Ejemplo n.º 1
        // apply 6 Burning to ALL enemies, then exhaust.  Cost 0.  Exhaust.

        public NapalmGrenade()
            SetCommonCardAttributes("Napalm Grenade", Rarity.COMMON, TargetType.NO_TARGET_OR_SELF, CardType.SkillCard, 0);
            Stickers.Add(new BasicAttackRandomEnemySticker());
            BaseDamage  = 2;
            ProtoSprite = ProtoGameSprite.BlackhandIcon("grenade-a");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public virtual void Update(StickerSet set, bool reset = false)
            _set = set;

            for (int i = 0; i < set.Stickers.Count; i++)
                if (i < Stickers.Count)
                    if (Stickers[i] is MoreStickerViewModel)
                        Stickers[i] = new StickerViewModel(_protoService, set.Stickers[i]);
                    Stickers.Add(new StickerViewModel(_protoService, set.Stickers[i]));

            if (reset)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // Two random cards in your hand cost 1 less for the rest of combat.  Cost 1.  Exhaust.

        public ActionItems()
            SetCommonCardAttributes("Action Items", Rarity.UNCOMMON, TargetType.NO_TARGET_OR_SELF, CardType.SkillCard, 1, typeof(ArchonSoldierClass),

                                    protoGameSprite: ProtoGameSprite.ArchonIcon("checklist"));
            Stickers.Add(new ExhaustCardSticker());
        //  Deal 3 damage and draw a card.  Discharge:  Deal 20 damage to a random target, and gain 1 energy.  Cost 0.

        public FusionGrenade()
            SetCommonCardAttributes("Fusion Grenade", Rarity.UNCOMMON, TargetType.ENEMY, CardType.AttackCard, 0);
            Stickers.Add(new ExhaustCardSticker());
            BaseDamage  = 3;
            ProtoSprite = ProtoGameSprite.CogIcon("stick-grenade");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private static void SpawnModel(int type, int vehicle)
            var coords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), false);

            SetNetworkIdExistsOnAllMachines(VehToNet(vehicle), true);
            if (type == 0)
                Object = CreateObject(GetHashKey("p_car_keys_01"), coords.X, coords.Y, coords.Z, true, true, true);
                var boneIndex = GetEntityBoneIndexByName(vehicle, "wheel_lf");
                SetEntityHeading(Object, 0f);
                SetEntityRotation(Object, 60f, 20f, 10f, 1, true);
                AttachEntityToEntity(Object, vehicle, boneIndex, -0.10f, 0.15f, -0.30f, 180f, 200f, 90f, true, true, false, false, 2, true);
                SetEntityRotation(Object, 60f, 20f, 10f, 1, true);
                SetEntityAsMissionEntity(Object, true, true);
                FreezeEntityPosition(Object, true);
                TriggerServerEvent("Server:ChangeCarState", VehToNet(vehicle), true);
                Clamps.Add(Object, vehicle);
            else if (type == 1)
                Object = CreateObject(GetHashKey("prop_cs_protest_sign_03"), coords.X, coords.Y, coords.Z, true, true, true);
                var boneIndex = GetEntityBoneIndexByName(vehicle, "interiorlight");
                var model     = GetEntityModel(vehicle);
                var vector1   = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);
                var vector2   = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);
                GetModelDimensions((uint)model, ref vector1, ref vector2);
                FreezeEntityPosition(Object, true);
                SetEntityAsMissionEntity(Object, true, true);
                //AttachEntityToEntity(Object, vehicle, boneIndex, 0f, ((vector2.Y - vector1.Y) / 2), ((vector2.Z - vector1.Z) / 2) - ((vector2.Z - vector1.Z) / 5f), 0f, 0f, 0f, true, true, false, false, 1, true);
                AttachEntityToEntity(Object, vehicle, boneIndex, 0f, -((vector2.Y - vector1.Y) / 2) + 5f, -0.12f, 0f, 0f, 0f, true, true, false, false, 1, true);
                Stickers.Add(Object, vehicle);
        // Apply 1 Vulnerable to all enemies.  Ambush: Gain 1 energy.  Exhaust.  Cost 0.

        public FlashbangGrenade()
            SetCommonCardAttributes("Flashbang", Rarity.UNCOMMON, TargetType.NO_TARGET_OR_SELF, CardType.SkillCard, 0);
            BaseDamage = 1;
            Stickers.Add(new BasicAttackTargetSticker());
            ProtoSprite = ProtoGameSprite.BlackhandIcon("flash-grenade");
Ejemplo n.º 7
        // Does nothing.  Gilded 5.
        public LootCrate()
            SetCommonCardAttributes("Loot Crate", Rarity.COMMON, TargetType.NO_TARGET_OR_SELF, CardType.SkillCard, 10);
            Stickers.Add(new GildedCardSticker(5));

            this.ProtoSprite =
Ejemplo n.º 8
        // Gain 1 strength.  Deal 10 damage.  Cost 2.

        public TitanHunter()
            SetCommonCardAttributes("Titan Hunter", Rarity.COMMON, TargetType.ENEMY, CardType.AttackCard, 2);
            BaseDamage = 10;
            Stickers.Add(new ExertCardSticker());
            DamageModifiers.Add(new SlayerDamageModifier());
            ProtoSprite = ProtoGameSprite.HammerIcon("atlas");
        // Cost 7.  Apply 20 Temporary HP to all allies.  Bloodprice.

        public BloodOffering()

            SetCommonCardAttributes("Blood Offering", Rarity.RARE, TargetType.NO_TARGET_OR_SELF, CardType.SkillCard, 7);
            Stickers.Add(new ExhaustCardSticker());
            ProtoSprite = ProtoGameSprite.DiabolistIcon("pentacle");
Ejemplo n.º 10
        // Deal 20 damage.  Buster.  Cost 2.

        public HandCannon()
            SetCommonCardAttributes("Hand Cannon", Rarity.UNCOMMON, TargetType.ENEMY, CardType.AttackCard, 2,
                                    protoGameSprite: ProtoGameSprite.ArchonIcon("cannon-shot"));
            Stickers.Add(new BasicAttackTargetSticker());
            BaseDamage = 20;
            DamageModifiers.Add(new BusterDamageModifier());
Ejemplo n.º 11
        // Deal 30 damage.  Precision.  Bounty.  Cost 3.
        // Hoard 4.

        public EarnMySalary()
            SetCommonCardAttributes("Earn My Salary", Rarity.RARE, TargetType.ENEMY, CardType.AttackCard, 3);
            DamageModifiers.Add(new PrecisionDamageModifier());
            Stickers.Add(new GildedCardSticker(4));
            BaseDamage  = 30;
            ProtoSprite = ProtoGameSprite.CogIcon("farmer");
Ejemplo n.º 12
        //   Deal 10 damage.  Lethal: Increase this card's Hoard value by 2 PERMANENTLY.   Hoard 2.

        public Stonks()
            SetCommonCardAttributes("Stonks!", Rarity.RARE, TargetType.ENEMY, CardType.AttackCard, 1);
            DamageModifiers.Add(new StonksDamageModifier());
            Stickers.Add(new BasicAttackTargetSticker());
            Stickers.Add(new GildedCardSticker(2));
            BaseDamage  = 10;
            ProtoSprite = ProtoGameSprite.CogIcon("chart");
Ejemplo n.º 13
        // Gain 15 block.  Taunt an enemy.  It gains Weak this turn.

        // Brute: Taunt ALL enemies.

        public Impenetrable()

            SetCommonCardAttributes("Impenetrable", Rarity.RARE, TargetType.ENEMY, CardType.SkillCard, 2);
            BaseDefenseValue = 15;
            Stickers.Add(new BasicDefendSelfSticker());
            ProtoSprite = ProtoGameSprite.HammerIcon("stone-block");
        // Deal 8 damage.  Cost 3.  Buster.  Precision.  Refund 2.

        public RealityPenetrator()
            SetCommonCardAttributes("Reality Penetrator", Rarity.UNCOMMON, TargetType.ENEMY, CardType.AttackCard, 3);
            BaseDamage = 8;
            Stickers.Add(new BasicAttackTargetSticker());
            DamageModifiers.Add(new BusterDamageModifier());
            DamageModifiers.Add(new PrecisionDamageModifier());
            ProtoSprite = ProtoGameSprite.CogIcon("vr-headset");
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public GildedGun()
            // deal 6 damage.  Precision.  Hoard 2.  Cost 0.  Gets an additional +2 Gilded for EACH Gilded Gun in your deck.
            SetCommonCardAttributes("Gilded Gun", Rarity.COMMON, TargetType.ENEMY, CardType.AttackCard, 0);
            DamageModifiers.Add(new PrecisionDamageModifier());

            this.ProtoSprite =
Ejemplo n.º 16
        // Deal 6 damage.  Add two Autocannon Sentries to your hand.
        // Lethal: Gain 3 Data Points.
        // Exhaust.  Cost 1.

        public Vivisect()
            Stickers.Add(new BasicAttackTargetSticker());
            Stickers.Add(new ExhaustCardSticker());
            BaseDamage = 6;
            DamageModifiers.Add(new GainDataPointsOnSlayDamageModifier {
                DataPointsToAcquire = 3
            ProtoSprite = ProtoGameSprite.CogIcon("split-body");
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public Crusher()
     SetCommonCardAttributes("Crusher", Rarity.NOT_IN_POOL, TargetType.ENEMY, CardType.AttackCard, 2);
     Stickers.Add(new BasicAttackTargetSticker());
     Stickers.Add(new BasicDefendSelfSticker());
     BaseDamage       = 15;
     BaseDefenseValue = 8;
     DamageModifiers.Add(new SweeperDamageModifier());
     Stickers.Add(new ExhaustCardSticker());
     ProtoSprite = ProtoGameSprite.CogIcon("daemon-pull");
        void PopulateDropList(String[] TextList)
            float CumulativeY = pDrawCoords.Y + (LocalAtlas.Atlas.Bounds.Height / 2) + 10;

            foreach (String Label in TextList)
                TAtlasInfo ButtonAtlas = new TAtlasInfo();
                ButtonAtlas.Atlas         = ButtonScripts.CreateDynamicCustomButton(Label, BoxWidth);
                ButtonAtlas.DivDimensions = new Point(2, 1);
                Button B = new Button(Name + "_DROPOPTION_" + Label, new Vector2(pDrawCoords.X, CumulativeY), ButtonAtlas, LayerDepth - 0.001f);
                B.SubscribeToEvent(EventNames.ButtonPressFunction, typeof(Button).GetMethod("SetTopText"), new object[] { Label });
                B.CenterOrigin = false;
                B.Enabled      = DroppedDown;
                CumulativeY       += (LocalAtlas.Atlas.Bounds.Height / 2) + 10;
                DropBackingTexture = VNFUtils.GetNovelTextureOfColour(Shell.DefaultShell, new Color(50, 50, 50, 255), new Point(BoxWidth + 10, (int)(CumulativeY - (pDrawCoords.Y + (LocalAtlas.Atlas.Bounds.Height / 2) + 10))));
 public FleshCircuitry()
     SetCommonCardAttributes("Fleshy Circuitry", Rarity.UNCOMMON, TargetType.NO_TARGET_OR_SELF, CardType.PowerCard, 1);
     Stickers.Add(new ExhaustCardSticker());
     ProtoSprite = ProtoGameSprite.CogIcon("circuitry");
Ejemplo n.º 20
        // Deal damage equal to the total Hoard value of your deck.  Exhaust.  Cost 2.

        public MemeMoney()
            SetCommonCardAttributes("Stupid Meme Money", Rarity.RARE, TargetType.ENEMY, CardType.AttackCard, 0);
            Stickers.Add(new GildedCardSticker(4));
            ProtoSprite = ProtoGameSprite.CogIcon("shiny-purses");
Ejemplo n.º 21
        // Startup: Gain 1 Dexterity and 3 stress.
        // Apply 10 defense to target.  Cost 1.

        public TormentTheBlood()
            SetCommonCardAttributes("Torment the Blood", Rarity.RARE, TargetType.ALLY, CardType.SkillCard, 1, typeof(DiabolistSoldierClass));
            Stickers.Add(new ExhaustCardSticker());