Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void ValidateEndStatus(StocktakingPlan model)
     if (model.Status != StocktakingPlanStatus.Replay)
         throw new Exception("还没执行过合并盘点,不能结束。");
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void ValidatePlanDate(StocktakingPlan model)
     if (_db.Table.Exists <StocktakingPlan>(n => n.StoreId == model.StoreId && n.StocktakingDate == model.StocktakingDate.Date))
         throw new Exception("【" + model.StocktakingDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "】已经存在一个盘点计划。");
Ejemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// 修正库存
 /// </summary>
 public void FixedInventory(StocktakingPlan model)
     if (model.Method == StocktakingPlanMethod.SmallCap)
     // 大盘:
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public void ValidatePlan(StocktakingPlan model)
     if (model.StoreId == 0)
         throw new Exception("请选择门店。");
     if (model.StocktakingDate < DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1))
         throw new Exception("盘点日期不能在当前日期之前。");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public JsonResult QueryShelfProduct(int planId, int storeId, string productCodeOrBarCode)
            var stocktakingPlan = new StocktakingPlan();

            if (planId == 0)
                stocktakingPlan = GetRunningPlan(storeId);
                planId          = stocktakingPlan.Id;
            var model = _stocktakingQuery.QueryShelfProduct(planId, storeId, productCodeOrBarCode);

            return(Json(new { success = true, data = model, plan = stocktakingPlan }));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void AddInventoryItems(StocktakingPlan model)
            string checkSql = "select count(*) from StocktakingPlan where StoreId=@StoreId and (Status=@ToBeInventory or Status=@Replay )";

            //存在初盘和复盘的 计划,就不能开始一个新的盘点计划
            if (_db.Table.Context.ExecuteScalar <int>(checkSql, new { StoreId = model.StoreId, ToBeInventory = StocktakingPlanStatus.FirstInventory, Replay = StocktakingPlanStatus.Replay }) > 0)
                throw new Exception("有未完成的盘点计划,不能开启新盘点");
            string sql = @"insert into stocktakingPlanItem( StocktakingPlanId,ProductId,CostPrice,SalePrice,Quantity,CountQuantity )
  SELECT  s.Id,p.Id as ProductId ,i.LastCostPrice ,case when i.StoreSalePrice>0 then i.StoreSalePrice else p.SalePrice END as SalePrice  ,i.Quantity ,0  
FROM    StoreInventory i 
INNER JOIN StocktakingPlan s ON s.StoreId = i.StoreId 
INNER JOIN Product p ON p.Id=i.ProductId  
WHERE s.Id=@StocktakingPlanId and i.IsQuit=0";

            _db.Command.AddExecute(sql, new { StocktakingPlanId = model.Id });
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void FixedInventory(StocktakingPlan entity)
            if (entity == null)
                throw new FriendlyException("单据不存在");
            if (entity.Items.Count() == 0)
                throw new FriendlyException("单据明细为空");
            if (entity.Method == StocktakingPlanMethod.SmallCap)

            var differenceItems = entity.Items.Where(p => p.GetDifferenceQuantity() != 0).ToList();

            if (differenceItems.Count == 0)
                return; //没有差异商品,直接结束

            var productIdArray    = differenceItems.Select(n => n.ProductId).ToArray();
            var inventorys        = _db.Table.FindAll <StoreInventory>("select * from storeinventory where storeId=@StoreId and productId in @ProductIds", new { StoreId = entity.StoreId, ProductIds = productIdArray });
            var inventoryBatchs   = _db.Table.FindAll <StoreInventoryBatch>("select * from storeinventorybatch where  storeId=@StoreId and productId in @ProductIds and Quantity>0", new { StoreId = entity.StoreId, ProductIds = productIdArray });
            var inventoryHistorys = new List <StoreInventoryHistory>();
            var inventoryLoss     = new List <StoreInventoryBatch>(); //盘亏批次更新
            var inventoryProfit   = new List <StoreInventoryBatch>(); //盘盈批次数据

            long batchNo = 0;

            foreach (var item in differenceItems)
                var inventory = inventorys.FirstOrDefault(n => n.ProductId == item.ProductId);
                if (inventory == null)
                    var product = _db.Table.Find <Product>(item.ProductId);
                    throw new FriendlyException(string.Format("库存商品[{0}]{1}不存在!", product.Code, product.Name));
                var inventoryQuantity = inventory.Quantity;
                // 盘点差异数量,盘盈为整数,盘亏为负数
                var differenceQuantity = item.GetDifferenceQuantity();
                inventory.Quantity     += differenceQuantity;
                inventory.SaleQuantity += differenceQuantity;

                if (differenceQuantity > 0)
                    // 查询商品合同价
                    var contract     = _db.Table.Find <PurchaseContract>(@"SELECT c.Id,c.SupplierId from purchasecontract c inner join purchasecontractitem i on c.id = i.PurchaseContractId where FIND_IN_SET(@StoreId,c.StoreIds) and c.`Status`=3 and i.ProductId = @productId order by c.Id desc", new { StoreId = entity.StoreId, ProductId = inventory.ProductId });
                    var contractItem = _db.Table.Find <PurchaseContractItem>("select * from purchasecontractitem where PurchaseContractId=@PurchaseContractId and ProductId=@ProductId", new { PurchaseContractId = contract.Id, ProductId = inventory.ProductId });
                    inventory.AvgCostPrice = CalculatedAveragePrice(inventory.AvgCostPrice, inventoryQuantity, contractItem.ContractPrice, differenceQuantity);
                    if (batchNo == 0)
                        batchNo = _sequenceService.GenerateBatchNo(entity.StoreId);
                    var batchQuantity = CalculatedBatchQuantity(inventoryQuantity, differenceQuantity);
                    var batch         = new StoreInventoryBatch(inventory.ProductId, entity.StoreId, contract.SupplierId, batchQuantity,
                                                                contractItem.ContractPrice, contractItem.ContractPrice, batchNo, null, 0, entity.UpdatedBy);

                    var history = new StoreInventoryHistory(inventory.ProductId, entity.StoreId, inventoryQuantity, differenceQuantity,
                                                            contractItem.ContractPrice, batchNo, entity.Id, entity.Code, ValueObject.BillIdentity.StoreStocktakingPlan, entity.UpdatedBy, entity.UpdatedOn, contract.SupplierId);
                    // 盘亏
                    var leftQuantity  = Math.Abs(differenceQuantity);
                    var productBatchs = inventoryBatchs.Where(n => n.ProductId == inventory.ProductId).OrderBy(n => n.BatchNo);
                    foreach (var batchItem in productBatchs)
                        if (batchItem.Quantity >= leftQuantity)
                            batchItem.Quantity -= leftQuantity;
                            inventoryHistorys.Add(new StoreInventoryHistory(inventory.ProductId, entity.StoreId, inventoryQuantity, -leftQuantity,
                                                                            batchItem.Price, batchItem.BatchNo, entity.Id, entity.Code, BillIdentity.StoreStocktakingPlan, entity.UpdatedBy, entity.UpdatedOn, batchItem.SupplierId));
                            leftQuantity = 0;
                            inventoryHistorys.Add(new StoreInventoryHistory(inventory.ProductId, entity.StoreId, inventoryQuantity, -batchItem.Quantity,
                                                                            batchItem.Price, batchItem.BatchNo, entity.Id, entity.Code, BillIdentity.StoreStocktakingPlan, entity.UpdatedBy, entity.UpdatedOn, batchItem.SupplierId));
                            // 剩余扣减数
                            inventoryQuantity  = inventoryQuantity - batchItem.Quantity; // 第1+N次扣减后总库存
                            leftQuantity       = leftQuantity - batchItem.Quantity;
                            batchItem.Quantity = 0;
                    //当扣减批次后,剩余数量依然大于0,存在两种情况:1 无批次数据,2 批次数量不够扣
                    if (leftQuantity > 0)
                        var contract     = _db.Table.Find <PurchaseContract>(@"SELECT c.Id,c.SupplierId from purchasecontract c inner join purchasecontractitem i on c.id = i.PurchaseContractId where FIND_IN_SET(@StoreId,c.StoreIds) and c.`Status`=3 and i.ProductId = @productId order by c.Id desc", new { StoreId = entity.StoreId, ProductId = inventory.ProductId });
                        var contractItem = _db.Table.Find <PurchaseContractItem>("select * from purchasecontractitem where PurchaseContractId=@PurchaseContractId and ProductId=@ProductId", new { PurchaseContractId = contract.Id, ProductId = inventory.ProductId });

                        inventoryHistorys.Add(new StoreInventoryHistory(inventory.ProductId, entity.StoreId, inventoryQuantity, -leftQuantity,
                                                                        contractItem.ContractPrice, 0, entity.Id, entity.Code, BillIdentity.StoreStocktakingPlan, entity.CreatedBy, entity.UpdatedOn, contract.SupplierId));
                        // 第1+N次扣减后总库存
                        inventoryQuantity = inventoryQuantity - leftQuantity;

            if (inventoryProfit.Count > 0)
                _db.Insert(inventoryProfit.ToArray()); //盘盈批次
            if (inventoryLoss.Count > 0)