Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void AnimalCanBeAddedToLodge()
            // Arrange
            Mock<IStayRepository> stayRepository = new Mock<IStayRepository>();
            Mock<ILodgingRepository> lodgingRepository = new Mock<ILodgingRepository>();
            Mock<IAnimalRepository> animalRepository = new Mock<IAnimalRepository>();

            IStayService stayService = new StayService(stayRepository.Object, lodgingRepository.Object, animalRepository.Object);

            Animal dog = new Animal
                ID = 1,
                Name = "Doggo",
                Birthdate = new DateTime(2018, 10, 18),
                Age = 2,
                EstimatedAge = 2,
                Description = "Good boi",
                AnimalType = AnimalType.Dog,
                Race = "Best Bois",
                Picture = "Goodboi.png",
                DateOfDeath = null,
                Castrated = true,
                ChildFriendly = ChildFriendly.Yes,
                ReasonGivenAway = "Too good a boi",
            Lodging coolLocation = new Lodging
                ID = 1,
                LodgingType = LodgingType.Group,
                MaxCapacity = 100,
                CurrentCapacity = 10,
                AnimalType = AnimalType.Dog,
                Stays = new List<Stay>() { },
            Stay stay = new Stay
                ID = 1,
                Animal = dog,
                AnimalID = dog.ID,
                ArrivalDate = new DateTime(2019, 10, 18),
                AdoptionDate = null,
                CanBeAdopted = true,
                AdoptedBy = null,
                LodgingLocation = coolLocation,
                LodgingLocationID = coolLocation.ID,
                Comments = new List<Comment>(),
                Treatments = new List<Treatment>(),

            // Setup for ValidateStay
            lodgingRepository.Setup(e => e.FindByID(coolLocation.ID))

            animalRepository.Setup(e => e.FindByID(dog.ID))

            // Act

            stayRepository.Verify(x => x.Add(stay), Times.Once());
            stayRepository.Verify(x => x.Add(stay));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void MaxLodgingCapShouldNotBeOverwritten()
            Mock<IStayRepository> stayRepository = new Mock<IStayRepository>();
            Mock<ILodgingRepository> lodgingRepository = new Mock<ILodgingRepository>();
            Mock<IAnimalRepository> animalRepository = new Mock<IAnimalRepository>();

            Animal dog = new Animal
                ID = 1,
                Name = "Doggo",
                Birthdate = new DateTime(2018, 10, 18),
                Age = 2,
                EstimatedAge = 2,
                Description = "Good boi",
                AnimalType = AnimalType.Dog,
                Race = "Best Bois",
                Picture = "Goodboi.png",
                DateOfDeath = null,
                Castrated = true,
                ChildFriendly = ChildFriendly.Yes,
                ReasonGivenAway = "Too good a boi",
            Lodging fullLocation = new Lodging
                ID = 1,
                LodgingType = LodgingType.Group,
                MaxCapacity = 100,
                CurrentCapacity = 100,
                AnimalType = AnimalType.Cat,
                Stays = new List<Stay>() { },
            Stay stay = new Stay
                ID = 1,
                Animal = dog,
                AnimalID = dog.ID,
                ArrivalDate = new DateTime(2019, 10, 18),
                AdoptionDate = null,
                CanBeAdopted = true,
                AdoptedBy = null,
                LodgingLocation = fullLocation,
                LodgingLocationID = fullLocation.ID,
                Comments = new List<Comment>(),
                Treatments = new List<Treatment>(),

            lodgingRepository.Setup(e => e.FindByID(fullLocation.ID))

            animalRepository.Setup(e => e.FindByID(dog.ID))

            stayRepository.Setup(e => e.FindByID(stay.ID))
            IStayService stayService = new StayService(stayRepository.Object, lodgingRepository.Object, animalRepository.Object);

            var ex = Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => stayService.PlaceAnimal(stay, fullLocation));

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal("AS_Services", ex.Source); // Make sure the error is actually thrown in the service, not somewhere else
            Assert.Equal("Lodge is at max capacity", ex.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void NonCastratedAnimalCannotBeAddedToGroupLodge()
            Mock <IStayRepository>    stayRepository    = new Mock <IStayRepository>();
            Mock <ILodgingRepository> lodgingRepository = new Mock <ILodgingRepository>();
            Mock <IAnimalRepository>  animalRepository  = new Mock <IAnimalRepository>();

            IStayService stayService = new StayService(stayRepository.Object, lodgingRepository.Object, animalRepository.Object);

            Animal notCastratedDog = new Animal
                ID              = 1,
                Name            = "Doggo",
                Birthdate       = new DateTime(2018, 10, 18),
                Age             = 2,
                Description     = "Good boi",
                AnimalType      = AnimalType.Dog,
                Race            = "Beautiful Doggos",
                Picture         = "Goodboi.png",
                DateOfDeath     = null,
                Castrated       = false,
                ChildFriendly   = ChildFriendly.Yes,
                ReasonGivenAway = "Too good a boi",
            Lodging dogGroupLocation = new Lodging
                ID              = 1,
                LodgingType     = LodgingType.Group,
                MaxCapacity     = 100,
                CurrentCapacity = 10,
                AnimalType      = AnimalType.Dog,
                Stays           = new List <Stay>()
            Stay stay = new Stay
                ID                = 1,
                Animal            = notCastratedDog,
                AnimalID          = notCastratedDog.ID,
                ArrivalDate       = new DateTime(2019, 10, 18),
                AdoptionDate      = null,
                CanBeAdopted      = true,
                AdoptedBy         = null,
                LodgingLocation   = dogGroupLocation,
                LodgingLocationID = dogGroupLocation.ID,
                Comments          = new List <Comment>(),
                Treatments        = new List <Treatment>(),

            // Setup for ValidateStay
            lodgingRepository.Setup(e => e.FindByID(dogGroupLocation.ID))

            animalRepository.Setup(e => e.FindByID(notCastratedDog.ID))

            // Act
            var ex = Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => stayService.Add(stay));

            Assert.Equal("AS_Services", ex.Source); // Make sure the error is actually thrown in the service, not somewhere else
            Assert.Equal("Can't place non-castrated animal in a group location", ex.Message);