Ejemplo n.º 1
        internal List <StockVm> GetStockReportList(ReportVm reportVm)
            List <Sale>     Sales     = reportDal.GetSalesByReportVm(reportVm);
            List <Purchase> Purchases = reportDal.GetPurchasesByReportVm(reportVm);

            if (Purchases != null)
                foreach (var item in Purchases)
                    foreach (var itemDes in item.PurchaseDetail)
                        StockVm stockVm = new StockVm();
                        if (StockReportList.Any(m => m.ItemName == itemDes.Item.Name) == false)
                            stockVm.ItemName         = itemDes.Item.Name;
                            stockVm.StockQuantity    = common.GetItemStockById(itemDes.Item.Id);
                            stockVm.CategoryFullPath = GetCategoryFullPathById(itemDes.Item.Id);
                            stockVm.Price            = itemDes.Item.CostPrice;
        public ActionResult EditProduct(StockVm model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(Content("Invalid data received for update"));

            using (Db db = new Db())
                var product = db.Products.Include("Category").Single(p => p.Id == model.Id);

                product.Name        = model.Name;
                product.Description = model.Description;
                product.Price       = model.Price;
                product.Quantity    = model.Quantity;

                //get foreign key by the of the model parameter add this as a refference of product's category table.
                CategoryDTO cat = db.categories.Single(c => c.Id == model.CategoryId);
                product.Category = cat;

            //TempData["cnf"] = "Product data successfully edited";
            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Stock"));
        public ActionResult Create(StockVm model)
            //check if Model state is valid then return
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(View(model)); //this model will af=gain dislay in the input form

            //copy from view model to DTO
            StockDTO dto = new StockDTO()
                Name        = model.Name,
                Description = model.Description,
                Price       = model.Price,
                Quantity    = model.Quantity

            using (Db db = new Db())
                var cat = db.categories.Find(model.CategoryId);
                dto.Category = cat;


            TempData["cnf"] = "You have added a new item in stock";
        public ActionResult EditProduct(int id)
            StockVm model;
            List <SelectListItem> slist = new List <SelectListItem>();

            using (Db db = new Db())
                //Find the product with the id received
                var product = db.Products.Include("Category").Single(x => x.Id == id);

                if (product == null)
                    return(Content("Requested page dows not exist"));
                model = new StockVm(product);

                var listFromDb = db.categories.ToList();
                foreach (var item in listFromDb)
                    slist.Add(new SelectListItem()
                        Text  = item.Id.ToString(),
                        Value = item.Categoryname
            ViewBag.categoryDropDown = new SelectList(slist, "Text", "Value");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public ActionResult CreateSaleInvoice(StockVm model)
            //Check if requested quantity is available in the stock
            using (Db db = new Db())
                var avl = db.Products.Find(model.Id);
                if (avl.Quantity < model.Quantity)
                    TempData["error"] = "Expected quantity s not available in stock";

            using (Db db = new Db())
                //Get the product from the product_Id received
                var product = db.Products.Find(model.Id);
                //Decrease the quantity of that product
                product.Quantity -= model.Quantity;

                //Create the SaleDto model to add to database
                SaleDTO saleModel = new SaleDTO()
                    //ProductName = model.Name,
                    Quantity    = model.Quantity,
                    Price       = model.Price,
                    Total       = model.Price * model.Quantity,
                    date        = DateTime.Now,
                    ProductName = product.Name
                //saleModel.ProductName = product.Name;

                //create the ProfitAndLossDTO mode to add data into profit and loss table
                //Net profit of the
                ProfitAndLossDTO profitAndLossDTO = new ProfitAndLossDTO()
                    Date         = saleModel.date,
                    ProductName  = saleModel.ProductName,
                    ProductValue = product.Price * saleModel.Quantity,
                    SoldValue    = saleModel.Total,
                profitAndLossDTO.Profit = profitAndLossDTO.SoldValue - profitAndLossDTO.ProductValue;
                //var p = db.ProfitAndLoss.Last();
                var p = db.ProfitAndLoss.OrderByDescending(x => x.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                profitAndLossDTO.NetProfit = profitAndLossDTO.Profit + p.NetProfit;

