Ejemplo n.º 1
        public StationAssignments GetStationAssignments(string freightID)
            //Get the operating enterprise terminal
            StationAssignments   assignments = null;
            FreightServiceClient _Client     = null;

            try {
                _Client = new FreightServiceClient();
                StationAssignments _assignments = _Client.GetStationAssignments();
                if (freightID != null && freightID.Length > 0)
                    assignments = new StationAssignments();
                    for (int i = 0; i < _assignments.Count; i++)
                        if (_assignments[i].InboundFreight.FreightID == freightID)
                    assignments = _assignments;
            catch (FaultException fe) { throw new ApplicationException("GetStationAssignments() service error.", fe); }
            catch (TimeoutException te) { _Client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException("GetStationAssignments() timeout error.", te); }
            catch (CommunicationException ce) { _Client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException("GetStationAssignments() communication error.", ce); }
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public StationAssignments GetStationAssignments()
            //Get a list of station-freight assignments for the local terminal
            StationAssignments assignments = new StationAssignments();

            try {
                DataSet ds = new DataService().FillDataset(SQL_CONNID, USP_ASSIGNMENTS, TBL_ASSIGNMENTS, new object[] {});
                if (ds != null)
                    FreightDS assignmentsDS = new FreightDS();
                    assignmentsDS.Merge(ds, false, MissingSchemaAction.Ignore);
                    for (int i = 0; i < assignmentsDS.StationFreightAssignmentTable.Rows.Count; i++)
                        assignments.Add(new StationAssignment(assignmentsDS.StationFreightAssignmentTable[i]));
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new FaultException <FreightFault>(new FreightFault(new ApplicationException("Unexpected error while reading station assignments.", ex))); }