/// <summary>
        ///     Returns a value indicating whether this status code range can be considered
        ///     more specific than the <paramref name="other"/> specified one.
        ///     Specific means that the range defines a "tighter" area of status codes.
        ///     For example, <c>(200, 250)</c> is more specific than <c>(200, 300)</c>.
        ///     If the two ranges are not comparable, this returns <see langword="false"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="range">This status code range.</param>
        /// <param name="other">The status code range to be compared with this one.</param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     <see langword="true"/> if this range is more specific than the other one;
        ///     <see langword="false"/> if not.
        /// </returns>
        public static bool IsMoreSpecificThan(this StatusCodeRange range, StatusCodeRange other)
            // Short circuit which may save a lot of comparisons. Also required for certain edge cases.
            if (range == other)

            return(IsSingleAndOtherNot() ||
                   IsStandardAndOtherNot() ||
                   IsOneSidedWildcardAndOtherNot() ||
                   WinsAsMoreSpecificStandardRange() ||
                   WinsAsMoreSpecificLeftSidedWildcard() ||

            bool IsSingleAndOtherNot() =>
            range.IsSingleStatusCode && !other.IsSingleStatusCode;

            bool IsStandardAndOtherNot() =>
            range.IsStandardRange() && other.HasWildcardComponent;

            bool IsOneSidedWildcardAndOtherNot() =>
            range.IsOneSidedWildcard() && other == StatusCodeRange.All;

            bool WinsAsMoreSpecificStandardRange() =>
            range.IsStandardRange() && other.IsStandardRange() && other.IsInRange(range);

            bool WinsAsMoreSpecificLeftSidedWildcard() =>
            range.IsLeftSidedWildcard() && other.IsLeftSidedWildcard() && range.To < other.To;

            bool WinsAsMoreSpecificRightSidedWildcard() =>
            range.IsRightSidedWildcard() && other.IsRightSidedWildcard() && range.From > other.From;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void Returns_False_For_Other_Range(int?outerFrom, int?outerTo, int?innerFrom, int?innerTo)
            var outer = new StatusCodeRange(outerFrom, outerTo);
            var inner = new StatusCodeRange(innerFrom, innerTo);

        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns a value indicating whether this status code range conflicts with the
        ///     specified one.
        ///     Two ranges conflict with each other if there is no reasonable way to decide
        ///     which range matches a specific status code better.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="range">This status code range.</param>
        /// <param name="other">The status code range to be compared with this one.</param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     <see langword="true"/> if the two ranges conflict with each other;
        ///     <see langword="false"/> if not.
        /// </returns>
        public static bool ConflictsWith(this StatusCodeRange range, StatusCodeRange other)
            return(AreSame() ||
                   HaveStandardRangeConflicts() ||

            bool AreSame() =>
            range == other;

            // Standard conflicts for ranges without wildcard components. Examples:
            // - (200, 205) and (205, 210) conflict
            // - (200, 210) and (205, 210) conflict
            // - (200, 205) and (210, 220) don't conflict because they cover different ranges.
            // - (200, 210) and (205) don't conflict because (205) is more specific.
            // - (200, 300) and (250, 300) don't conflict, because (250, 300) is more specific.
            bool HaveStandardRangeConflicts() =>
            !range.IsSingleStatusCode && !other.IsSingleStatusCode &&
            !range.HasWildcardComponent && !other.HasWildcardComponent &&
            !range.IsInRange(other) && !other.IsInRange(range) &&
            range.From <= other.To && other.From <= range.To;

            // Wildcard conflicts for ranges with wildcards on opposite sides. Examples:
            // - (*, 200) and (200, *) conflict
            // - (200, *) and (*, 200) conflict
            // - (*, 200) and (*, 205) don't conflict because (*, 200) is more specific.
            // - (200, *) and (205, *) don't conflict because (205, *) is more specific.
            bool HaveWildcardRangeConflict() =>
            range != StatusCodeRange.All && other != StatusCodeRange.All &&
            ((range is (null, _) && other is (_, null) && range.To >= other.From) ||
             (range is (_, null) && other is (null, _) && other.To >= range.From));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void Returns_False_For_Single_Status_Codes(int?rangeFrom, int?rangeTo, int statusCode)
            var range = new StatusCodeRange(rangeFrom, rangeTo);
