Ejemplo n.º 1
 public override void End()
     // run the ConfirmationCheck now!
     if (signalreturn.AttemptPlayerConfirmation(out Vector2 playerLoc))
         //disperse every suspicious tile you can currently see.
         Dictionary <Vector2, int> CandidatesToDisperse = Me.CurrentSuspicions;
         CandidatesToDisperse = ListMethod.FilterFarAway(CandidatesToDisperse, signalreturn.MaxConfirmDistance, Me.TilePosition);
         CandidatesToDisperse = StealthMethod.MassCheckLineOfSight(mapRef, Me.TilePosition, Me.Direction, CandidatesToDisperse);
         ///for those tiles in range, dissipate suspicion
         foreach (Vector2 LocToDisperse in CandidatesToDisperse.Keys)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void UpdateSuspicions(GameTime gameTime)
            Dictionary <Vector2, int> NewSuspicions = new Dictionary <Vector2, int>();

            if (IsInRoom)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <Vector2, int> I in StealthManager.Instance.RoomSuspiciousPointsThisPass[CurrentRoomIn])
                    NewSuspicions.Add(I.Key, I.Value);
                foreach (Room.EntryPoint E in mapRef.Rooms[CurrentRoomIn].EntryPoints)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <Vector2, int> S in StealthManager.Instance.PassageSuspiciousPointsThisPass[E.PassagewayUsing])
                        NewSuspicions.Add(S.Key, S.Value / 2);
                foreach (KeyValuePair <Vector2, int> I in StealthManager.Instance.PassageSuspiciousPointsThisPass[CurrentPassagewayIn])
                    NewSuspicions.Add(I.Key, I.Value);
                //the room at one end of a passage
                foreach (KeyValuePair <Vector2, int> S in StealthManager.Instance.RoomSuspiciousPointsThisPass[mapRef.Passages[CurrentPassagewayIn].End1.EndPointID])
                    NewSuspicions.Add(S.Key, (3 * S.Value) / 4);
                foreach (KeyValuePair <Vector2, int> S in StealthManager.Instance.RoomSuspiciousPointsThisPass[mapRef.Passages[CurrentPassagewayIn].End2.EndPointID])
                    NewSuspicions.Add(S.Key, (3 * S.Value) / 4);

            //Apply all Suspicious Activities and Noises in the room you are currently in to the suspicious points.

            //run L.O.S checks on these suspicious things to "thin down the herd"
            NewSuspicions = StealthMethod.MassCheckLineOfSight(mapRef, TilePosition, this.Direction, NewSuspicions);
            //now add the Noises by adding a few random tiles in the noise range to the suspicious points.
            NewSuspicions    = StealthMethod.TemperSuspicionsByDistance(NewSuspicions, TilePosition);
            RecentSuspicions = NewSuspicions;

            /*foreach (KeyValuePair<Rectangle, int> Noise in StealthManager.Instance.Noises)
             * {
             *  int NoiseX = mapRef.D.Next(Noise.Key.X, Noise.Key.Right);
             *  int NoiseY = mapRef.D.Next(Noise.Key.Y, Noise.Key.Bottom);
             *  StealthMethod.AddNewSuspiciousness(ref NewSuspicions, new Vector2(NoiseX, NoiseY), Noise.Value);
             * }
            if (CurrentSuspicions.Count > 0 || NewSuspicions.Count > 0)
                double elapsed_time_seconds = gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
                Dictionary <Vector2, int> CommonSuspicions = StealthMethod.TallyAndDecaySuspicionInLists
                                                                 (NewSuspicions, CurrentSuspicions,
                                                                 out Dictionary <Vector2, int> OnlyOldSuspicions, AlertDecayHalfLife, elapsed_time_seconds);

                //Decrement points that haven't been topped up since last Update - carried out in above process.
                CurrentSuspicions = StealthMethod.CombineSuspicionLists(OnlyOldSuspicions, CommonSuspicions);
                //Calculate new Suspicion Level.
                AlertPoints = StealthMethod.TallyTotalSuspicion(CurrentSuspicions);
                AlertLevel  = AlertPoints / AlertPointsPerLevel;
                AlertPoints = AlertPoints % AlertPointsPerLevel;

                if (AlertLevel > 3)
                    AlertPoints = AlertPointsPerLevel - 1;
                    AlertLevel  = 3;