         * Updates the green in regulation stat labels
        private void updateGIR(List <ScorePartie> allScoreParties)
            List <ScorePartie> scoreParties = StatistiquesGolf.getScoreParties(allScoreParties, this.golfCourse);
            double             sum          = 0.0;

            foreach (ScorePartie sp in scoreParties)
                foreach (ScoreHole sh in sp.scoreHoles)
                    sum += (sh.Hit) ? 1.0 : 0.0;

            if (scoreParties.Count == 0)
                this.averageGIR.Text      = GeneralStatPage.NO_DATA;
                this.averageGIR.TextColor = Color.Gray;
                this.averageGIR.FontSize  = 15;
                this.averageGIR.Text      = "" + (sum / scoreParties.Count).ToString("0.00");
                this.averageGIR.TextColor = Color.FromHex("#39B54A");
                this.averageGIR.FontSize  = 30;
         * This method is called when the button to consult the game card is clicked
        private async void OnCardClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Profil profil = StatistiquesGolf.getProfil();
            await partie.gameFinished(profil.SaveStats);

            await Navigation.PushModalAsync(new DetailsPartiePage(partie.ScoreOfThisPartie));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public ChooseAvatar()
            col              = Color.Gray;
            title.FontSize   = 30;
            ok.FontSize      = Device.GetNamedSize(NamedSize.Large, typeof(Label));
            ok.Margin        = MainPage.responsiveDesign(-15);
            ok.HeightRequest = MainPage.responsiveDesign(80);
            ok.WidthRequest  = MainPage.responsiveDesign(80);
            this.photos      = new ImageButton[6];
            this.photos[0]   = photo1;
            this.photos[1]   = photo2;
            this.photos[2]   = photo3;
            this.photos[3]   = photo4;
            this.photos[4]   = photo5;
            this.photos[5]   = photo6;

            LocalUser = StatistiquesGolf.getProfil();

            title.Margin   = new Thickness(80, 5, 80, 10);
            lastPhotoIndex = LocalUser.Photo - 1;
            this.photos[lastPhotoIndex].BorderWidth = 3;
            this.photos[lastPhotoIndex].BorderColor = col;
         * This method is called when the button to go back to main menu is clicked
        private async void OnGoBackClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Profil profil = StatistiquesGolf.getProfil();
            await partie.gameFinished(profil.SaveStats);

            await Navigation.PopToRootAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 5
         * Updates the labels describing the information of the user
        public void updateLabels()
            LocalUser    = StatistiquesGolf.getProfil();
            user.Text    = LocalUser.Username;
            index.Text   = LocalUser.Index.ToString();
            golfref.Text = LocalUser.GolfRef;
            photo.Source = "user" + LocalUser.Photo.ToString() + ".png";

            if (LocalUser.Index > 30)
                niv.Text = "Debutant";
            else if (LocalUser.Index > 18)
                niv.Text = "Moyen";
            else if (LocalUser.Index > 11)
                niv.Text = "Confirmé";
            else if (LocalUser.Index > 5)
                niv.Text = "Très bon joueur";
                niv.Text = "Compétitif";
  * Updates different labels of the view
 private void updateLabels()
     LocalUser     = StatistiquesGolf.getProfil();
     username.Text = LocalUser.Username;
     index.Text    = LocalUser.Index.ToString();
     golfref.Text  = LocalUser.GolfRef;
     photo.Source  = "user" + LocalUser.Photo + ".png";
 async protected override void OnAppearing()
     if (this.allShots == null)
         this.allShots = await StatistiquesGolf.getShots();
Ejemplo n.º 8
         * Called when a golf course is picked by the user
         * This method ask the user whether he wants to load a not ended game or start a new one. Then the game is start
        private async void onGolfSelection(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var g = ListGolfCourse.SelectedItem as GolfCourse;

            if (p == null)//if not in game part (if in stat part)
                if (this.golfCourseStatPage == null)
                    this.golfCourseStatPage = new GolfCourseStatPage(g);
                await Navigation.PushModalAsync(this.golfCourseStatPage, true);
                p.GolfCourse = g;
                Func <Club, bool> f            = (c => true);
                List <Club>       clubselected = await GestionGolfs.getListClubsAsync(f);

                clubselected.RemoveAll(c => c.selected == false);
                //Checks if the user has at least one club on his bag
                if (clubselected.Count == 0)
                    await this.DisplayAlert("Erreur", "Vous n'avez aucun club dans votre sac. Veuillez en choisir au moins un dans le page 'Profil'", "ok");
                    p.Clubs = clubselected;
                    List <ScorePartie> scoreParties = await StatistiquesGolf.getNotFinishedGames(g);

                    if (scoreParties.Count > 0)
                        var newGame = await this.DisplayAlert("Lancement d'une partie", "Voulez vous lancer une nouvelle partie ou charger une existante ?", "Nouvelle partie", "Charger une existante");

                        if (newGame)
                            await Navigation.PushAsync(new Game.MainGamePage(p), false);
                        else//if load a not ended game then show the list of not ended games
                            await Navigation.PushAsync(new ViewPartieListPage(2, scoreParties, p), false);
                    else  //if no not ended game then start a new one directly
                        await Navigation.PushAsync(new Game.MainGamePage(p), false);
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * This method is executed when the page is loaded
  * */
 async protected override void OnAppearing()
     try {
         if (scoreParties == null)
             //Sort in descending order of games date
             scoreParties = (await StatistiquesGolf.getScoreParties()).OrderByDescending(d => d.DateDebut).ToList();
         listPartie.ItemsSource = scoreParties;
     } catch (Exception e)
         System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Error : " + e.StackTrace);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public OptionPage()
     DBConnection = DependencyService.Get <ISQLiteDb>().GetConnection();
     profil       = StatistiquesGolf.getProfil();
     if (profil != null)
         this.OnOff.IsToggled = profil.SaveStats;
         this.OnOff.IsToggled = false;
 async protected override void OnAppearing()
     if (this.allScoreHoles == null)
         this.allScoreHoles = await StatistiquesGolf.getScoreHoles();
     if (this.allScoreParties == null)
         this.allScoreParties = await StatistiquesGolf.getScoreParties();
        private void updateAveragePar(List <ScorePartie> allScoreParties)
            double avPars = StatistiquesGolf.getAveragePars(allScoreParties);

            if (avPars == -1.0)
                this.averagePars.Text      = NO_DATA;
                this.averagePars.TextColor = Color.Gray;
                this.averagePars.FontSize  = 15;
                this.averagePars.Text      = "" + avPars.ToString("0.00");
                this.averagePars.TextColor = Color.FromHex("#39B54A");
                this.averagePars.FontSize  = 30;
         * Updates the average putts count labels
        private void updateAveragePutts(List <ScoreHole> allScoreHoles)
            double avPutts = StatistiquesGolf.getAveragePutts(StatistiquesGolf.getScoreHoles(allScoreHoles, this.golfCourse));

            if (avPutts == -1.0)
                this.averagePutts.Text      = GeneralStatPage.NO_DATA;
                this.averagePutts.TextColor = Color.Gray;
                this.averagePutts.FontSize  = 15;
                this.averagePutts.Text      = "" + avPutts.ToString("0.00");
                this.averagePutts.TextColor = Color.FromHex("#39B54A");
                this.averagePutts.FontSize  = 30;
Ejemplo n.º 14
         * Updates the labels to display average putts count statistic
        private void updateAveragePutts()
            double averagePutts = StatistiquesGolf.getAveragePutts(this.scorePartie.scoreHoles);

            if (averagePutts == -1.0)
                this.averagePutt.Text      = GeneralStatPage.NO_DATA;
                this.averagePutt.TextColor = Color.Gray;
                this.averagePutt.FontSize  = 15;
                this.averagePutt.Text      = "" + averagePutts.ToString("0.00");
                this.averagePutt.TextColor = Color.FromHex("#39B54A");
                this.averagePutt.FontSize  = 30;
         * Updates the worst hole label
        private void updateWorstHole(List <ScoreHole> allScoreHoles)
            int worstHoleNumber = StatistiquesGolf.getWorstHole(allScoreHoles, this.golfCourse);

            if (worstHoleNumber == 0)
                this.worstHole.Text      = GeneralStatPage.NO_DATA;
                this.worstHole.TextColor = Color.Gray;
                this.worstHole.FontSize  = 15;
                this.worstHole.Text      = "" + worstHoleNumber;
                this.worstHole.TextColor = Color.FromHex("#39B54A");
                this.worstHole.FontSize  = 30;
        private void updateMaxDistClubStat(List <Shot> allShots)
            Tuple <string, int> maxDist = StatistiquesGolf.getMaxDistClub(allShots);

            if (maxDist.Item2 == 0.0)
                this.maxDistClubLabel.Text = "Coup le plus long";
                this.maxDistClub.Text      = NO_DATA;
                this.maxDistClub.TextColor = Color.Gray;
                this.maxDistClub.FontSize  = 15;
                this.maxDistClubLabel.Text = maxDist.Item1 + " le plus long";
                this.maxDistClub.Text      = maxDist.Item2 + " m";
                this.maxDistClub.TextColor = Color.FromHex("#39B54A");
                this.maxDistClub.FontSize  = 30;
Ejemplo n.º 17
         * This method is called when clicking the button to end the game
         * The current holes is saved before ending the game
        private async void stopPartieClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (partie.Shots.Count == 0)//checks if the current hole was played
                await this.DisplayAlert("Erreur", "Vous devez avoir joué ce trou pour arrêter la partie ici", "Ok");
                //the user has to confirm his click
                var confirm = await this.DisplayAlert("Arrêter la partie", "Voulez vous vraiment arrêter la partie après ce trou ?", "Oui", "Non");

                if (confirm)
                    MessagingCenter.Send <HoleFinishedPage, int>(this, "ReallyFinit", 2);//sends a message : the game is finished
                    Profil profil = StatistiquesGolf.getProfil();
                    await Navigation.PopModalAsync();
         * Updates the chart of the average distance of each club
        private async void updateChart(Func <Club, bool> f)
            IEnumerable <Tuple <Club, double> > res = await StatistiquesGolf.getAverageDistanceForClubsAsync(f, null);

            List <Entry> entries = new List <Entry>();

            foreach (Tuple <Club, double> couple in res)
                Entry e = new Entry((float)couple.Item2)
                    Label      = couple.Item1.Name,
                    ValueLabel = couple.Item2.ToString("n2") + "m",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#39B54A")

            this.chartView.Chart = new PointChart()
                Entries = entries, LabelTextSize = 33
Ejemplo n.º 19
         * This method is called when clicking on the button to valid the current hole and go through the the next one
        private async void validButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (partie.Shots.Count == 0)//checks if at least one shot was performed
                await DisplayAlert("0 coups rentrés", "Impossible de valider avec aucun shot", "OK");

            //the user has to confirm his click
            var confirm = await this.DisplayAlert("Trou sivant", "Passer au trou suivant ?", "Oui", "Non");

            if (confirm)
                MessagingCenter.Send <HoleFinishedPage, int>(this, "ReallyFinit", 1);//sends a message : the hole is finished
                next.IsEnabled = false;
                Profil profil = StatistiquesGolf.getProfil();
                await Navigation.PopModalAsync();

                next.IsEnabled = true;
Ejemplo n.º 20
         * This method is called when clicking on the back button of his phone
        protected override bool OnBackButtonPressed()
            Profil profil = StatistiquesGolf.getProfil();

            Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() =>
                //the user has to confirm his click
                if (await DisplayAlert("Quitter", "Voulez vous arreter cette partie maintenant ?", "Oui", "Non"))
                    if (profil.SaveStats)//check wether the user wants to save his stats or not (a switch in option page manages this choice)
                        if (this.partie.holeFinishedCount <= 0)
                            await Navigation.PopToRootAsync();
                            if (await DisplayAlert("Sauvegarder", "Voulez vous sauvegarder cette partie ?", "Oui", "Non"))
                                await Navigation.PushAsync(new GameFinishedPage(partie));
                                await Navigation.PopToRootAsync();
                        await Navigation.PopToRootAsync();
 async protected override void OnAppearing()
     if (this.allGolfCourses == null)
         this.allGolfCourses = await StatistiquesGolf.getGolfCourses();
     if (this.allScoreParties == null)
         this.allScoreParties = await StatistiquesGolf.getScoreParties();
     this.updateLast4Scores(allGolfCourses, allScoreParties);
     if (this.allShots == null)
         this.allShots = await StatistiquesGolf.getShots();
     if (this.allScoreHoles == null)
         this.allScoreHoles = await StatistiquesGolf.getScoreHoles();
         * Updates the chart
        private void updateChart(List <ScoreHole> allScoreHoles)
            /*float albatros = 0f;*/
            float eagle  = 0f;
            float birdie = 0f;
            float par    = 0f;
            float bogey  = 0f;
            float dbogey = 0f;
            float more   = 0f;

            Dictionary <Hole.ScorePossible, float> d = StatistiquesGolf.getProportionScore(allScoreHoles, this.golfCourse);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Hole.ScorePossible, float> k in d)
                /*if (k.Key.Equals(Hole.ScorePossible.ALBATROS))
                 * {
                 *  albatros = k.Value;
                 * }*/
                if (k.Key.Equals(Hole.ScorePossible.BIRDIE))
                    birdie = k.Value;
                if (k.Key.Equals(Hole.ScorePossible.BOGEY))
                    bogey = k.Value;
                if (k.Key.Equals(Hole.ScorePossible.DOUBLE_BOUGEY))
                    dbogey = k.Value;
                if (k.Key.Equals(Hole.ScorePossible.EAGLE))
                    eagle = k.Value;
                if (k.Key.Equals(Hole.ScorePossible.MORE))
                    more = k.Value;
                if (k.Key.Equals(Hole.ScorePossible.PAR))
                    par = k.Value;

            var entries = new[]
                /*new Entry(albatros)
                 * {
                 *   Label = "Albatros",
                 *   ValueLabel =float.IsNaN(albatros)?"N/A":(albatros.ToString("n2")   +"%"),
                 *  Color = SKColor.Parse("#0BF5A3")
                 * },*/
                new Entry(eagle)
                    Label      = "Eagle",
                    ValueLabel = float.IsNaN(eagle)?"N/A": (eagle.ToString("n2")),
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#0BF5A3")
                new Entry(birdie)
                    Label      = "Birdie",
                    ValueLabel = float.IsNaN(birdie)?"N/A":(birdie.ToString("n2")),
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#0BF54E")
                new Entry(par)
                    Label      = "Par",
                    ValueLabel = float.IsNaN(par)?"N/A":(par.ToString("n2")),
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#44F50B")
                new Entry(bogey)
                    Label      = "Bogey",
                    ValueLabel = float.IsNaN(bogey)?"N/A":(bogey.ToString("n2")),
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#C0F50B")
                new Entry(dbogey)
                    Label      = "Dbl-Bogey",
                    ValueLabel = float.IsNaN(dbogey)?"N/A":(dbogey.ToString("n2")),
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#F5A00B")
                new Entry(more)
                    Label      = "More",
                    ValueLabel = float.IsNaN(more)?"N/A":(more.ToString("n2")),
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#F5340B")

            this.chartView.Chart = new BarChart()
                Entries = entries, LabelTextSize = 26, MaxValue = this.golfCourse.Holes.Count, ValueLabelOrientation = Orientation.Horizontal, LabelOrientation = Orientation.Horizontal
Ejemplo n.º 23
         * Updates notable scores
        private void updateNotableScores()
            Dictionary <string, int> notableScores = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            List <Shot> ulgss               = StatistiquesGolf.getShotsFromPartie(this.scorePartie, this.allShots).Where(sh => sh.ShotType.Equals(Shot.ShotCategory.UnexpectedLongShot)).ToList();
            string      key                 = "UnbelievableUnexpectedShot";
            double      max                 = 0.0;
            double      currentDist         = 0.0;
            int         i                   = 0;
            int         girCount            = 0;
            double      index               = StatistiquesGolf.getPlayerIndex();
            int         averageScorePerHole = (int)Math.Round(index / 18.0);

            //fills the dictionnary of relevent scores
            foreach (Shot shot in ulgss)//manages unbelievable unexpected shot index
                currentDist = shot.RealShotDist();
                if (currentDist > max)
                    max = currentDist;
                    notableScores[key] = i;
            foreach (ScoreHole sh in this.scorePartie.scoreHoles)
                if (sh.Score >= averageScorePerHole + 2)//manages bad scores count
                    key = "More";
                    incrementDicoKey(notableScores, key);
                else if (sh.Score <= 0)  //manages great scores count
                    key = "" + sh.Score;
                    incrementDicoKey(notableScores, key);
                if (sh.NombrePutt == 0)//manages approaches in count
                    key = "approachIn";
                    incrementDicoKey(notableScores, key);
                if (sh.NombrePutt == 1)//manages one putt count
                    key = "onePutt";
                    incrementDicoKey(notableScores, key);
                if (sh.Hit)//manages green in regulation count

            int minScoreCount = 2;//for 9 holes or less

            if (this.scorePartie.scoreHoles.Count > 9)
                minScoreCount = 4;
            //checks if there are enought bad scores so that is relevent
            if (notableScores.ContainsKey("More"))
                if (notableScores["More"] < minScoreCount)
            //checks if there are enought pars so that is relevent
            if (notableScores.ContainsKey("0"))
                int courseSizeMult = this.scorePartie.scoreHoles.Count / 9;//constants variate if it's a 9 or 18 holes
                int parMinCount    = this.scorePartie.scoreHoles.Count - averageScorePerHole * 3 * courseSizeMult;
                if (averageScorePerHole == 0)
                    parMinCount = this.scorePartie.scoreHoles.Count - 2 * courseSizeMult;
                if (parMinCount >= 1)
                    if (notableScores["0"] < parMinCount)
            //checks if there are enought one putt so that is relevent
            if (notableScores.ContainsKey("onePutt"))
                if (notableScores["onePutt"] < minScoreCount)

            //choses the more relevent scores
            int chosenCount = 0;

            i = 0;
            if (notableScores.Keys.Count > 1)
                this.notableScore2Frame.IsVisible = true;
                this.notableScore2Label.IsVisible = true;

                for (int j = -3; j < 0; ++j)               //choses between albatros eagle and birdie
                    if (notableScores.ContainsKey("" + j)) //albatros
                        updateNotableLabel(averageScorePerHole, this.notableScore1, this.notableScore1Label, "" + j, ulgss, notableScores);
                Label notForScore      = this.notableScore1;
                Label notForScoreLabel = this.notableScore1Label;
                if (chosenCount == 1)
                    notForScore      = this.notableScore2;
                    notForScoreLabel = this.notableScore2Label;
                //choses one between the ones left
                if (notableScores.ContainsKey("approachIn"))
                    updateNotableLabel(averageScorePerHole, notForScore, notForScoreLabel, "approachIn", ulgss, notableScores);
                else if (notableScores.ContainsKey("onePutt"))
                    updateNotableLabel(averageScorePerHole, notForScore, notForScoreLabel, "onePutt", ulgss, notableScores);
                else if (notableScores.ContainsKey("UnbelievableUnexpectedShot"))
                    updateNotableLabel(averageScorePerHole, notForScore, notForScoreLabel, "UnbelievableUnexpectedShot", ulgss, notableScores);

                if (chosenCount < 2)
                    if (chosenCount == 0)//if par and more are left -> display GIR on the first labels
                        if (notableScores.ContainsKey("More"))
                            updateNotableLabel(averageScorePerHole, this.notableScore2, this.notableScore2Label, "More", ulgss, notableScores);
                        if (notableScores.ContainsKey("More"))
                            updateNotableLabel(averageScorePerHole, this.notableScore2, this.notableScore2Label, "More", ulgss, notableScores);
                        else if (notableScores.ContainsKey("0"))
                            updateNotableLabel(averageScorePerHole, this.notableScore2, this.notableScore2Label, "0", ulgss, notableScores);
                            updateGIR(this.notableScore2, this.notableScore2Label, girCount);
                if (notableScores.Keys.Count == 1)
                    updateNotableLabel(averageScorePerHole, this.notableScore2, this.notableScore2Label, notableScores.Keys.First(), ulgss, notableScores);
                    this.notableScore2Frame.IsVisible = true;
                    this.notableScore2Label.IsVisible = true;
                else   //nothing notable
                    this.notableScore2Frame.IsVisible = false;
                    this.notableScore2Label.IsVisible = false;
        private void updateLast4Scores(List <GolfCourse> allGolfCourses, List <ScorePartie> allScoreParties)
            int index    = (int)StatistiquesGolf.getPlayerIndex();
            int rowCount = last4ScoresGrid.Children.Count / 3;
            var scores   = allScoreParties.OrderByDescending(d => d.DateDebut).ToList();
            int col      = 0;
            int row      = 0;

            foreach (View label in last4ScoresGrid.Children)
                if (row > 0)
                    switch (col)
                    case 0:    //column golf name
                        if (row <= scores.Count)
                            string courseName = "";
                            string id         = scores[row - 1].scoreHoles[0].IdHole;
                            foreach (GolfCourse gc in allGolfCourses)
                                foreach (Hole h in gc.Holes)
                                    if (h.Id.Equals(id))
                                        courseName = gc.Name;
                            ((Label)label).Text = courseName;
                            ((Label)label).Text = NO_DATA_LIST;

                    case 1:    //column date
                        if (row <= scores.Count)
                            ((Label)label).Text = "" + scores[row - 1].DateString;
                            ((Label)label).Text = NO_DATA_LIST;

                    case 2:    //column score
                        if (row <= scores.Count)
                            Tuple <int, int> score = scores[row - 1].GetScore();
                            int perf = (int)((double)score.Item1 / (double)score.Item2 * 18.0) - index;
                            ((Label)label).Text = ((score.Item1 >= 0) ? "+" : "") + score.Item1 + " / " + score.Item2 + " trous";
                            if (perf == 0)    //you played your index
                                ((Label)label).TextColor = Color.Gray;
                            else if (perf < 0)    //you played better than your index
                                ((Label)label).TextColor = Color.Green;
                            else if (perf < 10)    //you played worse than your index
                                ((Label)label).TextColor = Color.Orange;
                            else    //you played than your index
                                ((Label)label).TextColor = Color.Red;
                            ((Label)label).Text = NO_DATA_LIST;

                    if (row == rowCount)
                        row = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 25
         * Updates the chart
        private void updateChart()
            List <Shot> allNeededShots = this.allShots.Where(sh => sh.Date >= scorePartie.DateDebut && sh.Date <= scorePartie.DateFin).ToList();
            Dictionary <Shot.ShotCategory, int> dico = StatistiquesGolf.getProportionShot(allNeededShots);
            int shotCount = 0;

            foreach (Shot.ShotCategory sc in dico.Keys)
                if (!sc.Equals(Shot.ShotCategory.ChipShot))
                    shotCount += dico[sc];

            var entries = new[]
                new Entry(dico[Shot.ShotCategory.PerfectShot])
                    Label      = "CP",
                    ValueLabel = dico[Shot.ShotCategory.PerfectShot].ToString(),
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#0BF5A3")
                new Entry(dico[Shot.ShotCategory.GoodShot])
                    Label      = "BC",
                    ValueLabel = dico[Shot.ShotCategory.GoodShot].ToString(),
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#44F50B")
                new Entry(dico[Shot.ShotCategory.TolerableShot])
                    Label      = "CA",
                    ValueLabel = dico[Shot.ShotCategory.TolerableShot].ToString(),
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#F5A00B")
                new Entry(dico[Shot.ShotCategory.UnexpectedLongShot])
                    Label      = "LCI",
                    ValueLabel = dico[Shot.ShotCategory.UnexpectedLongShot].ToString(),
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#F9E65E")
                new Entry(dico[Shot.ShotCategory.NotStraightShot])
                    Label      = "CD",
                    ValueLabel = dico[Shot.ShotCategory.NotStraightShot].ToString(),
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#F5340B")
                new Entry(dico[Shot.ShotCategory.FailedShot])
                    Label      = "CR",
                    ValueLabel = dico[Shot.ShotCategory.FailedShot].ToString(),
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#818181")
                new Entry(dico[Shot.ShotCategory.PenalityShot])
                    Label      = "CdP",
                    ValueLabel = dico[Shot.ShotCategory.PenalityShot].ToString(),
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#313030")

            this.chartView.Chart = new BarChart()
                Entries = entries, LabelTextSize = 36, MaxValue = shotCount, ValueLabelOrientation = Orientation.Horizontal, LabelOrientation = Orientation.Horizontal