public void CanTrace_Always_StressTest()
            // Create a rate limiter that allows 1_000_000 QPS, which effectively means can trace always.
            var      rateLimiter       = new RateLimiter(1_000_000, StopwatchTimer.Create());
            int      canTraceCounter   = 0;
            int      canTraceQuestions = 0;
            DateTime start             = DateTime.UtcNow;
            DateTime end = start.AddSeconds(5.5);
            // Create 10 threads to run for a little over five seconds.
            var threads = Enumerable.Range(0, 10)
                          .Select(_ => new Thread(() =>
                while (DateTime.UtcNow < end)
                    // Avoid completely tight-looping, so that we can actually start enough threads.
                    // (Note that Thread.Yield isn't available on .NET Core.)
                    Interlocked.Increment(ref canTraceQuestions);
                    if (rateLimiter.CanTrace())
                        Interlocked.Increment(ref canTraceCounter);

            // Start the threads and wait for them all to finish
            threads.ForEach(t => t.Start());
            threads.ForEach(t => t.Join());

            // Since everything is to be traced, we should have as many traces as we attempted.
            Assert.Equal(canTraceQuestions, canTraceCounter);
        public void CanTrace_StressTest()
            // Create a rate limiter that allows .5 QPS
            var      rateLimiter     = new RateLimiter(.5, StopwatchTimer.Create());
            int      canTraceCounter = 0;
            DateTime start           = DateTime.UtcNow;
            DateTime end             = start.AddSeconds(5.5);
            // Create 10 threads to run for a little over five seconds.
            var threads = Enumerable.Range(0, 10)
                          .Select(_ => new Thread(() =>
                while (DateTime.UtcNow < end)
                    // Avoid completely tight-looping, so that we can actually start enough threads.
                    // (Note that Thread.Yield isn't available on .NET Core.)
                    if (rateLimiter.CanTrace())
                        Interlocked.Increment(ref canTraceCounter);

            // Start the threads and wait for them all to finish
            threads.ForEach(t => t.Start());
            threads.ForEach(t => t.Join());

            // We should have exactly 3 traces: one at t~=0, one at t~=2, one at t~=4.
            // (The test machine would have to be very highly loaded to take half a second between
            // the check in the while loop and the increment leading to an over-count, and it would have
            // to take half a second to start the threads to lead to an under-count.)
            Assert.Equal(3, canTraceCounter);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void CanTrace_StressTest()
            // Create a rate limiter that allows 1 QPS
            var      rateLimiter     = new RateLimiter(1, StopwatchTimer.Create());
            int      canTraceCounter = 0;
            DateTime start           = DateTime.UtcNow;
            DateTime end             = start.AddSeconds(2.5);
            // Create 10 threads to run for a little over two seconds.
            var threads = Enumerable.Range(0, 10)
                          .Select(_ => new Thread(() =>
                while (DateTime.UtcNow < end)
                    if (rateLimiter.CanTrace())
                        Interlocked.Increment(ref canTraceCounter);

            // Start the threads and wait for them all to finish
            threads.ForEach(t => t.Start());
            threads.ForEach(t => t.Join());

            // We should have exactly 3 traces: one at t~=0, one at t~=1, one at t~=2.
            // (The test machine would have to be very highly loaded to take half a second between
            // the check in the while loop and the increment leading to an over-count, and it would have
            // to take half a second to start the threads to lead to an under-count.)
            Assert.Equal(3, canTraceCounter);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void GetElapsedMilliseconds_NoStart()
            StopwatchTimer timer = StopwatchTimer.Create();

            Assert.Equal(0, timer.GetElapsedMilliseconds());
            Assert.Equal(0, timer.GetElapsedMilliseconds());
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private int FindIterationCount(StopwatchTimer timer, Action method, long minTicksForMeasurement,
                                       Action <string> log)
            var iterationCount = 1;
            var diff           = Measurer.MeasureDiffOutsideLoop(timer, new DelegateAction(method), iterationCount);

            while (diff < minTicksForMeasurement || diff > minTicksForMeasurement * 2)
                iterationCount = (int)((iterationCount * minTicksForMeasurement) / Math.Max(diff, 1));
                diff           = Measurer.MeasureDiffOutsideLoop(timer, new DelegateAction(method), iterationCount);
                log?.Invoke($"Diff {diff} IterationCount {iterationCount}");

Ejemplo n.º 6
    private StopwatchTimer InteractionWaitTimer;                        // Stopwatch timer object which is used for handling the waiting period for interactions

    /// <summary>
    ///  Unity method callback which is called at the start when running a scene.
    ///  This method handles the initialisation for inhabitant controller.
    /// </summary>
    void Start()
        // Reference the appropriate components (should never be null due to restriction)
        InhabitantAnimator     = GetComponent <Animator>();
        InhabitantNavMeshAgent = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>();

        // Initially set destination = current position, thus inhabitant is ready for movement
        DestinationPosition = transform.position;

        // Disable automatic rotation updates - this is handled manually
        InhabitantNavMeshAgent.updateRotation = false;

        // Setup timer to handle interaction waiting
        InteractionWaitTimer = new StopwatchTimer(0f);
        InteractionWaitTimer.OnDelayElapsed += OnInteractionWaitFinish;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void GetElapsedMilliseconds()
            StopwatchTimer timer = StopwatchTimer.Create();


            long first = timer.GetElapsedMilliseconds();

            long second = timer.GetElapsedMilliseconds();

            long third = timer.GetElapsedMilliseconds();

            Assert.True(second > first);
            Assert.True(third > second);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void DeterminePrecisionOfTimer()
            var timer     = new StopwatchTimer();
            var timerSpec = timer.Spec;
            var jit       = timer.Now;

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                var before = timer.Now;
                var after  = timer.Now;
                while (after == before)
                    after = timer.Now;
                var precision = after - before;
                // The call to Now itself takes time so precision is often many ticks e.g. 100
Ejemplo n.º 9
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        // initializes timers if they don't exist.
        if (text == null)
            // if no text object has been set, it gets the text component.
            text = GetComponent <Text>();

        // countdown timer
        if (timer1 == null)
            // searches for countdown timer attached to object.
            timer1 = FindObjectOfType <CountdownTimer>();

            // if no timer is attached, a new one is made.
            if (timer1 == null)
                timer1 = gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(CountdownTimer)) as CountdownTimer;

            // sets countdown start time.
            timer1.SetCountdownStartTime(countdownStart, true);

        // stopwatch timer.
        if (timer2 == null)
            // searches for a stopwatch timer attached to the object.
            timer2 = FindObjectOfType <StopwatchTimer>();

            // if no timer is attached, a new one is made.
            if (timer2 == null)
                timer2 = gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(StopwatchTimer)) as StopwatchTimer;
Ejemplo n.º 10
    /// <summary>
    /// Primary utility method which initialises the genetic algorithm and begins evolving
    /// solutions in the genetic algorithm.
    /// </summary>
    public void StartGAEvaluations()
        if (EvaluationTimer == null)
            if ((SpawnerForPlayer) && (BasketTarget))
                // Initialise genetic algorithm
                BasketballGA = new GeneticAlgorithm(PopulationSize, MutationRate, UpwardForceThreshold, ForwardForceThreshold);

                // Spawn player and balls + setup balls with chromosome data
                SpawnerForPlayer.SpawnBalls(PopulationSize, BasketTarget.transform);

                // Start timer, assign action once evaluation complete
                EvaluationTimer = new StopwatchTimer(DurationBeforeEvolution);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public QuickPerfMeasurements Run(Action <string> log)//<T>(this QuickPerfConfig<T> config)
            Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.RealTime;
            Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest;

            var timer     = new StopwatchTimer();
            var timerSpec = timer.Spec;
            Func <double, double> toNs = ticks => 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * ticks / (double)timerSpec.Frequency;

            const int MinTicksExtraMultiplier = 40;
            const int PrecisionDigits         = 3;
            int       precisionMultiplier     = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < PrecisionDigits; i++)
                precisionMultiplier *= 10;
            const int precisionMeasurementCount          = 11;
            const int measurementsPerParamPerMethodCount = 21;

            // Measure timer precision
            var precisionMeasurements = ReserveMeasurements(precisionMeasurementCount);

            TimerMeasurer.MeasurePrecision(timer, precisionMeasurements);
            var min    = precisionMeasurements.First();
            var median = precisionMeasurements.Middle();
            var max    = precisionMeasurements.Last();

            log?.Invoke($"Precision {min} - {median} - {max} ticks");

            var minTicksForMeasurement = median * precisionMultiplier * MinTicksExtraMultiplier;

            foreach (var param in m_params)
                // TODO: When to do

                foreach (var namedMethod in m_methods)
                    var method       = namedMethod.Method;
                    var methodAction = new DelegateAction(method);
                    var idleAction   = new DelegateAction(IdleAction);
                    // Pre-JIT and warmup
                    var warmupIdleTime = Measurer.MeasureDiffOutsideLoop(timer, idleAction, 3);
                    var warmupTime     = Measurer.MeasureDiffOutsideLoop(timer, methodAction, 3);

                    var iterationCount = FindIterationCount(timer, method, minTicksForMeasurement, log);

                    var idleTime = Measurer.MeasureDiffOutsideLoop(timer, idleAction, iterationCount);
                    log?.Invoke($"Idle Ticks: {idleTime} ns: {toNs(idleTime / (double)iterationCount)}");

                    var measurements = ReserveMeasurements(measurementsPerParamPerMethodCount);
                    for (int i = 0; i < measurements.Count; i++)
                        var methodTime = Measurer.MeasureDiffOutsideLoop(timer, methodAction, iterationCount);
                        measurements.Set(i, methodTime);
                        log?.Invoke($"{namedMethod.Name} Ticks: {methodTime} ns: {toNs(methodTime / (double)iterationCount)}");
            return(new QuickPerfMeasurements());
         * @param i
         * @param supportPoints
         * @param minHeight
         * @return
        public bool checkAddItemRevisitedRight(Item i, List <PotentialPoint> supportPoints, double minHeight)
            double zone1, zone2, zone3, zone4;

            zone1 = this.getZonesDepth();
            zone2 = zone1 * 2;
            zone3 = zone1 * 3;
            zone4 = this.getDepth();
            bool weightOk = true;

            double rnd = StaticRandom.NextDouble();

            //        Need to use usableSpace in relation with item to be added
            //        supportPoints.sort(Comparator.comparing(PotentialPoint::getUsableSpace));
            if (supportPoints.Any() && this.weightFits(i))
                for (int j = 0; j < supportPoints.Count; j++)
                    PotentialPoint supportPoint = supportPoints[j];

                    if (((i.bottomLeftFront.getZ() < zone1) && (this.getZone1Weight() + i.getWeight() > this.maxZone1Weight * (1 + weightSurplusPerameter))) ||
                        (((i.bottomLeftFront.z >= zone1) && (i.bottomLeftFront.getZ() < zone2)) && (this.getZone2Weight() + i.getWeight() > this.maxZone2Weight * (1 + weightSurplusPerameter))) ||
                        (((i.bottomLeftFront.z >= zone2) && (i.bottomLeftFront.getZ() < zone3)) && (this.getZone3Weight() + i.getWeight() > this.maxZone3Weight * (1 + weightSurplusPerameter))) ||
                        (((i.bottomLeftFront.z >= zone3) && (i.bottomLeftFront.getZ() < zone4)) && (this.getZone4Weight() + i.getWeight() > this.maxZone3Weight * (1 + weightSurplusPerameter))))
                        weightOk = false;
                        weightOk = true;

                    if ((!this.itemsOverlapping(i)) && (this.dimensionsFitRight(i)) && (supportPoint.cornerCheck(i, this, minHeight)) && weightOk)
                        PotentialPoint cPointXAxis = PotentialPoint.createXAxisPotentialPoint(i, j, supportPoints);
                        PotentialPoint cPointZAxis = PotentialPoint.createZAxisPotentialPointRight(i, j, supportPoints);
                        // TEST---------------
                        if (cPointXAxis.x != 0)
                            PotentialPoint nspZzero = new PotentialPoint(0, cPointXAxis.y, cPointXAxis.z);
                            PotentialPoint.addPointToPotentialPoints(nspZzero, supportPoints);

                        PotentialPoint.addPointToPotentialPoints(cPointXAxis, supportPoints);
                        PotentialPoint.addPointToPotentialPoints(cPointZAxis, supportPoints);

                        if (i.isStackable())
                            PotentialPoint cPointYAxis = PotentialPoint.createYAxisPotentialPointRight(i, j, supportPoints);
                            PotentialPoint.addPointToPotentialPoints(cPointYAxis, supportPoints);

                            int dim = supportPoints.Count;
                            List <PotentialPoint> newList = new List <PotentialPoint>();
                            double maxSubst;
                            foreach (PotentialPoint sp in supportPoints)
                                if ((!sp.equals(cPointYAxis)) && sp.getZ() == cPointYAxis.getZ() && sp.getY() == cPointYAxis.getY())
                                    if (sp.getMaxXAllowed() > cPointYAxis.getMaxXAllowed())
                                        maxSubst = sp.getMaxXAllowed();
                                        maxSubst = cPointYAxis.getMaxXAllowed();
                                    PotentialPoint toAdd = new PotentialPoint(sp.getX(), sp.getY(), sp.getZ(), maxSubst, sp.getMaxYAllowed(), sp.getMaxZAllowed());

                            foreach (PotentialPoint sp in newList)
                                //                        System.err.println("ADDED");

                        /*                    PotentialPoint cPointXAxisProjectionMax = PotentialPoint.createXAxisPotentialPointProjectionMax(i, j, supportPoints);
                         *                  PotentialPoint.addPointToPotentialPoints(cPointXAxisProjectionMax, supportPoints);*/

                        PotentialPoint cPointProjectionZ = PotentialPoint.createPointProjectionZ(i, j, supportPoints);
                        PotentialPoint.addPointToPotentialPoints(cPointProjectionZ, supportPoints);


                        /*Remove chosen support point*/


Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void MeasureTimerPrecision_Stopwatch()
            var timer = new StopwatchTimer();
