static void Main(string[] args)
            ElderSon Eson = new ElderSon();
            Dad      dad  = new Dad(Eson);

            Console.WriteLine(dad.NotifySon("Get me the knife"));

            YoungerSon Yson = new YoungerSon();
            Dad        dad2 = new Dad(Yson);

            Console.WriteLine(dad2.NotifySon("Get me the fork").ToString());

            Mom mom = new Mom();

            Console.WriteLine(mom.NotifySon(Yson, "Help Me"));
            Console.WriteLine(mom.NotifySon(Eson, "Help Me"));

            StepFather StFather = new StepFather();

            StFather.FirstSon  = Yson;
            StFather.SecondSon = Eson;
            Console.WriteLine(StFather.NotifySon("Get the hell out of the house"));

            StepMother StMother = new StepMother();

            StMother.FirstSon = Yson;
            Console.WriteLine(StMother.NotifySon("First son get out, second son may stay"));

Ejemplo n.º 2
        internal static void Main(string[] args)
            var commandLineArguments = new CommandLineArguments(args);
            var stepMother = new StepMother<ConcreteWorldView>(StepSetLoader.GetStepSets());
            var processor = new Processor(stepMother, stepMother.StepRunner);

            // Reset the WorldView before each scenario
            processor.BeforeScenario += (o, e) => stepMother.ResetWorldView();

            processor.BeforeScenario += BeforeScenario;
            processor.AfterScenario += AfterScenario;
            processor.BeforeStep += BeforeStep;
            processor.AfterStep += AfterStep;
            processor.AtExit += AtExit;

            new StepServer(IPAddress.Any, commandLineArguments, processor).InitBlock();
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public void SetUp()
     stepMother = new StepMother<EmptyWorldView>();
     transformDefinition1 = new TransformDefinition { Regex = new Regex("1"), Action = new Func<int>(() => 1) };
     transformDefinition2 = new TransformDefinition { Regex = new Regex("2"), Action = new Func<int>(() => 2) };