private void addBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (CheckDataAvailability() == true)
                StockData newStockData = new StockData();

                string addSpace = " ";
                double addZero = 0.0;

                newStockData.productName = productNameDataCB.Text;

                newStockData.vatRate = double.Parse(vatDataCB.Text);

                newStockData.quantityAvailable = addZero;
                newStockData.purchaseDate = DateTime.Now;
                newStockData.quantityPurchased = addZero;
                newStockData.rate = addZero;
                newStockData.vendorId = addSpace;
                newStockData.productId = "Prod-" + DateTime.Now.ToOADate().ToString();

                if (OnAddNewStockData != null)


        public EditStockItemWindow(StockData StockItemToEdit)

            _StockItemToEdit = StockItemToEdit;
            productNameDataCB.Text = _StockItemToEdit.productName;
            vatDataCB.Text = _StockItemToEdit.vatRate.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static void GetSiteSymbols(object par)
            var symbols = ((TheadPoolParam)par).symbols;
            DataModel.SiteDTO site = ((TheadPoolParam)par).site;
            List<StockData> DataList = new List<StockData>();
            foreach(var item in symbols)
                    WebClient webClient = new WebClient();
                    string url = string.Format(site.Url, item.Symbol);
                    var content = webClient.DownloadString(url);
                    StockData data= new StockData();
                    data.Date = DateTime.Now;
                catch(Exception ex)
                    StockData data = new StockData();
                    data.SiteId = site.ID;
                    data.StockSymbolID = item.ID;
                    data.Error = string.Format("Error: {0}, {1}, {2}, ThreadId:{}", ex.Message, ex.InnerException, ex.StackTrace, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
                    data.ErrorCode = ex.HResult;
                    data.Date = DateTime.Now;

                    log.Error(ex.Message, ex);

                    Flexi.EF.Context.StockContext db = new EF.Context.StockContext();


            //lets inform the main thread that this method has finished the execution.
            AutoResetEvent waitHandle = (AutoResetEvent)((TheadPoolParam)par).waitHandle;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void InitializeObservable(StockData stock)
            var ticker = GetSimulatedTicker(stock.OpenPrice, stock.variance);

            // to connect to a real stock ticker, perhaps over websockets, could do:
            // var stockObs = await WebSocketSubject.Create("ws://localhost:8080", stock.Name);
            // ... use stockObs instead of 'ticker'

                    x => {
                        stock.OpenDelta = FormatDelta(stock.OpenPrice, x, showPercent: true);
                        stock.UpDownIcon = (x - stock.OpenPrice <= 0) ? TREND_DOWN : TREND_UP;
                        stock.TickDelta = FormatDelta(stock.Price, x);
                        stock.Price = x;
                        stock.PriceString = String.Format("{0:0.00}", x);

                .MovingAverage(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)) // 30 second moving average that moves forward every second
                    x => stock.MovingAvg30Sec = String.Format("{0:0.00}", x)

                    x => stock.MovingAvg1Min = String.Format("{0:0.00}", x)
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public async Task <StockData> Get()
            StockData stockData = await this.finnhubStockApi.GetRealTimeQuoteData("NASDAQ:AAPL");

Ejemplo n.º 6
 private Task <List <StockValue> > GetValuesAsync(StockData stockData)
     return(Task.Run(() => stockData.GetValues()));
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void ButtonFile_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            char[] codeArray = this.RichTextBoxCode.Text.ToCharArray();
            char[] nameArray = this.RichTextBoxName.Text.ToCharArray();

            for ( int iIndex = 0; iIndex < m_RandomFileCount; iIndex++ )
                StockInfo stockInfo = new StockInfo();

                StringBuilder strCode = new StringBuilder();
                for ( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
                    strCode.Append( RandomEx.RandomArray( codeArray ) );

                StringBuilder strName = new StringBuilder();
                for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
                    strName.Append( RandomEx.RandomArray( nameArray ) );

                //stockInfo.StockCode = strCode.ToString();
                //stockInfo.StockName = strName.ToString();

                DateTime[] allTradingTime = this.GetAllTradingTime();

                for ( int iIndex2 = 0; iIndex2 < allTradingTime.Length; iIndex2++ )
                    StockData stockData = new StockData();

                    stockData.TradingTime = allTradingTime[iIndex2];
                    stockData.OpenPrice = this.GetRandomOpenPrice();
                    stockData.ClosePrice = this.GetRandomClosePrice();
                    stockData.HighestPrice = this.GetRandomHighestPrice();
                    stockData.MinimumPrice = this.GetRandomMinimumPrice( (uint)stockData.HighestPrice );
                    stockData.TradingVolume = this.GetRandomDailyTurnover();
                    stockData.OpenInterest = this.GetRandomDailyAmount();

                    //stockInfo.AddStockData( stockData );

                StockInfo.SaveFileFormatForDStock( this.TextBoxFolder.Text + "\\" + stockInfo.StockCode + ".DStock", stockInfo );
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void _DoQuery(object param)
            object[] plist = (object[])param;
            DateTime from = (DateTime)plist[0];
            DateTime to = (DateTime)plist[1];

                if (from != DateTime.MinValue)
                    LinkedList<Transaction> oldTran = _profolioMgr.GetAggregatedTransaction(typeof(Transaction), txtCode.Text, DateTime.MinValue, from.AddDays(-1));
                    foreach (Transaction t in oldTran)
                        if (t.amount != 0)
                            _prevBalance.Add(t.code, t);
                            Transaction curPostBalance = new Transaction();
                            curPostBalance.code = t.code;
                   = to;
                            curPostBalance.amount = -t.amount;
                            _postBalance.Add(t.code, curPostBalance);
                    LinkedList<Transaction> oldFutureTran = _profolioMgr.GetAggregatedTransaction(typeof(FutureTransaction), txtCode.Text, DateTime.MinValue, from.AddDays(-1));
                    foreach (Transaction ft in oldFutureTran)
                        if (ft.amount != 0)
                            SortedDictionary<string, FutureTransaction> curPrevBalanceFutureDict;
                            if (!_prevBalanceFuture.TryGetValue(ft.code, out curPrevBalanceFutureDict))
                                curPrevBalanceFutureDict = new SortedDictionary<string, FutureTransaction>();
                                _prevBalanceFuture.Add(ft.code, curPrevBalanceFutureDict);
                            curPrevBalanceFutureDict.Add(((FutureTransaction)ft).contractCode, (FutureTransaction)ft);
                            SortedDictionary<string, FutureTransaction> curPostBalanceFutureDict;
                            if (!_postBalanceFuture.TryGetValue(ft.code, out curPostBalanceFutureDict))
                                curPostBalanceFutureDict = new SortedDictionary<string, FutureTransaction>();
                                _postBalanceFuture.Add(ft.code, curPostBalanceFutureDict);
                            FutureTransaction curPostFutureBalance = new FutureTransaction();
                            curPostFutureBalance.code = ft.code;
                            curPostFutureBalance.contractCode = ((FutureTransaction)ft).contractCode;
                   = to;
                            curPostFutureBalance.amount = -ft.amount;
                            curPostBalanceFutureDict.Add(((FutureTransaction)ft).contractCode, curPostFutureBalance);
                _tran = _profolioMgr.GetTransaction(typeof(Transaction), txtCode.Text, from, to);
                _futureTran = _profolioMgr.GetTransaction(typeof(FutureTransaction), txtCode.Text, from, to);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "錯誤", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            _UpdateTransactionCB updateTranCB = new _UpdateTransactionCB(_UpdateDgvTransaction);
            List<Transaction> updateTranCbData = new List<Transaction>();
            //Process transaction data
                LinkedListNode<Transaction> t = _tran.First, ft = _futureTran.First;
                while (t != null || ft != null)
                    if (ft == null || (t != null && <=
                        List<Transaction> curTransactionLst;
                        if (!_tranDct.TryGetValue(t.Value.code, out curTransactionLst))
                            curTransactionLst = new List<Transaction>();
                            _tranDct.Add(t.Value.code, curTransactionLst);
                        t = t.Next;
                        SortedDictionary<string, List<FutureTransaction>> curDct;
                        if (!_tranFutureDct.TryGetValue(ft.Value.code, out curDct))
                            curDct = new SortedDictionary<string, List<FutureTransaction>>();
                            _tranFutureDct.Add(ft.Value.code, curDct);
                        List<FutureTransaction> curTransactionFutureLst;
                        if (!curDct.TryGetValue(((FutureTransaction)ft.Value).contractCode, out curTransactionFutureLst))
                            curTransactionFutureLst = new List<FutureTransaction>();
                            curDct.Add(((FutureTransaction)ft.Value).contractCode, curTransactionFutureLst);
                        ft = ft.Next;
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<Transaction>> kwp in _tranDct)
                Transaction curNetTran = new Transaction();
                curNetTran.code = kwp.Key;
       = to;
                curNetTran.amount = 0;
                curNetTran.payment = 0;
                curNetTran.description = "淨交易";
                foreach (Transaction t in kwp.Value)
                    curNetTran.amount += t.amount;
                    curNetTran.payment += t.payment;
                _netTran.Add(curNetTran.code, curNetTran);
                if (curNetTran.amount != 0)
                    Transaction curPostBalance;
                    if (!_postBalance.TryGetValue(curNetTran.code, out curPostBalance))
                        curPostBalance = new Transaction();
                        curPostBalance.code = curNetTran.code;
               = to;
                        curPostBalance.amount = 0;
                        _postBalance.Add(curPostBalance.code, curPostBalance);
                    curPostBalance.amount -= curNetTran.amount;
                    if (curPostBalance.amount == 0) _postBalance.Remove(curPostBalance.code);
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, SortedDictionary<string, List<FutureTransaction>>> kwp in _tranFutureDct)
                FutureTransaction curNetTranFuture = new FutureTransaction();
                curNetTranFuture.code = kwp.Key;
                curNetTranFuture.contractCode = "淨期貨交易";
       = to;
                curNetTranFuture.amount = 0;
                curNetTranFuture.payment = 0;
                curNetTranFuture.description = "淨交易";
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<FutureTransaction>> kwp2 in kwp.Value)
                    double tmpAmount = 0;
                    double tmpPayment = 0;
                    foreach (FutureTransaction ft in kwp2.Value)
                        tmpAmount += ft.amount;
                        tmpPayment += ft.payment;
                    curNetTranFuture.amount += tmpAmount;
                    curNetTranFuture.payment += tmpPayment;
                    if (tmpAmount != 0)
                        SortedDictionary<string, FutureTransaction> curPostBalanceDct;
                        if (!_postBalanceFuture.TryGetValue(kwp.Key, out curPostBalanceDct))
                            curPostBalanceDct = new SortedDictionary<string, FutureTransaction>();
                            _postBalanceFuture.Add(kwp.Key, curPostBalanceDct);
                        FutureTransaction curPostBalance;
                        if (!curPostBalanceDct.TryGetValue(kwp2.Key, out curPostBalance))
                            curPostBalance = new FutureTransaction();
                            curPostBalance.code = kwp.Key;
                            curPostBalance.contractCode = kwp2.Key;
                   = to;
                            curPostBalance.amount = 0;
                            curPostBalanceDct.Add(kwp2.Key, curPostBalance);
                        curPostBalance.amount -= tmpAmount;
                        if (curPostBalance.amount == 0) curPostBalanceDct.Remove(kwp2.Key);
                        if (curPostBalanceDct.Count == 0) curPostBalanceDct.Remove(kwp.Key);
                _netTranFurture.Add(curNetTranFuture.code, curNetTranFuture);
            Invoke(updateTranCB, new object[] { updateTranCbData });

            //Process return data
            if (_prevBalance.Count > 0)
                SortedDictionary<Pair<string, string>, double> asset = new SortedDictionary<Pair<string, string>, double>();
                foreach (string code in _prevBalance.Keys)
                    asset.Add(new Pair<string, string>(code, "-"), 0);
                    _profolioMgr.GetHistorialPrice(asset, from.AddDays(-1));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "錯誤", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                foreach (KeyValuePair<Pair<string, string>, double> kwp in asset)
                    Transaction curTran = _prevBalance[kwp.Key.First];
                    curTran.payment = -curTran.amount * kwp.Value;
            if (_prevBalanceFuture.Count > 0)
                SortedDictionary<Pair<string, string>, double> asset = new SortedDictionary<Pair<string, string>, double>();
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, SortedDictionary<string, FutureTransaction>> stock in _prevBalanceFuture)
                    foreach (string contractCode in stock.Value.Keys)
                        asset.Add(new Pair<string, string>(stock.Key, contractCode), 0);
                    _profolioMgr.GetHistorialPrice(asset, from.AddDays(-1));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "錯誤", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                foreach (KeyValuePair<Pair<string, string>, double> kwp in asset)
                    Transaction curTran = _prevBalanceFuture[kwp.Key.First][kwp.Key.Second];
                    curTran.payment = -curTran.amount * kwp.Value;
            if (_postBalance.Count > 0)
                if (to < DateTime.Today)
                    SortedDictionary<Pair<string, string>, double> asset = new SortedDictionary<Pair<string, string>, double>();
                    foreach (string code in _postBalance.Keys)
                        asset.Add(new Pair<string, string>(code, "-"), 0);
                        _profolioMgr.GetHistorialPrice(asset, to);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "錯誤", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<Pair<string, string>, double> kwp in asset)
                        Transaction curTran = _postBalance[kwp.Key.First];
                        curTran.payment = -curTran.amount * kwp.Value;
                    List<StockData> asset = new List<StockData>();
                    foreach (string code in _postBalance.Keys)
                        StockData stockData = new StockData();
                        stockData.code = code;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "錯誤", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                    foreach (StockData stock in asset)
                        Transaction curTran = _postBalance[stock.code];
               = DateTime.Today;
                        curTran.payment = -curTran.amount * stock.close;
            if (_postBalanceFuture.Count > 0)
                SortedDictionary<Pair<string, string>, double> asset = new SortedDictionary<Pair<string, string>, double>();
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, SortedDictionary<string, FutureTransaction>> stock in _postBalanceFuture)
                    foreach (string contractCode in stock.Value.Keys)
                        asset.Add(new Pair<string, string>(stock.Key, contractCode), 0);
                    _profolioMgr.GetHistorialPrice(asset, to);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "錯誤", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                foreach (KeyValuePair<Pair<string, string>, double> kwp in asset)
                    Transaction curTran = _postBalanceFuture[kwp.Key.First][kwp.Key.Second];
                    if (to >= DateTime.Today) = DateTime.Today;
                    curTran.payment = -curTran.amount * kwp.Value;
            Invoke(new _UpdateReturnCB(_UpdateReturn));
Ejemplo n.º 9
 protected virtual void OnNewStockData(object sender, StockEventArgs e)
     StockData?.Invoke(this, e);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public StockData[] GetStockDataRangeByTime( DateTime dataTimeStart, DateTime dataTimeEnd )

            if ( dataTimeStart <= dataTimeEnd )
                return new StockData[0];

            int iStart = -1;
            int iEnd = -1;
            for ( int iIndex = 0; iStart < m_DateTimeStockData.Length; iIndex++ )
                StockData item = m_DateTimeStockData[iIndex];

                if ( item.TradingDate <= dataTimeStart && iStart == 0 )
                    iStart = iIndex;
                else if ( item.TradingDate <= dataTimeEnd && iEnd == 0 )
                    iEnd = iIndex;

            if ( iStart == -1 )
                return new StockData[0];

            if ( iEnd == -1 )
                iEnd = m_DateTimeStockData.Length;

            StockData[] stockDataArray = new StockData[iEnd - iStart];
            Array.Copy( m_DateTimeStockData, iStart, stockDataArray, 0, stockDataArray.Length );

            return stockDataArray;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public async Task <OptionTradeList> Find(Stock stock, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
            OptionTradeList tradeList = new OptionTradeList(stock, Api.Interval.Daily);
            StockData       data      = await StockDataBase.Get(stock, Api.Interval.Daily);

            int startIndex = data.FindDateIndex(startDate);
            int endIndex   = data.FindDateIndex(endDate);

            int    period         = 40;
            double priceGainGate  = -0.5;
            double volumeGainGate = 0.5;

            int    tradeHoldLenght      = 15;
            double tradeHoldMaxGain     = 0.9;
            double tradeHoldMaxLoss     = -0.25;
            double portofolioPercentage = 0.8;

            bool inTrade = false;

            for (int i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++)
                if (!inTrade)
                        DateTime today          = data.TimeSeries.DataPoints[i].DateTime;
                        double   open           = data.TimeSeries.DataPoints[i].Open;
                        double   close          = data.TimeSeries.DataPoints[i].Close;
                        double   percentageGain = (close - open) / open;
                        if (percentageGain > priceGainGate)
                            double volume               = data.TimeSeries.DataPoints[i].Volume;
                            double volumeSMA            = Indicators.GetSMA(data, i, period, PricePoint.Volume);
                            double volumePercentageGain = (volume - volumeSMA) / volumeSMA;
                            if (volumePercentageGain > volumeGainGate)
                                Option[] options = new Option[2];
                                options[0] = new Option(stock, OptionType.Call, PositionType.Long, Math.Round(close, 0) - 5, today.AddDays(40));
                                options[1] = new Option(stock, OptionType.Call, PositionType.Short, Math.Round(close, 0) + 0, today.AddDays(40));
                                Spread      spread = new Spread(options);
                                OptionTrade trade  = new OptionTrade
                                    TradeDate           = data.TimeSeries.DataPoints[i].DateTime,
                                    PortfolioPercentage = portofolioPercentage,
                                    Spread = spread
                                inTrade = true;
                    OptionTrade lastTrade = tradeList.Trades[tradeList.Trades.Count - 1];
                    DateTime    today     = data.TimeSeries.DataPoints[i].DateTime;
                    int         dateIndex = data.FindDateIndex(lastTrade.TradeDate);
                    double      openPrice = await lastTrade.Spread.Price(lastTrade.TradeDate);

                    double currentPrice = await lastTrade.Spread.Price(today);

                    double percentageGain = (currentPrice - openPrice) / openPrice;

                    if (i - dateIndex >= tradeHoldLenght || lastTrade.Spread.DaysUntilExpiration(today) < 5 || percentageGain > tradeHoldMaxGain || percentageGain < tradeHoldMaxLoss)
                        OptionTrade trade = new OptionTrade
                            TradeDate           = data.TimeSeries.DataPoints[i].DateTime,
                            PortfolioPercentage = 0,
                            Spread = lastTrade.Spread
                        inTrade = false;
Ejemplo n.º 12
    private DataTable GetStockData(string stockCode, StockData stockData, DataTable dt, string serverUrl, string ID, string strfirstCurrName, string strsecondCurrName)
        //string serverUrl = @"" + stockCode +
        //        "&f=sl1d1t1c1ohgvj1pp2owern&e=.csv";
        //string serverUrl = @"" + stockCode +
        //        "&f=sl1d1t1c1ohgv&e=.csv";
            HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(serverUrl);

            HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();

            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.ASCII);

            string   stockDataString   = reader.ReadLine();
            string[] stockDataContents = stockDataString.Split(',');

            //stockData.Code = stockCode;
            //stockData.Last = stockDataContents[1];
            //stockData.Date = stockDataContents[2];
            //stockData.Time = stockDataContents[3];
            //stockData.Change = stockDataContents[4];
            //stockData.Open = stockDataContents[5];
            //stockData.High = stockDataContents[6];
            //stockData.Low = stockDataContents[7];
            //stockData.Volume = stockDataContents[8];
            if (ID != "CUR")
                //stockData.MarketCapital = stockDataContents[9];
                //stockData.PreviousClose = stockDataContents[10];
                //stockData.PctChange = stockDataContents[11];
                //stockData.AnnRange = stockDataContents[12];
                //stockData.Earnings = stockDataContents[13];
                //stockData.PERatio = stockDataContents[14];
            DataRow drr = dt.NewRow();

            if (ID == "CUR")
                drr["ID"]       = 0;
                drr["Name"]     = strfirstCurrName.Trim();
                drr["Country"]  = strsecondCurrName.Trim();
                drr["Currency"] = stockDataContents[0].ToString();
                drr["Rate"]     = stockDataContents[1].ToString();
                if (stockDataContents[8].ToString() != "N/A")
                    drr["ChangePercent"]  = stockDataContents[8].ToString().Replace("\"", "").Replace("%", "");
                    drr["UpdateDateTime"] = Convert.ToDateTime(stockDataContents[2].ToString().Replace("\"", "") + " " + stockDataContents[3].ToString().Replace("\"", ""));
                    drr["ChangePercent"]  = "0.00";
                    drr["UpdateDateTime"] = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy");

        catch (Exception ex)
            //Response.Write("Error in GetStockData() 2nd :: "+ex.Message.ToString());
        void FeedstockData(MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand msqlCommand, StockData stockDataObject)
            //define the command text
            msqlCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO stock(id,vat_rate,product_name,vendor_id,date_purchased,quantity_purchased,rate,quantity_available)"
                + "VALUES (@id,@vatRate,@product_name,@vendor_id,@date_purchased,@quantity_purchased,@rate,@quantity_available)";

            msqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", stockDataObject.productId);
            msqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@vatRate", stockDataObject.vatRate);
            msqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@product_name", stockDataObject.productName);
            msqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@vendor_id", stockDataObject.vendorId);
            msqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@date_purchased", stockDataObject.purchaseDate);
            msqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@quantity_purchased", stockDataObject.quantityPurchased);
            msqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@rate", stockDataObject.rate);
            msqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@quantity_available", stockDataObject.quantityAvailable);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public StockData[] GetStockDataRangeByKn( DateTime dataTimeStart, int iKn )

            if ( iKn < 3 )
                return new StockData[0];

            int iStart = -1;
            int iEnd = -1;
            for ( int iIndex = 0; iIndex < m_DateTimeStockData.Length; iIndex++ )
                StockData item = m_DateTimeStockData[iIndex];

                if (item.TradingDate <= dataTimeStart)
                    iStart = iIndex;

                    if ( ( iIndex + iKn ) < m_DateTimeStockData.Length )
                        iEnd = iStart + iKn;
                        iEnd = m_DateTimeStockData.Length;


            if ( iStart == -1 )
                return new StockData[0];

            if ( iEnd == -1 )
                iEnd = m_DateTimeStockData.Length;

            StockData[] stockDataArray = new StockData[iEnd - iStart];
            Array.Copy( m_DateTimeStockData, iStart, stockDataArray, 0, stockDataArray.Length );

            return stockDataArray;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 private void UpdateData()
     if (_data == null)
         _data = new StockData<StockValue>();
     for (var i = 0; i < _base.Count; i++)
         if (i > Count - 1)
             _data.AddValue(new StockValue {Time = _base[i].Time});
         _data[i].Value = _base[i].Value;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private void refleshData()
            if (_refleshMutex.WaitOne(0))
                _UpdateStatusDelegate updateStatusDele = new _UpdateStatusDelegate(_UpdateStatus);
                Invoke(updateStatusDele, new object[] { "更新中..." });

                StockData[] stocks = new StockData[dgvStockList.Rows.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < dgvStockList.Rows.Count; i++)
                    stocks[i] = new StockData((string)dgvStockList.Rows[i].Cells["colName"].Tag);

                catch (ThreadAbortException)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                for (int i = 0; i < dgvStockList.Rows.Count; i++)
                    dgvStockList.Rows[i].DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = StockTool.Layout.getRocColor(stocks[i].ROC);
                    dgvStockList.Rows[i].Cells["colPrice"].Value = stocks[i].close;
                    dgvStockList.Rows[i].Cells["colChange"].Value = stocks[i].change;
                    dgvStockList.Rows[i].Cells["colROC"].Value = stocks[i].ROC;
                    if (!float.IsNaN(stocks[i].low) && !float.IsNaN(stocks[i].high))
                        dgvStockList.Rows[i].Cells["colTodayHL"].Value = stocks[i].low.ToString("F3") + " - " + stocks[i].high.ToString("F3");
                        dgvStockList.Rows[i].Cells["colTodayHL"].Value = null;
                Invoke(updateStatusDele, new object[] { "" });
                _refleshThread = null;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 private void txtUnderlyingPrice_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtUnderlyingPrice.Text) && txtUnderlyingPrice.Text[0] == '=' && txtUnderlyingPrice.Text.Length > 1)
         StockData stock = new StockData(stockMgr.StockData.CodeFromString(txtUnderlyingPrice.Text.Substring(1)));
         catch (Exception ex)
             MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "錯誤", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
         txtUnderlyingPrice.Text = stock.close.ToString("0.000");
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public static bool LoadFileFormatForMetaStock( string stockName, string stockSymbol, string strFilePath, ref StockInfo stockInfo )
            MSFL.MSFLSecurityInfo[] msflSecurityInfoArray = null;
            if ( GlobalSetting.TryLoadMsflSecurityInfo( strFilePath, out msflSecurityInfoArray ) == false )
                return false;

            int iErr = (int)MSFL.MSFL_ERR.MSFL_NO_ERR;
            StringBuilder dateString = new StringBuilder( MSFL.MSFL_MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1 );

            for ( int iIndex = 0; iIndex < msflSecurityInfoArray.Length; iIndex++ )
                MSFL.MSFLSecurityInfo msflSecurityInfo = msflSecurityInfoArray[iIndex];

                if ( msflSecurityInfo.szName == stockName && msflSecurityInfo.szSymbol == stockSymbol )
                    stockInfo.m_StockCode = GlobalSetting.GetStockCode( msflSecurityInfo.szName, msflSecurityInfo.szSymbol );
                    stockInfo.m_StockName = msflSecurityInfo.szName;
                    stockInfo.m_StockSymbol = msflSecurityInfo.szSymbol;

                    stockInfo.m_Periodicity = msflSecurityInfo.cPeriodicity;

                    iErr = MSFL.MSFL1_FormatDate( dateString, (ushort)dateString.Capacity, msflSecurityInfo.lFirstDate );
                    stockInfo.m_FirstDate = DateTime.Parse( dateString.ToString() );

                    iErr = MSFL.MSFL1_FormatDate( dateString, (ushort)dateString.Capacity, msflSecurityInfo.lLastDate );
                    stockInfo.m_LastDate = DateTime.Parse( dateString.ToString() );

                    iErr = MSFL.MSFL1_FormatTime( dateString, (ushort)dateString.Capacity, msflSecurityInfo.lFirstTime, true );
                    string strFirstTime = dateString.ToString();
                    strFirstTime = strFirstTime.Substring( 0, strFirstTime.Length - 1 );
                    stockInfo.m_FirstTime = DateTime.Parse( strFirstTime );

                    iErr = MSFL.MSFL1_FormatTime( dateString, (ushort)dateString.Capacity, msflSecurityInfo.lLastTime, true );
                    string strLastTime = dateString.ToString();
                    strLastTime = strLastTime.Substring( 0, strLastTime.Length - 1 );
                    stockInfo.m_LastTime = DateTime.Parse( strLastTime );

                    iErr = MSFL.MSFL1_FormatTime( dateString, (ushort)dateString.Capacity, msflSecurityInfo.lStartTime, false );
                    stockInfo.m_StartTime = DateTime.Parse( dateString.ToString() );

                    iErr = MSFL.MSFL1_FormatTime( dateString, (ushort)dateString.Capacity, msflSecurityInfo.lEndTime, false );
                    stockInfo.m_EndTime = DateTime.Parse( dateString.ToString() );

                    iErr = MSFL.MSFL1_FormatDate( dateString, (ushort)dateString.Capacity, msflSecurityInfo.lCollectionDate );
                    stockInfo.m_CollectionDate = DateTime.Parse( dateString.ToString() );

                    MSFL.MSFLPriceRecord[] msflPriceInfoArray = null;
                    if ( GlobalSetting.TryLoadMsflPriceInfo( stockName, stockSymbol, strFilePath, out msflPriceInfoArray ) == false )
                        return true;

                    // numbers for summing price info
                    float fOpenSum = 0.0f, fHighSum = 0.0f, fLowSum = 0.0f, fCloseSum = 0.0f, fVolumeSum = 0.0f, fOpenIntSum = 0.0f;

                    StringBuilder szBuf = new StringBuilder( MSFL.MSFL_MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1 );
                    for ( int iIndex2 = 0; iIndex2 < msflPriceInfoArray.Length; iIndex2++ )
                        MSFL.MSFLPriceRecord msflPriceRecord = msflPriceInfoArray[iIndex2];

                        StockData stockData = new StockData();

                        if ( ( msflPriceRecord.wDataAvailable & MSFL.MSFL_DATA_DATE ) == MSFL.MSFL_DATA_DATE )
                            iErr = MSFL.MSFL1_FormatDate( szBuf, (ushort)szBuf.Capacity, msflPriceRecord.lDate );
                            stockData.TradingDate = DateTime.Parse( szBuf.ToString() );

                        if ( ( msflPriceRecord.wDataAvailable & MSFL.MSFL_DATA_TIME ) == MSFL.MSFL_DATA_TIME )
                            iErr = MSFL.MSFL1_FormatTime( szBuf, (ushort)szBuf.Capacity, msflPriceRecord.lTime, true );
                            string strTradingTime = szBuf.ToString();
                            strTradingTime = strLastTime.Substring( 0, strTradingTime.Length - 1 );
                            stockData.TradingTime = DateTime.Parse( strTradingTime );

                        stockData.TradingDateTime = stockData.TradingDate + stockData.TradingTime.TimeOfDay;
                        //Debug.WriteLine( stockData.TradingDateTime.ToString() );

                        if ( ( msflPriceRecord.wDataAvailable & MSFL.MSFL_DATA_OPEN ) == MSFL.MSFL_DATA_OPEN )
                            fOpenSum += msflPriceRecord.fOpen;
                            stockData.OpenPrice = msflPriceRecord.fOpen;

                        if ( ( msflPriceRecord.wDataAvailable & MSFL.MSFL_DATA_HIGH ) == MSFL.MSFL_DATA_HIGH )
                            fHighSum += msflPriceRecord.fHigh;
                            stockData.HighestPrice = msflPriceRecord.fHigh;

                        if ( ( msflPriceRecord.wDataAvailable & MSFL.MSFL_DATA_LOW ) == MSFL.MSFL_DATA_LOW )
                            fLowSum += msflPriceRecord.fLow;
                            stockData.MinimumPrice = msflPriceRecord.fLow;

                        if ( ( msflPriceRecord.wDataAvailable & MSFL.MSFL_DATA_CLOSE ) == MSFL.MSFL_DATA_CLOSE )
                            fCloseSum += msflPriceRecord.fClose;
                            stockData.ClosePrice = msflPriceRecord.fClose;

                        if ( ( msflPriceRecord.wDataAvailable & MSFL.MSFL_DATA_VOLUME ) == MSFL.MSFL_DATA_VOLUME )
                            fVolumeSum += msflPriceRecord.fVolume;
                            stockData.TradingVolume = msflPriceRecord.fVolume;

                        if ( ( msflPriceRecord.wDataAvailable & MSFL.MSFL_DATA_OPENINT ) == MSFL.MSFL_DATA_OPENINT )
                            fOpenIntSum += msflPriceRecord.fOpenInt;
                            stockData.OpenInterest = msflPriceRecord.fOpenInt;

                        stockInfo.AddStockData( stockData );

                    return true;

            return false;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        private void AddStockData( StockData stockData )
            m_DateTimeDictionary.Add(stockData.TradingDateTime, stockData);

            m_StockDataArray.Add( stockData );

            m_IsDataChange = true;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<StockData> stockDataList = new List<StockData>(100);

            string path = @"mbk.csv";

            string content = File.ReadAllText(path, Encoding.UTF8);
            foreach (String line in content.Split("\n"))
                  * wiersz jest parsowany zwracany jest jako tablica zawierająca na indeksie:
                  * 0 - data notowania
                  * 1 - kurs otwarcia
                  * 2 - kurs najwyszy
                  * 3 - kurs najnizszy
                  * 4 - kurs zamkniecia
                  * 5 - wolumen akcji
                string[] items = line.Trim().Split(",");
                if (items.Length >= 6)
                    StockData sd = new StockData
                        Convert.ToDouble(items[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                        Convert.ToDouble(items[2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                        Convert.ToDouble(items[3], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                        Convert.ToDouble(items[4], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                        Convert.ToInt32(items[5], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
            Console.WriteLine("Items in list {0}", stockDataList.Count());

            Hashtable htMax = new Hashtable();
            Hashtable htMin = new Hashtable();

            //parsowanie w poszukiwaniu maks. i min. miesięcznych 
            foreach (var stock in stockDataList)

                String ym = stock.GetYearMonth();
                Double close = stock.GetClose();

                if (!htMax.ContainsKey(ym))
                    htMax.Add(ym, close);
                    if (close > (double)htMax[ym])
                        htMax[ym] = close;

                if (!htMin.ContainsKey(ym))
                    htMin.Add(ym, close);
                    if (close < (double)htMin[ym])
                        htMin[ym] = close;

            foreach (string k in htMax.Keys)
                Console.WriteLine(k + ": " + htMax[k]);

            foreach (string k in htMin.Keys)
                Console.WriteLine(k + ": " + htMin[k]);

        private void ConnectInsertTostockTable(StockData stockDataObject)
            //define the connection reference and initialize it
            msqlConnection = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection("server=localhost;user id=root;Password=technicise;database=sptdb;persist security info=False");

                //define the command reference
                MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand msqlCommand = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand();

                //define the connection used by the command object
                msqlCommand.Connection = msqlConnection;

                //open the connection
                if (msqlConnection.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)

                FeedstockData(msqlCommand, stockDataObject);
            catch (Exception er)

Ejemplo n.º 22
Archivo: Ema.cs Proyecto: GodVVin/trade
 private void SetPeriod(int period)
     if (period < 1)
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("period");
     _period = period;
     _p = 2.0/(_period + 1);
     _data = new StockData<StockValue>();
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public SubBoard1(StockData myStock)
     stock = myStock;
Ejemplo n.º 24
        private void DrawCandles(StockData stockData, int startIndex, int count)
            if (count > 0 && stockData.TimeSeries.DataPoints.Count >= startIndex + count)
                double relativeRange = _priceHighest - _priceLowest;
                _candleWidth = (int)(_renderWidth - _candleMargin * 2f) / count - _candleMargin;
                if (_candleWidth < 0)
                    _candleWidth = 0;

                if (relativeRange > 0 && _candleWidth > 0)
                    int    drawBottom     = _renderHeight - _candleMargin * 2;
                    int    drawSpace      = _renderHeight - _candleMargin * 4;
                    double pixelsPerPoint = drawSpace / relativeRange;

                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        double change        = stockData.TimeSeries.DataPoints[startIndex + i].Close - stockData.TimeSeries.DataPoints[startIndex + i].Open;
                        double relativeOpen  = stockData.TimeSeries.DataPoints[startIndex + i].Open - _priceLowest;
                        double relativeHigh  = stockData.TimeSeries.DataPoints[startIndex + i].High - _priceLowest;
                        double relativeClose = stockData.TimeSeries.DataPoints[startIndex + i].Close - _priceLowest;
                        double relativeLow   = stockData.TimeSeries.DataPoints[startIndex + i].Low - _priceLowest;

                        if (change < 0)
                            float x      = _candleMargin + i * (_candleWidth + _candleMargin);
                            float y      = (float)(drawBottom - relativeOpen * pixelsPerPoint);
                            float height = (float)(change * -1 * pixelsPerPoint);
                            if (height < 1)
                                height = 1;
                            float wickLength = (float)((relativeHigh - relativeOpen) * pixelsPerPoint);
                            float tailLenght = (float)((relativeClose - relativeLow) * pixelsPerPoint);

                            //Draw the candle base
                            _graphGraphics.FillRectangle(_negCandleBrush, x, y, _candleWidth, height);
                            //Draw wick
                            _graphGraphics.DrawLine(_negCandlePen, x + _candleWidth * 0.5f, y - wickLength, x + _candleWidth * 0.5f, y);
                            //Draw tail
                            _graphGraphics.DrawLine(_negCandlePen, x + _candleWidth * 0.5f, y + height, x + _candleWidth * 0.5f, y + height + tailLenght);
                            float x      = _candleMargin + i * (_candleWidth + _candleMargin);
                            float y      = (float)(drawBottom - relativeClose * pixelsPerPoint);
                            float height = (float)(change * pixelsPerPoint);
                            if (height < 1)
                                height = 1;
                            float wickHeight = (float)((relativeHigh - relativeClose) * pixelsPerPoint);
                            float tailLenght = (float)((relativeOpen - relativeLow) * pixelsPerPoint);

                            //Draw the candle base
                            _graphGraphics.FillRectangle(_posCandleBrush, x, y, _candleWidth, height);
                            //Draw wick
                            _graphGraphics.DrawLine(_posCandlePen, x + _candleWidth * 0.5f, y - wickHeight, x + _candleWidth * 0.5f, y);
                            //Draw tail
                            _graphGraphics.DrawLine(_posCandlePen, x + _candleWidth * 0.5f, y + height, x + _candleWidth * 0.5f, y + height + tailLenght);
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public override bool Qualified(DataRowCollection rows, int index, StockData currentPrice, StockData beforePrice, StockData afterPrice)
            if (currentPrice == null)

            var top    = currentPrice.close.Value;
            var bottom =;

            if (currentPrice.close <
                bottom = currentPrice.close.Value;
                top    =;

            if (Math.Abs(bottom - currentPrice.low.Value) < Math.Abs(top - bottom) * multiplier1 ||
                Math.Abs(bottom - currentPrice.low.Value) == 0 ||
                Math.Abs(top - bottom) == 0)

            if (currentPrice.high.Value - top > top * multiplier2)

        private void fetchevendorData()
            msqlConnection = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection("server=localhost;user id=root;Password=technicise;database=sptdb;persist security info=False");
            {   //define the command reference
                MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand msqlCommand = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand();
                msqlCommand.Connection = msqlConnection;

                if (msqlConnection.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)

                msqlCommand.CommandText = "Select * from stock;";
                MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader msqlReader = msqlCommand.ExecuteReader();

                while (msqlReader.Read())
                    StockData stockDataObject = new StockData();

                    //stockDataObject.serialNo = GetCurrentSerialNumber();
                    stockDataObject.productId = msqlReader.GetString("id");
                    stockDataObject.purchaseDate = msqlReader.GetDateTime("date_purchased");
                    stockDataObject.productName = msqlReader.GetString("product_name");
                    stockDataObject.quantityPurchased = msqlReader.GetDouble("quantity_purchased");
                    stockDataObject.vendorId = msqlReader.GetString("vendor_id");
                    stockDataObject.rate = msqlReader.GetDouble("rate");
                    stockDataObject.vatRate = msqlReader.GetDouble("vat_rate");
                    stockDataObject.quantityAvailable = msqlReader.GetDouble("quantity_available");


            catch (Exception er)
                //always close the connection
Ejemplo n.º 27
        private static int GetStockInfoHighReturnKN( StockData[] StockInfo )
            int iHigh = 0;
            float iHighV = 0F;

            for ( int iIndex = 0; iIndex < StockInfo.Length; iIndex++ )
                StockData stockInfo = StockInfo[iIndex];

                if ( stockInfo.HighestPrice >= iHighV )
                    iHighV = stockInfo.HighestPrice;
                    iHigh = iIndex;

            return iHigh + 1;
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public void LoadFromDatabase()
            int iRow = 0;

                SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connStr);

                //string strTicker = "select distinct ticker from v_HistPrices07  where intDate=20140731 and ticker='000762'  order by ticker";
                //string strData = "select * from v_HistPrices07 where intDate=20140731 and ticker='000762' order by ticker, intDate, intTime";
                string     strTicker = "select distinct ticker from v_HistPrices07 order by ticker";
                string     strData   = "select * from v_HistPrices07 order by ticker, intDate, intTime";
                SqlCommand cmd       = new SqlCommand();
                cmd.Connection     = conn;
                cmd.CommandType    = CommandType.Text;
                cmd.CommandText    = strTicker;
                cmd.CommandTimeout = 0;

                SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();         //执行SQL,返回一个“流”
                while (dr.Read())
                cmd.CommandText = strData;

                string prevTk = "", currTk = "";
                int    prevDate = 0, currDate = 0;

                int    drTime;
                double drPrice;

                StockData sd = null;
                DailyData dd = null;

                dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                while (dr.Read())
                    currTk   = dr["Ticker"].ToString();
                    currDate = Convert.ToInt32(dr["intDate"].ToString());
                    drTime   = Convert.ToInt32(dr["intTime"].ToString());
                    drPrice  = Convert.ToDouble(dr["LastPrice"].ToString());

                    if (iRow == 0)
                        prevTk   = currTk;
                        prevDate = currDate;

                        sd = new StockData(currTk);
                        dd = new DailyData(currDate);
                        dd.AddToEnd(drTime, drPrice);

                    if ((currTk == prevTk) && (currDate == prevDate)) //同一股票,同一日期
                        dd.AddToEnd(drTime, drPrice);
                    else if ((currTk == prevTk) && (currDate != prevDate)) //同一股票,不同日期
                        dd = new DailyData(currDate);
                        dd.AddToEnd(drTime, drPrice);
                        prevDate = currDate;
                    else //不同股票,可以是同一日期,也可以不同
                        HistoricalData.TryAdd(sd.Ticker, sd);
                        sd = new StockData(currTk);
                        dd = new DailyData(currDate);
                        dd.AddToEnd(drTime, drPrice);
                        prevTk   = currTk;
                        prevDate = currDate;

                HistoricalData.TryAdd(sd.Ticker, sd);

                logStr = logStr + "Total Records:" + iRow.ToString() + "\r\n";
                conn.Close();             // 关闭数据库连接
                conn.Dispose();           // 释放数据库连接对象
            catch (Exception ex)
                logStr = logStr + "Total Records:" + ex.Message + "\r\n";

            WriteLog(this, null);



             * SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlStr, conn);
             * DataSet ds = new DataSet();
             * string dsTable = "PriceHist";
             * da.Fill(ds, dsTable);
             * DataTable dt = ds.Tables[dsTable];
             * foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
             * {
             *  foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns)
             *  {
             *      Console.WriteLine(dr[dc]);	//遍历表中的每个单元格
             *  }
             * }
             * ds.Dispose();        // 释放DataSet对象
             * da.Dispose();    // 释放SqlDataAdapter对象
Ejemplo n.º 29
        private static int GetStockInfoLow2ReturnKN( StockData[] StockInfo, int iIndexEnd )
            int iLow = 0;
            float iLowV = float.MaxValue;

            for ( int iIndex = 0; iIndex < iIndexEnd; iIndex++ )
                StockData stockInfo = StockInfo[iIndex];

                if ( stockInfo.MinimumPrice < iLowV )
                    iLowV = stockInfo.MinimumPrice;
                    iLow = iIndex;

            return iLow + 1;
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public MainBoard(StockData myStock)
     stock = myStock;
Ejemplo n.º 31
        public static bool IsPassGeneral( StockData[] stockDataArray, Demo.Stock.X.Common.StockInfo stockInfo, U50Filtrate filtrateInfo, U50Extend extendInfo, ref U50ReportSub reportSub )
            if ( stockDataArray == null )
                return false;

            if ( stockDataArray.Length < 3 )
                return false;

            // IsPassGeneral
            int iSKn = 1;

            int iH1Kn = GetStockInfoHighReturnKN( stockDataArray );
            if ( iH1Kn <= iSKn ) // iH1Kn > iSKn
                return false;

            int iL1Kn = GetStockInfoLowReturnKN( stockDataArray );
            if ( iL1Kn < iH1Kn ) // iL1Kn >= iH1Kn
                return false;

            int iL2Kn = GetStockInfoLow2ReturnKN( stockDataArray, iH1Kn - 1 );
            if ( iL2Kn < iSKn ) // iL2Kn >= iSKn
                return false;

            if ( iL2Kn >= iH1Kn ) // iL2Kn < iH1Kn
                return false;

            StockData stockDataS = stockDataArray[0];
            StockData stockDataH1 = stockDataArray[iH1Kn - 1];
            StockData stockDataL1 = stockDataArray[iL1Kn - 1];
            StockData stockDataL2 = stockDataArray[iL2Kn - 1];

            if ( stockDataL1.MinimumPrice >= stockDataL2.MinimumPrice )
                return false;

            if ( stockDataL1.MinimumPrice >= stockDataH1.HighestPrice )
                return false;

            if ( stockDataL1.MinimumPrice >= stockDataS.HighestPrice )
                return false;

            if ( stockDataL2.MinimumPrice >= stockDataH1.HighestPrice )
                return false;

            if ( stockDataL2.MinimumPrice >= stockDataS.HighestPrice )
                return false;

            if ( stockDataS.HighestPrice >= stockDataH1.HighestPrice )
                float fRatio = ( stockDataS.HighestPrice - stockDataH1.HighestPrice ) / ( stockDataS.HighestPrice - stockDataL2.MinimumPrice );

                if ( fRatio >= 0.5 )
                    return false;

            // IsPassFiltrate
            float fP_Up = stockDataH1.HighestPrice - stockDataL1.MinimumPrice; // 主升浪价格幅度
            float fP_Down = stockDataH1.HighestPrice - stockDataL2.MinimumPrice; // 下跌浪价格幅度
            float fP_Con = stockDataS.HighestPrice - stockDataL2.MinimumPrice; // 盘整浪价格幅度

            int iKn_Up = iL1Kn - iH1Kn + 1; // 主升浪K线总数
            int iKn_Down = iH1Kn - iL2Kn + 1; // 下跌浪的K线总数
            int iKn_Con = iL2Kn - iSKn + 1; // 盘整浪的K线总数
            int iKn_Conf = iH1Kn - iSKn + 1; // 整理区间的K线数量
            int iKn_U50 = iL1Kn; // U50形态的总K线数

            float fVa_Up = 0F; // 主升浪平均成交量
            for ( int i = 0; i < iKn_Up; i++ )
                StockData stockData = stockDataArray[( iH1Kn - 1 ) + i];
                fVa_Up += stockData.TradingVolume;
            fVa_Up = fVa_Up / iKn_Up;

            float fVa_Down = 0F; // 下跌浪平均成交量
            for ( int i = 0; i < iKn_Down; i++ )
                StockData stockData = stockDataArray[( iL2Kn - 1 ) + i];
                fVa_Down += stockData.TradingVolume;
            fVa_Down = fVa_Down / iKn_Down;

            float fVa_Con = 0F; // 盘整浪的平均成交量
            for ( int i = 0; i < iKn_Con; i++ )
                StockData stockData = stockDataArray[( iSKn - 1 ) + i];
                fVa_Con += stockData.TradingVolume;
            fVa_Con = fVa_Con / iKn_Con;

            float fVa_Conf = 0F; // 整理区间平均成交量
            for ( int i = 0; i < iKn_Conf; i++ )
                StockData stockData = stockDataArray[( iSKn - 1 ) + i];
                fVa_Conf += stockData.TradingVolume;
            fVa_Conf = fVa_Conf / iKn_Conf;

            float fVa_U50 = 0F; // U50形态平均成交量
            for ( int i = 0; i < iKn_U50; i++ )
                StockData stockData = stockDataArray[( iSKn - 1 ) + i];
                fVa_U50 += stockData.TradingVolume;
            fVa_U50 = fVa_U50 / iKn_U50;

            // 下面是价格比
            float fRatioPDU = ( fP_Down / fP_Up ) * 100;
            if ( filtrateInfo.PDU.Enabled == true )
                if ( filtrateInfo.PDU.Select == U50SelectType.Big )
                    if ( fRatioPDU <= filtrateInfo.PDU.Big )
                        return false;
                else if ( filtrateInfo.PDU.Select == U50SelectType.Small )

                    if ( fRatioPDU >= filtrateInfo.PDU.Small )
                        return false;
                else if ( filtrateInfo.PDU.Select == U50SelectType.BigAndSmall )
                    if ( fRatioPDU <= filtrateInfo.PDU.Big2 || fRatioPDU >= filtrateInfo.PDU.Small2 )
                        return false;

            float fRatioPCU = ( fP_Con / fP_Down ) * 100;
            if ( filtrateInfo.PCU.Enabled == true )
                if ( filtrateInfo.PCU.Select == U50SelectType.Big )
                    if ( fRatioPCU <= filtrateInfo.PCU.Big )
                        return false;
                else if ( filtrateInfo.PCU.Select == U50SelectType.Small )
                    if ( fRatioPCU >= filtrateInfo.PCU.Small )
                        return false;
                else if ( filtrateInfo.PCU.Select == U50SelectType.BigAndSmall )
                    if ( fRatioPCU <= filtrateInfo.PCU.Big2 || fRatioPCU >= filtrateInfo.PCU.Small2 )
                        return false;

            // 下面是K线比
            float fRatioTDU = ( (float)iKn_Down / (float)iKn_Up ) * 100;
            if ( filtrateInfo.TDU.Enabled == true )
                if ( filtrateInfo.TDU.Select == U50SelectType.Big )
                    if ( fRatioTDU <= filtrateInfo.TDU.Big )
                        return false;
                else if ( filtrateInfo.TDU.Select == U50SelectType.Small )
                    if ( fRatioTDU >= filtrateInfo.TDU.Small )
                        return false;
                else if ( filtrateInfo.TDU.Select == U50SelectType.BigAndSmall )
                    if ( fRatioTDU <= filtrateInfo.TDU.Big2 || fRatioTDU >= filtrateInfo.TDU.Small2 )
                        return false;

            float fRatioTCD = ( (float)iKn_Con / (float)iKn_Down ) * 100;
            if ( filtrateInfo.TCD.Enabled == true )
                if ( filtrateInfo.TCD.Select == U50SelectType.Big )
                    if ( fRatioTCD <= filtrateInfo.TCD.Big )
                        return false;
                else if ( filtrateInfo.TCD.Select == U50SelectType.Small )
                    if ( fRatioTCD >= filtrateInfo.TCD.Small )
                        return false;
                else if ( filtrateInfo.TCD.Select == U50SelectType.BigAndSmall )
                    if ( fRatioTCD <= filtrateInfo.TCD.Big2 || fRatioTCD >= filtrateInfo.TCD.Small2 )
                        return false;

            float fRatioTBU = ( (float)iKn_Conf / (float)iKn_Up ) * 100;
            if ( filtrateInfo.TBU.Enabled == true )
                if ( filtrateInfo.TBU.Select == U50SelectType.Big )
                    if ( fRatioTBU <= filtrateInfo.TBU.Big )
                        return false;
                else if ( filtrateInfo.TBU.Select == U50SelectType.Small )
                    if ( fRatioTBU >= filtrateInfo.TBU.Small )
                        return false;
                else if ( filtrateInfo.TBU.Select == U50SelectType.BigAndSmall )
                    if ( fRatioTBU <= filtrateInfo.TBU.Big2 || fRatioTBU >= filtrateInfo.TBU.Small2 )
                        return false;

            // 下面是成交量比
            float fRatioVac_UC = ( fVa_Up / fVa_Con ) * 100;
            if ( filtrateInfo.VacUC.Enabled == true )
                if ( filtrateInfo.VacUC.Select == U50SelectType.Big )
                    if ( fRatioVac_UC <= filtrateInfo.VacUC.Big )
                        return false;
                else if ( filtrateInfo.VacUC.Select == U50SelectType.Small )
                    if ( fRatioVac_UC >= filtrateInfo.VacUC.Small )
                        return false;
                else if ( filtrateInfo.VacUC.Select == U50SelectType.BigAndSmall )
                    if ( fRatioVac_UC <= filtrateInfo.VacUC.Big2 || fRatioVac_UC >= filtrateInfo.VacUC.Small2 )
                        return false;

            // IsPassExtend
            // H1的价格数据
            if ( extendInfo.Info01.Enabled == true )
                if ( extendInfo.Info01.Select == U50ExtendInfo01Type.High )
                    StockData[] stockDataArray2 = stockInfo.GetStockDataRangeByTime( stockDataL1.TradingDate );
                    foreach ( StockData stockData in stockDataArray2 )
                        if ( stockDataH1.HighestPrice <= stockData.HighestPrice )
                            return false;
                else if ( extendInfo.Info01.Select == U50ExtendInfo01Type.HighNumber )
                    StockData[] stockDataArray2 = stockInfo.GetStockDataRangeByKn( stockDataL1.TradingDate, extendInfo.Info01.HighNumber );
                    foreach ( StockData stockData in stockDataArray2 )
                        if ( stockDataH1.HighestPrice <= stockData.HighestPrice )
                            return false;

            // U50形态的平均成交量
            if ( extendInfo.Info02.Enabled == true )
                if ( extendInfo.Info02.Select == U50SelectType.Big )
                    if ( fVa_U50 <= extendInfo.Info02.Big )
                        return false;
                else if ( extendInfo.Info02.Select == U50SelectType.Small )
                    if ( fVa_U50 >= extendInfo.Info02.Small )
                        return false;
                else if ( extendInfo.Info02.Select == U50SelectType.BigAndSmall )
                    if ( fVa_U50 <= extendInfo.Info02.Big2 || fVa_U50 >= extendInfo.Info02.Small2 )
                        return false;

            // 当日成交量与U50形态平均成交量比值
            if ( extendInfo.Info03.Enabled == true )
                float fVsc = ( stockDataH1.TradingVolume / fVa_U50 ) * 100;

                if ( extendInfo.Info03.Select == U50SelectType.Big )
                    if ( fVsc <= extendInfo.Info03.Big )
                        return false;
                else if ( extendInfo.Info03.Select == U50SelectType.Small )
                    if ( fVsc >= extendInfo.Info03.Small )
                        return false;
                else if ( extendInfo.Info03.Select == U50SelectType.BigAndSmall )
                    if ( fVsc <= extendInfo.Info03.Big2 || fVsc >= extendInfo.Info03.Small2 )
                        return false;

            // PS≧PH1?
            if ( extendInfo.Info04.Enabled == true )
                if ( extendInfo.Info04.Select == U50ExtendInfo04Type.No )
                    if ( stockDataS.HighestPrice > stockDataH1.HighestPrice ) // PS <= PH1
                        return false;
                else if ( extendInfo.Info04.Select == U50ExtendInfo04Type.Yes )
                    if ( stockDataS.HighestPrice < stockDataH1.HighestPrice ) // PS >= PH1
                        return false;

            // S点所属K线的收盘价
            if ( extendInfo.Info05.Enabled == true )
                if ( extendInfo.Info05.Select == U50SelectType.Big )
                    if ( stockDataS.ClosePrice <= extendInfo.Info05.Big )
                        return false;
                else if ( extendInfo.Info05.Select == U50SelectType.Small )
                    if ( stockDataS.ClosePrice >= extendInfo.Info05.Small )
                        return false;
                else if ( extendInfo.Info05.Select == U50SelectType.BigAndSmall )
                    if ( stockDataS.ClosePrice <= extendInfo.Info05.Big2 || stockDataS.ClosePrice >= extendInfo.Info05.Small2 )
                        return false;

            reportSub.Q_U50 = 0;
            reportSub.KLineNumber = iKn_U50;
            reportSub.Va_U50 = fVa_U50;
            reportSub.Vsc = stockDataS.TradingVolume;
            reportSub.Close = stockDataS.ClosePrice;

            Debug.WriteLine( " " );
            Debug.WriteLine( " " );
            Debug.WriteLine( " " );
            Debug.WriteLine( " --- --- --- --- ---" );

            Debug.WriteLine( "StockSymbol: --- " + " stockInfo.StockSymbol = " + stockInfo.StockSymbol );
            Debug.WriteLine( "H1TradingDateTime: --- " + " stockDataH1.TradingDateTime = " + stockDataH1.TradingDateTime.ToString() );
            Debug.WriteLine( "L1TradingDateTime: --- " + " stockDataL1.TradingDateTime = " + stockDataL1.TradingDateTime.ToString() );
            Debug.WriteLine( "L2TradingDateTime: --- " + " stockDataL2.TradingDateTime = " + stockDataL2.TradingDateTime.ToString() );
            Debug.WriteLine( "fP_Down: --- " + " stockDataH1.HighestPrice = " + stockDataH1.HighestPrice.ToString() + " stockDataL2.MinimumPrice = " + stockDataL2.MinimumPrice.ToString() );
            Debug.WriteLine( "fP_Up: --- " + " stockDataH1.HighestPrice = " + stockDataH1.HighestPrice.ToString() + " stockDataL1.MinimumPrice = " + stockDataL1.MinimumPrice.ToString() );
            Debug.WriteLine( "fRatioPDU: --- " + " fP_Down = " + fP_Down.ToString() + " fP_Up = " + fP_Up.ToString() + " fRatioPDU = " + fRatioPDU.ToString() );
            Debug.WriteLine( "PDU.Small: --- " + "Select = " + filtrateInfo.PDU.Select.ToString() + " filtrateInfo.PDU.Small = " + filtrateInfo.PDU.Small.ToString() );
            Debug.WriteLine( "stockDataS.Close: --- " + "reportSub.Close = " + reportSub.Close.ToString() );
            Debug.WriteLine( "Kn_U50: --- " + "reportSub.KLineNumber= " + reportSub.KLineNumber.ToString() );

            Debug.WriteLine( " --- --- --- --- ---" );

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 32
        public static async Task <StockData> Get(Stock stock, Api.Interval interval)
            StockData stockData = await Get(stock, interval, _dataRefreshRate);

Ejemplo n.º 33
 void IRuleInterface.Compute(StockData aStockData)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Ejemplo n.º 34
 public void Add(StockData data)
Ejemplo n.º 35
 public virtual void Compute(StockData aStockData)
Ejemplo n.º 36
 private void UpdatePrice(StockData obj)
     Price = obj.StockPrice;
Ejemplo n.º 37
 public void SetUpRow(UIMarketPanel marketPanel, StockData stockData)
     this.marketPanel      = marketPanel;
     this.stockData        = stockData;
     backgroundImage.color = stockData.StockType.Color;
Ejemplo n.º 38
        public override bool Qualified(DataRowCollection rows, int index, StockData currentPrice, StockData beforePrice, StockData afterPrice)
            if (currentPrice == null || beforePrice == null)

            if (!BeforeHasTrend(rows, index))

            var previousTop    = beforePrice.close > ? beforePrice.close :;
            var previousBottom = beforePrice.close > ? : beforePrice.close;

            var currentTop    = currentPrice.close > ? currentPrice.close :;
            var currentBottom = beforePrice.close > ? : beforePrice.close;

            //current top must be greater than previous top
            if (currentTop < previousTop)
            //current bottom must be less than previous bottom
            if (currentBottom > previousBottom)

            //current price direction must be opposite to previous
            if (( - currentPrice.close) * ( - beforePrice.close) > 0)

Ejemplo n.º 39
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a FinancialDataBaseViewModel instance from a FinancialData instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="data">The FinancialData instance.</param>
 public StockDataViewModel(StockData data)
        private void EditStockItem(StockData _StockItemToEdit)
            msqlConnection = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection("server=localhost;user id=root;Password=technicise;database=sptdb;persist security info=False");
            {   //define the command reference
                MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand msqlCommand = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand();
                msqlCommand.Connection = msqlConnection;

                msqlCommand.CommandText = "UPDATE stock SET product_name='" + _StockItemToEdit.productName + "',vat_rate='" + _StockItemToEdit.vatRate + "' WHERE id='" + _StockItemToEdit.productId + "'; ";

            catch (Exception er)
                //always close the connection
Ejemplo n.º 41
            private static PriceTrend GetTrend(StockData data, int index, int period, PricePoint pricePoint)
                int        startIndex = index + 1 - period;
                PriceTrend result     = PriceTrend.Flat;

                if (startIndex >= 0)
                    int      sectorCount         = 3;
                    int      sectorSize          = period / sectorCount;
                    double[] sectorSMAs          = new double[sectorCount];
                    int      remaininglastSector = period % sectorSize;

                    //get sector SMAs
                    for (int i = 0; i < sectorCount; i++)
                        switch (pricePoint)
                        case PricePoint.Close:
                            sectorSMAs[i] = GetAverage(data, startIndex + i * sectorSize, sectorSize + remaininglastSector, PricePoint.Close);

                        case PricePoint.Low:
                            sectorSMAs[i] = GetAverage(data, startIndex + i * sectorSize, sectorSize + remaininglastSector, PricePoint.Low);

                        case PricePoint.High:
                            sectorSMAs[i] = GetAverage(data, startIndex + i * sectorSize, sectorSize + remaininglastSector, PricePoint.High);

                        case PricePoint.Open:
                            sectorSMAs[i] = GetAverage(data, startIndex + i * sectorSize, sectorSize + remaininglastSector, PricePoint.Open);

                    //compare sector SMAs
                    double lastSMA = sectorSMAs[0];
                    bool   isUp    = true;
                    bool   isDown  = true;
                    for (int i = 1; i < sectorCount; i++)
                        if (sectorSMAs[i] < lastSMA)
                            isUp = false;
                        if (sectorSMAs[i] > lastSMA)
                            isDown = false;
                        lastSMA = sectorSMAs[i];
                    if (isUp)
                        result = PriceTrend.Up;
                    if (isDown)
                        result = PriceTrend.Down;
        CompanyTradingData GetCompanyTradingData(StockData newData, DateTime current)
            CompanyTradingData ctd = new CompanyTradingData(newData, "");

        #region Constructor

        public StockUpdateEventArgs(StockData stockData)
            StockData = stockData;
Ejemplo n.º 44
        public override bool Qualified(DataRowCollection rows, int index, StockData currentPrice, StockData beforePrice, StockData afterPrice)
            if (currentPrice == null || beforePrice == null)

            if (!BeforeHasTrend(rows, index))

            //Before trend must be Down
            if (AnalysisCommon.CheckBeforeTrendDirection(rows, index, _trendPeriod) != AnalysisCommon.TrendDirection.Down)

            //Previous day must be down
            if ( < beforePrice.close)
            //Current day must be up
            if ( > currentPrice.close)

            //Current Open must be less than previous close
            if ( > beforePrice.close)

            //Current close must be greater than previous close
            if (currentPrice.close < beforePrice.close)

            //Shadow line must be very short for previous
            if ((beforePrice.high - beforePrice.close) > (beforePrice.high - beforePrice.low) * multiplier)

            if (( - beforePrice.low) > (beforePrice.high - beforePrice.low) * multiplier)

            //Shadow line must be very short for current
            if ((currentPrice.high - > (currentPrice.high - currentPrice.low) * multiplier)

            if ((currentPrice.close - currentPrice.low) > (currentPrice.high - currentPrice.low) * multiplier)

            //current close must be in body of previous bar for more than 60%
            if ((currentPrice.close - beforePrice.close) < ( - beforePrice.close) * multiplier2)

Ejemplo n.º 45
        public async Task <StockTradeList> Find(Stock stock, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
            StockTradeList tradeList = new StockTradeList(Api.Interval.Daily);
            StockData      data      = await StockDataBase.Get(stock, Api.Interval.Daily);

            int    startIndex     = data.FindDateIndex(startDate);
            int    period         = 40;
            double priceGainGate  = -0.5;
            double volumeGainGate = 0.5;

            int    tradeHoldLenght  = 15;
            double tradeHoldMaxGain = 0.04;
            double tradeHoldMaxLoss = -0.04;

            bool inTrade = false;

            for (int i = startIndex; i < data.TimeSeries.DataPoints.Count; i++)
                if (!inTrade)
                        double open           = data.TimeSeries.DataPoints[i].Open;
                        double close          = data.TimeSeries.DataPoints[i].Close;
                        double percentageGain = (close - open) / open;
                        if (percentageGain > priceGainGate)
                            double volume               = data.TimeSeries.DataPoints[i].Volume;
                            double volumeSMA            = Indicators.GetSMA(data, i, period, PricePoint.Volume);
                            double volumePercentageGain = (volume - volumeSMA) / volumeSMA;
                            if (volumePercentageGain > volumeGainGate)
                                StockTrade trade = new StockTrade
                                    DataIndex           = i,
                                    PortfolioPercentage = 1,
                                    Stock = stock,
                                    Type  = StockTradeType.LongStock
                                inTrade = true;
                    StockTrade lastTrade      = tradeList.Trades[tradeList.Trades.Count - 1];
                    double     posOpen        = data.TimeSeries.DataPoints[lastTrade.DataIndex].Close;
                    double     currentPrice   = data.TimeSeries.DataPoints[i].Close;
                    double     percentageGain = (currentPrice - posOpen) / posOpen;

                    if (i - lastTrade.DataIndex >= tradeHoldLenght)
                        StockTrade trade = new StockTrade
                            DataIndex           = i,
                            PortfolioPercentage = 0,
                            Stock = stock,
                            Type  = StockTradeType.LongStock
                        inTrade = false;
                    else if (percentageGain > tradeHoldMaxGain || percentageGain < tradeHoldMaxLoss)
                        StockTrade trade = new StockTrade
                            DataIndex           = i,
                            PortfolioPercentage = 0,
                            Stock = stock,
                            Type  = StockTradeType.LongStock
                        inTrade = false;

Ejemplo n.º 46
    public string getCurrencies()
        String strImagPath   = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Image_Path"].ToString();
        int    rowcount      = 0;
        int    tdcount       = 0;
        string strScriptName = "";

        System.Text.StringBuilder strBuilBody = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            //DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            //dt.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(int));
            //dt.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string));
            //dt.Columns.Add("Country", typeof(string));
            //dt.Columns.Add("Currency", typeof(string));
            //dt.Columns.Add("Rate", typeof(decimal));
            //dt.Columns.Add("ChangePercent", typeof(string));
            //dt.Columns.Add("UpdateDateTime", typeof(DateTime));

            //Hashtable hashCode = new Hashtable();
            //Hashtable hashName = new Hashtable();
            //Hashtable hashSecondndCurrName = new Hashtable();

            //XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument();
            //xmldoc.Load(strImagPath + "XML/Currencies.xml");
            //XmlNodeList nodeList = xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName("Stock");
            //for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.Count; i++)
            //    hashCode.Add("code" + i, (object)nodeList[i].Attributes.Item(0).ChildNodes[0].InnerText.ToString());
            //    hashName.Add("name" + i, (object)nodeList[i].Attributes.Item(1).ChildNodes[0].InnerText.ToString());
            //    hashSecondndCurrName.Add("SecondndCurrName" + i, (object)nodeList[i].Attributes.Item(2).ChildNodes[0].InnerText.ToString());
            //int stockCount = 0;
            //if (hashCode.Count < 5)
            //    stockCount = hashCode.Count;
            //    stockCount = 5;
            //StockData m_Index2Data = new StockData();
            //string serverUrl = "";
            //for (int i = 0; i < stockCount; i++)
            //    serverUrl = @"" + hashCode["code" + i].ToString() +
            //                "&f=sl1d1t1c1ohgv&e=.csv";
            //    dt = GetStockData(hashCode["code" + i].ToString(), m_Index2Data, dt, serverUrl, "CUR", hashName["name" + i].ToString(), hashSecondndCurrName["SecondndCurrName" + i].ToString());

            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            dt.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(int));
            dt.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("Country", typeof(string));  //Country is second currency name
            dt.Columns.Add("Currency", typeof(string)); //Currency is first currency name
            dt.Columns.Add("Rate", typeof(decimal));
            dt.Columns.Add("ChangePercent", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("UpdateDateTime", typeof(DateTime));

            Hashtable hashCode             = new Hashtable();
            Hashtable hashName             = new Hashtable();
            Hashtable hashSecondndCurrName = new Hashtable();

            XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument();
            xmldoc.Load(strImagPath + "XML/Currencies.xml");
            XmlNodeList nodeList = xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName("Stock");
            for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.Count; i++)
                hashCode.Add("code" + i, (object)nodeList[i].Attributes.Item(0).ChildNodes[0].InnerText.ToString());
                hashName.Add("name" + i, (object)nodeList[i].Attributes.Item(1).ChildNodes[0].InnerText.ToString());
                hashSecondndCurrName.Add("SecondndCurrName" + i, (object)nodeList[i].Attributes.Item(2).ChildNodes[0].InnerText.ToString());
            StockData m_Index2Data = new StockData();
            string    serverUrl    = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < hashCode.Count; i++)
                serverUrl = @"" + hashCode["code" + i].ToString() +
                // dt = GetStockData(hashCode["code" + i].ToString(), m_Index2Data, dt, serverUrl, "CUR", hashName["name" + i].ToString(), hashSecondndCurrName["SecondndCurrName" + i].ToString());
                // dt = GetStockData(hashCode["code" + i].ToString(), m_Index2Data, dt, serverUrl, "CUR", hashName["name" + i].ToString(), hashSecondndCurrName["SecondndCurrName" + i].ToString());
                dt = GetStockData(hashCode["code" + i].ToString(), m_Index2Data, dt, serverUrl, "CUR");

            int ii = 0;
            if (dt.Rows.Count < 5)
                for (int j = 0; j < 5 - (dt.Rows.Count);)
                    ii = (dt.Rows.Count - 1) + 1;
                    DataRow drr = dt.NewRow();
                    drr["ID"]            = 0;
                    drr["Name"]          = "------";
                    drr["Country"]       = 0;
                    drr["Currency"]      = "-----";
                    drr["Rate"]          = 0.00;
                    drr["ChangePercent"] = 0.00;

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                //strBuilBody.Append("<h3 class=\"captalHead\">");
                //strBuilBody.Append("Currencies </h3>");
                strBuilBody.Append("<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">");
                strBuilBody.Append("<td width=\"50%\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" class=\"companybg\">");
                strBuilBody.Append("<td width=\"50%\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" class=\"companybg noborder\">");

                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    if (dt.Rows[i]["Name"].ToString().Length >= 11)
                        strScriptName = dt.Rows[i]["Name"].ToString().Substring(0, 11);
                        strScriptName = dt.Rows[i]["Name"].ToString();
                    strBuilBody.Append("<td width=\"50%\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" class=\"captext\">");
                    strBuilBody.Append("" + strScriptName + "</td>");
                    strBuilBody.Append("<td width=\"50%\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" class=\"captext\">");
                    strBuilBody.Append("1-" + dt.Rows[i]["Rate"].ToString() + "</td>");

                strBuilBody.Append("<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"right\" valign=\"top\"><a target=_blank href=\"\" title=\"view more\" class=\"captextbtn\">view more &raquo;</a></td>");

        catch (Exception ex)
            strBuilBody.Remove(0, strBuilBody.Length);
        public void Test_ExtractTickerData_Returns_Valid_Ticker_Data()
            Mock <IStockDataRepository> mockStockDataRepository = new Mock <IStockDataRepository>();

            IParseRawStockData parseRawData = new ParseRawStockData(mockStockDataRepository.Object);

            var dt = new Datatable
                data    = new List <List <object> >(),
                columns = new List <Column>()

            StockData stockData = new StockData()
                datatable = new Datatable
                    data = new List <List <object> >
                        new List <object> {
                            "COF", "2017-01-03", 88.55, 89.6, 87.79, 88.87, 3441067.0, 0.0, 1.0, 87.30123847595, 88.336431027048, 86.551956248488, 87.616725729618, 3441067.0
                        new List <object> {
                            "COF", "2017-01-04", 89.13, 90.77, 89.13, 90.3, 2630905.0, 0.0, 1.0, 87.873059123223, 89.489931298271, 87.873059123223, 89.026559394447, 2630905.0
                        new List <object> {
                            "MSFT", "2017-01-03", 62.79, 62.84, 62.125, 62.58, 20694101.0, 0.0, 1.0, 62.064301929466, 62.113724052359, 61.406987694984, 61.856729013314, 20694101.0
                        new List <object> {
                            "MSFT", "2017-01-04", 62.48, 62.75, 62.12, 62.3, 21339969.0, 0.0, 1.0, 61.757884767527, 62.024764231151, 61.402045482695, 61.579965125111, 21339969.0
                    columns = new List <Column>()
                meta = new Meta()
            var dailyData = => new DailySummary(x)).ToList();

            //expected result
            IDictionary <string, IList <DailySummary> > expectedResult = new Dictionary <string, IList <DailySummary> >();
            var msData = new List <DailySummary> {
                new DailySummary(new List <object> {
                    "MSFT", "2017-01-03", 62.79, 62.84, 62.125, 62.58, 20694101.0, 0.0, 1.0, 62.064301929466, 62.113724052359, 61.406987694984, 61.856729013314, 20694101.0
                new DailySummary(new List <object> {
                    "MSFT", "2017-01-04", 62.48, 62.75, 62.12, 62.3, 21339969.0, 0.0, 1.0, 61.757884767527, 62.024764231151, 61.402045482695, 61.579965125111, 21339969.0
            var cofData = new List <DailySummary> {
                new DailySummary(new List <object> {
                    "COF", "2017-01-03", 88.55, 89.6, 87.79, 88.87, 3441067.0, 0.0, 1.0, 87.30123847595, 88.336431027048, 86.551956248488, 87.616725729618, 3441067.0
                new DailySummary(new List <object> {
                    "COF", "2017-01-04", 89.13, 90.77, 89.13, 90.3, 2630905.0, 0.0, 1.0, 87.873059123223, 89.489931298271, 87.873059123223, 89.026559394447, 2630905.0

            expectedResult.Add("COF", cofData);
            expectedResult.Add("MSFT", msData);

            var actualResult = parseRawData.ExtractTickerData(dailyData);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult.Count(), actualResult.Count());
        private void ShowProductNames()
            MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand msqlCommand = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand();
            msqlConnection = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection("server=localhost;user id=root;Password=technicise;database=sptdb;persist security info=False");
            //define the connection used by the command object
            msqlCommand.Connection = msqlConnection;

            if (msqlConnection.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)

            msqlCommand.CommandText = "SELECT product_name,id,rate,quantity_available,vat_rate FROM stock group by product_name";
            MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader msqlReader = msqlCommand.ExecuteReader();


            while (msqlReader.Read())
                StockData currentStock = new StockData();
                currentStock.productName = msqlReader.GetString("product_name");
                currentStock.rate = msqlReader.GetDouble("rate");
                currentStock.productId = msqlReader.GetString("id");
                currentStock.quantityAvailable = msqlReader.GetDouble("quantity_available");
                currentStock.vatRate = msqlReader.GetDouble("vat_rate");


        public void Test_ParseRawStockData_Returns_Parsed_Data()

            Mock <IStockDataRepository> mockStockDataRepository = new Mock <IStockDataRepository>();

            IParseRawStockData parseRawData = new ParseRawStockData(mockStockDataRepository.Object);

            var dt = new Datatable
                data    = new List <List <object> >(),
                columns = new List <Column>()

            StockData stockData = new StockData()
                datatable = new Datatable
                    data = new List <List <object> >
                        new List <object> {
                            "MSFT", "2017-01-03", 62.79, 62.84, 62.125, 62.58, 20694101.0, 0.0, 1.0, 62.064301929466, 62.113724052359, 61.406987694984, 61.856729013314, 20694101.0
                        new List <object> {
                            "MSFT", "2017-01-04", 62.48, 62.75, 62.12, 62.3, 21339969.0, 0.0, 1.0, 61.757884767527, 62.024764231151, 61.402045482695, 61.579965125111, 21339969.0
                        new List <object> {
                            "MSFT", "2017-01-05", 62.19, 62.66, 62.03, 62.3, 24875968.0, 0.0, 1.0, 61.471236454746, 61.935804409943, 61.313085661487, 61.579965125111, 24875968.0
                        new List <object> {
                            "MSFT", "2017-01-06", 62.3, 63.15, 62.04, 62.84, 19922919.0, 0.0, 1.0, 61.579965125111, 62.420141214298, 61.322970086066, 62.113724052359, 19922919.0
                        new List <object> {
                            "MSFT", "2017-01-09", 62.76, 63.08, 62.54, 62.64, 20382730.0, 0.0, 1.0, 62.03464865573, 62.350950242247, 61.817191314999, 61.916035560786, 20382730.0
                        new List <object> {
                            "MSFT", "2017-01-10", 62.73, 63.07, 62.28, 62.62, 18593004.0, 0.0, 1.0, 62.004995381994, 62.341065817669, 61.560196275954, 61.896266711629, 18593004.0
                        new List <object> {
                            "MSFT", "2017-01-11", 62.61, 63.23, 62.43, 63.19, 21517335.0, 0.0, 1.0, 61.88638228705, 62.499216610927, 61.708462644634, 62.459678912613, 21517335.0
                    columns = new List <Column>()
                meta = new Meta()

            var expectedResult = => new DailySummary(x)).ToList();

            mockStockDataRepository.Setup(x => x.GetRawData(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(Task.FromResult(stockData));

            var result = parseRawData.ExtractDailyData("http://localhost:8000").ToList();


            Assert.AreEqual(result.Count(), expectedResult.Count());

            for (int i = 0; i < expectedResult.Count(); i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult[i].Ticker, result[i].Ticker);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult[i].Date, result[i].Date);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult[i].Open, result[i].Open);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult[i].High, result[i].High);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult[i].Low, result[i].Low);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult[i].Close, result[i].Close);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult[i].Volume, result[i].Volume);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult[i].Ex_Dividend, result[i].Ex_Dividend);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult[i].Split_Ratio, result[i].Split_Ratio);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult[i].Adj_Open, result[i].Adj_Open);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult[i].Adj_High, result[i].Adj_High);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult[i].Adj_Low, result[i].Adj_Low);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult[i].Adj_Close, result[i].Adj_Close);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult[i].Adj_Volume, result[i].Adj_Volume);
Ejemplo n.º 50
 private void DrawStockInfo(StockData stockData)
     _graphGraphics.DrawString(stockData.MetaData.Symbol, new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 8), Brushes.White, 10, 10);
        async void HandleGetStock(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //USER INPUT
            string UserInput;

            UserInput = GetStock.Text; //User input that is used to retrieve the desired company ancronym

            //adding the user input to the api endpoint, and converting it to a URI variable
            string StockApiEndpoint = "" + "&symbol=" + UserInput + "&apikey=" + key;
            Uri    StockApiUri      = new Uri(StockApiEndpoint);

            //A class instance that is used to send HTTP requests and receive HTTP responses
            HttpClient client = new HttpClient();

            //gets data from api
            HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(StockApiUri);

            string jsonContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            //parse into an object according to data model
            var stockData = StockData.FromJson(jsonContent);

            //if an error wasn't returned
            if (jsonContent != GlobalVariables.ErrorString)
                //convert dictionary to list
                GlobalVariables.StockList = stockData.TimeSeriesDaily.Values.ToList();
                GlobalVariables.DatesList = stockData.TimeSeriesDaily.Keys.ToList();

                List <DayData> DayList = new List <DayData>();

                for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
                    //data model equal to api equivalent.
                    //reminder parsing means to take one form of data and converting it to another
                    //data model defines how information is stoed and retrieced to support solution.
            = GlobalVariables.DatesList[i];
                    dailydata.high  = double.Parse(GlobalVariables.StockList[i].The2High);
                    dailydata.low   = double.Parse(GlobalVariables.StockList[i].The3Low);
                    dailydata.close = double.Parse(GlobalVariables.StockList[i].The4Close);

                    //add dailydata to list
                    dailydata = new DayData();

                historyListView.ItemsSource = DayList;

                //populate rest of the fields ins the page
                GlobalVariables.retreived = true;
                ChartView.Chart = new LineChart {
                    Entries = entries, BackgroundColor = SKColors.Transparent

                ChartView.Chart = new LineChart {
                    Entries = entries, BackgroundColor = SKColors.Transparent,
                await DisplayAlert("ERROR", "Invalid Stock Symbol", "OK");
 void editWindow_OnEditStockItemData(StockData returnEditedStockItemData)
     //finding the element
     StockData vData = _stockCollection.Where(item => item.productId.Equals(returnEditedStockItemData.productId)).First();
     //finding the element position
     int itemIdex = _stockCollection.IndexOf(vData);
     //remove the element so that the list gets refreshed
     //insert the edited element at same position
     _stockCollection.Insert(itemIdex, returnEditedStockItemData);
Ejemplo n.º 53
        private void StockDownload(ref StockData aStockData)
            QueryController nController = new QueryController();

            nController.QueryStockData(ref aStockData);
 void newStock_OnAddNewStockData(StockData returnStockData)
     //returnStockData.serialNo = GetCurrentSerialNumber();
Ejemplo n.º 55
        public StockData[] GetStockDataRangeByTime( DateTime dataTimeStart )

            int iStart = -1;
            for ( int iIndex = 0; iIndex < m_DateTimeStockData.Length; iIndex++ )
                StockData item = m_DateTimeStockData[iIndex];

                if ( item.TradingDate <= dataTimeStart )
                    iStart = iIndex;

            if ( iStart == -1 )
                return new StockData[0];

            StockData[] stockDataArray = new StockData[m_DateTimeStockData.Length - iStart];
            Array.Copy( m_DateTimeStockData, iStart, stockDataArray, 0, stockDataArray.Length );

            return stockDataArray;