Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static Solution Secant(double minX, double maxX, Function f, StopConditions stopConditions)
            var utcStart = DateTime.UtcNow;

            var p0 = f(minX);
            var p1 = f(maxX);
            var d  = f(p1) * (p1 - p0) / (f(p1) - f(p0));
            var p2 = p1 - d;

            int         i;
            StopReasons stopReasons;

            for (i = 0; !stopConditions.ShouldStop(i, d, f(p2), utcStart, out stopReasons); i++)
                p0 = p1;
                p1 = p2;
                d  = f(p1) * (p1 - p0) / (f(p1) - f(p0));
                p2 = p1 - d;

            if ((stopReasons & StopReasons.SolutionFound) == StopReasons.SolutionFound)
                return(new Solution(true, p2, i, stopReasons));

            return(new Solution(false, p2, i, stopReasons));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Bisections the lower solution.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="minX">The min X.</param>
        /// <param name="maxX">The max X.</param>
        /// <param name="f">The f.</param>
        /// <param name="stopConditions">The stop conditions.</param>
        /// <param name="numberOfFractions">The number of fractions.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Solution BisectionLowerSolution(double minX, double maxX, Function f,
                                                      StopConditions stopConditions, int numberOfFractions)
            var x0 = minX;
            var x1 = maxX;

            // tamanho do espaço dividido
            var fraction = (x1 - x0) / numberOfFractions;

            var a0 = x0;
            var b0 = f(a0);

            for (var i = 0; i < numberOfFractions; i++)
                // definição dos limites
                var a1 = a0 + fraction;
                var b1 = f(a1);

                // chama bissecção no primeiro que tiver sinal invertido (presença de raiz)
                if (b0 < 0 ? b1 > 0 : b1 < 0)
                    return(Bisection(a0, a1, f, stopConditions));

                // proxima iteração
                a0 = a1;
                b0 = b1;

            return(new Solution(false, x1, numberOfFractions, StopReasons.MaximumNumberOfSteps));
 public SpecExecution(SpecExecutionRequest request, StopConditions stopConditions, IExecutionLogger logger)
     Request        = request;
     StopConditions = stopConditions;
     Logger         = logger;
     Mode           = request.Mode;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public SpecExecution(SpecExecutionRequest request, StopConditions stopConditions, IExecutionLogger logger)
     Request = request;
     StopConditions = stopConditions;
     Logger = logger;
     Mode = request.Mode;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private static Solution Bisection(double minX, double maxX, Function f, StopConditions stopConditions)
            var utcStart = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var x0       = minX;
            var x1       = maxX;

            var y0 = f(x0);
            var y1 = f(x1);

            // verifica se achou raiz
            if (y0 == 0)
                return(new Solution(true, x0, 0, StopReasons.SolutionFound));

            if (y1 == 0)
                return(new Solution(true, x1, 0, StopReasons.SolutionFound));

            // retorna false caso não exista raiz no intervalo (sinais iguais)
            if (y0 < 0 ? y1 < 0 : y1 > 0)
                return(Math.Abs(y0) < Math.Abs(y1)
                    ? new Solution(false, x0, 0, StopReasons.DeltaX)
                    : new Solution(false, x1, 0, StopReasons.DeltaX));

            // iterações da bissecção
            var i = 0;

                var xi = (x0 + x1) / 2.0;

                //double y0 = f(x0); // tirei do loop
                var yi = f(xi);

                // se sinal invertido
                if (y0 < 0 ? yi >= 0 : yi < 0)
                    x1 = xi;
                    // y0 = y0; // continua o mesmo
                    x0 = xi;
                    y0 = yi;

                if (stopConditions.ShouldStop(i, Math.Abs(x1 - x0), yi, utcStart, out var stopReasons))
                    return(new Solution((stopReasons & StopReasons.SolutionFound) == StopReasons.SolutionFound,
                                        x1, i, stopReasons));

            } while (true);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public ExecutionRun(ISystem system, Timings timings, SpecExecutionRequest request, StopConditions stopConditions, IExecutionMode mode)
     _system = system;
     _timings = timings;
     _request = request;
     _stopConditions = stopConditions;
     _mode = mode;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public ExecutionRun(ISystem system, Timings timings, SpecExecutionRequest request, StopConditions stopConditions, IExecutionMode mode)
     _system         = system;
     _timings        = timings;
     _request        = request;
     _stopConditions = stopConditions;
     _mode           = mode;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void Start(StopConditions stopConditions)

            var recycled = _system.Initialize(startTheConsumingQueues);

Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void Start(StopConditions stopConditions)

            var recycled = tryToStart();

Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void Start(StopConditions stopConditions)

            if (_running.RecycledMessage.success)

        public void Run()
            switch (StopConditionMode)
            case EStopConditionMode.Any:
                while (!StopConditions.Any(x => x.Satisfied(Population)))
                    CreatedNextGeneration?.Invoke(this, new NewGenerationEventArgs(Population, Population.Generation));


            case EStopConditionMode.All:
                while (!StopConditions.All(x => x.Satisfied(Population)))


            default: return;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public void UseStopConditions(StopConditions conditions)
     _stopConditions = conditions;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void Start(StopConditions stopConditions)

            var recycled = _system.Initialize(startTheConsumingQueues);

Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        ///     Solves by the method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="method">The method.</param>
        /// <param name="minX">The min X.</param>
        /// <param name="maxX">The max X.</param>
        /// <param name="f">The function</param>
        /// <param name="stopConditions">The stop conditions.</param>
        /// <returns>Hopefuly, a solution</returns>
        public static Solution Solve(Method method, double minX, double maxX, Function f, StopConditions stopConditions)
            switch (method)
            case Method.Secant:
                return(Secant(minX, maxX, f, stopConditions));

            case Method.Bisection:
                return(Bisection(minX, maxX, f, stopConditions));

            case Method.BisectionLowerSolution:
                return(BisectionLowerSolution(minX, maxX, f, stopConditions, 20));

            case Method.Brent:
                return(BrentMethod(minX, maxX, f, stopConditions));

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(method));
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public StepthroughExecution(SpecExecutionRequest request, StopConditions stopConditions, IUserInterfaceObserver observer, IExecutionObserver executionObserver) : base(request, stopConditions, new InstrumentedLogger(observer))
     _observer = observer;
     _executionObserver = executionObserver;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private static Solution BrentMethod(double minX, double maxX, Function f, StopConditions stopConditions)
            var utcStart = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var a        = minX;
            var b        = maxX;

            var iterations = 0;

            //input a, b, and a pointer to a subroutine for f

            //calculate f(a)
            var fa = f(a);

            //calculate f(b)
            var fb = f(b);

            //if f(a) f(b) >= 0 then error-exit end if
            if (fa * fb >= 0)
                return(new Solution(false, 0, 0, StopReasons.BadMinMaxGuess));

            //if |f(a)| < |f(b)| then swap (a,b) end if
            if (Math.Abs(fa) < Math.Abs(fb))
                Swap(ref a, ref b);
                Swap(ref fa, ref fb);

            //c := a
            var    c  = a;
            var    fc = fa;
            double d  = 0;

            //set mflag
            var mflag = true;

            //repeat until f(b) = 0 or |b - a| is small enough (convergence)
            const double delta = 1e-10;


                //if f(a) != f(c) and f(b) != f(c) then
                // fa = f(a);
                // fb = f(b);
                // fc = f(c);

                double s;

                if (fa != fc && fb != fc)
                    // (inverse quadratic interpolation)
                    s  = a * fb * fc / ((fa - fb) * (fa - fc));
                    s += b * fa * fc / ((fb - fa) * (fb - fc));
                    s += c * fa * fb / ((fc - fa) * (fc - fb));
                    // (secant rule)
                    s = b - fb * (b - a) / (fb - fa);

                //if s is not between (3a + b)/4 and b or (mflag is set and |s-b| >= |b-c| / 2) or (mflag is cleared and |s-b| >= |c-d| / 2) then
                if (!Between(s, (3 * a + b) / 4.0, b) ||
                    mflag && Math.Abs(s - b) >= Math.Abs(b - c) / 2.0 ||
                    !mflag && Math.Abs(s - b) >= Math.Abs(c - d) / 2.0)
                    s = (a + b) / 2;

                    //set mflag
                    mflag = true;
                    //if (mflag is set and |b-c| < |delta|) or (mflag is cleared and |c-d| < |delta|) then
                    if (mflag && Math.Abs(b - c) < delta ||
                        !mflag && Math.Abs(c - d) < delta)
                        // formula...
                        s = (a + b) / 2;

                        //set mflag
                        mflag = true;
                        //clear mflag
                        mflag = false;

                    //end if
                    //end if

                //calculate f(s)
                var fs = f(s);

                //d := c
                d = c;

                //c := b
                c  = b;
                fc = fb; //*

                //if f(a) f(s) < 0 then b := s else a := s end if
                if (fa * fs < 0)
                    b  = s;
                    fb = fs;
                    a  = s;
                    fa = fs;

                //if |f(a)| < |f(b)| then swap (a,b) end if
                if (Math.Abs(fa) < Math.Abs(fb))
                    Swap(ref a, ref b);
                    Swap(ref fa, ref fb);
                //end repeat

                if (stopConditions.ShouldStop(iterations, Math.Abs(b - a), fb, utcStart, out var stopReasons))
                    return(new Solution((stopReasons & StopReasons.SolutionFound) == StopReasons.SolutionFound,
                                        b, iterations, stopReasons));
            } while (true);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public void UseStopConditions(StopConditions conditions)
     _stopConditions = conditions;
 public StepthroughExecution(SpecExecutionRequest request, StopConditions stopConditions, IUserInterfaceObserver observer, IExecutionObserver executionObserver) : base(request, stopConditions, new InstrumentedLogger(observer))
     _observer          = observer;
     _executionObserver = executionObserver;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void Start(StopConditions stopConditions)

            var recycled = tryToStart();
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public void setStopCondition(StopConditions condition, double parameter)
     if (parameter <= 0)
         throw new Exception("Stop condition parameter must be greater than 0");
     this.stopParameter = parameter;
     this.stopCondition = condition;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public SpecificationExecutor(StopConditions stopConditions, IResultObserver observer)