 1
        public virtual void TestConvertStoragInfo()
            StorageInfo info = GetStorageInfo(HdfsServerConstants.NodeType.NameNode);

            HdfsProtos.StorageInfoProto infoProto = PBHelper.Convert(info);
            StorageInfo info2 = PBHelper.Convert(infoProto, HdfsServerConstants.NodeType.NameNode

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(info.GetClusterID(), info2.GetClusterID());
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(info.GetCTime(), info2.GetCTime());
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(info.GetLayoutVersion(), info2.GetLayoutVersion()
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(info.GetNamespaceID(), info2.GetNamespaceID());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Return true if this storage dir can roll back to the previous storage
        /// state, false otherwise.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Return true if this storage dir can roll back to the previous storage
        /// state, false otherwise. The NN will refuse to run the rollback operation
        /// unless at least one JM or fsimage storage directory can roll back.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="storage">the storage info for the current state</param>
        /// <param name="prevStorage">the storage info for the previous (unupgraded) state</param>
        /// <param name="targetLayoutVersion">the layout version we intend to roll back to</param>
        /// <returns>true if this JM can roll back, false otherwise.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">in the event of error</exception>
        internal static bool CanRollBack(Storage.StorageDirectory sd, StorageInfo storage
                                         , StorageInfo prevStorage, int targetLayoutVersion)
            FilePath prevDir = sd.GetPreviousDir();

            if (!prevDir.Exists())
                // use current directory then
                Log.Info("Storage directory " + sd.GetRoot() + " does not contain previous fs state."
                // read and verify consistency with other directories
            // read and verify consistency of the prev dir
            if (prevStorage.GetLayoutVersion() != targetLayoutVersion)
                throw new IOException("Cannot rollback to storage version " + prevStorage.GetLayoutVersion
                                          () + " using this version of the NameNode, which uses storage version " + targetLayoutVersion
                                      + ". " + "Please use the previous version of HDFS to perform the rollback.");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // 0
        // 1
        // 2
        // 3
        // 4
        // 5
        // 6
        // 7
        // 8
        // 9
        // 10
        // 11
        // 12
        // 13
        // 14
        // 15
        // 16
        // 17
        // Test with invalid clusterId
        // 18
        // Test with invalid block pool Id
        // 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the given Namenode version and Datanode version
        /// are compatible with each other.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Determines if the given Namenode version and Datanode version
        /// are compatible with each other. Compatibility in this case mean
        /// that the Namenode and Datanode will successfully start up and
        /// will work together. The rules for compatibility,
        /// taken from the DFS Upgrade Design, are as follows:
        /// <pre>
        /// <ol>
        /// <li>Check 0: Datanode namespaceID != Namenode namespaceID the startup fails
        /// </li>
        /// <li>Check 1: Datanode clusterID != Namenode clusterID the startup fails
        /// </li>
        /// <li>Check 2: Datanode blockPoolID != Namenode blockPoolID the startup fails
        /// </li>
        /// <li>Check 3: The data-node does regular startup (no matter which options
        /// it is started with) if
        /// softwareLV == storedLV AND
        /// DataNode.FSSCTime == NameNode.FSSCTime
        /// </li>
        /// <li>Check 4: The data-node performs an upgrade if it is started without any
        /// options and
        /// |softwareLV| &gt; |storedLV| OR
        /// (softwareLV == storedLV AND
        /// DataNode.FSSCTime &lt; NameNode.FSSCTime)
        /// </li>
        /// <li>NOT TESTED: The data-node rolls back if it is started with
        /// the -rollback option and
        /// |softwareLV| &gt;= |previous.storedLV| AND
        /// DataNode.previous.FSSCTime &lt;= NameNode.FSSCTime
        /// </li>
        /// <li>Check 5: In all other cases the startup fails.</li>
        /// </ol>
        /// </pre>
        /// </remarks>
        internal virtual bool IsVersionCompatible(TestDFSStartupVersions.StorageData namenodeSd
                                                  , TestDFSStartupVersions.StorageData datanodeSd)
            StorageInfo namenodeVer = namenodeSd.storageInfo;
            StorageInfo datanodeVer = datanodeSd.storageInfo;

            // check #0
            if (namenodeVer.GetNamespaceID() != datanodeVer.GetNamespaceID())
                Log.Info("namespaceIDs are not equal: isVersionCompatible=false");
            // check #1
            if (!namenodeVer.GetClusterID().Equals(datanodeVer.GetClusterID()))
                Log.Info("clusterIDs are not equal: isVersionCompatible=false");
            // check #2
            if (!namenodeSd.blockPoolId.Equals(datanodeSd.blockPoolId))
                Log.Info("blockPoolIDs are not equal: isVersionCompatible=false");
            // check #3
            int softwareLV = HdfsConstants.DatanodeLayoutVersion;
            int storedLV   = datanodeVer.GetLayoutVersion();

            if (softwareLV == storedLV && datanodeVer.GetCTime() == namenodeVer.GetCTime())
                Log.Info("layoutVersions and cTimes are equal: isVersionCompatible=true");
            // check #4
            long absSoftwareLV = Math.Abs((long)softwareLV);
            long absStoredLV   = Math.Abs((long)storedLV);

            if (absSoftwareLV > absStoredLV || (softwareLV == storedLV && datanodeVer.GetCTime
                                                    () < namenodeVer.GetCTime()))
                Log.Info("softwareLayoutVersion is newer OR namenode cTime is newer: isVersionCompatible=true"
            // check #5
            Log.Info("default case: isVersionCompatible=false");
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public virtual int GetVersion()
     // NodeRegistration