Ejemplo n.º 1
 public HomeController(PlanetLogic planetLogic, StarLogic starLogic, SystemLogic systemLogic, StatsLogic statsLogic)
     this.planetLogic = planetLogic;
     this.starLogic   = starLogic;
     this.systemLogic = systemLogic;
     this.statsLogic  = statsLogic;
 public HomeController(CarsLogic carsLogic, SalonsLogic salonsLogic, RentersLogic rentersLogic, StatsLogic statsLogic)
     this.carsLogic    = carsLogic;
     this.salonsLogic  = salonsLogic;
     this.rentersLogic = rentersLogic;
     this.statsLogic   = statsLogic;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void TestPlanetTypeGrouped()
            Mock <IRepository <Planet> >        planetRepo = new Mock <IRepository <Planet> >();
            Mock <IRepository <Star> >          starRepo   = new Mock <IRepository <Star> >();
            Mock <IRepository <Models.System> > systemRepo = new Mock <IRepository <Models.System> >();

            List <Planet> planets = new List <Planet>()
                new Planet()
                    PlanetID = "#1", StarID = "#1", PlanetType = PlanetType.Terran
                new Planet()
                    PlanetID = "#2", StarID = "#1", PlanetType = PlanetType.Terran
                new Planet()
                    PlanetID = "#3", StarID = "#2", PlanetType = PlanetType.Jovian
                new Planet()
                    PlanetID = "#4", StarID = "#3", PlanetType = PlanetType.Neptunian
                new Planet()
                    PlanetID = "#5", StarID = "#4", PlanetType = PlanetType.Subterran

            List <Star> stars = new List <Star>()
                new Star()
                    StarID = "#1", Age = 1500000
                new Star()
                    StarID = "#2", Age = 800000
                new Star()
                    StarID = "#3", Age = 1000001
                new Star()
                    StarID = "#4", Age = 999999

            planetRepo.Setup(r => r.Read()).Returns(planets.AsQueryable());
            starRepo.Setup(r => r.Read()).Returns(stars.AsQueryable());

            StatsLogic logic = new StatsLogic(planetRepo.Object, starRepo.Object, systemRepo.Object);

            var result = logic.PlanetTypeGrouped();

            Assert.That(result.Single(x => x.Type == PlanetType.Terran).NumberOfStars, Is.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(result.Single(x => x.Type == PlanetType.Neptunian).NumberOfStars, Is.EqualTo(1));
            starRepo.Verify(r => r.Read(), Times.Once);
            planetRepo.Verify(r => r.Read(), Times.Once);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void TestPopulationInSectors()
            Mock <IRepository <Planet> >        planetRepo = new Mock <IRepository <Planet> >();
            Mock <IRepository <Star> >          starRepo   = new Mock <IRepository <Star> >();
            Mock <IRepository <Models.System> > systemRepo = new Mock <IRepository <Models.System> >();

            List <Planet> planets = new List <Planet>()
                new Planet()
                    PlanetID = "#1", StarID = "#1", Population = 10
                new Planet()
                    PlanetID = "#2", StarID = "#1", Population = 20
                new Planet()
                    PlanetID = "#3", StarID = "#2", Population = 30
                new Planet()
                    PlanetID = "#4", StarID = "#3", Population = 40
                new Planet()
                    PlanetID = "#5", StarID = "#4", Population = 50

            List <Star> stars = new List <Star>()
                new Star()
                    StarID = "#1", SystemID = "#1", Planets = new Planet[] { planets[0], planets[1] }
                new Star()
                    StarID = "#2", SystemID = "#2", Planets = new Planet[] { planets[2] }
                new Star()
                    StarID = "#3", SystemID = "#2", Planets = new Planet[] { planets[3] }
                new Star()
                    StarID = "#4", SystemID = "#3", Planets = new Planet[] { planets[4] }

            List <Models.System> systems = new List <Models.System>()
                new Models.System()
                    SystemID = "#1", SectorName = "A",
                    Stars    = new Star[] { stars[0] }
                new Models.System()
                    SystemID = "#2", SectorName = "A",
                    Stars    = new Star[] { stars[1], stars[2] }
                new Models.System()
                    SystemID = "#3", SectorName = "B",
                    Stars    = new Star[] { stars[3] }

            planetRepo.Setup(r => r.Read()).Returns(planets.AsQueryable());
            starRepo.Setup(r => r.Read()).Returns(stars.AsQueryable());
            systemRepo.Setup(r => r.Read()).Returns(systems.AsQueryable());

            StatsLogic logic = new StatsLogic(planetRepo.Object, starRepo.Object, systemRepo.Object);

            var result = logic.PopulationInSectors();

            Assert.That(result.Single(x => x.SectorType == "A").Population, Is.EqualTo(100));
            Assert.That(result.Single(x => x.SectorType == "B").Population, Is.EqualTo(50));
            systemRepo.Verify(r => r.Read(), Times.Once);
            starRepo.Verify(r => r.Read(), Times.Once);
            planetRepo.Verify(r => r.Read(), Times.Once);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void TestStarsWithLife()
            Mock <IRepository <Planet> >        planetRepo = new Mock <IRepository <Planet> >();
            Mock <IRepository <Star> >          starRepo   = new Mock <IRepository <Star> >();
            Mock <IRepository <Models.System> > systemRepo = new Mock <IRepository <Models.System> >();

            List <Star> stars = new List <Star>()
                new Star()
                    StarID = "#1"
                new Star()
                    StarID = "#2"
                new Star()
                    StarID = "#3"

            List <Star> expected = new List <Star>()
                new Star()
                    StarID = "#1"
                new Star()
                    StarID = "#2"

            List <Planet> planets = new List <Planet>()
                new Planet()
                    PlanetID = "#1", Habitable = true, StarID = "#1"
                new Planet()
                    PlanetID = "#2", Habitable = false, StarID = "#1"
                new Planet()
                    PlanetID = "#3", Habitable = false, StarID = "#2"
                new Planet()
                    PlanetID = "#4", Habitable = false, StarID = "#2"
                new Planet()
                    PlanetID = "#5", Habitable = true, StarID = "#2"

            planetRepo.Setup(r => r.Read()).Returns(planets.AsQueryable());
            starRepo.Setup(r => r.Read()).Returns(stars.AsQueryable());

            StatsLogic logic = new StatsLogic(planetRepo.Object, starRepo.Object, systemRepo.Object);

            var result = logic.StarsWithLife();

            Assert.That(result, Is.EquivalentTo(expected));
            starRepo.Verify(r => r.Read(), Times.Once);
            planetRepo.Verify(r => r.Read(), Times.Once);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //create a new instance of DataAccessLayer class
            DataAccess data   = new DataAccess();
            DataAccess delete = new DataAccess();
            //Creating new instances of the LogicLayer Class
            TeamsLogic TLogic = new TeamsLogic();
            StatsLogic SLogic = new StatsLogic();

            string yes;

                // create a console menu for the user
                Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do?");
                Console.WriteLine("(A) Add something");
                Console.WriteLine("(D) Delete something");
                Console.WriteLine("(U) update something");
                Console.WriteLine("(V) View something");
                Console.WriteLine("(L) Leave Team");
                Console.WriteLine("(J) Join Team");

                //String left "Empty"
                string PST = "Empty";

                //create a variable for CRUD, Team
                //ToUpper to Convert User Input to UpperCase
                string CRUD = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper().Trim();
                if (CRUD.Equals("L") && CRUD.Equals("J"))
                    //Only applies to the Teams Data
                    PST = whichtable();
                bool success = false;
                //create a switch case to determine which method will be applied
                switch (CRUD)
                //Adding Case
                case "A":
                    switch (PST)
                    //"P" to add a Player to the DB
                    case "P":
                        success = data.AddPlayer(_mapper.Map(PlayerInfo()));
                        //indicate wheather a record was created based on the bool above
                        if (success)
                            Console.WriteLine("You have added a new Player!");
                            Console.WriteLine("Sorry, Something went wrong. No Player Was Added.");

                    case "S":

                        PO_Stats NewStats = StatsInfo();
                        success = SLogic.AddStats(_LLMap.map(_mapper.Map(NewStats)));

                        //indicate wheather a record was created based on the bool above
                        if (success)
                            Console.WriteLine("You have added a new Stats!");
                            Console.WriteLine("Sorry, Something went wrong. No Stats Were Added.");

                    case "T":
                        success = data.AddTeams(_mapper.Map(TeamsInfo()));
                        //indicate wheather a record was created based on the bool above
                        if (success)
                            Console.WriteLine("You have added a new Team!");
                            Console.WriteLine("Sorry, Something went wrong. No Team Was Added.");

                //this case deletes
                case "D":
                    switch (PST)
                    //this is to delete a book
                    case "P":
                        success = data.DeletePlayer(Name("PlayerName"));
                        if (success)
                            Console.WriteLine("The Player was successfully deleted.");
                            Console.WriteLine("Sorry, Something went wrong.");

                    case "S":
                        success = data.DeleteStats(Name("PlayerName"));
                        if (success)
                            Console.WriteLine("The Stat was successfully deleted.");
                            Console.WriteLine("Sorry, Something went wrong.");

                    case "T":
                        success = data.DeleteTeam(Name("Team"));
                        if (success)
                            Console.WriteLine("The Team was successfully deleted.");
                            Console.WriteLine("Sorry, Something went wrong.");

                //this case updates
                case "U":
                    switch (PST)
                    case "P":
                        PO_Player updatePlayer = PlayerInfo();
                        updatePlayer.PlayerName = Name("PlayerName");
                        success = data.UpdatePlayer(_mapper.Map(updatePlayer));
                        if (success)
                            Console.WriteLine("The Player was successfully Updated.");
                            Console.WriteLine("Sorry, Something went wrong.");

                    case "S":
                        PO_Stats updateStats = StatsInfo();
                        updateStats.FKPlayerName = Name("PlayerName");
                        success = data.UpdateStats(_mapper.Map(updateStats));
                        if (success)
                            Console.WriteLine("The Stat was successfully Updated.");
                            Console.WriteLine("Sorry, Something went wrong.");

                    case "T":
                        PO_Teams updateTeam = TeamsInfo();
                        updateTeam.TeamName = Name("TeamName");
                        success             = data.UpdateTeams(_mapper.Map(updateTeam));
                        if (success)
                            Console.WriteLine("The Team was successfully Updated.");
                            Console.WriteLine("Sorry, Something went wrong.");

                //this case Views
                case "V":
                    switch (PST)
                    case "P":
                        List <PO_Player> PlayerToView = new List <PO_Player>();
                        PlayerToView = _mapper.Map(data.GetAllPlayers());
                        foreach (PO_Player singlePlayer in PlayerToView)
                            Console.WriteLine(singlePlayer.PlayerID + " | Player Name: " + singlePlayer.PlayerName + " | First Name: "
                                              + singlePlayer.PlayerFirstName + " | Last Name: " + singlePlayer.PlayerLastName +
                                              " | City: " + singlePlayer.PlayerCity + " | State: " + singlePlayer.PlayerState + " | Age: " +

                    case "S":

                        List <PO_Stats> StatsToView = new List <PO_Stats>();
                        StatsToView = _mapper.Map(data.GetAllStats());
                        foreach (PO_Stats SingleStat in StatsToView)
                            Console.WriteLine(" | Player Name: " + SingleStat.FKPlayerName + " | Kills: " + SingleStat.Kills +
                                              " | Deaths: " + SingleStat.Deaths + " | Average: " + SingleStat.Average);

                    case "T":
                        List <PO_Teams> TeamsToView = new List <PO_Teams>();
                        TeamsToView = _mapper.Map(data.GetAllTeams());
                        foreach (PO_Teams SingleTeam in TeamsToView)
                            Console.WriteLine("|` Team name:" + SingleTeam.TeamName + "|  Description: " + SingleTeam.TeamDescription +
                                              "| Open Slots: " + SingleTeam.PositionsAvaliable + "| Filled Spots:" + SingleTeam.PositionsTaken +
                                              "| Team Members:" + SingleTeam.FKPlayerName);

                // this case checks in
                case "L":

                    // Get TeamName to find what team to Leave
                    string   LeaveTeam    = Name("Teams");
                    TeamsDAO LeaveTeamDAO = data.viewSingleTeam(LeaveTeam);

                    // Makes sure there is is a position to leave
                    if (LeaveTeamDAO.PositionsTaken > 0)
                        success = TLogic._LeaveTeam(_LLMap.map(LeaveTeamDAO));

                    if (success)
                        Console.WriteLine("You have left the team.");
                        Console.WriteLine("Sorry,Something happend. You were unable to leave the team.");


                case "J":

                    // Get Team Name to find the team wanting to be joined
                    string   JoinTeam    = Name("Teams");
                    TeamsDAO JoinTeamDAO = data.viewSingleTeam(JoinTeam);

                    // Makes sure there is a position to join
                    if (JoinTeamDAO.PositionsAvaliable > 0)
                        success = TLogic._JoinTeam(_LLMap.map(JoinTeamDAO));

                    if (success)
                        Console.WriteLine("You have successfully Joined the Team! Welcome!.");
                        Console.WriteLine("Sorry The position you are trying to Join is unavaliable. You were Unable to Join the team.");


                Console.WriteLine("Do you wish to continue? Y/N");
                yes = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper().Trim();
            }while (yes.Equals("Y"));