Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void NewMessage(string msg)
            //verify sender user
            var senderName = Session["user"].ToString();
            var sender     = db.Users.Where(u => u.Username == senderName).FirstOrDefault();

            //if it comes to this point means user session expired or something
            if (sender == null)

            //create msg obj
            Message newMessage = new Message()
                Message1 = msg,
                Sender   = sender.Id,
                TimeSent = DateTime.Now

            //send to all clients
            var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext <chatHub>();

            context.Clients.All.message(senderName, msg, newMessage.TimeSent.ToString("d/MMM HH:mm:ss"));

            //check it was a command for the bot
            const string stockBotCommandInit = "/stock=";

            if (msg.StartsWith(stockBotCommandInit))
                //get only the string after /stock=
                var stockCode = msg.RemoveFirstInstance(stockBotCommandInit);

                //send to api and get response
                StockBot bot      = new StockBot(stockCode);
                var      stockVal = bot.GetStock();

                var header = "🤖 Stock bot";
                var footer = DateTime.Now.ToString("d/MMM HH:mm:ss") + " | quote requested by " + senderName;

                if (!stockVal.Success)
                    stockVal.Content = "Error: " + stockVal.Content;

                //send message to clients
                context.Clients.All.message(header, stockVal.Content, footer);
                //add to db (only if i was not a command for the bot)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void GetStockBadUrl()
            StockBot bot       = new StockBot();
            string   stockCode = "NOTEXISTS";

            var mockMsgController = new Mock <IMessageController>();

            var StockResponse = bot.GetStock(stockCode, "http://www.microsoft.com/", stockCodeToken, HttpMethod.Get, true, mockMsgController.Object, testEmail).Result;

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void GetStockFail()
            StockBot bot       = new StockBot();
            string   stockCode = "NotExists";

            var mockMsgController = new Mock <IMessageController>();

            var StockResponse = bot.GetStock(stockCode, botUrl, stockCodeToken, HttpMethod.Get, true, mockMsgController.Object, testEmail).Result;

            Assert.True(StockResponse.StockValue == string.Empty);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public StockController(IHubContext <MessagesHub> hub)
     this.stockBot = new StockBot();
     this._hub     = hub;