Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the amount of cards we can farm
        /// We need to clear one discoveryqueue for one card, which contains 12 AppID's
        /// For every card generate a new discoveryqueue and clear every appid in this queue
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <string> ExploreDiscoveryQueues()
            int    cardsToEarn     = 0;
            string responseToAdmin = "";

            if (!await m_steamWeb.RefreshSessionIfNeeded().ConfigureAwait(false))
                responseToAdmin = "Could not reauthenticate.";

            cardsToEarn = await GetCardsToEarnFromDiscoveryQueue().ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (cardsToEarn != 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < cardsToEarn; i++)
                    RequestNewDiscoveryQueueResponse discoveryQueue = await GenerateNewDiscoveryQueue().ConfigureAwait(false);

                    foreach (uint appID in discoveryQueue.Queue)
                        string urlToApp = $"http://{m_steamWeb.m_SteamStoreHost}/app/{appID}";

                        NameValueCollection data = new NameValueCollection()
                            { "sessionid", m_steamWeb.SessionID },
                            { "appid_to_clear_from_queue", appID.ToString() }

                        string response = await m_steamWeb.m_WebHelper.GetStringFromRequest(urlToApp, data, false).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(responseToAdmin))
                responseToAdmin = cardsToEarn == 0 ? "There were no cards to earn from discoveryqueues" : $"Successfully explored {cardsToEarn} discoveryqueues";

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the cancellationtoken so we can interrupt the method on lost connection
        /// Create a new task with the cancellationtoken
        /// While the task is not cancelled get all badges to farm
        /// If we do not have any badge to farm, remove the playing status so we are shown as online
        ///     If we have some badges to farm start a new while loop and start to farm this badge
        ///     Check every 5 minutes if we have still some cards left to farm for this badge
        ///     If we do not have any left, leave the while loop
        /// If we are not comming out from the while loop check every 5 minutes for new badges to farm
        /// If we are comming out fron the while loop we want to check for the next badge to farm, therefore we do not wait 5 minuts
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_steamClient"></param>
        public void StartFarmCards(SteamClient _steamClient)
            m_cardFarmCancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            bool checkForNewGame = false;

            Task.Run(async() =>
                while (!m_cardFarmCancellationTokenSource.Token.IsCancellationRequested)
                    if (!await m_steamWeb.RefreshSessionIfNeeded().ConfigureAwait(false))

                    List <GameToFarm> gamesToFarm = await m_steamUserWebAPI.GetBadgesToFarm().ConfigureAwait(false);

                    bool isRunning = (gamesToFarm.Count > 0);

                    if (!isRunning)

                    while (isRunning && !m_cardFarmCancellationTokenSource.Token.IsCancellationRequested)

                            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5), m_cardFarmCancellationTokenSource.Token).ConfigureAwait(false);
                        catch (Exception)

                        if (!await m_steamWeb.RefreshSessionIfNeeded().ConfigureAwait(false))

                        isRunning = await m_steamUserWebAPI.GetGameCardsRemainingForGame(Convert.ToUInt32(gamesToFarm.First().AppID)).ConfigureAwait(false) > 0;

                        if (!isRunning)
                            checkForNewGame = true;

                    if (!checkForNewGame)
                            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5), m_cardFarmCancellationTokenSource.Token).ConfigureAwait(false);
                        catch (Exception)

                    checkForNewGame = false;

                m_logger.Warning("Cancelled the CardFarmTask.");
            }, m_cardFarmCancellationTokenSource.Token);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// First get the summary of our tradeoffers, so we know how much tradeoffers we do have to handle
        /// Initialize a counter, which will be increased after every handled tradeoffer
        /// Receive all active tradeoffers
        /// Check if the result is not null so we do not run into an error
        /// Go trough every tradeoffer and check if it is active and we did not reach the amount of offers to handle
        /// If it is active get the tradepartners ID so we can print a message with his ID in the accept or decline function
        /// If we have to give Items and do not receive any items decline the trade
        /// Check if the tradeoffer is a donation
        /// If it is not a donation go on and check if the tradeoffer is sent by an admin
        /// If it is sent by an admin accept it and continue with the next trade
        /// If it is not a donation, not sent by an admin and it seems like a fair trade, check for escrow and finally check the tradeitems itself if it is a fair trade
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_steamFriendsHelper"></param>
        /// <param name="_steamID"></param>
        public async Task CheckForTradeOffers(SteamFriendsHelper _steamFriendsHelper, SteamID _steamID)
            TradeOffersSummaryResponse tradeOfferCountToHandle = await m_tradeOfferWebAPI.GetTradeOffersSummary().ConfigureAwait(false);

            int tradeOfferHandledCounter = 0;

            GetOffersResponse receivedOffers = await m_tradeOfferWebAPI.GetReceivedActiveTradeOffers(true).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (receivedOffers.TradeOffersReceived != null)
                foreach (TradeOffer tradeOffer in receivedOffers.TradeOffersReceived)
                    if (tradeOfferHandledCounter >= tradeOfferCountToHandle.PendingReceivedCount)

                    if (tradeOffer.TradeOfferState != ETradeOfferState.ETradeOfferStateActive)

                    if (tradeOffer.ConfirmationMethod == ETradeOfferConfirmationMethod.ETradeOfferConfirmationMethod_Email)
                        m_logger.Info($"Accept the trade offer {tradeOffer.TradeOfferID} via your email");


                    //  If we were not logged on to the web or the authentication failed, go to the next tradeoffer and check it again
                    if (!await m_steamWeb.RefreshSessionIfNeeded().ConfigureAwait(false))

                    if (tradeOffer.ConfirmationMethod == ETradeOfferConfirmationMethod.ETradeOfferConfirmationMethod_MobileApp)
                        m_mobileHelper.ConfirmAllTrades(m_steamWeb.SteamLogin, m_steamWeb.SteamLoginSecure, m_steamWeb.SessionID);


                    SteamID tradePartnerID = _steamFriendsHelper.GetSteamID(tradeOffer.AccountIDOther);

                    //  Check for a donation
                    if (m_botInfo.AcceptDonations && await TradeOfferIsDonation(tradeOffer, tradePartnerID).ConfigureAwait(false))


                    //  Check for a tradeoffer from an admin
                    if (await AdminTradeOffer(_steamFriendsHelper, tradeOffer, tradePartnerID).ConfigureAwait(false))
                        m_mobileHelper.ConfirmAllTrades(m_steamWeb.SteamLogin, m_steamWeb.SteamLoginSecure, m_steamWeb.SessionID);


                    //  Check if we have to give items but do not receive any items
                    if (tradeOffer.ItemsToGive != null && tradeOffer.ItemsToReceive == null)
                        await m_tradeOfferWebAPI.DeclineTradeofferShortMessage(tradeOffer.TradeOfferID).ConfigureAwait(false);



                    //  If we do not want to accept escrow tradeoffers, check them here before going on
                    if (!m_botInfo.AcceptEscrow)
                        if (await CheckTradeOfferForEscrow(tradeOffer, tradePartnerID).ConfigureAwait(false))


                    await CheckTradeOffer(receivedOffers, tradeOffer, tradePartnerID).ConfigureAwait(false);
